7$0,/³(1*/,6+ ',&7,21$5< COMMON SPOKEN TAMIL MADE EASY

7$0,/³(1*/,6+ ',&7,21$5< COMMON SPOKEN TAMIL MADE EASY

7$0,/³(1*/,6+ ',&7,21$5< )RU8VH:LWK &20021632.(17$0,/ 0$'(($6< 7KLUG(GLWLRQ E\ 79$',.(6$9$/8 'LJLWDO9HUVLRQ &+5,67,$10(',&$/&2//(*(9(//25( Adi’s Book, Tamil-English Dictionary. KEY adv. adverb n. noun pron. pronoun v. verb nom. takes nominatve case dat. takes dative case adj. adjective acc. takes accusative case d.b. taked declensional base intr. intransitive tr. transitive neut. neuter imp. impersonal pers. personal incl inclusive excl. exclusive m. masculine f. feminine sing. singular pl. plural w. weak s. strong TAMIL ENGLISH TAMIL ENGLISH KX ZQ become, happen DNN sister (older) KX ZQ happen, become DNNXº arm pit DE\VDP exercise (n.) DºD VQGK measure DE\VDPVHL ZGK exercise (v.) alamaram banyan tree adangu (w.in) obey DºDYXHGX VWKWK measurements (take m.) adangu (w.in) subside alladhu or adhan its P yes DGKDQOHKDL\OH therefore DPYVH no moon DGK same ambadhu fifty DGKLKUDP authority DPP madam DGKLNODLOH early morning DPPWK\U mother adhisayam wonder (n.) ammi grindstone adhu it ¼ male adhu (pron. neut.) that Q but DGKXNNXWKKXQGKSÀOD accordingly anai dam adhunga their (neut.) DQVLDQFKL pine apple adhunga they (things) DQEXQVDP love, kindness adhunga those (things)(are) QGDYDU Lord DGKXQJDºH them (things) andha (adj) that adi (s.thth) strike andha (pron.neut.) those adikkadi often DQKD many GX goat, sheep DQKDP almost, mostly aduppu oven, stove ange there aduththa next DQJHGKQ there only ahalam width anju five ahappadu (w.tt) caught, (to be) found D¼¼DQ brother (elder) DK\DYLPQDP aeroplane anumadhi permission (n.) K\DPYQXP sky anumadhi permit (n.) LSÀFKFKX FRO finished anumadhi kodu (s.thth) permit (v.) DLQQÌUX five hundred anuppu (w.in) send LSÀ ZQ exhaust, finish apdi that way DL\ sir DSGLGKQ that is it DL\À oh dear DSGL\ indeed?, is that so? DL\ÀSYDP poor soul! DSGL\" really?, right? DNN elder sister DSSWKDKDSSDQ father Adi’s Book, Tamil-English Dictionary. TAMIL ENGLISH TAMIL ENGLISH appappo now and then DYLVL\DPLOOGKD unwanted, needless appo then, (at that time) HYºDYX how much apram afterwards, later on DYºDYX that much apram, pirahu later on, afterwards DYºDYXGKQ all, (that is all) DÄDKX beauty DYºDYXGKQ that is all UDP depth \ nurse UDPEDP beginning (n.) \LUDP thousand UDPEL VWKWK begin, start badhil reply (n.) UDPEL VWKWK start, begin badhil (n) answer (n) UDQMX orange (loose skin) badhil (w.n) answer (v) UDQMXQLUDP orange (colour) badhil sol (w.n) reply are half (Nos) badhiram look out!, safety are room (n.) badhiram safety, look out! are (s.thth) grind EDGKLUDPSUWKWKX care (take care,be careful) DÄH VWKWK invite EKDPSLULYX part, portion DÄHSSX invitation ENNLP¯GKL balance, remainder DÄL VWKWK destroy balam strength arisi rice (uncooked) EVKHPRÄL language artham meaning bayam fear (n.) UX six ED\DQJºL coward aru (s.thth) cut (with knife or saw) bayappadu (w.tt) fear (v.) DÄX ZGK cry, weep EKÌPL earth (the) UXULSSÀ cool (become cool) bomme doll UXQDGKL river buddi bottle arubadhu sixty EXGKDQNLÄDPH Wednesday DÄXKLSSÀ ZLQ decay (v.) budhdhi, arivu wisdom DÄXNN DGY dirty EXGKGKLVOLDULYOL wise person DÄXNNQD DGM dirty chakkare sugar DÄXNNX dirt FKDQGUDQQLO moon DUXNNX ZLQ YDÄXNNX slip FKDWWHFKRNNL shirt DUXPHMÀU excellence chennai Madras DUXPH\LUX VQGK excellent (to be) chinna (adj) little, small asowgaryam discomfort chittu chit, note aspathri hospital dazan dozen WKLUDP impatience dhadave, dharam occasion, time aththane that many GKKDP thirst (n.) WWDP sport GKKDPHGX VWKWK thirsty WWXNNUL mutton dhairyam courage ava, avar her GKDLU\DVOL courageous person ava, avar she GKQ only, indeed avan, avar his dhandi punish avanga their (pers.) dharam, dhadave time, occasion avanga they (pers.) dhayavuseidhu please DYDQJDºH them (pers.) GKVDP country (national) avar his, her GKLG¯UHQGUX suddenly avar that person GKLG¯UQX sudden avar, ivar, avan, ivan he GK¯QDPWKGL day of the month avasaram hurry GKLQDQGKÀUDP daily avasaram urgency GKÀUDP QOGKÀUDPHWF every-(day, week,etc.) avasiyam necessity, need GKUNVKHSDÄDP grapes DYLÄ VWKWK untie GKÌUDGKÌUDP away(apart) Adi’s Book, Tamil-English Dictionary. TAMIL ENGLISH TAMIL ENGLISH GKÌUDP distance HÄX ZQGK stand up GKÌVL dust UXEDGKX seventy GKÌVLWKWWX ZLQ dust HÄXGKGKX letter (of alphabet) HGHSU VWKWK weigh HÄXGKX ZLQ write GKYDGKX anything, something HUXGKXPGX bullock GKYDGKXHGKÀ something or other erumbu ant HGKÀGKYDGKX anything erume buffalo edhu which (thing) HÄXQJ regularly edhunga which (things) HÄXSSX ZLQ WU wake edu (s.thth) lift, take up, take, pass on eththane how many eli, yeli rat ettu eight HOO DGM all evanga which (persons HOOYLGKDPQD all, (all kinds of) evar which (person) HOOP all (all things) JDGLKUDP clock HOOUXP all (all persons) JDGLKUDP NDL watch HOXPLFKDPEDÄDP lime gejam yard HºXPLFKFKDPSDÄDP lime JHWWLV\DP fast colour (dye) HPQGKXSÀ ZQ deceived (to be) JHWWLNNUD DGM clever emaththu (w.in)(tr) decieve JHWWLNNUDU clever person en, yen my JHWWL\ thick (cooking) Q\Q why JKDQDPSU VWKWK weigh H¼EDGKX eighty ghanam, ede weight (n.) endha (adj)(sing., pl.) which ghavanam attention (n.) endhiri (s.ndh) get up, arise, awake ghavanam (n.) care endhiri (s.thth) stand up JKDYDQDP carefully HQJDºH H[FO DFF us JKDYDQDPLUX ZQGK careful (be) enge, yenge where ghavani pay attention, listen QLQQ because ghavani (s.thth) listen, pay attention enna, yenna what JÀVHN¯UHJÀVHPXWWH cabbage enne me JÀVHSÌ cauliflower H¼¼ÌUX eight hundred JR\\SDÄDP guava epdi how, which way JUPDMDQDQJD village people epdi which way, how JUPDP village SSDP belching JUPDWKWKX village (of the) SSDPYLGX ZWW belch (v.) gudhi (s.thth) jump (v.) eppo, yeppo when JXPVWK clerk HSSRY¼XPOXP anytime JX¼DP nature, trait, quality eppovum always JX¼DVOL good –natured person eppovum anytime idadhu left (side) eppovum+(any negative) never idam place, space UH DGM poor idam room, (enough space) UH Q poor man (n.) LGKÀ here you are! UL lake LGKÀLQJHGKQ right here eri (w.ndh) burn idhu this (thing)(is) erichchal burning sensation idhunga these things USGX arrangement idi thunder (n.) USGXVHL ZGK arrange idi idikkudhu (s.thth) thunders ÄX seven iduppu hip, waist UX ZLQ climb up, get into LºDLSUX ZLQ rest HÄX ZQGK rise, get up ile leaf HUXSÀGX ZWW manure (v.) ille no, not (is not) Adi’s Book, Tamil-English Dictionary. TAMIL ENGLISH TAMIL ENGLISH indha (pron.neut) this NDGDYXºGKYDQ God LQGKL\ India kade shop inge here NDGHNNUDQ shopkeeper LQJHGKQLGKÀ right here kadetheru bazaar, market LQLP OH henceforth kadhavu door inippu, thithippu sweetness kadhe story L¼¼DNNL today NGKX ear LQQR¼¼X another thing kadi (s.thth) bite LQQRUXYURUX another NDGLGKDPNLGKDP letter innu, enbadhu that (conjunction) NGX forest innum more, yet, still NGXYD¼DP forest, jungle innum enna what else NDGXGKVL letter LQUXQGKOSÀOLUXQGKX abruptly NDGXPH\ severe (adv) ipdi this way NDGXPH\QD severe (adj) ippo now NL vegetable LSSROP nowadays NL ZQGK LQWU dry ¯UD damp, wet NDLHÄXGKX handwriting, signature ¯UD DGM wet, damp NDLHÄXGKXSÀGX ZWW sign irakku (w.in) lower (v.) NLNUL vegetables irangu (w.in) alight, climb down NDLNXÄDQGKH baby iru (s.ndh) wait, stay, be kaichchu boil LÄX VWKWK pull NLGKDPNDGXGKVL paper (material) irubadhu twenty NLQGKXSÀXODUQGKDSÀ wither irukkudhu is (to be) NLQGKXSÀYGLSÀ ZQ wither irumbal cough (n.) NDLWKXSSNL handgun, pistol irumbu (w.in) cough (v.) NNNNKDP crow (n.) LUXQGKOXPQOXP nevertheless NDNNVX latrine LUXQÌUX two hundred NO leg (including foot) iruttu dark NO quarter iththane this many kala (s.ndh) mix iva (f) this person NODP time (long) ivan (m) this person NODPEDUDNWKWKOH morning ivanga these persons NODPHNODLOH morning ivar (polite)(m. or f.) this person NDºHSSLUX VQGK tired (to be) LYºDYX this much NDºHSSX tiredness MDPXQQYDO plum NDOOÌUL college jananga people NOYL Q channel jannal window NDPEDºL wool MVWKLDGKLKDP much kambam pillar jebam prayer kambi rod, wire jebam sei (w.dh) pray NPLNWWX show MLOO district NDPPLKX ZQ LQWU decrease, reduce(intr) MÀULUX VQGK excellent (to be) NDPPLSD¼¼X ZLQ WU decrease, reduce(tr) MRUDPNLFKFKDO fever ND¼ eye kachcheri performance (musical) N¼PDOSÀ ZQ lost (be) kada (s.ndh) cross kanji starch, gruel (n.) kadal, samudharam sea, ocean NDQMLSÀGX ZWW starch NDGDODNNL ground nut, peanut ND¼¼GL glass, mirror kadan debt kappal ship kadan kodu (s.thth) lend NSSWKWKX ZLQ save kadasi last (position) NSSL coffee Adi’s Book, Tamil-English Dictionary. TAMIL ENGLISH TAMIL ENGLISH kara (s.ndh) milk (v.) N¯UDLNNL cucumber NUDP hot (food, taste) NLÄDNN east (in the east) NUDP pungence, (hot spices) NLÄDNNX east NUDQDP cause, reason NLÄDPH day of the week NDÄDWWX dismantle,strip,take off NLÄDYDQ old man kare bank, shore, bund NLÄDYL old woman NUL\DPYLVKD\DP news, affair, matter NLÄH GDW below, down, under karuppu black NLÄL VWKWK tear NDÄXYX ZLQ wash (dishes,etc.) N¯ÄSDGL ZQGK obey kasakku (w.in) wash (by rinsing) kitta (d.b.) near kasappu bitterness NÀEDPYD ZQGK angry (to be angry) kashtam difficulty, trouble NÀEDPNÀYDP anger kashtappadu (w.tt) suffer, worry NÀGDLNODP summer (season) NWKWKDGL VWKWK windy (to be) NRGKLNNDYDLWKWKDWKD¼¼L boiled water NWKWKLUX VQGK windy (to be) NRGKLWKWKDWKD¼¼L boiled water kaththari scissors kodi banner, flag, vine,creeper kaththari (s.thth) cut (with scissors) kodu (s.thth) give NDWKWKDULNNL brinjal NÀGXSÀWWDGKX DGM striped kaththi knife NROODNLSÀUHQGXNNXSÀ stools (pass) NDWKWKLNRº ZQGK LQWU pierced (to be) kollaki, rendukku stools (n.) NWKWKX air, breeze, wind NÀOODNNLGKUºDPSÀ ZQ bowels move freely kaththu (w.in) cry out, shout NÀOODNNLSÀ ZQ bowels move kaththu (w.in) shout, cry out, yell kondu (acc.) by means of NWKWKXSÀ ZQ gas (pass) NRQGXSÀ take away NWKXYQJDSÀ ZQ

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