\i I: i I, I ! SOCIETY FOR CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY i NEWSl~ETTER VOLUME 18 April 1984 Number! ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT Bookdaelara and vendora of producta ralated to archseology csn elso usa the enclosad reg1atration for. to reServe thei r dieplsy table(a). THE 1984 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SIJ:IElY FDR CALI­ FORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY WILL HELD AT THE SALINAS COMMJNITY The Regionsl Officer'a meating will ba held at CENTER, MARCH 29, 3D, AND 31, 1984. !ha Blue Boar Inn (a nica reateurent i_distely across the e~rBet from the convsntion cantar) at B PM on Thuraday aveni ng. The th.e for this yesr' s meeti ng is REGIONAL 1! RESEARCH. Pepers have been pouring in theae lsst f.. Thare will be s numbar of spac1sL avents dsye, 80 we haven't hed ti_ to schedule thall sll just aseociated with the SCA lIBatingal thees incLude a SOPA yet, but ..ny of th. look very interesting. A liet of IIBat1ng, a party aponsored by ths Cantral Californie the titlee received eo fer ia included within this Archasologicsl Foundstion, tha AnnuaL Meating, tha snnounc.ant. Annual Banquet, and lota of intaresting aeaa10na (but So you wU l be ebla to attand .ora saeaions, not too msny at onca 1. thia year tha ..atinga will lsat ~!!!!-daya and Saturday IIOrning and eftarnoon thara wiLL ba a nl5h~a, rathar th., tha normal two end a haL f wa hava aession co-aponaorad by tha Cantral CaLi forni a Archaao­ a e aaaa10na on Thuradey night end on Saturdey aftar­ logical Foundation. Thia will ba titl.d "A ru!!!.!!.. Plaaae pLan accordingLy. RagionaLnop1cal Ovarview of Cali fornie Archaaology" Tha kaynota epeakar for tha annual banquat thia and wilL conaist of twalve kay profaaaionala aach addra..ing a chaptar of Mi chaal J. Moratto' 8 Cali­ yaar (Friday night, 7 PMl is Charlas R. McGimaay III, Archsaology (Aced_ic Preas, 19841. who w1L l also presi da ova r a SOPA Sasai on on Saturday !2!!:!!! aftarnoon. The Californie Dapa rtllant of Parks and Finally, thara will ba thras mieaion sympoaie, Racreation is puttinQ togathar a "ahow and ask" display to ba co-sponsorad by tha newly formed Celifornia of arti facta. Wa wi II hava tha uaus l bookaal lar'a Miaaion Studias Aasociation. tables, and thia yaar wa hava juat recaivad confir.­ tion that Apple wi l L ba presanting a diaplay and dellon­ etration of thai r new Macintosh computer. aJRIO CABINET Tha Selinas ea.munity Cantar facHitiaa ara apacioua. Tantativaly, wa hava divided tha facHity Hara' a a chenca to ahera the .yataries aL l of ua into four major araaa. Thraa roc.a for holding hava in our catalogs. Tha CaLt fornie Dapartllent of eaaaiona, whi La anothar larga roCill wil l ba uaad to Parks and Recraeti on's Archeeo logy Lab wiL l run an accommodata our book daalars, cClllputar diaplaya, coffaa axhibit at tha Salinas lIeatinge of some of thair pot, and foLka in ganaral. Thara will alao ba a Sll8ll erttfacts of unknown function, hiatoric end pra­ roCIII for praviawing aLidea (to aliminata upaide-down hiatortc. The goaL is identification; evaryone'e idaas aLidaa, atc.l. To thia wa ..y add anothar roCIII for on poasible function will be walca.ad. Thara lIay avan viawing prarecorded video tapaa and filM. be e priza for outetanding contributionar If you wsnt to add a puzzlar, bring it along. Thara wi l l ba a locksd d1aplay ca88. Pleaee ba sure that al l italla to ba includad in thia caSe have a cetalog number par..nantly MJRE DETAILS on tha "whetnots." Cards wit l ba provided to aoli cit A regi etrati on teble wi l l be aat up Wadnasday your idees on the function, origin, and importance of tha diapleyad "whatch.acal lita." Theaa carda wi Ll go night from about 7 to 10 et tha Barbery Coast Inn for th~ to tha contri butors of the "CarRonial Obj ecta," earlyerrivels. Registretion will begin Thuradey .erning at B AM, at the CClllmunity Center, and will run "Gaming Piaces," atc• through Saturday noon. Tha Annua l Banqua t (Fri dey ni ght, 7 PMl will be ",ERE TO STAY e roeat baaf dinnar (with salad, baked potato, vagatabls, daasart, and coffaa/tael. A Limitad numbar The motel situation thia yaer is a littla dif­ of vagatarian platas are aLao available (PLEASE ferent. Usuelly, we muat occupy e apecific numbar of SPECIFY). Thia dinnar will ba limitad to tha firat 240 rooms in e speci fic hotaL in ordar to uae thai r indiv1duala to !!s!LYR. Maka sura you don't m1aa an facHitiaa. This yaar, bacausa we era uaing the convan­ axcalLent apaaker CharLaa R. McGi ..ay III, our annuaL ti on facilitiea of the CITY OF SALINAS, wa nead to ..erde, and ..yba sCIlla othar aurpr1saa - PLEASE RESERVE YllJR TICKElS EARLY. AffiUAL r.EET I NG PROGRAM TO PAGE Z 2 ANNUAL t.EETI NG PROGRAM FROM PAGE I FOREST SERVICE AND STATE AGREE TO SHARE SITE REca:mS occupy e specific number of rooms in the CITY OF SALINAS. MY KlTa COUNTS, EVEN KlTEL 8, BUT WE NEB) TO By Don Miller BE ABLE TO DOCUIENT WHERE YOU STAYED, SO BE SURE TO Ta.L The State OffIce of Historic Preservation and the> YOUR KlTEL THAT YOU ARE HERE FOR THE SCA MEETINGS MD PacIfic Southwest Region of the U.s. Forest Service have. MARK FORM YOOR SCA REGISTRATION SO THAT WE WILL HAVE A entered into an agreement that will cause all Forest-­ CROS&-CHECK. Service archaeological site reoord data to be Incorporated' Four hoteVlloteLs in Selines have eet esi de Into the automated Data Base of SHPO's CalifornIa Archaeological Site Inventory and Historic Property . blocks of rOmls for our lI.bere. They wit l hold theee Inventory programs. blocks open only untH March 15, 19B4. Thesa selle 1I0tels ere offaring special retea to SCA M.blsre, so BE SURE TO IDENTIFY YOURSaF AS M SCA MEMBER TO PREVENT According to Don Miller. the Forest Service's CONFUSION. Preservation Officer, "this agreement culminates a two-. year stUdy that sought the most cost-effective and The Barbary Coaat Inn is locatad diractly acroaa efficient method for storIng and retrieving the Informatfon the atreet fro. the Co!!yntty Center. It will ba tha we currently have on more than 21,000 archaeologIcal sites apot whera our banquet and amla othar faetivitiea are on National Forest System lands In California." hald, and we expect thai r bar (with a Country/Weatem bend) to bacORla our priaary aftar-houra wataring hola. Among the condltlons of the agreement Is that All of the othar 1I0tala era amle diatanca away, but have SHPO will confer with the Forest Service In developing access policies and practices to Insure that site locatfon eaay ecceaa on and off of Highway 101. Hi-Way Cantar end Appling Inn ara locetad on tha aoutharn and of and related informatIon are secure from misuse. Salinae epproxiRlately two lIilaa aouth of tha CORIRlUnity Cantara The Laural Inn ia loceted on thenortham and Bill Sidel, who heads SHPO's Historic and of Salinas epproxiRlately one IIHe northweet of the Archaeological InventorIes Data Base, said, "this agreement Co_unity Center. will serve as a model for similar agreements wIth other agencies. It brings us closer to being able to know what ALL four of theae Rlotela have prORlieed to eccom­ agencies Rke the Forest Service have been collecting over IICIdata our II8IIIberehip ea beat ea they can within the the past ten years, and more exciting. It will allow us to liRlite of thei r facHitise. The.. Rlotele ere liated compare and analyze Information from archaeologIcal sites below. on a State-wide basis." Miller concluded by pointIng out that. "this BARBARY COAST INN agreement Is sImply s first step In the process of B08 North Main Street developing plans for managing cultural resources on a Selinae, Californis 93908 State-wIde basis. Such planning efforts as the Resource [ 408) 424-8681 ProtectiOn Planning Process ("RP-3">. or the State HIstory Plan would be wasteful. If not fruItless, without access to LAURa INN the wIdest possible dsta base. This agreement ushers In 801 Waitt Laurel Dri va the period In the hIstory of Cultural Resource Management Sa l i nae, Ca l i forni e 93906 where we all come together, evaluste the dats we have (408) 448-2474 been collectIng, and decide whst we have and how we are going to manage It wIsely In the future-" APPLING INN 1030 Fei rv1ew Avan.. For those Interested In receiving s copy of the Se l i nee, Ce l i forni a 93905 Memorandum of Agreement, contact: [4OB) 422-64l1J Don Miller HI-WAY CENTER USDA Forest Service 555 Airport Blvd. [Actually on Da La Torra] 630 Ssnsome Street Sa l i naa, Cali forni a 98905 San Francl sco, Csllf 94 I 11 (408) 424-1741 (415) 556-4175 You ahould not hava any probl.a Rlaking raeacya­ CAROBETH LAIRD MEMORIAL SYMPOSIUM HELD tione et thaee IICItele, but emletiRlae inforRlation is elow to trickle down to the front daak. Here ia e l iat of our A symposium In honor of the memory of Carobeth contacte et aach of theaa Rlotala: Berbery Coeat Inn, Laird wss held at CSU Hayward on Jsnuary 28, 1984. Bettn Laural Inn, Terry, Hi .....y Center, Jonne, Appling Presenhtlons were given by scholars, family. snd friends Inn, Mre. Peel. honoring Carobeth Laird, the prominent anthropologist, linguIst. and suthor. She began her ethnographic career as a young woman working among Amerlc80 Indians, but her scientific and literary contributions were not recognized STILL MORE DETAILS until she was In her eighties.
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