1011 Eastwood Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403 | Phone: (910) 392-0720 | Fax: (910) 392-6777 | www.stmarkcc.net Pastor Fr. Gregory Spencer Parochial Vicar Fr. Cesar Torres Martínez Parish Offices: Remain closed to walk-in visitors. Staff are available M-F, 9am-4pm by phone or email. Emergency Contact (for life/death emergencies): During office hours: (910) 398-6509 Evening/Weekends: (910) 399-1591 - Please leave a message and your call will be returned MASS, CONFESSION, AND ADORATION SCHEDULE Upcoming Solemnities Chapel is open for personal prayer Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm. The 6:00pm Mass on and Feast Days Daily Mass Saturday is celebrat- May 30: Most Holy Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am (English) ed at Christ the King Trinity (Santísima Trini- Wednesday: 8:10am (English) Catholic Church, our dad) Monday-Thursday: 10:00am (Spanish) mission parish in Rie- May 31: Visitation of Every third Tuesday of the month: Spanish Mass at 6:30pm instead gelwood, NC. the Blessed Virgin of 10am Mary (La Visitación de Follow us and watch la Bienventurada Vir- New changes in RED. Changes take effect Saturday, May 22. all of our Masses on gen María) Weekend Masses Facebook, YouTube June 6: Corpus Christi Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English); 6:00pm (Spanish) at or the website! Christ the King Church in Riegelwood, NC) Facebook: Interested in becoming a Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am (English) & 1:30pm @stmarkwilm parishioner? Click HERE to (Spanish) register. (Registro para feli- YouTube: St. Mark greses) Confession Catholic Church, Wil- Saturdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm mington, NC Already a parishioner? Log into your Realm ac- Eucharistic Adoration Website: stmarkcc.net count to see our events! Every Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm St. Mark Catholic Church www.stmarkcc.net WELCOME TO ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH! New Parishioners We would like to welcome you to CHURCH OFFICE STAFF St. Mark! If you are interested in registering and joining our parish, Campus Business Manager [email protected] please complete a registration Denise Leuci (910) 398-6526 form in English or Spanish. If you Pastoral Secretary [email protected] decide to join us, we ask that you Stephanie Watts (910) 398-6509 will consider giving your time, Parish Office Coordinator [email protected] talent and treasure for the Lord’s Dawn Wood (910) 398-6508 work! Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry [email protected] Melissa Quaranto (910) 398-6510 Submit a Communication and/or Event Request Director of Children’s Faith Formation [email protected] (includes bulletin requests) Anne Doyle (910) 398-6511 HERE Director of Music and Liturgy [email protected] Angela Harrington (910) 398-6514 Sacraments & Preparation Campus Accountant and HR [email protected] Baptism, Matrimony, and Frank DeMonte (910) 398-6512 Funerals - Stephanie Watts Realm Project Manager [email protected] ([email protected]) Mike Krawczyk (910) 398-6517 Baptism requires a minimum Communications Ministry Lead [email protected] of 30 days notice to complete Cecilia “Cici” Yeager (910) 398-6515 the requirements and to schedule. Community Liaison [email protected] Engaged couples must con- Mary Mason (910) 398-6518 tact the office six months pri- MASS INTENTIONS - WEEK OF MAY 24-30, 2021 or to their planned wedding date to enter pre-wedding Monday 8:30am † Joan Holland Sanctuary candles preparation. May 24 10:00am are offered in loving memory of Theresa First Holy Communion Tuesday 8:30am † Francis Edward Casieri Rice. Contact: Anne Doyle May 25 10:00am ([email protected]) Wednesday 8:10am † Marilyn Klein May 26 10:00am Altar flowers are of- Confirmation fered for Gus & Ce- Contact: Melissa Quaranto Thursday 8:30am † Marie Nicholson celia Sebik. We pray ([email protected]) May 27 10:00am for our deceased. May all who have Curious about the Catholic Friday 8:30am Anna Stone died, rest in peace. May 28 Faith? St. Mark's process of Christian Saturday 5:00pm † Lyne Welch Initiation for Adults (RCIA) can May 29 6:00pm (CTK) If you’d like to re- help you! If you have questions quest a Mass inten- about the Catholic faith or just Sunday 7:30am † Nicholas Caputo tion, please contact want to learn more, contact Paul May 30 9:30am Sophia Basso (Birthday) [email protected] Townend at (910) 386-6468 or 11:30am † Nicole Marie Moore or (910) 398-6508 [email protected]. 1:30pm † Fabio Hoyos Watch all of our Masses online! Facebook: @stmarkwilm (910) 392-0720 Iglesia Católica de San Marcos A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR | UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PASTOR Today’s celebration of the Feast of Pentecost La celebración de hoy de la Fiesta de Pentecostés concludes the Easter season. Pentecost celebrates concluye el tiempo de Pascua. Pentecostés celebra the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles el descenso del Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem; this reunidos en el aposento alto de Jerusalén; este event also marks the beginning of the Church (we evento también marca el comienzo de la Iglesia wish our Church a Happy Birthday!). The story of (¡deseamos a nuestra Iglesia un Feliz Pentecost can be found in today’s first reading from the Cumpleaños!). La historia de Pentecostés se puede encontrar en la primera lectura de hoy de los Hechos de Acts of the Apostles. los Apóstoles. The account in today’s Gospel from John 20:19-23 El relato del Evangelio de hoy de Juan 20: 19-23 relata recounts how Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to his cómo Jesús dio el don del Espíritu Santo a sus discípulos. disciples. Yet the event in John’s Gospel takes place on Sin embargo, el evento en el Evangelio de Juan tiene Easter Sunday, which we celebrated 50 days ago. There lugar el Domingo de Pascua, el cual nosotros hemos is no need to try to reconcile these two accounts, but to celebrado hace 50 días. No es necesario tratar de know that after his death, Jesus fulfilled his promise to conciliar estas dos cuentas, pero saber que después de su send to his disciples a helper, an Advocate (or muerte, Jesús cumplió su promesa de enviar a sus Paraclete), who would enable them to be his witnesses discípulos un ayudante, un Defensor (o Paráclito), que les throughout the world. permitiría ser sus testigos en todo el mundo. In the context of today’s feast of Pentecost, John En el contexto de la Fiesta de Pentecostés de hoy, Juan reminds us about the integral connection between the nos recuerda la conexión integral entre los dones de paz, perdón y la acción del Espíritu Santo. Jesús saluda a sus gifts of peace and forgiveness and the action of the discípulos con el don de la paz. Jesús luego encarga a sus Holy Spirit. Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of discípulos que continúen la obra que él ha comenzado: peace. Jesus then commissions his disciples to continue "Como el Padre me envió a mí, así también yo os envío". the work that he has begun: “As the Father has sent me, Él sopla el Espíritu Santo sobre los discípulos y los envía a so I send you.” He breathes the Holy Spirit upon the continuar su obra de reconciliación a través del perdón disciples and sends them to continue his work of de los pecados. El acto de Jesús de soplar el Espíritu reconciliation through the forgiveness of sins. Jesus’ act Santo sobre los apóstoles refleja el acto de Dios de soplar of breathing the Holy Spirit upon the apostles mirrors vida en Adán. De hecho, las palabras griegas y hebreas God’s act of breathing life into Adam. In fact, both the para "espíritu" también se pueden traducir como Greek and Hebrew words for “spirit” can also be "aliento". Este Evangelio nos recuerda que la Iglesia está translated as “breath.” This Gospel reminds us that the llamada a ser una presencia reconciliadora en el mundo. Church is called to be a reconciling presence in the La presencia reconciliadora de Cristo se celebra en la vida world. The reconciling presence of Christ is celebrated in sacramental de la Iglesia. En el sacramento de Bautismo, the Church’s sacramental life. In the Sacrament of somos limpiados del pecado y nos convertimos en una nueva creación en Cristo. En el Sacramento de Penitencia, Baptism, we are cleansed of sin and become a new la Iglesia celebra la misericordia de Dios mediante el creation in Christ. In the Sacrament of Penance, the perdón de los pecados. Esta presencia reconciliadora Church celebrates the mercy of God through the debe ser también una forma de vida para los Cristianos. forgiveness of sins. This reconciling presence is also to En situaciones de conflicto, debemos ser agentes de paz be a way of life for Christians. In situations of conflict, y armonía entre los pueblos. we are to be agents of peace and harmony among people. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, P. Greg Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, Fr. Greg YouTube: St. Mark Catholic Church, Wilmington, NC ¡Mira todas nuestras misas en linea! St. Mark Catholic Church www.stmarkcc.net PARISH NEWS | NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA ¡Nuevos Cambios en Junio! New Changes in June! Horario de Misa Diaria Daily Mass Schedule ¡A partir del Lunes 7 de Junio, estaremos operando en Starting on Monday, June 7th, we will be operating on a un nuevo horario diario de misas! ¡Por favor, vea las nue- new daily Mass schedule! Please see the new times below! vas fechas a continuación! Monday: 8:30am (English) Lunes: 8:30 am (inglés) Tuesday: 8:30am (English) and 6:30pm (English) Martes: 8:30 am (inglés) y 6:30 pm (inglés) Wednesday: 8:30am (English) and 10am (Spanish) Miércoles: 8:30 am (inglés) y 10:00 am (español) Thursday: 8:30am (English) and 6:30pm (Spanish) Jueves: 8:30 am (inglés) y 6:30 pm (español) Friday: 8:30am (English) Viernes: 8:30 am (inglés) Confession Schedule Horario de Confesión Starting on Wednesday, June 16th, we will have confes- A partir del Miércoles 16 de junio, tendremos confesión sion every Wednesday from 6pm-7pm in addition to todos los Miércoles de 6 p.m.
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