Index Index Achromats, 70, 73, 79 Apochromats (APO), 70, Averted vision Adhafera, 44 73, 79 technique, 96, 98, Adobe Photoshop Aquarius, 43, 99 112 (software), 108 Aquila, 10, 36, 45, 65 Afocal procedure, 105 Arches cluster, 23 B1620-26, 37 Age Archinal, Brent, 63, 64, Barkhatova (Bar) of globular clusters, 89, 195 catalogue, 196 25, 28–29 Arcturus, 43 Barlow lens, 78–79, 110 of open clusters, Aricebo radio telescope, Barnard’s Galaxy, 49 15–16 33 Basel (Bas) catalogue, 196 of star complexes, 41 Aries, 45 Bayer classification of stellar associations, Arp 2, 51 system, 93 39, 41–42 Arp catalogue, 197 Be16, 63 of the universe, 28 Arp-Madore (AM)-1, 33 Beehive Cluster, 13, 60, Aldebaran, 43 Arp-Madore (AM)-2, 148 Alessi, 22, 61 48, 65 Bergeron 1, 22 Alessi catalogue, 196 Arp-Madore (AM) Bergeron, J., 22 Algenubi, 44 catalogue, 197 Berkeley 11, 124f, 125 Algieba, 44 Asterisms, 43–45, Berkeley 17, 15 Algol (Demon Star), 65, 94 Berkeley 19, 130 21 Astronomy (magazine), Berkeley 29, 18 Alnilam, 5–6 89 Berkeley 42, 171–173 Alnitak, 5–6 Astronomy Now Berkeley (Be) catalogue, Alpha Centauri, 25 (magazine), 89 196 Alpha Orionis, 93 Astrophotography, 94, Beta Pictoris, 42 Alpha Persei, 40 101, 102–103 Beta Piscium, 44 Altair, 44 Astroplanner (software), Betelgeuse, 93 Alterf, 44 90 Big Bang, 5, 29 Altitude-Azimuth Astro-Snap (software), Big Dipper, 19, 43 (Alt-Az) mount, 107 Binary millisecond 75–76 AstroStack (software), pulsars, 30 Andromeda Galaxy, 36, 108 Binary stars, 8, 52 39, 41, 48, 52, 61 AstroVideo (software), in globular clusters, ANR 1947 + 18, 44–45 107 28, 35 Antalova (A) catalogue, A type stars, 6 in open cluster 196 Auriga, 15, 16, 39, 42, 45, remnants, 56 Antares, 39 97, 98, 132f in open clusters, 18, Antenna galaxies, 27, 50 Aur OB1, 39 19, 21, 23 Anti-dewing devices, 83 Aur OB2, 39 in T associations, Antoniadi scale, 88 Aveni-Hunter (Av- 40–41 Aperature size, 74–75, Hunter) catalogue, Binoculars, 69–70, 96, 99, 100, 110 196 97, 98, 110 201 Binoviewers, 83 Camelopardalis, 44, 121f Centauri, 58 Biurkan (Bi) catalogue, Campaign for Dark Centaurus, 19, 28, 54 196 Skies, 87 Cepheid variable stars, Black holes, 7, 11, 36, 52, Cancer, 13, 16, 21, 147f 18, 33, 39, 41 53 Canes Venatici, 99 Cepheus, 39, 65, 98 Blanco 1, 23 Canis Major, 22, 42, 43, Cep OB1, 39 Index Blanco catalogue, 196 44, 48, 57, 59 Cep OB2, 39 Blue clusters, 46–47, 53 Canis Minor, 44 Cep OB3, 39 Blueshift, 15 Cannibalization theory, Cep OB4, 39 Blue stars, 28–29, 30, 98 10, 27 Cetus, 49 Blue straggler stars, 18, Carbon, 7, 17 Chameleon, 40 21, 31 Carina, 22 Chameleon I, 22 Blue supergiants, 54 Cas OB1, 39, 114 Chemical content of Bochum (Bo) catalogue, Cas OB4, 39 stars, 5 196 Cas OB5, 39 Chi Persei, 116–117 Bologna Catalogue, 53 Cas OB6, 39 Chris Marriot (software Bootes, 43, 99 Cas OB8, 39 company), 90 Bound associations, 38 Cas OB14, 39 Chromatic aberration, Bright giants (II), 7 Cassiopeia, 18, 20, 22, 39, 70, 71 British Astronomical 44, 63, 97, 191f Chupina catalogue, 196 Association (BAA), Cassiopeia-Taurus Circinus, 44 91, 108, 109 association, 42 Circle of Pisces, 44 Broadband filters, 80 Cataclysmic variable, 28 Classic nova, 37 Brocchi’s Cluster. See Catadioptrics, 71–73 Classification Collinder 399 Catalogue of Nearby of globular clusters, 35 Brown dwarf stars, 23, 41 Habitable Stellar of open clusters, 20 B type stars, 6, 15, 17 Systems, 23 of stars, 6–7 Bull of Poniatowski, 45 Catalogue of Parameters of stellar associations, for Milky Way 38 C39, 51, 115 Globulars (Harris), Cluster 1, 22 Caldwell 13. See NGC 195 Cluster 2, 22 457 Catalogues, 195–197. See Cluster 3, 22 Caldwell 16, 187 also specific cata- Cluster misfits, 65 Caldwell 25. See NGC logues Cluster remnants, 56–59 2419 CC11, 22 CMa ring, 59 Caldwell 28, 115–116 CC12, 22 Coathanger Cluster. See Caldwell 50. See NGC CC13, 22 Collinder 399 2244 CC14, 22 Collimation, 71 Caldwell 54, 146 CCD imaging, 85, 94, 95, Collinder 21, 58, 65 Caldwell 58. See NGC 99, 107, 108, 110, Collinder 34, 117–118 2360 112 Collinder 70, 40 Caldwell 76. See NGC cooled devices, 104 Collinder 89, 40 6231 of globular clusters, Collinder 197, 40 Caldwell Catalogue (C), 31, 104 Collinder 399 61, 84, 90, 91, 196 observation logs and, (Coathanger; Caldwell-Moore, Patrick, 109 Brocchi’s cluster), 61 of open clusters, 21, 44, 65, 174 Caldwell Objects, The 22, 104 Collinder (Cr) catalogue, (O’Meara), 89 overview, 103–105 196 Caltech, 61 CD galaxies, 46 Collisions, 28 202 Color, 6, 8, 17, 98, 100, Deep-Sky Observers Year, Drift method, 97 104, 106 The (Privett and Dunlop (Dun) catalogue, Columba, 36, 99 Parsons), 89 197 Coma, 99 Deep Sky Software, 90 Dust lanes, 100 Coma Berenices, 44, 149f Delphinus, 44, 45, 183f Dwarf galaxies, 27, 36, Coma Correctors, 82 Delta cephei, 18 46, 53 Compass, 92 Deneb, 44 Dwarf stars, 7, 8, 14, 16, Index Composition Dew shields, 83 23, 28, 29, 41 of globular clusters, Diagonals, 79–80 30–31 Dias, Wilton S., 195 Eagle Nebula, 98 of open clusters, Difficult viewing Easy viewing category, 16–18 category, 112 111 Constellations, 43–45 Digital imaging, 85, 99, Eclipsing binaries, 21, 23 Contact binaries, 21 107–108 Elliptical galaxies, 46–47 Convergence point, 42 Digital still cameras, 105 Equatorial mounts, 75, Cooke, Antony, 89 Digitized Sky Survey, 62 95 Cores, 28, 29, 30 Disk, 10 Equipment and Corona, 15 globular clusters and, accessories, 77–83 Corwin, Harold, 61, 63 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, Erdman, Bob, 61 Cosmic year, 10 36 Eridanus, 42 Crab Nebula, 7 open clusters and, 13, ESO 102-G0003, 64 Crayford focusers, 83 16, 18 ESO 282 SC26, 58 Crux, 44 properties of, 11–12 Eta Aquarii, 43 Cygnus, 10, 22, 38, 40, Disk shocks, 35, 56 Eta Chamelontis, 19 44, 58, 62, 97, 184f Dissolving open clusters. Eta Piscium, 44 Cyg OB-1, 40 See Open cluster European Southern Cyg OB-2, 38, 40 remnants Observatory (ESO), Cyg OB-3, 40 Distance. See also 62 Cyg OB-4, 40 Light-years Exit pupil, 78 Cyg OB-7, 40 of globular clusters, Extended clusters, 36 Cyg OB-9, 40 33–35 Extragalactic clusters, Czernik (Cz) catalogue, of open clusters, 18–19 46–55 196 of stars, 7–8 Extragalactic globular Djorg catalogue, 197 clusters, 46–48, Dark adaptation, 95–96 Dobsonian mounts, 74, 52–53, 54, 55 Dark frames, 107 95 Extragalactic open Dark matter, 12 Dobsonian telescopes, clusters, 48, 54, 55 Death 76, 99 Extragalactic stellar of globular clusters, 35 Dolidze (Do) catalogue, associations, 48–49 of open clusters, 196 Extragalactic tramps, 33 19–20 Dolidze (DoDz) clusters, Eye, observing with, 69 Declination (Dec), 93 45 Eyepieces, 77–78, 110 Declination (Dec) drives, Dolidze/Dzimselejsvili Eye relief, 78 86, 94–95 (DoDz) catalogue, DeepSky 2000 (soft- 196 Feinstein (Fein) ware), 90 Dolphins Diamonds, 44 catalogue, 196 Deep Sky, The: An Doppler shifts, 15 Felis, 43 Introduction Dorado, 57 Field flatteners, 81–82 (Harrington), 89 Double Cluster, 16, 17f, Field-of-view (FOV), 77, Deep-sky filters, 80 39, 98 78, 79, 97 203 Finder charts, 89, 94, 110 F type stars, 6 Gottlieb, Steve, 61, 62 for Aquarius, 186 Goulds Belt, 41 for Aquila, 170 G1, 36, 52–53, 61, Graff catalogue, 196 for Auriga, 132f 112–113 Grasdalen catalogue, for Camelopardalis, G2, 61 196 121f G3, 61 Gravitational forces, 26, Index for Cancer, 147f G169, 54 28, 29, 35, 38 for Cassiopeia, 192 Gamma Aquarii, 43 Greek alphabet classifi- for Coma Berenices, Gamma Piscium, 44 cation system, 93 149f Gemini, 40, 63, 97, 139f Grindlay 1, 65 for Cygnus, 185 Gem OB1, 40, 136 G type stars, 6 for Delphinus, 183 Giant molecular clouds, Guide Star Catalogue for Equuleus, 183 26 (GSC), 62 for Gemini, 139f Giants (III), 7 for Hercules, 158f GLIMPSE-CO1, 35–36 H 1.19, 150 for Lacerta, 189f Globular cluster H 1.47. See NGC 6712 for Lyra, 177 remnants, 56, 59 H 1.48, 161–162 for Monoceros, 144f Globular clusters, 16, H 1.70. See NGC 5634 for Ophiuchus, 161f, 25–37, 44, 50, 51, H 1.103, 180–181 163f 69, 70 H 1.149, 161 for Pegasus, 183 age of, 25, 28–29 H 1.150, 164–166 for Perseus, 125f, 126f catalogues listing, 197 H 2.587, 162–163 for Puppis, 143f CCD imaging of, 31, H 4.50. See NGC 6229 for Sagitta, 177 104 H 6.7, 152 for Sagittarius, 171 classification systems H 6.8, 154 for Scorpio, 160f for, 35 Hafner (Haf) catalogue, for Scutum, 168f death of, 35 196 for Serpens, 168f distance of, 33–35 Halo, 9, 10, 12 for Taurus, 128f distribution in the extragalactic globular for Vulpecula, 177 galaxy, 32f clusters and, 47 Finders, 80–81 evolution of, 28 globular clusters and, Flamsteed numbers, 93 extragalactic, 46–48, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, Focal length, 78, 79, 82 52–53, 54, 55 31, 32, 33, 35, 36 Focal ratio, 77, 82, 97 formation of, 9, 10, properties of, 11 Focal reducers, 81–82, 26–27 Hard viewing category, 104 mass of, 29–30 112 Focusers, 82–83 new discoveries and Harrington, Philip S., 44, Formation developments, 89 of globular clusters, 9, 35–37 Harris, William E., 195 10, 26–27 observing, 99–100 Harvard 1, 118 of the Milky Way, 9–10 origin and location of, Harvard (H) catalogue, of open clusters, 9, 31–33 196 14–15 properties of, 25–26 Haute Provence (HP) Fornax group of size of, 29 catalogue, 197 galaxies, 53 sketching, 102 Helical focusers, 83 47 Tucanae (NGC 104), structure and compo- Helium, 4, 5, 7, 15, 16, 30 25, 26f, 30, 37, 99, sition of, 30–31 Hercules, 25, 33, 44, 45, 112 Golden Snake, 44 60, 94, 99, 100, 158f Frolov 1, 193 GOTO telescopes, 76, 86, Herschel 400, 91, 196 Frolov (Fr) catalogue, 196 95 Herschel, John, 62, 64 204 Hertzsprung-Russell JGGC-1, 36 Ling, Alistair, 63 (HR) diagram, 3, 4, Job’s Coffin, 45 Lithium, 31, 41 21f, 31f Juchert catalogue, 197 Little Queen, 44 HII
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