1036 Scripture Passages Related to Hymns GENESIS 2 CHRONICLES 1: Cantemos al Señor 695 6:14 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 1: God of the Sparrow 485 1: Many and Great, O God 479 JOB 1: This Day God Gives Me 693 3:17–18 Jesus Shall Reign 478 1:1–2 Soplo del Dios Viviente 458 8:9 Cantemos un Himno Nuevo 431 1:3–5 Morning Hymn (Morning Has Broken) 4 14:1 Abide with Me 21 1:12 I Sing the Mighty Power of God 481 19:25 I Know That My Redeemer Lives! 434 1:12–13 In the Bulb There Is a Flower 491 19:25–27 I Know That My Redeemer Lives 795 1:31 Gracias por el Amor 696 19:25–27 Song of Farewell 796 2: God of the Sparrow 485 42:1–6 I Say “Yes,” My Lord 565 2:18–23 God, in the Planning and Purpose of Life 793 PSALMS 8:22 We Plow the Fields and Scatter 659 3:4 Christ Be beside Me 553 9:12–16 God of the Sparrow 485 4:8 Lord of All Hopefulness 556 9:15 In the Bulb There Is a Flower 491 8: How Great Thou Art 483 28:10–22 Nearer, My God, to Thee 794 8:4–5 El Cielo Canta Alegría 516 28:12 Blessed Assurance 582 9:10 You Are Mine 596 16: Center of My Life 566 EXODUS 16:11 Enséñame, Señor 561 3:5 Cantando la Alegría de Vivir 680 18:3 How Can I Keep from Singing? 570 6:10 When Israel Was in Egypt’s Land 488 19:2 Cantemos al Señor 695 11:4–8 When Israel Was in Egypt’s Land 488 19:2 Canticle of the Sun 482 15: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing 449 19:2–4 Vamos Cantando al Señor 689 16: Shepherd of Souls 755 19:5–7 Jesus Shall Reign 478 16:1–21 All Who Hunger 769 22:2 When My Soul Is Sore and Troubled 559 16:1–21 All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly 684 23: Heart of a Shepherd 634 16:4 Racimo y Trigal 751 23: My Shepherd, You Supply My Need 597 17: Shepherd of Souls 755 23: The King of Love My Shepherd Is 592 19:20 The Glory of These Forty Days 407 23:1–4 ¡Oh Jesús, Oh Buen Pastor! 581 20: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 351 23:3 Pueblo Santo y Elegido 606 33:18–23 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! 23:3–4 Vayan y Enseñen 643 462 23:5 Now It Is Evening 697 47:1–12 Healing River 560 24: Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise 451 24: The King of Glory 474 LEVITICUS 24:3 I Have Loved You 490 14:19–20 Vayamos Jubilosos 679 24:3 Vayamos Jubilosos 679 21:23 Vayamos Jubilosos 679 24:7 Bendito el Rey Que Viene 419 24:7–10 All Glory, Laud, and Honor 417 NUMBERS 25:5 Jesus in the Morning 617 6:24 A Nuptial Blessing 791 25:5 Lord of All Hopefulness 556 21:8–9 Lift High the Cross 721 25:5 My Soul in Stillness Waits 360 21:8–9 Venid, Oh Cristianos 427 25:11 Oh Buen Jesús, Yo Creo Firmemente 467 DEUTERONOMY 27: The Lord Is My Light 579 6:5 Amarte Sólo a Ti, Señor 633 27:1–8 Remember Your Love 780 8:3 Shepherd of Souls 755 27:11 Lead Me, Guide Me 557 18:18 Profetiza, Pueblo Mío 646 27:13–14 I Am Sure I Shall See 583 27:14 Wait for the Lord 363 RUTH 29: All Glory, Laud, and Honor 417 1:16 Wherever You Go 790 30: Te Ensalzaré, Señor 530 30:12 Cantemos un Himno Nuevo 431 1 SAMUEL 31:4 Lead Me, Guide Me 557 3:3–10 Here I Am, Lord 641 31:6 In Manus Tuas, Pater 429 32:7 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds 2 SAMUEL 471 7:22 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 33: There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 546 34: Gusten y Vean 772 1 KINGS 34: Taste and See 741 8:23 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 34:5 Yo Quiero Ser, Señor Amado 783 34:9 All Who Hunger 769 2 KINGS 34:9 All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly 684 2:11 The Glory of These Forty Days 407 34:9 Jesus, Come! For We Invite You 554 1 CHRONICLES 35:28 Jesus in the Morning 617 37:34 Wait for the Lord 363 16: When in Our Music God Is Glorified 529 39:8 My Soul in Stillness Waits 360 17:20 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 40:6 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 29:14 Todo Lo Que Tengo 660 40:8–9 I Say “Yes,” My Lord 565 12 OC pew indexes.indd 1108 4/18/13 10:12 AM Pasajes Bíblicos Relacionados con los Himnos 42:2–6 Como el Ciervo Ansioso Brama 729 98: All the Ends of the Earth 509 43:3–5 Como el Ciervo Ansioso Brama 729 98: Cantad al Señor 507 43:4 Vayamos Jubilosos 679 98: Sing a New Song to the Lord 528 44:1–9 God of Our Fathers 799 98:1 Cantemos un Himno Nuevo 431 45:3 Buenos Días, Paloma Blanca 714 98:1 Sing a New Song 521 45:3–4 Come Now, Almighty King 463 98:1 Vamos Cantando al Señor 689 45:10–12 Buenos Días, Paloma Blanca 714 98:4–9 Joy to the World 375 46: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 571 98:9 Cantemos Todos, Cantemos 357 46: Dios Es Nuestro Amparo 498 98:9 Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana 702 46: How Firm a Foundation 573 98:9 The King Shall Come When Morning 46:10 Crown Him with Many Crowns 475 Dawns 353 46:10 You Are Mine 596 100: All People That on Earth Do Dwell 682 51: Yes, I Shall Arise 786 100: All the Earth 519 51:1 Arriba los Corazones 746 100: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 520 51:1–5 Hoy Perdóname 785 100: Sing of the Lord’s Goodness 524 51:1–6 Pequé, Pequé, Dios Mío 408 100:1–2 Jubilate, Servite 503 51:1–6 Perdón, Oh Dios Mío 405 102:2 O Lord, Hear My Prayer 555 51:1–6 Perdona a Tu Pueblo, Señor 403 103: Bless the Lord 523 51:3–6 Parce Domine / Spare Us, Gracious Lord 103: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 520 414 103: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 517 51:10–13 Open My Eyes 558 103:8–13 Corazón Santo 470 51:12 Danos un Corazón 655 104: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You 514 51:12 Parce Domine / Spare Us, Gracious Lord 104: Praise and Thanksgiving 700 414 104: This Day God Gives Me 693 51:12–13 Come Now, Almighty King 463 104: We Plow the Fields and Scatter 659 51:14 Vamos Cantando al Señor 689 104:24 In the Bulb There Is a Flower 491 52:11 Hoy Perdóname 785 104:29–30 O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God 732 57:2 Let Us Break Bread Together 762 104:30 Hemos Cubierto la Tierra 658 62:6 My Soul in Stillness Waits 360 104:30 Satúranos, Señor 640 63:1–4 Jesus, Your Spirit in Us 615 104:30 Send Us Your Spirit 456 63:2 Arriba los Corazones 746 104:30 Soplo del Dios Viviente 458 63:7–8 Jesus, Your Spirit in Us 615 105: All Creatures of Our God and King 506 65: Glory and Praise to Our God 512 105: For the Beauty of the Earth 535 65:5–13 I Sing the Mighty Power of God 481 105:40–41 Shepherd of Souls 755 65:6–14 America the Beautiful 800 106:4 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 543 66: Glory and Praise to Our God 512 107:1 Gracias por el Amor 696 67:6 Te Den Gracias 759 116:12–13 El Banquete Ya Está Listo 770 67:6–7 Come, You Thankful People, Come 699 117: Laudate Dominum 515 67:8 We Gather Together 540 117: Sing of the Lord’s Goodness 524 68:7–10 Camina, Pueblo de Dios 550 118: Sing to the Mountains 442 71:5 Lord of All Hopefulness 556 118:19–24 Éste Es el Día 438 72: Jesus Shall Reign 478 118:22 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 607 72: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King 472 118:22 The Church’s One Foundation 605 72:5–17 Crown Him with Many Crowns 475 118:25–27 All Glory, Laud, and Honor 417 72:17 ¡Tú Reinarás! 476 118:26 Bendito el Rey Que Viene 419 73:28 Nearer, My God, to Thee 794 118:26 Santo Querubines 501 77:14–15 No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tú 525 118:26 Santo, Santo, Santo (Cuellar) 522 78:24 Oh Buen Jesús, Yo Creo Firmemente 467 121: Jerusalem, My Destiny 411 78:24 Racimo y Trigal 751 122: Jerusalem, My Destiny 411 84:2–7 Felicidad 675 122: Qué Alegría Cuando Me Dijeron 688 84:4 God of the Sparrow 485 122:1 Vienen con Alegría 692 84:5 Te Den Gracias 759 126:3 Vamos Cantando al Señor 689 85:9–12 Un Pueblo Que Camina 654 126:5–6 Vienen con Alegría 692 89:53 Bendito, Bendito 468 130: Out of the Depths 787 90:1–5 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 577 130:3–4 Remember Your Love 780 90:2 Remember Your Love 780 133 Miren Qué Bueno 672 90:10 Abide with Me 21 133:1 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing 647 91: Blest Be the Lord 580 136: Confitemini Domino 537 91: On Eagle’s Wings 578 136: Gracias por el Amor 696 92:2 Satúranos, Señor 640 136: Praise Our God and Savior 531 95: My Soul in Stillness Waits 360 137: My Soul in Stillness Waits 360 95:1 Vamos Cantando al Señor 689 138:1 Bendito, Bendito 468 95:1–7 Cantando la Alegría de Vivir 680 138:2 Let Us Break Bread Together 762 95:6 Let Us Break Bread Together 762 139: Lord Jesus Christ 496 96:13 Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana 702 139:1–18 You Are Near 575 96:13–14 Cantemos Todos, Cantemos 357 139:7–8 Christ Be beside Me 553 96:13–14 The King Shall Come When Morning 139:10 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 789 Dawns 353 141:2 Como Estrella en Claro Cielo 710 12 OC pew indexes.indd 1109 4/18/13 10:12 AM Scripture Passages Related to Hymns 142:6 Amazing Grace! 545 40:1–11 A Voice Cries Out 356 145: Let All Things Now Living 538 40:3 Wait for the Lord 363 145: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King 472 40:3–4 Preparen el Camino 362 145:1–3 ¡Tú Reinarás! 476 40:3–5 On Jordan’s Bank 369 145:10 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You 514 40:4 People, Look East 361 145:15–16 We Plow the Fields and Scatter 659 40:4 Toda la Tierra 352 146:2 Blessed Assurance 582 40:9 Like a Shepherd 365 147:3 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds 40:10 How Firm a Foundation 573 471 40:25–26 God of Our Fathers 799 148: All Creatures of Our God and King 506 40:28 Beautiful Savior 568 148: All People That on Earth Do Dwell 682 41:13 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 789 148: For the Beauty of the Earth 535 43:1–2 Juntos Cantando la Alegría 676 150: All People That on Earth Do Dwell 682 43:1–2 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 789 150: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 520 43:2–3 Be Not Afraid 574 150: Sing of the Lord’s Goodness 524 43:2–3 Iglesia Peregrina de Dios 609 150: When in Our Music God Is Glorified 529 43:2–3 Juntos como Hermanos 683 45:8 Ábranse los Cielos 354 PROVERBS 49: In Christ There Is No East or West 668 8:22 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 351 49:15 We Gather Together 540 8:22–30 I Danced in the Morning 629 49:16 You Are Mine 596 18:24 Now It Is Evening 697
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