THE IUPUI, The Weekly Sudest Netspapei of Indiana Umveuity • Pudle Umvekity Indlanapouì MONDAY ■ APRIL 9. 2001 VOLUME 30 ■ ISSUE 28 N EW S ■ LIFE ■ S P O R T S ■ V IE W P O IN T S IUPUI ATHLETICS University attorney Teams grapple with shortfall in budget OKs access query tee. the newspaper made a Michael Moore April 5 lo discuss a level without having the proper farili- ■ Officials tcli name ■ Athletic department won’t public access request lack of funding for what the commit- of sophomore serving pay for off-season teams to March 29 to review the list tee feck is a loss of a major tool in Moore says the financial shortfall is on IUPUI committee. use NIFS facilities in April! of university personnel w bo athletic development. a result of a budgeting problem. review parking ticket After Moore announced the athletic By J.M. Brown department would not pay for off-sea- department expense budget, which is lauCtVG EDITOt St m Wirru The panel s chairperson son athletic teams to use NIFS facili- currently $2.9 million. Moore said in a letter faxed to The Jay Bradley of the School Some IUPUI athletic teams, which ties during the month of April. every Sagamore last w*ck. a uni­ of Physical Education, pro­ ----- ------ - x« off-seasons, will year, but none have been quite so vis- versity attorney notified the vided the names of eight ¡bic as the lo u of NIFS. newsnaper that he had staff members and two pro­ Institute for Fitness and Sport facili­ out. said working out at NIFS was a “Wc have to make adjustments the agreed to release the name fessors who currently sit on ties, partly due to poor ticket sales for vital pan of her athletic experience. entire year.” Moore said. “If a team of a student serving on a the board. Under advice many sporting events. “Not being able to use NIFS is a makes post-season play, and three did from IUPUI lawyer Joseph The Student Athletic Committee of mine.” she said. "How are For a story in the April 2 met with IUPUI Director of Athletics compete at a Div. I SHOP TALK STUDENT INNOVATION Medical school gets own show Cruising toward the moon on public radio ■ Four IU doctors take turns as co-hosts of Sound Medicine educating people about health. CoMitiarvc Vum Persons with questions for the doctor may no longer need to visit the clinic. A new weekly radio program called Sound hedicine on WFYI 90.1 FM. features doctors from the IU School of Medicine who field calls from local lis- The program, sc he to debutai noon April 7. feature sion with a guest between two call-in Sound Medicine is co-hosted by local Barbara Lewis and one of four doctors from the School of f i ouie as co-hosts on i weekly basis. The doctors who do the show are Ora H. Pcscovitz, exec- for research affaire; * David Crabb. chairman of the Department of Medicine; Michael Koch, chairman of (he Department of Urology; and Kathy Miller, a breast can- "The intent of this program is to edu­ cate and encourage listeners to make Lewis echoed that sentiment. “Our goal is lo get out information STUDENT GOVERNMENT ANALYSIS Students hope ... r Fighting bad publicity to wage battle rant against racism ■ Newspaper’s reports empty of notable résolu. of scandals within USA iic is that by taking the helm Furthermore. USA has a of the Undergraduate Student reputation for infighting date back to April 1996. Assembly May 15. they are By JJ*. Brown assuming responsibility of an back at least five years. A review of The Sagamore i UlVtGIXC Eouoi after racially derogatory Byers were posted on archived articles dating back campus in January. ì Fresh from victory in the to 1991 shows that this Although the flyers were actually discov­ . who won the USA ered Jan. 13 by a janitor in the SL building, an presidency by and the parade of gripes I official report w am 'i filed until Feb. 14. 50 votes in against outgoing leaders are All four founding members of a new anti- s elec- just two examples of how hale group say they were very ttpret that they weren’t notified about the flyers right away. When The Sagamore reported about the posting of the flyers in its Feb. 26 edition, sca- f i News The 1UPU1 SAGAMOtE » Monday, Ah il 9,2001 « Page 2 Racing toward the moon Scodro, however. Bradky said he could not reveal the identity of an ■ Eight students take their the designers of NASA's original rod broke in 1999. square box. Before the race, two driv­ version of the lunar rover to lunar rover. This year, says Pidaparti, they are ers — ooe male, one female — carry The approximately half-mile course ready. The team has beefed-up its that box 20 feet to the starting line competition at space center. is littered with obstacles designed to design with hydraulk brakes and an •y Frank Van Arwtefl mimic the problems a vehicle on the improved steering system. The boggy in team IUPUTs box ney expressed c Staff Wtitii moon's surface would encounter. Just It also helps, he says, that this year weighs about 150 pounds. surviving on the moon would be they finished their design with The rules allow each team to take Family Educational Rights and Huntsville is not quite the moon, challenge enough for most vehicles. enough time to practice driving two runs of the course. The drivers of Privacy A d, but it i ‘The course is so rough that about before the race. The last two IUPUI the first run must be the two team Scodro sent an e-mail to the news­ lUPUli one-half of all entrants drop out," teams did not have that luxury. members who cany and assemble the paper March 30 saying he would offi­ The eight mechanical engineering said Dr. Ramana Pidaparti. of the Whatever the outcome, Pidaparti buggy before that run. cially respood to the request within and mathematics majors planned to Department of Mcchanka! says his goal for the students is for Other team members may drive on seven days, as slate public access travel to the Alabama town to com- Engineering, faculty sponsor for the them \o have fun while working on a the second run. There are two divi­ laws require. IUPUI team. And he should know. real engineering project. sions — high school and college. The The newspaper ran a front-page United States and Puerto Rico in The Team IUPUI has participated in the T t is a lot more fun chan just work­ top three places in each division are story April 2 reporting the history of Great Moonbuggy Race April 7. race for the past two years, and jhc ing for a grade," said team member awarded to the teams with the short­ The event, sponsored by NASA's course proved too challenging for its Keith Bandi. a senior majoring in est times. versity officials who are reluctant to Marshall Space Right Center, chal­ designs both times. Bandi and Nguyen say the prize for release even bask information about lenges students to design and build a Last year, the drivw-chain snapped According to Bandi and teammate the winning team is a trip to Cape students and issues of campus-wide as teammates strained to top the 20- Anh-Thu Nguyen, each buggy must Canaveral in Honda to watch a space interest. es engineering difficulties faced by degrcc slope of a sand pile, and a tie- be disassembled to fit into a four-foot Scodro kept his pledge to make an official response on behalf of the uni­ versity. and in a letter faxed April 4, revkwed allegations that he used stu­ suggested the newspaper contact USA dent government offices to create Bradley to get the student's name. ‘Visibility’ the next step Bradley promptly provided the stu­ dent's name in an e-mail April 5. reveals how much w ■ Student government leaders dents to care by officers being more to have Mukahy resign in January visible in their offices and online. in front of her in attempting to re-cap- vow to be more accessible. 1998. "We have to tailor things to the stu­ Below are just tl ■ March 1998: In the wake of two By XML Brawn dents," said Landess. reiterating the past five years that sparked cover­ consecutive presidential resignations Maxaging Eorroi what vice president Zameer Bade Briefs age from the campus newspaper and over holiday breaks, there was a lack of candidates for the 1998 elections. One of the biggest challenges fac­ forum in March. “Baskally. we are ■ Swing cone art April 12 April 1996: During a viciously University officials cancelled the con- ing the new student government going to have to go to them." “Exclusively Swing!** a concert by stive campaign season, allegations president is figuring out how to get the IUPUI Jazz Ensemble, will ic that a group of students defaced the USA presidency. students to give a hoot. they were aggressive campaigners, begin at 7:30 p.m. April 12 in the He served two terms before current Out of an undergraduate student talking to students face-to-face as the Indiana Historical Society the­ The newspaper reported that two outgoing president. Nick Mutton, won population that exceeds 20,000, less much as possible during the election. atre. Tickets are S5 at the door. candidates, Craig Cooper and Tom the job in April 2000.
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