IL( I THE ECOLOGY OF WASTE STABILIZATION PONDS by Bradley Duncan Mitchel1, B.Sc.(Hons. ) being a thesis submitted in fulfilnent of Ehe requlrernenËs for the Degree of Doctor of PhilosoPhY in the DepartmenÈ of ZooIogY' Uníversity of Adelaide January 1980 A t à' e) i\\srül^ igB ¡ ^r "LÍnnoTogists can and shoufd plag a ptominent role ìn devising, testíng, and evaTuating methods for the treatment of organic wastes. As get theg have paid Tittie attention to t?rese probTems, but the basìc príncipTes that have been dÍscoveted can best be appTíed bg TinnoTogísts. If theg do not enter into applied reseatch and into the appTìcation of their ptínciples and findings, others not so we77 fitted bg training and experience wi77 da so." C.M. Tarzwell (1966). SanitaÈional Limnol-ogy. In D. G. Frey (ed. ) t'Límnology in North Arnericarr. (Univ. ülisconsÍn Press) . CONTENTS Page Sumnary i Declaration .iv Acknowledgements v Chapter 1 . General- Introduction 1 1.1 The Potential of tr{aste StabÍ1izatíon Ponds 1 r.2 Project Aims 3 1.3 trrlaste SËabilization Ponds - Advantages 4 r.4 Pond Usage in Aust.ralia 6 1.5 Probl-eurs in trrlaste Stabilízation Ponds 7 1.6 The Biology of Pond Function 10 L.6 .1 Algae-Bacteria Inte-ractions 10 1.6 .2 Protozoa 13 1.6 .3 Rotifera 13 r.6 .4 Crustacea 13 1.6 .5 Insecta 13 1.6 .6 Fish T4 1.6 .7 Macrophytes T4 Chapter 2. Study SiËe and Physico-Cheruical Characteristics L6 2.L Study Sire I6 2.2 Physico-Chemical CharacterisÈics t7 2.2.L Methods t7 2.2.2 Results 18 Retention Time 1B Temperature L9 Dissolved Oxygen 20 pH arrd Total Dissolved Solids 23 Bíochemical Oxyge.n Demand 23 Suspended Solids 24 Total Carborr and Total Organíc Carbon 25 Total Inorganic Carbon 2.6 Ammonia 27 Total Kjeldahl and Organic Nitrogen 27 Nitrate 2B Orthophosptrate 29 Phosphorus Retention Coefficients 32 2.2.3 Discussion 33 Page Chapter 3. Algae and Macrophytes 45 3.1 Introduction 4s 3.2 Methods 51 . 3,2.I Chlorophyll a 51 3.2.2 Algal CounËs 52 3.2.3 Fílamentous Algal Mats 52 3 .2.4 Suburerged Macrophytes 53 3.3 Results 55 3.3.1 Chlorophyll a 55 3.3.2 Conposition of Algal Cornmunities 5B 3.3.3 Algal Counts 60 3.3.4 Phytoplankton Productíon 60 3.3.5 Dynamics and Production of Cladophora 64 3.3.6 Dynamics and Productíon of Potanpgeton ochreatus 67 3.4 Discussion 73 Chapter 4. Zooplankton 90 4.I Introduction 90 4.2 Seasonality and Abundance of ZooplankÈon 95 4.2.L Methods 95 4.2,2 Results 100 4.2.2.I Composition of the ZooplankÈon Community 100 Zooplankton Dispersion 103 Seasonal Abundance 106 4.2.3 Discussion L22 4.3 Population Dynarnics and Production of. Daphnia carinata 134 4.3. I Methods r34 Size Distribution 134 4.3.I.2 Reproductíon 136 4. 3. 1. 3 Populatí.on Parameters 136 4.3.L.4 Calculation of Productíon: Populatíon Turnover-time Model frs Egg Development Time 139 4 ,3,L.6 Length-Dry l^Ieight Relationship L4T 4.3.I.7 Calculation of Production: Biomass Turnover Model T4L 4. 3. 1. I Growth r43 Nitr:ogen and Phosphorus Content 144 Page 4.3.2 Results 144 4.3.2.I Size Distri-bution 144 Reproduction 148 Egg DeveloPment Time t52 PoPulation Parâmeters 1s3 Length-Dry l{eighÈ Relationship 155 Growth 1s6 4.3.2,7 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Conteqtt t57 Production 158 4.3.3 Discussion 165 4.4 Population Dynamics and Production of sj¡¡tocephaTus exspinosus L73 4.4.I Methods 173 4,4.2 Resul-ts L74 4.4.2.I Size DistríbuÈion 174 Reproduction L76 PoPulation Parameters 178 4.4,2.4 Length-Dry l^Ieíght Relationshíp 180 Production 181 4.4.3 Discussion 183 4.5 General Discussion 186 Chapter 5. Fish t92 5.1 Introduction L92 5.2 Methods 196 5.2.I Bnclosures and Experimental Design r96 ' 5 .2.2 Experimenffish r97 5.2.3 ExPerimental Procedure 198 5.3 Results 200 5.3.1 Physico-chemical characterísÈics in Enclosures 20L 5.3.2 Phytopl-ankton in Enclosures 202 5.3.3 ZooPlankton in Enclosures ?04 5.3.4 Físh Growth and Production ín Enclosures 205 5"4 Discussion 2r0 Chapter 6. Concludíng Discussion 215 Appendices 220 240 Bíbliography . l- SUMMARY Ecological interactions vrere sÈudíed in t\iro waste stabílization ponds aÈ Gumeracha, SouÈh AusÈralia, to relate the dynamlcs of the major organisms present Èo effluent quality and, thereforer the efficiency of pond function. The roles of those organisms in algal control, the stabilization of organic material, and riutrient removal were evaluated to assess their usefulness as tools for the management of lüSPs. In this manner, biological prínciples for pond management ü/ere evaluated. The seasonal dynamícs of the phytoplankton were relaÈed to effluent quality. Phytoplankton blooms were tríggered by increasing $raËer temperature and resulted Í-n a significant decrease in effluent quality. Effl-uent concentrations of BOD, SS, TOC, and organic nitrogen exceeded influent values during phytoplankton blooms. Removal of solubl-e tO4-P and NO, was highest during phytoplankton blooms. Estírnated annual net producÈion of the phytopl-ankton in pond 2 represented a nutrient store equivalent to over 100% of Èotal nitrogen and toËa1 pO4- p retained annually. The dynamics of filamentous algae (Ctadophora) and the submerged macrophyte Potamogeton ochreaËus were related to phyÈoplankton abundance and effluent quality. F1-oating algal mats and submerged macrophytes inhibited the development of phytoplankton blooms and improved effluent quality. Estimated annual- net production of. Cladophora in pond 1 represented a nutrient store equívalent to 477" of total tO4 - p and 12% of total níÈrogen retained in the pond annually. Anrrual net producËion of. p. ochreatus represented less than 3% of total PO, - P and total nitrogen retained annually . t ¿+ The population dynamics of the major zooplankton \¡lere related to phytoplankton abundance and effluent quality. Although temperature was the najor faciuot determining Ëhe occurrence of zooplankton, competition and predation also appeared Ëo be irnportant in structuring the zooplankton community of the Gumeracha ponds. Phytoplankton bloons iÍ. .ff.rrþ T TÀrere Ëerminated by zooplankton grazing. The domínant herbivore, Daphnia cati¡tata, r¡ras a cold r¡/aËer form. High water temperatures inc.reased mortality and reduced the growth raÈe of D. carinata and prevented it from conËrolling phytoplankton durÍng the suÍìmer.r The dominant zooplankter during phytoplankton blooîìs hras the carnivore Mesocgclops Teuckarti. D. catinata hras a ttfacultative browsertt and ingesËed the sedíments during períods of 1or^r phytoplankton abundance. D. carinata and Simocephalus exspinosus vrere both food 1iníted at high population densities. Total annual net product.ion of Ð. carinata in pond l dtrring lg77 (345 g dry weigh t/^2), calculaÈed using the populatíon turnovel- tlme mode1, was the highest yet recorded for any planktonic cladoceran. Annual net production of o. carinata determined using the populatíon turnover-Ëime model- exceeded annual production determined using the bíomass turnover model by I00"/". Overestímation of daily produetion rate was highest during periods of high egg mortality. Total annual net production of D. carinata (biomass turnover nodel) represented a nutrient stoTe equivalent to less tlnan 5"/" of total P04 - P and total niÈrogen retained in Èhe ponds annual1y. A fish íntroduction experiment was conducted in enclosures withín the ponds. Calassius auratus had no signifj-cant effect upon phytoplankton and zooplankton populations or on effluent quality. Growth of C. au¡atus increased after inÈroductíon to the pon<l despÍ.te decreasing \Àrater temperature. Annual net production of C. auratus was high compared to fish production ín natural- water:s but probably represented a nutrient store equival-ent to less than 2% of total'PO/. -P and total nitrogen retained in the ponds annual-ly Filamentous algae and zooplankÈon (to a lesser degree) are useful for controllíng unicellular aLgae ín wast-e stabilization ponds. Harvest of unicellular algae is Èhe urost effective pathway of nuËrient r-l_L. removal, but reasonable re¡noval could be achieved using filamenËous algae. The harvest of submerged macrophytes, zoopl-ankÈon, and fish Ís not useful for nutrient removal. v ACKNOI,üLEDGBMENTS I would like to thank the Engineering and tr{ater Suþpl-y Department of South Australia for allowing access to the Gumeracha ponds. Specíal thanks are due to the l,{asLewater Laboratory, Bolívar, for conducting the chemical analyses. In partícular, I thank Moss Sanders for his patience and assistance. Additionally, I would like to Èhank Arthur Haughey (Auckland Regional Authority) and Gavín l{ood and Ken IlarÈley (E&I,IS) for their conrnents. I am grateful to my supervisor, Professor Bill I^Iill-íams, for his support and encouragement throughout the course of Èhe project. Dr. KeiÈh trnlalker and Dr. Ríchard Marchant (ZooLogy Department, Universíty of Adelaíde) both gave freely of their tirue Èo make conrments and suggestions during the project. I thank them both" To Dr. Míke Geddes (Zoology Department, University of Adelaíde) who was ever willíng to l.isten to a neophyte, I can scarcely exPress my grati-tude. For your he1p, guídance, and friendship Mike, ttThankyou" hardly seens adequate. I would like to thank the following people for invaluable assistance in the erection of fish enclosures: Pat DeDeckker, Alice Iùells, Marg Brock, Phil Suter, Julie Harrís, Mike Geddes, Dave Papps' and Mike Thompson.
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