702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-'HOUSE JANUARY -.24 The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there be no further re- ~ MISSISSIPPr ports of committees, the clerk will state the nominations on Daniel F. Smith, Carriere. the Executive Calendar. Maude B. Morris, Maybe~. POSTMASTERS SOUTH CAltOLINA The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Andrew McC. Blair, Rion.­ of postmasters. WASHINGTON Mr. McKELLAR. I ask that the nominations of post­ Forrest W. Cahill, Kittitas. masters be confinned en bloc. Kate T. S. Rush, Osborne. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nom-· inations of po:stmasters are confirmed en bloc. That concludes the calend~r. ~ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECESS TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939 The Senate·resumed legislative session.- · · Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Senate take a recess The House met at 12" o'clock noon. until12 o'clock noon tomorrow. The Chaplam, Rev~ James· Shera· Montgomery,· D. D ... The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 o'clock and 45 minutes. offered the following prayer: . p.m.> the Seriate took a recess until tOmorrow, Wednesday, 0 merciful God. ow: Father~ let Thy ear be attentive to the January 25, 1939, at 12 o'clock meridian. voice of our supplication. We thank Thee for Thyself and for as much of the revelation as we can understand. We NOMINATIONS pray Thee that Thou wilt make Thyself known by all the Executive nominations received January 24 ('legislative day of tokens which are needful and by all the trials which are January 17), 19-39 helpful and by all the discipline which cleanses. Heavenly Father, may we listen to the inner voice, heed its divine com­ UNITED STATES EMPLOY~ COMPENSATION COMMISSION mand, and set our ambition on fine achievements for our jewell W. Swofford, of Missouri, to be a member of the people. Make manifest unto us the high worth of the entire United States Employees' Compensation Commission for a truth, entire honor, and entire fidelity. Unite us to Thee term of 6 years from March 15, 1939. <Reappointment.) by those nobler dispositions and spiritual qualities that we SECRETARY OF ALASKA may arise above the lower ranges of human life. Breathe Edward L. Bartlett, of Alaska, to be secretary of the Terri­ Thy holy blessings upon our President, our Speaker, and tory of Alaska, vice Edward W. Gri:tnn, deceased. the Congress assembled, and may the spirit of brotherhood UNITED STATES DisTRICT JUDGES prevail among us. In the blessed name of Jesus. Amen. Gaston Louis Porterie, of Louisiana, to be United States The Journalof the proceedings of yesterday was read and district judge for the northern district of Louisiana to fill a approved. position created by the act of Congress Qf May 31, 1938. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT . William Baxter Lee, of Tennessee, to be. United States dis­ A message in writing froin the President of the u:tiited trict judge for the western and middle districts of Tennessee states was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of to ftll a position created by the act of Congress of May 31, his secretaries. - · 1938. COLUMBIA HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN UNITED STATES AT'l'ORNJ:Y- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provisions of the act or William S. BoYle, of Nevada, to be United States· attorney June 10, 1872 (17. Stat. LL 360},. the Chair appoints as mem­ for the District of Nevada. <He is now. serving under a recess bers of the board of directors of. the Columbia Hospital for appOintment.> Women the following Members of the House: Mrs. NoRTON UNITED STATES MARSHAL and Mr. RoBstoN of Kentucky. J. Leslie Ford, of Delaware, to be United States marshal for COLUMBIA IN'STITUTE FOR THE DEAF the district of Delaware. <lie l.S now serving· under a recess The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provisions of section 4863 appointment.) of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the Chair ap­ COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE points as directors of the Columbia Institute for the Deaf the William H. Burke, of Little River, Kans., to be collector of following Members of the House~ Mr. BLOOM and Mr. KINzER. internal revenue for the district of Kansas in place of .Harry NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS D. Baker, resigned. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provisions of the act of PROMOTIONS IN THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. May 3, 1876 (19 Stat. 52), the Chair appoints as consulting TO BE JUNIOR HYDROGRAPHIC· AND GEODETIC ENGINEERS (WITH trustee for the National Training School for Boys the gentle­ RELATIVE RANK OF LIEU'IENANT, JUNIOR GRADE, IN THE NAVY) man from Oklahoma, Mr. MAssiNGALE. BY PROMOTION FROM AIDE . THOMAS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL COMMISSION William Clarence Russell, of Massachusetts, vice William The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provisions of Public M. Gibson, promoted. Resolution 49, Seventy-third Congress, the Chair appoints Junius Thomas Jarman, of Mississippi,. vice Ralph L. Pfau,. the gentleman from Texas [Mr. LANHAM] to fill the vacancy promoted. · on the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission, vice the HYDROGRAPHIC AND GEODETIC ENGINEERS (WITH RELATIVE RANK OF gentleman from New York [Mr-. ·Boylan}. LIEUTENANT IN THE NAVY) BY PROMOTION FROM JUNIOR HYDRO­ Mr. PATMAN and Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey rose. GRAPHIC AND GEODETIC ENGINEER The SPEAKER, For what· purpose does the gentleman William Murel Gibson, of Colorado, vice William D. P~tter­ from Texas rise? son, promoted. Mr. PATMAN. M1r. Speaker, I ask for recognition under Ralph Leslie Pfau, of Texas, vice Oliver S. Reading, pro· the special order of the House. - moted. The SPEAKER. For what purpose does the gentleman from New Jersey rise? CONFIMA'l'IONS Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I desire to present a question of the highest constitutional privilege. Executive nominations confirmed bu the Senate January 24 The SPEAKER ~ The gentleman will state it. <legislative ·day ot January 17>, 1939 · - - IMPEACHDNT OF FRANCES PERKINS, SECRETARY OF LABOR; JAllriES POSTMASTERS L. HOUGHTELING; AND GERARD D. REILLY LOUISIANA Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, on my own Georgina C. Kinler, Luling. responsibility as a Member of the House of Representatives, 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE .703 I impeach Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor of the United The Clerk called the roll, and the following Members failed States; James L. Houghteling, Commissioner of the Immi­ to answer to their names: gration and Naturalization Service of the Department of [Roll No. 5] Labor; and Gerard D. Reilly, Solicitor of the Department of Austin Evans Kennedy, Michael Pfeifer Labor, as civil officers of the United States, for high crimes Barton Ferguson McArdle Rich Bender Fries McMillan, John L.Risk and misdemeanors in violation of the Constitution and laws Brown, Ohio Gartner McReynolds Sabath of the United States, and I charge that the aforesaid Frances Buckley, N.Y. Gavagan 1\-!aciejewski Schaefer, m. Perkins, James L. Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly, as civil Cluett Gerlach Marcantonio Seger Connery G1llie Martin, Dl. Smith, Maine officers of the United States, were and are guilty of high Cooley Hancock Merritt Somers, N. Y. crimes and misdemeanors in office in manner and form as Creal Hare Mitchell Steagall Curley Hartley Monkiewicz Sullivan follows, to wit: That they did willfully, unlawfully, and felo­ Daly Hendricks Norrell Tinkham niously conspire, confederate, and agree together from on or Darrow Holmes O'Brien White, Idaho Ditter Jenkins, Ohio O'Leary Wolfenden about September 1, 1937, to and including this date, to com­ Douglas Jensen Oliver Wolverton mit offenses against the United states and to defraud the Eberharter Johnson, Lyndon O'Toole Wood United States by failing, neglecting, and refusing to enforce The SPEAKER. On this roll call 373 Members have an­ the immigration laws of the United States, including to· wit swered to their names, a quorum. section 137, title 8, United States Code, and section 156, title 8, United States Code, against Alfred Renton Bryant Further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. Bridges, alias Harry Renton Bridges, alias Harry Dorgan, Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the alias Canfield, alias Rossi, an alien, who advises, advocates, resolution be read at this time. or teaches and is a member of or affiliated with an organi­ The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the resolution. zation, association, society, or group that advises, advocates, The Clerk read as follows: or teaches the overthrow by force or violence of the Govern­ House Resolution 67 ment of the United States, or the unlawful damage, injury, Whereas Frances Perkins, of New York, was nominated by the President of the United States, confirmed by the Senate of the or destruction of property, or sabotage; and that the afore­ United States, duly qualified and commissioned on March 4, 1933, said Frances Perkins, James L. Houghteling, and Gerard D. and has since March 4, 1933, Without further nominations or con­ Reilly have unlawfully conspired together to release said firmations, acted as Secretary of Labor and as a civil officer of the United States. alien after his arrest on his own recognizance, without re­ Whereas James L. Houghteling, of Illinois, was nominated by quiring a bond of not less than $500; and that said Frances the President of the United States, confirmed by the Senate of the Perkins, James L. Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly and United States, duly qualified and commissioned on August 4, 1937, each of them have committed many overt acts to effect the as Commissioner of the ImmigrJ'l,tion and Naturalization Service of the Department of Labor, and has since August 4, 1937, without object of said conspiracy, all in violation of the Constitu­ further nominations or confirmations, acted as Commissioner of tion of the United States in such cases made and provided. the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Department of And I further charge that Frances Perkins, James L.
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