Sept. 27, 1938. H. J. McArthy 2,131,538 WAWE SIGNALING SYSTEM Filed Dec. 31, 1936 INVENTOR CAPACITY OF CONDENSER 8 N m fid. AORNEY Patented Sept. 27, 1938 2,131,538 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 2,131,538 WAVE SIGNALENG SYSTEM Henry J. McCarthy, Danvers, Mass., assignor to Hygrade Sylvania Corporation, Salem, Mass., a corporation of Massachusetts Application December 31, 1936, Seria No. 8,532 4 Claims. (C. 179-11) : . This invention relates to Wave. Signaling Sys velope either of the metal or glass type. Suitably tems and more especially to such systems as supported within the envelope is a pentode employ electron discharge tubes of the suppreSSor mount comprising an electron emitting cathode grid type. 2. With its insulated heater filament 3; a control 5 The invention is in the nature of an improve grid 4; a shield grid 5; a suppressor grid 6; and ment. On the type of System disclosed in appli an anode or plate. It will be understood that cation Serial No. 13,047, filed March 26th, 1935. any Well-known structure and arrangement of There is disclosed in said application a System the electrodes may be employed, for example the employing a pentode tube of the Suppressor grid mount may be similar to that embodied in the O type Wherein the suppressing action is achieved tubes designated commercially by the type num 10: Without employing a conductive or metallic con bers 39/44, 41, 57, 78 and the like and while the nection between the Suppressor grid and the invention is primarily applicable to radio fre cathode. The present invention relates to this quency pentodes it also has desirable applica Sane type of System and one of its principal ob tions to so-called power output pentodes repre 5 jectS is to provide a Wave repeater or amplifier sented for example by tubes of the type 43, 7 and 5 employing a suppressor grid pentode tube where the like. in the Suppressor grid is capable of effecting Sup The signals to be repeated or amplified are pressor action without conductive connection to impressed across the control grid 4 and the the cathode, and at the same time it maintains cathode 2 by any Well-knoWn form of signal 20 the interellectrode capacity between the anode input coupling circuit represented by the Sec 2O. and control grid at a minimum. Ondary Winding 8 of the coupling transforimei. A feature of the invention relates to a sys Preferably the grid A is biassed with respect to tem employing a suppressor grid pentode tube the cathode by any well-known means, for ex wherein the suppressor grid is insulated from the ample by the resistor 9 shunted by condenser ; ). cathode so far as direct current is concerned, by The signal output coupling circuit may be of any 25. a condenser. With this arrangement the Sup Suitable type and merely for purposes of expia pressor grid acts efficiently to prevent the re nation it is shown as of the resistance-capacity turn of any appreciable number of secondary type in Which the plate is connected to the electrons from the plate or anode to the shield positive potential tap through a coupling re grid, and it also Supplements the shield grid in sistor 2. The potentials across resistor 2 are 30 reducing to a desirable minimum, the interellec Coupled through capacity 3 to the input of a 30 trode capacity between the anode and the con Succeeding stage or to a signal reproducing de trol grid. Vice, the input terminals of which are represented Other features and advantages not specifically by numerals 4, 5. In accordance with the enumerated Will be apparent after a consider usual practice, a leak resistor 6 may be provided. ation of the following detailed descriptions and The shield grid 5 is connected to a suitable 35 the appended claims. While the invention Will positive potential tap preferably of a lower be disclosed herein in schematic form and in con Voltage than the tap for purposes well under nection with certain well-known types of pentode stood in the electron tube art. Heretofore, the tubes, it - Will be understood that this is done Suppressor grid 6 has been conductively connected 40 merely for explanatory purposes and not by Way to either the cathode or to ground so as to be 40 of limitation thereto. Accordingly in the draw at or near cathode potential. This usual con lag, ductive connection of the suppressor grid to the Fig. 1 is a typical Schematic Wiring diagram of Cathode, performs the function of preventing the a System embodying features of the invention. return of any appreciable number of secondary 45 Fig. 2 is a typical Series of characteristic curves electrons from the anode to the shield grid, and 45 showing the relation between plate current and at the same time it tends to supplement the shield plate voltage in a tube connected according to grid in reducing the interellectrode capacity be Fig. 1. tween the plate and the control grid. As dis 50 Fig. 3 is a curve showing the relation between closed in my prior application Serial No. 13,047, 50 the interelectrode control grid-to-plate capacity I have found that the suppressing action of grid for different values of the suppressor grid return 6 may be obtained without a conductive connec COndenSer. tion to the cathode. In this latter case, it is Referring to Fig. 1, the numeral represents neceSSary to employ a Suppressor grid which be 55 any Well-known form of evacuated enclosing en cause of its composition or because of its surface 55 2 2,181,538 characteristics has the property of emitting few by 3 volts; the shield grid 5 was positively biassed Secondary electrons under bombardment either with respect to the cathode by 100 volts; the plate by the primary electrons from the cathode or by 7 had applied thereto a positive potential of 250 Secondary electrons. For example as disclosed volts. Under these circumstances the condenser in said application Serial No. 13,047 the grid may 8 had a capacity of 0.01 mfd. The curves of 5 be coated With ceramic Or any other material Fig. 2 show the relation between plate voltage that has the property of reducing secondary and plate current for different values of negative emission as is well known in the electron tube bias on the control grid, the curve 'a' being at art. With such a grid it is possible to allow it to minus 1 Wolt, curve 'b' at minus 3 volts, and 0 float, without any conductive or other connec curve 'c' at minus 10 Volts. It Will be under J.0 tion to the cathode, and the desirable pentode Stood of course that various changes and modi plate current plate voltage characteristics are fications may be made in the various voltages obtained. I have found however that with this Without departing from the spirit and scope of type of suppressor grid floating, While the sup the invention. 5 pressor action is obtainable, nevertheless the grid What I claim is: 5 does not supplement the shield grid in reducing 1. In a Wave repeater the combination of an the interelectrode capacitance. However, I have electron discharge tube having a cathode, an also found that by returning the suppressor grid anode, a control grid, a shield grid and a sup to the cathode through a condenser such as con preSSOr grid, means to impress signals on the 20 denser 8, it is possible to obtain the suppressing control grid, means to apply a steady positive 20 action and at the same time, the Suppressor grid potential to the shield grid, and a connection supplements the shield grid in reducing the inter between the Supressor grid and cathode to con electrode capacitance. While this method of ductively insulate Said suppressor grid from the suppressor grid return finds its greatest useful Cathode while allowing said suppressor grid to pre 25 ness in a tube wherein the suppressor grid has went Secondary electrons from reaching said 25 a surface capable of inhibiting the emission of shield grid from said anode. secondary electrons, nevertheless it is also useful 2. In a wave repeater the combination of a as applied to the ordinary type of pentode pentode tube of the suppressor type, and means wherein the suppressor grid is not specially to return the Suppressor grid to the Cathode 30 formed or treated to inhibit secondary emission. without a conductive connection thereto, said 30 While the capacitance of condenser 8 is not means comprising a condenser. critical nevertheless it is preferable to employ a 3. A Wave repeater according to claim 2 in condenser having a capacity not materially less Which the condenser has a capacity not mate than 0.001 mfcd., so that the control grid-to-plate rially less than 0.001 mid. 35 capacitance is at or near a minimum. Fig. 3 is 4. In a Wave repeater the combination of a 35 a curve showing the relation between the inter pentode tube of the suppressor grid type, the Sup electrode control grid-to-plate capacity of a type preSSor grid having its surface specially designed 78 tube for various values of condenser 8. From to reduce the emission of secondary electrons this it Will be seen that the interelectrode capac therefrom whereby the Suppressing action may 40. ity rises abruptly for very low values of capacity be obtained while maintaining said suppressor 40. 8. For example if the tube of Fig. 1 is a type grid conductively insulated from the cathode, and 78 tube the condenser 8 should have a capacity a condenser connected in series between the sup of the order of 0.01 mfcd.
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