DOCUMENT RESUME ED 039 044 RC 004 271 TITLE Northwest Territories and Arctic Quebec. Education Review, 1465-66. INSTITUTIOm Canadian Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa (Ontario). PIT; DATE 66 NOTE c8p. EDPS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.90 HC-$3.°0 DESCRIPTORS *Administration, Adult Education, American Indians, *Annual Reports, Construction Programs, *Curriculum, *Education, Eskimos, Personnel, Placement, *Rural Areas, School Services, Special Programs, Statistical Data, Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS Arctic Quebec, Northwest Territories ABSTRACT Information on the educational growth of, and present operations for, students in the Northwest Territories and for Eskimo and Indian students in Arctic Quebec is presented in this annual review for 1965-1966. Administrativeconcerns of the school system are given, along with a look at curricular innovations. The vocational education program is reviewed, anda graph compares vocational training outside the Northwest Territories with that inside the territory. The adult educationprogram, school services, and construction programs are also discussed. Charts and tables provide supporting statistical data. (BD) Placation ewe/965-66 didArdweitwile 1;tritcktielue ec HONOURABLEMinister of IndianIssued ARTHUR Affairs under and theLAING, Northernauthority P.C., Developmentof M.P., B.S.A., 4 e . +IF A '4 ro U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION & WELFARE NorthernEDUCATION Administration DIVISION Branch Sir John Franklin School, Y ellowknife,N.W.T. PERSONTHISSTATED DOCUMENT DO OR NOT ORGANIZATION NECESSARILYHAS BEEN REPRODUCED ORIGINATING REPRESENT EXACTLYIT. OFFICIALPOINTS AS OFFICE RECEIVED OF VIEW OFEDUCATION ORFROM OPINIONS THE Departmentand NorthernOTTAWA of DevelopmentIndian Affairs Credits for pictures to: Germaine Arknaktauyok Lorne Smith Helen Burgess Wilf Button Frank Allured National Film Board 1 CONTENT ForewordCanada's North 35 Two Eskimo children at lnuvik The YearArcticEducation in District Review Division, Ottawa 239 TheLooking Mackenzie Ahead District 4635 1 The year under review marks theForeword end of the first decade of an integrated fromNorthwestnorthernoperationthe Department 88 classrooms school of Territories, former assumedsystem innorthern 1955and under responsibility by to mission agreement321FederalTerritorial in 1965,schools. for with thethe theSchoolseducationnumber administration. churches, haveof ofpupil Indiansmushroomedtook residences Inover in1955, the people.Ithaspupils has increasedbeen beento Camp an7,200. aintensive decadefrom life Accompanying isfive also givingdevelopment to of38 dramatic wayand the schoolto of rapidsettlement academictransition enrolment physical living andfor expansionhas manyvocational in tripled modern of the offrom programs. facilitiesnorthern homes. 2,300 growingVocationalhaveroutesSystem-wide become increase appreciation training permanentradio daily and and ofthe wage the telephone exposurefeatures close employment bonds in tonetworks, northern southern between compete communitiesexpanded ways education, with and traditional road, values. technology and rail there Schoolspursuits. and isand air a pioneeredconfidencenorthernenrichedThe purpose livingeducation. the to ofworkthe experiences. this next in Wreview this phasee praise field. isof to theour Their present endeavourswork achievement ofa pictureincreasing of those ofallows the educational in current pastus to years look scene oppor- whowith in Wtunity e express and nurturing our hopes the in thefuture OfEverywordsWhen some leaders day Iof newwas anwas of thing,young,Eskimo as a aprogressive beginning poet, northern society. AndWith every the glow evening of the ended, nextChief,D. W.day's Simpson,Education dawn.' Division AS-2OS_Se.00l '3 ,)alar..3 ani agez-11 :esiece FORTRE dICPHERSONNDEEKLAVIKSTATIO0cricNrivnt RED, NGSTEN a WRIGISY*LACita * voqt?a"LIP":6 v'a 'I:"- VasSt/C RTbt:Risco'g $1,10essotb*rioNssa10501TcosTERFIELD IA ARI,COURT 1.= INE ?OM BELLL U-QT-33EC FORT SAITR 6:11:1147 INgs1CD,10AC(PAY:NIE,7 Fall-Ch CRIRCHIL (PORTPOSTE-DE-LA-BALEINI. HARRISON) CANADA'S NORTH hardship,history.nadianHearneOver four north.and The injurycenturies others names Accounts and have of of often northern Frobisher, longof theirdeath been exploration voyages have associatedFranklin, created entailing are Mackenzie,with recorded an the aurasevere Ca- ofin emerging.vourperpetualmysteryFort Smith,and shrouding achievementsnow Yellowknife, and our danger northern from Hay lies which River thefrontier. reality aand new Behind Inuvik of north human theare is mythquietlyalreadyendea- of nowandthecreatedtowns. south. zinc,boasts newThe has Pinea settlementsdevelopmentpopulation mushroomed Point, oftheand over of withinsiteencouraged rich 600. of thelargenatural last immigration deposits three resources years of fromlead andhas tonorthwardHighwayimprovementTheand Pine Yellowknifeexploitation Point provides to otherofand transportation of andregular communities.road natural plans transportation air resourcesshow servicefacilities. A extension railroad linkshas as necessitatedThefar many hasof north Mackenziethe been northern systemas built Raethe Canada.Thearoundcharter.communities. population 26,000 These Morespread ofare the the remote overNorthwest people an settlements area who Territories equal are areformingto one-third reachednow numbersthe by ofnew allair missionariesnorth.allvidea prosperous northern equal Hunters, opportunities people andfuture trappers, private regardlessfor the entrepreneurs inminers, north education of ethnic governmenta future andare origin. helpingemployment which employees, towill mould pro- for Fun at recess TheardsideasromancerequireProgress degreeof and educationtime-consuming of appearstechnologies ofthe success north established. slow. now achieved researchapplicable Problems lies in will andthe topeculiar dependexperimentation.development a northern on to thethe setting. of stand-north newThe School at Pond Inlet, Frobisher Region POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES OF NORTHERN EDUCATION 2. Theinterest provision and aptitude. of vocational training for all who show IndianInalltration general,residents residentsis to the provide of policy the of ArcticNorthwest equalized of the Quebec. northern educationalTerritories In educationalpursuing andopportunities Eskimo this adminis- policy, and for In4.3. all TheProvisioneducation.an aspects interest. provision of of operation, financialof adult education theassistance northern for for thoseeducation post-secondary who indicatesystem izevarious1. the Thelevelsren four programs at provision the onmajor anpre-school, ethnicallyareobjectives of being programs elementary developed integratedof northern and facilities and inbasis. education.an secondary attempt for all to schoolchild- real- tynorthnortherntheaspires of bestprovincial Canada's and to people arestandards fittedgrowing are educational encouraged to of shareprosperity. quality the systems. to andresponsibilities take parity pride Through ofin theesteem education,and Canadian boun- with DEPARTMENT OF INDIANEDUCATION AFFAIRS SERVICES & NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONCHIEF CHART ASSISTANT CHIEF 1 1 1I ADMINISTRATIONSCHOOL I CURRICULUM EDUCATIONVOCATIONAL EDUCATIONADULT I SERVICESSCHOOL I I MACKENZIESUPERINTENDENTDISTRICTI DISTRICT ARCTICSUPERINTENDENTDISTRICT DISTRICTI SUPERINTENDENTREGIONALFORT SMITH SUPERINTENDENTINUVIKREGIONAL YELLOWKNIFESUPERINTENDENTREGIONAL KSUPERINTENDENTREGIONAL EEWATIN &SUPERINTENDENTFROBISHERREGIONAL ARCTIC QUE. 7 ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION III VOCATIONAL EDUCATION LURRICULUM ADULT EDUCATION EDUCATIONTHE YEAR DIVISION IN REVIEW-OTTAWA BranchDevelopmentThe Education of the is Department responsibleDivision of offor the Indian the Northern development Affairs Administration and and Northern admin- CURRICULUM TheArcticinistration the Division NorthwestQuebec. of the comprises school Territories system five andsections, and in for Eskimo namely,education settlements School generally Ad- of principlesInofvideThe theintegrated mainleadership development responsibilityare school subscribed and of specializedprograms northern of to: the schoolandCurriculum services teaching programs, in Section theresources. developmentthe followingis to pro- ministration,cation andSCHOOL School Curriculum, Services. ADMINISTRATION Vocational Education, Adult Edu- 2.1. Culturalonmentunitiences of instruction andof enrichmentinclusion the materials child. to theantheto intentionalcultural compensate inclusion experience referenceof forlearning lacks and in exper- envir-inevery the NorthwestAppendices)School1965-66. Administration Budgetary Territories to show controls andthe has expendituresArctic produced are Quebecexercised a series on for education over theof graphs fiscalschools in year(see the as 3. Pedagogicalesting,enrichingchild's environment.challenging programs selection and and meaningful activitiesthe selection which to the by child.will teachers be inter- of positionsTheappointmentwellfiles. sectionas In Government 1965-66 and ofco-ordinates 425 teachers thereformal and wereand Church-operated applications the maintains 1,502 recruitment, enquiries completedfor pupilthe selection 130for residences. personnel teachingstaff andva- pilThistorycancies. residence system.section alsoThesupplies controlspreparation and hasrequisitioning ofdeveloped procedure aof universal andschool policy and inven- ma-pu- integralTerritoriesBoard,nuals, memoranda, partthe Government Governorof the work reports General ofand Schooland other
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