March 3, 2019 Parish Grouping #109: Greenfield, Hazelwood & Oakland Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Paul Cathedral, St. Regis, St. Rosalia & St. Stephen Four Parishes: One Faith Community SAINT PAUL CATHEDRAL SAINT REGIS SAINT ROSALIA SAINT STEPHEN MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 108 N. Dithridge Street 3235 Parkview Avenue 411 Greenfield Avenue 5115 Second Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY Parish Office: (412) 6214951 Parish Office: (412) 6819365 Parish Office: (412) 4215766 Parish Office: (412) 4219210 Fax: (412) 6211079 Fax: (412) 6811175 Fax: (412) 4214529 Fax: (412) 4216421 Music Office: (412) 6216082 Email: Email: Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website: Website: Website: Website: facebook.com/stregischurchpgh www.strosaliaparish.org www.ststephenhazelwood.org www.stpaulpgh.org MASSES MASSES MASSES Follow us on: Sunday…………………10am, Saturday Anticipated……4pm Sunday…………………9:30am 12noon (Spanish Mass) Sunday……………………11am Weekdays (Monday & Wednesday): MASSES Weekdays (Thursday)…10am Weekdays (Tuesday & Friday): 10am Saturday Anticipated……6pm 10am Sunday…………6:30am, 10am, 12noon & 6pm CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS Weekdays (Monday−Saturday): Sundays………………9:30am Saturdays………………3:15pm Sundays………………8:45am 8:15am & 12:05pm CLERGY TEAM Televised Masses Very Reverend Kris D. Stubna, S.T.D.………………………………………Administrator and Rector (Comcast Cable channel 95) Reverend Adam Potter, S.T.L.…………………………………………………………Parochial Vicar Weekdays………………8:15am Reverend Daniel Walsh, C.S.Sp..………………………………………………………Parochial Vicar Sundays…………………10am Reverend Mark A. Thomas……………………………………….Institutional Chaplain, In Residence NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER Deacon Thomas Berna, Ph.D.…………………………………………………………………..Deacon OF PERPETUAL HELP Wednesdays 7pm…Exposition & Confessions STATEMENT OF MISSION 7:30pm………Novena Prayers As we journey together On Mission for the Church Alive, the Catholic Community of Greenfield, CONFESSIONS Hazelwood and Oakland seeks to proclaim, witness and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with Wednesdays……7pm7:30pm everyone. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, our parish communities Fridays………………12:45pm welcome all to come and to join us on our mission to deepen our faith and holiness, grow in our love Saturdays……12:45pm & 7pm for God and others, and extend charity to all, especially the poor and those in need. ENJLjljǕlj SǖǏDžǂǚ NJǏ OǓDžNJǏǂǓǚ TNJǎdž • MǂǓDŽlj 3, 2019 PǂLjdž 2 ON MISSION CORNER WITH SCRIPTURE REFLECTION FATHER STUBNA The three sayings of Jesus in the Gospel have to do with the blind leading the blind, the splinter in a 1. THE 2019 PARISH SHARE PROGRAM begins companion’s eye, and a good tree and its fruits. this week. A successful parish share campaign Jesus applies these principles to several areas. helps the bishop and our diocese to function not For one thing there isn’t much sense to leaders only in service to our parish but to all parishes. trying to guide others until and unless the leaders There are so many things the diocese does that have been there themselves. For another thing, benefit all of us, including the formation and we ought to have enough integrity to see both our- training of priests, a myriad of financial and legal selves and others honestly. Jesus must have been services that we depend on to operate, social exercising his sense of humor when he compared services and educational programs that no one a splinter in a neighbor’s eye with a whole wooden parish can do on their own. We are all part of the beam in one’s own. His idea can be encapsulated larger diocesan Church and your contributions to in the old saying that there’s so much bad in the the Parish Share Program will enable to the best of us and so much good in the worst of us diocese to continue to meet the needs of so many that it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the people and parishes throughout our six counties. rest of us. To the Christian disciple who’s con- Your generosity to the Parish Share Program also cerned with the faults of another and ignores his benefits each of our parishes as we benefit from own, Jesus applies the word “hypocrite”, a desig- the funds collected above our parish goal. Please nation he had previously given only to the scribes see a copy of the Parish Share letter that has been and Pharisees. sent to all registered parishioners. Please be Lastly a good tree doesn’t bear rotten fruit, nor a generous in your response. If you did not get a rotten tree good fruit. While this isn’t scientifically letter directly but want to contribute to the Parish true, Jesus’ meaning is that internal dispositions Share Program please contact the rectory office reveal themselves in external actions. Someone directly or use a regular envelope and indicate you once said to a teacher, “I can’t hear what you say are making a parish share contribution. We are for listening to what you are.” People show their hoping for more of our families to participate in this true condition best when they’re being them- program as most of the proceeds are able to be selves. used for our programs and outreach. We need the This is clearly the wisdom of Ben Sirach in our first support and generosity of everyone in meeting our reading. Sirach says that people’s faults appear goal. I appreciate, in advance, your help in making when they speak, especially when they speak and this effort successful. May God bless you. aren’t considering their words. We often hide be- hind masks M but conversation reveals our inner 2. MANY THANKS to so many people who thoughts no matter how careful we are to dissem- expressed their support and concern over the ble. Speech is a means of testing the inner char- recent vandalism at the Cathedral. Sadly, our acter of a person, because what comes in speech votive candle holders had to be taken offsite where betrays what’s in our heart. they are being repaired. We hope to have them If we need motivation toward integrity, today’s returned within a few weeks. The police continue reading from St Paul gives it. In today’s passage, to investigate the matter and we are truly Paul’s own experience of the Risen Lord and his appreciative of the support and assistance they life of hardship focused his attention on the life have provided to us. We encourage everyone to beyond the present world. Our new life in Jesus be extra vigilant in helping us to insure the safety renders insignificant the physical death that ap- and security of all our Church and parish buildings. pears so final and complete to those who don’t If you see anything suspicious or out of the see life in terms of the eternal risen life of Jesus. ordinary do not hesitate to contact the police Sin, scorpionlike, contains a sting, by which it in- immediately. If anyone is panhandling in the jects a poison. That poison is death, moral if not Church or in the parking lot, please call 911 physical. Being so personally selfsatisfied as to immediately. They are not permitted to do any be constantly criticizing others and lacking true solicitation on Church grounds and can in fact integrity is one result of that poison. Paul ends the pose a danger to us. There are many ways in chapter, as he often does, by making his teach- which we are serving the legitimate needs of the ings a challenge. In this case, it’s a demand for poor and those in need and we will continue to action M be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to make every effort to do so M but panhandling and the work of the Lord, knowing that we have all the soliciting the faithful for any reason is never glory of our resurrection to look forward to. acceptable and must be reported immediately. PǂLjdž 3 PǂǓNJǔlj GǓǐǖǑNJǏLj #109: GǓdždžǏLJNJdžǍDž, HǂǛdžǍǘǐǐDž ʧ OǂnjǍǂǏDž LENT BEGINS THIS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6. ourselves more closely to the Cross and the sufferings Please see the special page in this week’s bulletin that Christ endured for our salvation. FASTING allows us to contains the schedule for Lent in our Greenfield be detached more from the pleasures of this world so HazelwoodOakland grouping. that we can fill it with spiritual realities. This is why Lent is a time for us “to give something up,” something that ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY ARE we really like and are attracted to so that in its absence DAYS OF FAST AND ABSTINENCE FOR ALL we can give ourselves more completely to Christ and CATHOLICS. Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence our faith. Abstaining from meat and eating only one full as well. Abstinence refers to the requirement to refrain meal on Fridays in Lent are ways to keep the practice from eating meat or meat products on these days as of fasting. But Lent calls us as well to ALMSGIVING or in other words to works of mercy and charity. We need an act of penitence for our sins. Fasting requires that to use our time, talent and treasure not selfishly but so we limit ourselves to one full meal and two very light meals on those days. No Catholic should consider this that we can help others and work to build up the Body obligation of the Church lightly. of Christ, the Church. Lent invites us to engage if acts of kindness for others, to be more charitable, to use our financial resources to help the Church and its ASHES will be distributed at each of the five Masses outreach to those in need.
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