1950 CONGRES.SIONAL RECORD-SENATE 933' Navy, Marine porps, and Air Force;- to the By Mr. GRANAHAN: Committee on Armed Services. H. R. 6992. A bill for the relief of Kirocor SENATE H. R. 6979. A bill to establish an Armed­ Haladjian, Tacouhi Haladjian, Gulunia Ha• Forces Reserve Co"mmendation Ribbon; to ladjian, and Virginie Haladjian; to the Com• THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1950 the Committee on Armed Services. mittee on the Judiciary. By Mr. GORSKI: _ By Mr. KARST: <Legislative day of Wednesday, January H. R. 6980: A bill to increase from $600 to H. R. 6993. A bill for the relief of Francis 4, 1950) $750 the income-tax exemptions of an indi­ K. Gillen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. vidual taxpayer for himself and for his By Mr. KENNEDY (by request): The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, spouse or other first dependent, and to in­ H. R. 6994. A bill for the relief of Miss on the expiration of the recess. crease the amount of credit for a dependent Karen R. McAndrews; to the Committee on The Chaplain. Rev. Frederick Brown from $600 to $750; to the Committee on Ways the Judiciary. By Mr. MURPHY: Harris, D. D.. offered the following and Means. prayer: By Mr. LANE: H. R. 6995. A bill for the relief of Sister H. R. 6981. A bill to amend the Public Giustino Vaio; to the Committee on the Our Father God, whose goodness and Health Service Act to authorize assistance Judiciary. mercy· has followed us all our pilgrim to States and political subdivisions in the By Mr. JOSEPH L. PFEIFER: years and whose love will not let us go, development and maintenance of local pub­ H. R. 6996. A bill for the relief of Manuel' iic-health units, and for other purposes; to Do Couto Ramos or Manuel Ramos; to the this day may the meditation of our hearts the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Committee on the Judiciary. and the words of our lips, unstained by Commerce. By Mr. POTTER: malice, selfish interest, or personal pique; By Mr. -O'KONSKI: H. R. 6997. A bill for the relief of Lore be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord our H. R. 6982. A bill to authorize grants and Roeder and daughter. Jutta Roeder; to the strength and our Redeemer. And in this loans to cooperatives and nonprofit associa­ Committee on the Judiciary. forum of a nation's life may these serv­ tions, operating medical and hospital-care ants of the people's will be so guided by plans, for the acquisition, construction, and equipment of needed facilities; to the Com­ PETITIONS, ETC. Thy spirit that all their deliberations mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions may be begun, continued, and ended in By Mr. PATTERSON: . and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Thee. Amen. H. R. 6983. A bill to amend section 3121 of THE JOURNAL · the Internal Revenue Code; to the Committee and referred as follows: on Ways and Means. 1725. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Ed­ On request of Mr. HAYDEN, ·and by H. R. 6984. A bill to amend section 3121 of mond C. Fletcher, Washington, D. C., re­ unanimous consent, the reading of the the Internal Revenue Code; to the Committee questing the impeach:rµent of Hon. Morris A. Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday .. on Ways and Means. Soper, of Baltimore, Md., circuit judge of the J3tnuary 25, 1950, was dispensed with. By Mr. RANKIN: United States Court of Appeals for the H. R. 6985. A bill to amend Veterans Regu­ Fourth Circuit; to the Committee on the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT lation No. 1 (a) with respect to the compu­ Judiciary\ Messages in writing from the President tation of estimated costs of teaching per­ 1726. By Mr. COLE of New York: Petition of the United States submitting nomina­ sonnel and supplies for instruction in the of residents of Canisteo, N. Y., for the en­ case of colleges of agriculture and the me­ actment of legislation to prohibit. the trans­ tions were communicated to the Senate chanic arts; to the Committee on Veterans' portation of alcoholic-beverage advertising in by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. Affairs. interstate commerce and the broadcasting of MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. WHEELER: alcoholic-beverage advertising over the H. R. 6986. A bill :relating to the acquist­ radio; to the Committee on Interstate and A message from_the House of Repre­ tion and addition of certain lands to Fort Foreign Commerce. sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its Frederica National Monument, in the State 1727. ·By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of Mrs. reading clerks, announced that the House of Georgia, and for other purposes; to the H. A. Cordes and other citizens of Moravia, had passed a bill <H. R. 3205) to provide Committee on Public Lands. Iowa, who are opposing passage of H. R. an extension of the time for making By Mr. KEATING: 2945, a bill to increase postage rates; to the application for terminal-leave pay, in H. R. 6987. A bill to provide that the At­ Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. which it requested the concurrence of torney General shall make periodic reports 1728. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Peti­ to the Congress with respect to consent de­ tion of sundry citizens of Brodhead, Wis., the Senate. crees and pleas of nolo contendere in certain against use of public funds for religious LEAVES OF ABSENCE antitrust proceedings, and · for other pur­ schools; to the Committee on Ways and poses; . to the Committee on the Judiciary. Means. On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by_ By Mr. WOLVERTON: 1729. Also, resolution of Country Efficiency unanimous consent, Mr. CAIN was excused· H. Res. 442. Resolution to direct the Com­ Club of Delavan, Delavan, Wis., protesting from attendance on the session of the mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce against any form of compulsory health in­ Senate today. to recommend a national fuel policy; to the surance or any system of political medicine On his own request, and by unanimous Committee on Rules. designed for national bureaucratic control; consent, Mr. McCLELLAN, because of nec­ By Mrs. NORTON: · to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign essary business, was excused from at­ H. Res. 443. Resolution providing an Commerce. tendance on the sessions of the Senate amount not to exceed $50 for the official use 1730. Also, resolution of Thursday Club, of of the office staff of a deceased or resigned Beloit, Wis., protesting against any form of until Tuesday next. Member; to the Committee on House Admin­ compulsory health insurance or any system CALL OF THE ROLL istration. of political medicine designed for national bureaucratic control; to the Committee on Mr. HAYDEN. I suggest the absence Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of a quorum. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 1731. Also, petition of Three Lakes ·The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ Under clause. 1 of rule XXII, private Womans Club, Three Lakes, Wis., protesting tary will call the roll. bills and resolutions were introduced and against any form of compulsory health in­ The roll was called, and the following surance or any system Of political medicine Senators answered to their names: severally referred as follows: designed for national bureaucratic control;. By Mr. A UCHINCLOSS: Aiken Ferguson Ives to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Anderson Flanders Jen-ner H. R. 6988. A bili for the relief of Hendryk Commerce. Benton Frear Johnson, Colo. Kempski; to the Committee on the Ju­ 1732. Also, petition of Mothers' Club, Brewster Fulbright Johnson, Tex. diciary. Beloit, Wis., protesting against any forni of Bricker George Johnston, S. C. By Mr. ANDERSON of California: compulsory health insurance or any system Butler Gillette Kefauver H. R. 6989. A bill for the relief of Harry E. Byrd Graham Kem of political medicine designed for national Capehart Green Kerr Lauder; to the Committee on the Judiciary. bureaucratic control; to the Committee on Chapman Gurney Kilgore By Mr. ANGELL: . Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Connally Hayden Knowland H. R. 6990. A bill for the relief of Christina 1733. Also, resolution of Junior Club of Cordon Hendrickson Langer Karamanos Demas and Antonia Karamanos Kenosha, Kenosha, Wis., protesting against Donnell Hickenlooper Leahy Demas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Douglas Hill Lehman any form of compulsory health insurance or Downey Hoey Lodge By Mr. BYRNE of New York: any system of political medicine designed for Dworshak Holland Long H. R. 69Ul. A bill for the. relief ·of E. G. national bureacratlc control; to the Com­ Eastland Humphrey McCarran Morris; to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.. Ecton Hunt McCarthy 934 CQN_GRESSIONAL. RECORD-. SENATE JANUARY 26 . McClellan O'Conor Thye By Mr. GREE'N: they so justly deserve for their hard McFarland O'Mahoney Tobey A resolution of the General Assembly of labor. McKellar Pepper Tydings the State of Rh'bde Island; ordered to lie on There being no objection, the resolu­ McMahon Robertson Vandenberg the table: Magnuson Russell Watkins tion was referred to the Committee on Martin Saltonstall Wherry "Resolution memoriali~ing Congress with Agriculture and Forestry, and ordered Maybank Smith, Maine Wiley relation to the United States constitution· Millikin Smith, N. J. Williams al amendment on equal rights for women to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Sparkman Withers RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mundt "Whereas after years of effort and innU· Murray Stennis Young OF DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE FRIDAY, Myers Taylor merable hearings, with never an "Gnfavorable Neely Thomas, Utah committee report and with strong recom· JANUARY 20, 1950 mendations for its passage, the equal-rights The board of directors of Dairyland Power Mr.
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