Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue Africaine de Philosophie , 24 (2010), 1-2D 1-398 E:planatory inde: of proper names other than authors cited 0xhaustive listing of all proper names other than those of authors cited. 6or names mar2ed with UU also see Inde7 of Authors Cited . Some entries have underlying con- cepts explained under V.v. ( Vuod videre , Esee there=)8 for many other entries this index sei:es the opportunity of explaining details that could not be accommodated in the main text. 1hen a boo2 title is listed, it appears in italic , followed by the author=s name (if any) between parentheses. Inly capitalised text has been processed 9 thus e.g. ECatalyst= is listed but not the many occurrences of Ecatalyst=, Ecatalytic=, etc. Due to last-minute text additions a few page references may be off by 1. identity, 53 227n, 291n8 ,ssyrian ,baris, ,ncient Gree2 Achsenzeit , see ,xial ,ge traces in 9 , 1298 ,rab shaman, 112, 114, 114n ,cragas, 1098 cf. ,grigen- influence on sub- ,b2ha:oids, linguistico- tum Saharan 9, 758 9 and ethnic cluster in the ,dam, Biblical figure, 135 ,ncient Near 0ast, 73, ,ncient 3editerranean, ,donai, .ord, 1608 cf. 1298 9 and North ,mer- 233 ,idoneus ica, 9, 118, 265, 2748 9 ,boriginal ,ustralian, 91, ,egean, Sea and region, and 0urope, 808 and 0ast 1928 cf. Dur2heimUU 115, 141, 151, 175, 294, ,sia, 9 and ,sia, 35, 90, ,braham, Biblical figure, 273n8 9 -,natolian, 226 275, 280, 186n8 1est 162 ,ether, 103-104, 117-118, ,frica, 74, 268, 2818 ,bri du 6acteur, 5pper 130, 137-139, 152, 180- Central ,frica, espe- Palaeolithic site, 189 181, 154n, 165n, 184n8 cially South 9 , 5, 8, 17- ,byss, ,bysmal, 122, ,ether and Day, chil- 18, 31, 43, 62, 64, 70, 164, 236, 101n8 cf. 5n- dren of Night, 152 87, 90, 99-100, 125-126, derworld, ,pophis, ,frica(n(s)), sub-Saharan, 129, 151, 164, 230, 261, Chaos, .eviathan, Tia- 8-9, 11, 14, 17-18, 20, 268, 270-275, 277-281, mat, T-hom, Neith, 33, 37, 48, 50, 52, 60, 285, 288, 293, 296, 89n, 3other of the 1aters 62-63, 70-71, 73-77, 80, 93n, 109n, 231n8 North ,chilles, ,chilleus, 153, 82-83, 102, 118, 123, 9 , 264n8 Northeast 9 , 251, 7n, 153n, 172n, 126, 129, 137, 140, 151, 2948 cf. N2oya, Hambia, 190n 179, 200, 209, 225, 232, Himbabwe, Ndembu8 ,chnaton, ,ncient 0gyp- 234, 243, 247, 259-261, Southern ,frica, 5-7, 13, tian royal religious inno- 263, 265, 267, 272-275, 16, 44, 64, 66, 69-70, 74, vator, 418 cf. 3o:es 277, 279-280, 285, 287, 81, 112, 126, 128, 151, ,choli, 0ast ,frican 290-291, 293, 10n, 100n, 188, 202, 264, 268-274, language and ethnic 102n, 125n, 127n, 216n, 279, 296, 109n, 231n8 363 1im van Binsbergen, Before the Presocratics emphasis on two and Bernal, Ibenga ,las2a, 5S, state, 207, four in sub-Saharan ,gan(u and Yema(a, 271 ,frican formal systems, personified .and and ,lexandria, ancient city in 2098 South-0ast ,frica, 1ater in Nigerian cos- 0gypt, 172 348 cf. Iut-of-,frica, mogony, 124 ,lgon2ian, North ,meri- Bac2-to-,frica ,ggregative Diachronic can language cluster, ,frican .inguistics, 35 3odel of 1orld 3y- 147 ,frican macrophyla ( i.e. thology (van Binsber- Allegoriae Homericae Khoisan, Niger-Congo gen), 8, 36, 48-49, 54, (Ceraclitus Ponticus), and Nilo-Saharan), 36n 155 ,merind and ,ustric, as ,grigentum, ,cragas, ,ltai, mountain range, 249 Peripheral branches in ,ncient city in Graecia ,ltaic, branch of 0urasi- the disintegration of 3agna, birthplace of atic / Nostratic, 48, 222, UBorean, 261n8 cf. Pe- 0mpedocles, 109 233, 236, 245, 273, 277, ripheral ,hura 3a:da, Iranian 42n, 216n, 219n8 proto9, ,frican Studies Centre, deity8 9 and ,hriman, 216n8 9 and Indo- .eiden, 12, 14, 36n, 224n 0uropean, 219n8 9 and 225n ,idoneus, ,ncient Graeco Dravidian, 233 ,frican Studies, ,frican- / .evantine divinity, ,lternative 1or2ing ist, 5, 12, 17, 43, 268, used by 0mpedocles as Cypothesis, of this boo2 45n, 287n element name, 159-1618 (notablyD the transforma- ,fri2a Cultures, non- as ,ir, 1598 as 0arth, tive cycle of elements governmental organisa- 1598 cf. ,donai goes bac2, not to the tion, Benin, 14 ,ir, element, 101, 104, 5pper Palaeolithic but to ,fri2aans, creolised Dutch 116-118, 123-124, 130- the Bron:e ,ge), 9-10, spo2en in Southern 133, 137-139, 143, 145, 110, 178, 253, 255-256, ,frica, 227n 149, 153-155, 157-160, 259, 275 f.8 cf. 1or2ing ,froasiatic, linguistic 165-166, 180-181, 187, Cypothesis, Cypotheses macrophylum, 52, 73, 189, 192-199, 212-213, ,merica(n(s)), 3, 8-9, 14, 90, 135, 186, 232-233, 263, 101n, 117n-118n, 20, 45, 48, 99, 107, 118, 237, 245, 247, 257-258, 153n-154n, 172n, 246n, 123, 142-143, 146-148, 261-262, 266, 191n, 261n8 9 and 1ater, 1658 163, 173, 188, 191, 209, 256n, 261n-262n8 Proto- 9 and 6ire, 116 251, 259-261, 263-268, 9, 135, 198-1998 9 and ,ir-1ater-0arth-6ire, 185 272-277, 293, 100n, 0urasiatic, 257-2588 9 ,ither, 124, 137 142n, 146n, 227n, 231n, and Sino-Caucasian, Aitnaios kantharos , 291n-292n8 9 6lood 191n8 ,froasiaticised mytheme, 136n myths, 8, 146, 251, 2778 Sicanians, 233 ,(e Shaluga, Yoruba god, 9 ,frocentrist, 458 North ,frocentricity, ,frocen- 124 ,merica(n(s)), 3, 8-9, trism, ,frocentric, ,fro- ,(¡a (Third 0ye)D .ight / 173, 266, 100n8 9 6lood centrist(s), 16-18, 20, Dar2, 117n myths, 88 9 mytheme of 45-46, 58, 70, 74, 77, 83, ,2hmim, location in dying god becomes crop, 130, 218-219, 228-229, 5pper 0gypt, 111 100n8 (transformation 231, 243-244, 247, 266, ,22ad(ian(s)), 150, 176, cycle ofX) elements in 9 , 287, 45n8 Strong 9 , 7, 242, 216n8 ,22ado- 107, 118, 123, 142-148, 17-18, 46, 2788 1ea2 or Sumerians, 2198 cf. 173, 251, 259, 265 ,ttenuated 9 , 178 North 3esopotamia, Babylonia (negative), 2688 9 ,merican 9 , 458 ,frican ,larodian(s), North 0ast Pleiades and 3il2y 1ay 9 , 458 cf. Black Athena , Caucasian languages and star lore, 163-1648 9 7an Sertima, 1inters, their spea2ers, 233 languages, 191, cf. 364 Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue Africaine de Philosophie , 24 (2010), 1-2D 1-398 ,merind8 emphasis on chaeological complex, 135, 97n two and four in 9 formal New 3exico, 5S,, 144- ,nyang, ,ncient Chinese systems, 2098 cultural 145 capital and archaeologi- transmission to 9 from ,nat, .evantine goddess cal site, 242 Central ,sia, 260-264, in ,ncient 0gypt, 140, ,pache, North ,merican 273-274, 9 with 0uro- 155n8 cf. ,nahita, Neith, language and ethnic pean 5pper Palaeolithic ,thena, Nyambi identity, 191 parallels, 274, 2768 9 ,natolia, 41, 135, 183, ,phrodite, ,ncient Gree2 circle-dot motif, 2728 9 222, 232, 245-247, 227n, goddess of .ove, 155, games and divination, 230n-231n, 280n8 9 , 1698 cf. 7enus, .ove 2738 Pelasgian influence Korea and Aapan, 2228 Apocalypse , Biblical in 9 , 2758 reed symbol- cf. .uwian, Cittite, 1est boo2, 1778 Nordic 9 153 ism, 2778 9 not only as ,sia ,pollo, ,ncient Gree2 destination but perhaps ,natomically 3odern god of sunlight and arts, also as source of trans- Cumans, 10, 18-19, 33, 112-113, 115, 137, 155, continental transmission, 40, 46, 50, 52, 63, 84, 39n, 113n-114n, 272n- 291n-292n8 South ,mer- 86, 180, 187, 211, 290, 273n ica(n(s)), 227n8 cf. 5S,, 293, 10n, 33n8 9 in ,f- ,pophis, ,ncient 0gyp- Canada rica, 48 tian abysmal being, 138 ,mericas, North and ,ncient Near 0ast, 72-73, ,psaras, S and S0 ,sian South, 129, 176, 261, 99, 115, 129, 171, 176, nature spirits, 281 292, 100n, 267n8 cf. 188, 209, 20n, 171n, ,4uitaine, 6rench region, North ,merica, South 273n 184 ,merica, 5S,, Canada ,ncients, intellectual ,ra, Yoruba thunder god, ,merind, main branch of producers in Graeco- 124 ,merican languages, 35, Roman ,nti4uity, 38, ,rabia, ,rab(s), ,rabic, 245, 262, 266, 273-274, 155 region, ethnic identity 191n, 256n, 261n-263n8 ,ngles-sur-l=,nglin, and language, 5, 15, 52, Proto- 9 , 198-1998 9 and 5pper Palaeolithic site, 58-60, 62-64, 67, 69-70, Khoisan, 263n 189 74-75, 77-78, 82, 111, ,msterdam, city in the ,ngola((n)s), country and 129-130, 150, 177, 237, Netherlands, 7, 15, 226n inhabitants, 78, 201, 280 148, 249, 265, 247n8 9 ,mun, primal ,ncient ,NI3D03, variable in and .atin, 1508 9 and 0gyptian divinity, 131, cluster analysis, 288 Gree2, 1118 9 and Auda- 1418 cf. ,munet ,¡(a, element, 117n ism, 828 9 and 3alagasy, ,munet and ,mun, E,ir= ,npu, ,ncient 0gyptian 128n8 cf. Islam and EInvisibility=, primal literary character, 1348 ,raldo de .uca, photog- ,ncient 0gyptian divine cf. ,nubis, Bata rapher, 133 pair, 131 ,nti4uity, Graeco-Roman, ,ramaeans, ethnic group ,murru, ethnic category 68, 77, 115-116, 141, and language from the in the ,ncient Near 0ast, 159, 174, 178, 188, 209, 0astern 3editerranean, 176 251, 267, 287, 294-295, which in Seleucidic ,na 3a42iu, 3enomini 224n8 .ate 9 , 1508 9 and times assumed adminis- mythical evil-doers, 147 Bible 1orld, 2228 cf. trative functions deep ,nahata, Ceart, ,ir, ,ncient(s) into ,sia, 1418 cf. Bible element, 117n ,ntithesis, see Triadic ,rchangel, mythical ,nahita, ,ncient 1est Dialectics senior ccelestial mes- ,sian goddess, 155n8 cf. ,ntoni, Klaus, 12 senger in the Audaic / Neith, ,thena, Nyambi ,nubis, ,ncient 0gyptian Christian tradition, 1778 ,nasa:i Tradition, ar- god of the dead, 134- 9 3ichael, 162 365 1im van Binsbergen, Before the Presocratics Archives d'Orient , 219 ,sia(n(s)), 7-9, 11-15, 17- tional system, 678 9 and Archoas of Athens in the 19, 21, 31, 34-39, 41-43, Sunda transcontinental Hellenistic Age, 45, 48, 51-56, 58, 60-65, lin2s, 76, 778 9 origin of (Dinsmoor), 114n 68-69, 71-73, 75-77, 79- Gypsies, 908 9 proposed ,rctic, and sub-,rctic, 81, 83, 85, 90, 110-114, to have contributed to concentration of circle- 116, 118-119, 121, 126- Bantuids, 18-19, 908 dot motifs in decoration,
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