TEL AUIU UNIUERSITY * )')N-')fl nlJ'Ol)'JIN G ~ OR S. \v1S " F~-\ CLLI Y OF LIrE SCIENCES Till .0 ' ;nl'.~ ~ " lJ O"nil 'lJlni illJ/lj79il D ,1'. \ RTi\fE IT F ZOOLOGY iV;\171NIT7 ilj77nYlil Boaz AyaJon Program Specialist U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv, Israel Dear Mr Ayalon, Subject: Completion of Grant No. TA-MOU-06-M2S-078 This letter is to acknowledge the formal close-out and completion of the USAid MERC Grant No. TA-MOU-06-M2S-07B. As such, we are here within submitting the Final Report and final payment voucher. With this final report we have fulfilled all the requirements of the grant to the best of our knowledge. The project did not accrue non-expendable property (equipment), or patents, copyrights, and/or royalties. Thank you for this opportunity to further our research and strengthen our ties with scientists and other partners within the region. Sincerely, Dr. Yossi Leshem 6409012 · 03 ,6409812 ,70 6409 4 03· 03 : 0j79 , 69978 ::l ' ::l~·7n ::l'::l~·n),)i , i'lOIOi::l'll~i1 n"ij7 '1' 1': 1. .\\'1 \ ' U~I\TILJTY. R.\\[ \T .\\. 1\' (,')1)7 x, I.' R\FL. 1:\:\ : 'J/2· :1-(,40')411'. I'l l.: 1) 7 2· .' - (14U'JR12, (1-1,1)1)1112 1':- .\ f \ 1L /. () 0 L () c; Y ~. U : s <. ; . T \ I ' . \ <: . 1 l. TEL AUIU UNIUERSITY *::l'::lN- ')1111U'01::l'JIN RESEARCH AUTHORITY lj7nOi) nllUl Development Experience Clearing House MjCIOjKM, RRB 2.12-001 U.S. Agency for International Development 1300 Pennsylvania Ave,NW Washington, D.C. 20523 U.S.A 7 September 2010 Dear Mr., Ms. Re: Final Scientific Report - Grant No.: TA-MOU-06-M25-078 Dr.Y Leshem Enclosed please find the above report. Thank you for your kind assistance and cooperation. Sincerely, (rtJkbLlu~ Nurith Biron Section for Contracts & Grant Applications Tel.: 03-6408775 P.O.B. 39040, TEL AVIV 69978, FAX: 03-6409697 :0j79 .69978 )1)w'7n ,39040 l/1n ,:l')wnrn ,i)O'01)'1INi1 n"1i7 TEL: 03-6410251 ,03-6406250 ,64087741j7nDi) nl~l n7i1ltJ n)~7 '0 ]1970 ' ,64062490'19 nlllj7 ,6408897 '90) nlll1 ,6409702 71Y9n ,6408775 D'Tlnl JiI~j7) 6406081 }.Il'Y.) ,6406245 nIJ1YD OIN'n * Final Report June 2007- 31 May 2010 Project Title: Agricultural Rodent Pest Control by Avian Predators: an Ecologically Sustainable Approach Submitted to: u.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Global Programs Field Support and Research Center for Economic Growth and Development USA 0 Submitting Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel Project Identification number: TA-MOU-06-M2S-078 Principal Investigator: Dr. Y. LESHEM Director of the International Center for the Study of Bird Migration, Latrun George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel Email: [email protected], www.birds.org.il Co-Investigators: MR. D. ALON, Director Israel Ornithological Center, Society for DR. IDDOKAN the Protection of Nature in Israel Dept. of Agriculture Economics and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Mr. 1. A TRASH, Director Food and Environmental Quality Palestine Wildlife Society Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot DR. A. MAREI Dept. of Applied Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of PROFESSOR IDO IZHAKI Science and Technology, AI-Quds Department of Biology University University of Haifa at Oranim GENERAL (Ret) M. ABU RASHID Chairman, Amman Center for Peace & Development Final Report, 2007-2010, Project: M25-078 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS DR. A. MAREI .............................................................................................................. 1 GENERAL (Ret) M. ABU RASHID ............................................................................. 1 Department of Biology .................................................................................................. 1 University of Haifa at Oranim ....................................................................................... 1 EXECUTNE SUMMARy ........................................................................................... 3 RESEARCH OBJECTNES .......................................................................................... 4 Resear'ch Objectives: Describe why your project was conducted. What problem was addressed and why is the problem important to development? Briefly describe how the project fits into on-going research by other scientists, and reference pertinent literature. Describe the innovative aspects of the project. Briefly explain how other organizations supported the project. ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Background ................................................................................................................ 4 Research Objectives: .................................................................................................. 5 METHODS AND RESULTS ........................................................................................ 6 Methods ...................................................................................................................... 6 Results ...................................................................................................................... 10 Economic Analysis .................................................................................................. 15 Final Report, 2007-2010, Project: M25~078 Page 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This final report summarizes the results and accomplishments of the USAID MERC project Agricultural Rodent Pest Control by Avian Predators: an Ecologically Sustainable Approach (TA-MOU-06-M25-078). The project was implemented from 2007 to 2010 with partners from Jordan, Palestinian Authority and Israel. The main aim of the research is to examine the economic benefits and feasibility of encouraging naturally occurring birds as biological pest controllers as a replacement for rodenticides. Rodenticides have severe negative impacts on the environment: pollute soils and water sources, damage ecosystems, and have secondary poisoning health effects on wildlife and humans. The danger to wildlife is particularly poignant in this region being located along a major bird migration route of global significance where it is estimated that over 500 million birds pass through twice a year. We believe that such positive results will ultimately encourage more organizations and government agencies within the entire region to work towards environmentally sustainable agriculture. We have had excellent success in creating the experimental design within each participating country and building professional capacities, most of which were completely new to the Arab partners. Over the past 3 years we have had seven training workshops in Jordan and in Israel and over 30 regular meetings have been held between the partners. Moreover, we have succeeded in raising public awareness of environmental issues through the media, events and pUblications. The results of the research are promising in terms of our original aims, despite the inherent difficulties in these types of field experiments where many factors are beyond the control of the researchers. For instance, the research suffered from natural causes in the fonn of a 3-year drought that negatively impacted wheat and other crops grown without irrigation, and which consequently decreases rodent populations and ultimately predatory bird populations as well. In pooling data from the 3 wheat and bird breeding seasons we found that the presence of breeding birds of prey such as bam owls and kestrels does result in slightly higher wheat yields but this finding was not significant statistically. However, when we enlarged our study to include 10 years of historical data of alfalfa fields from within Israel (where the bam owl project has been operated for over 20 years) we found significant positive effects of the owls on crop yields. When we translated this into dollars we found that avian-predation biological rodent control technology increases net returns by $220 per hectare of one harvest. As alfalfa is harvested on average 7.7 times per year the total net return could be as much as $1,694 per hectare annually. Another important outcome of this project is the significant support we have raised from other major foundations wanting join our efforts and in so doing create further momentum and sustainability for this project into the future. This includes significant support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation (2009-2012) and the Peres Center for Peace and Development (2010-2013) via grants from the European Commission and locally from the Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli Ministries of Agriculture and the Israeli Ministry of Environment. We recently published a booklet highlighting 15 years of regional cooperation (see Appendix). This summary of our activities clearly shows the commitment and strength of both the partners involved and the power of birds to bridge political barriers. Final Report, 2007-2010, Project: M25-078 Page 4 1. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1.1 Background The Jordan Valley is world renowned as an area rich in human and natural history. Perched along the northern edge of the Great Rift Valley, the Jordan Valley encompasses a rich blend of geologic formations, diverse plant and animal species, and ancient human history. This region of the Middle East has undergone a massive expansion of agriculture over the past 50 years. Modern agricultural techniques have contributed to the industry by significantly increasing yields and decreasing the amount of effort required per cultivated area. However, these techniques have also resulted in significant negative impacts to the environment.
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