The Music Department at Gonzaga University presents Isabel Parra Mezzo-soprano Senior Voice Recital with Susan Lim & Annie Flood pianists from the studio of Darnelle Preston Friday, April 24th, 2021 3:00 PM Live Streamed from Robert Frost Auditorium Culver City, California This recital is given in partial fulfillment of a Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance Concentration Program Amore è bandito Barbara Strozzi Ariette a voce sola, Op. 6 (1619-1677) Spesso per entro al petto ****** Du meines Herzens Krӧnelein Richard Strauss Breit‘ über mein Haupt (1864-1949) Cäcilie ****** La Courte Paille Francis Poulenc I. Les Sommeil (1899-1963) II. Quelle Aventure III. La Reine de coer IV. Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu V. Les Anges musiciens VI. La Carafon VII. Lune d‘Avril ****** Eki 駅 Akira Miyoshi (1933-2013) Uguisu 鶯 Fumio Hayasaka (1914-1955) Funauta Katakoi 舟唄片恋 Ikuma Dan (1924-2001) Kojo no Tsuki 荒城の月 Rentarō Taki (1879-1903) ****** Eight Epitaphs Theodore Chanler 1. Alice Rodd (1902-1961) 2. Susannah Fry 3. Three Sisters 4. Thomas Logge 5. A Midget 6. “No Voice to Scold“ 7. Ann Poverty 8. Be Very Quiet Now ****** Palomita Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) Ilusión Fantasma Mario Kuri-Aldana (1931-2013) Cantar del Zenzontle Translations Amore è bandito Love is banished Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677) Translation by Martha Gerhart Amore è bandito, Love is banished, amanti su, su. lovers, move on. È fatto un eddito An edict has been made ch'Amor non sia più. that love shall be no more. Forniti gl'amori Finished are the love affairs; l'inganno e la frode, the deception and the fraud ah, ah, più non s'ode Ah, ah, no longer one hears of them tormenti e rancori: of torments and grudges: il caso è spedito. the case is resolved. Chimere al cervello, Fancies in the brain al cuor gelosie, in the heart jealousies, passioni, pazzie passion, foolishness son gite al bordello: are gone to the brothel: il caso è spedito. the case is resolved. Speranza e desio, Hope and desires, querele, sospiri, complaints, sighs, singhiozzi, martiri sobs, agonies sen vanno all'obblio: are cast into oblivion: il caso è spedito. the case is resolved. Ognun si conforte, Let each one console himself, rallegresi il core let be happy the heart ch'il bando d'Amore that the banishment of Love bandit' ha la morte: has banished the death: il colpo è riuscito. the blow is resurrected. Spesso per entro al petto Often a little something Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677) Translation by Martha Gerhart Spesso per entro al petto Often a little something mi passa un non so che, Passes into my heart, e non so dir s'egli è and I cannot say if it is o martire o diletto. pleasure or delight. Talor mi sento uccidere I feel like I am dying da incognito rigor, from an unknown force, sarebbe pur da ridere how laughable it would be che fosse il mal d'amor. if this were the sickness of love. Qualor mi s'apresenta When the beautiful siren Clori di Clori il bel seren, presents herself to me, mi nasce un foco in sen a fire grows within my breast che piace e in un tormenta. which both delights and torments me. Mi sento il cor dividere I feel my heart divided tra il gelo e tra l'ardor, between ice and fire, sarebbe pur da ridere How laughable would it be che fosse il mal d'amor. if this were the sickness of love. I più solinghi orrori I willingly would search out frequento volontier, the most terrible horrors, ma sento un mio pensier but I hear my thoughts che dice: "E dove è Clori?" saying, “Where is Clori?” Or chi mi sa decidere Who can say exactly che sia questo furor? what this madness means? Sarebbe pur da ridere How laughable would it be che fosse il mal d'amor. if this were the sickness of love. Du meines Herzens Krӧnelein You My Heart’s Coronet Felix Dahn (1834-1912) Translation by Richard Stokes Du meines Herzens Krönelein, You, my heart’s coronet, du bist von lautrem Golde, you are of pure gold, Wenn Andere daneben sein, When others stand beside you, dann bist du noch viel holde. you are more lovely still. Die Andern tun so gern gescheut, Others love to appear clever, du bist gar sanft und stille; you are so gentle and quiet; Daß jedes Herz sich dein erfreut, That every heart delights in you, dein Glück ist’s, nicht dein Wille. is your fortune, not your will. Die Andern suchen Lieb’ und Gunst mit Others seek love and favours with a tausend falschen Worten, thousand false words, Du ohne Mund- und Augenkunst, You, without artifice of mind or eye, bist wert an allen Orten, are esteemed in every place, Du bist als wie die Ros’ im Wald, You are like the rose in the forest, sie weiß nichts von ihrer Blüte, knowing nothing of its flowers, Doch Jedem, der vorüberwallt, Yet rejoicing the heart, erfreut sie das Gemüte. of every passer-by. Breit’ über mein Haupt Unbind your black hair Adolph Friedrich von Schack (1815-1894) Translation by Richard Stokes Breit’ über mein Haupt Unbind your black hair dein schwarzes Haar, right over my head, Neig’ zu mir dein Angesicht, Incline to me your face! Da strömt in die Seele so hell und klar Then clearly and brightly into my soul Mir deiner Augen Licht. The light of your eyes will stream. Ich will nicht droben der Sonne Pracht, I want neither the glory of the sun above Noch der Sterne leuchtenden Kranz, Nor the gleaming garland of stars, Ich will nur deiner Locken Nacht All I want are your black tresses Und deiner Blicke Glanz. And the radiance of your eyes. Cäcilie Cecily Heinrich Hart (1855-1906) Translation by Richard Stokes Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew Was träumen heißt What it is to dream Von brennenden Küssen, Of burning kisses, Vom Wandern und Ruhen Of walking and resting Mit der Geliebten, With one’s love, Aug’ in Auge, Gazing at each other Und kosend und plaudernd – And caressing and talking – Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew, Du neigtest Dein Herz! Your heart would turn to me. Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew Was bangen heißt What it is to worry In einsamen Nächten, On lonely nights Umschauert vom Sturm, In the frightening storm, Da Niemand tröstet With no soft voice Milden Mundes To comfort Die kampfmüde Seele – The struggle-weary soul – Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew, Du kämest zu mir. You would come to me. Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew Was leben heißt, What it is to live Umhaucht von der Gottheit Enveloped in God’s Weltschaffendem Atem, World-creating breath, Zu schweben empor, To soar upwards, Lichtgetragen, Borne on light Zu seligen Höh’en, To blessed heights – Wenn Du es wüßtest, If you knew, Du lebtest mit mir. You would live with me. I. Le sommeil Sleep Maurice Carême (1899-1978) Translations by Megan Leeds Carroll Le sommeil est en voyage, Sleep is on vacation. Mon Dieu! où est-il parti? My God! Where has it gone? J'ai beau bercer mon petit; I've rocked my little one in vain; Il pleure dans son litcage, he cries in his crib, Il pleure depuis midi. he's been crying since noon. Où le sommeil a-t-il mis Where has sleep put Son sable et ses rêves sages? its sand and its wise dreams? J'ai beau bercer mon petit; I've rocked my little one in vain; Il se tourne tout en nage, he turns, all sweaty, Il sanglote dans son lit. he sobs in his bed. Ah! reviens, reviens, sommeil, Ah! return, return, sleep, Sur ton beau cheval de course! on your beautiful race horse! Dans le ciel noir, la Grand Ourse In the black sky, the Big Bear A enterré le soleil has buried the sun Et ralumé ses abelles. and re-lit his bees . Si l'enfant ne dort pas bien, If baby doesn't sleep well, Il ne dira pas bonjour, he won't say "good morning," Il ne dira rien demain he won't say anything tomorrow A ses doigts, au lait, au pain to his fingers, to the milk, to the bread Qui l'accueillent dans le jour. that greet him with the day. II. Quelle aventure! What an adventure! Une puce dans sa voiture, A flea was pulling a little elephant Tirait un petit éléphant along in its carriage, En regardant les devantures while looking at the shop windows Où scintillaient les diamants. where diamonds sparkled. Mon Dieu! mon Dieu! My God! my God! quelle aventure! What an adventure! Qui va me croire, s'il m'entend? Who'll believe me, if they hear me? L'éléphaneau, d'un air absent, The little elephant casually Suçait un pot de confiture. licked at a jar of jam, Mais la puce n'en avait cure, but the flea didn't care; Elle tirait en souriant. she pulled along, smiling. Mon Dieu! mon Dieu! My God! my God! que cela dure How hard this is! Et je vais me croire dément! And I think I must be crazy! Soudain, le long d'une clôture, Suddenly, near a fence, La puce fondit dans le vent the flea blew over in the wind, Et je vis le jeune éléphant and I saw the young elephant Se sauver en fendant les murs. save himself by knocking down the walls. Mon Dieu! mon Dieu! My God! my God! la chose est sure, it's really true, Mais comment le dire à maman? but how can I tell Mommy? III.
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