Table SI. A total of 643 proteins were identified by tandem mass spectrometry in the microvesicles/exosomes from patients with ABE. Accession Description Coverage PS Unique AAs Molecular Calc. pI Abundance ratio: Abundance ratio: Score Sequest no. Peptides Ms Peptides weight (kDa) Moderate/ Severe/ control HT control P01024 Complement C3 85.68851 132 228 127 1663 187.03 6.4 1.12 1.131 8141.004593 1 P0C0L5 Complement C4-B 66.80046 89 128 1 1744 192.631 7.27 2.106 1.249 4859.406727 9 P01023 Alpha-2-macroglobulin 63.83989 76 140 76 1474 163.188 6.46 1.021 0.972 5149.27648 2 P02751 Fibronectin 56.03521 87 960 87 2386 262.46 5.71 0.805 1.005 3458.332983 P02768 Serum albumin 79.31034 54 104 54 609 69.321 6.28 1.157 1.086 3705.267895 4 P08603 Complement factor H 58.4078 60 544 55 1231 139.005 6.61 1.02 0.979 1917.082723 Q9Y6R7 IgGFc-binding protein 27.71508 68 305 68 5405 571.639 5.34 1.527 1.04 981.3557811 P04114 Apolipoprotein B-100 33.66206 124 255 124 4563 515.283 7.05 1.055 1.057 753.3890735 Q12860 Contactin-1 56.87623 46 242 46 1018 113.249 5.9 0.747 0.963 816.1462975 A0A0A0M Immunoglobulin heavy 55.6391 23 124 12 399 43.884 6.96 1.206 1.104 4833.498744 S08 constant gamma 1 (Fragment) 7 P01031 Complement C5 44.98807 66 254 66 1676 188.186 6.52 1.224 1.241 804.1478994 P23142 Fibulin-1 57.32575 26 297 10 703 77.162 5.22 0.812 0.946 1110.052139 O00533 Neural cell adhesion molecule 42.88079 38 220 37 1208 134.987 5.76 0.789 0.827 804.1383946 L1-like protein B4DPQ0 cDNA FLJ54471, highly 53.82476 30 278 30 719 81.837 6.37 0.995 0.971 923.9868439 similar to Complement C1r subcomponent (EC B1AHL2 Fibulin-1 45.21498 22 313 6 721 78.277 5.39 0.738 0.874 1163.650674 P12111 Collagen alpha-3(VI) chain 28.0768 67 142 1 3177 343.457 6.68 1.317 1.101 483.426379 E7ENL6 Collagen alpha-3(VI) chain 34.41028 67 142 1 2569 277.946 8.18 0.891 0.884 483.3237839 P09871 Complement C1s 50.72674 27 217 26 688 76.635 4.96 1.046 0.992 778.6229264 subcomponent P02787 Serotransferrin 58.88252 41 155 41 698 77.014 7.12 0.913 0.967 532.2420925 P02647 Apolipoprotein A-I 77.15356 24 385 24 267 30.759 5.76 1.315 1.057 1253.797316 P02675 Fibrinogen beta chain 71.2831 28 168 28 491 55.892 8.27 1.531 1.35 564.475502 P10643 Complement component C7 50.05931 29 156 29 843 93.457 6.48 0.712 0.872 573.7836608 A0A286YE Immunoglobulin heavy 54.43038 17 719 8 395 43.778 6.52 1.565 0.874 2565.892901 Y4 constant gamma 2 (Fragment) Q99435 Protein kinase C-binding 49.63235 30 216 30 816 91.284 5.73 0.846 0.823 715.4273092 protein NELL2 P22105 Tenascin-X 28.26497 72 124 72 4242 457.932 5.17 0.939 1.003 393.8049548 B4E1Z4 cDNA FLJ55673, highly 39.9684 46 160 29 1266 140.853 7.18 0.612 0.611 494.6025889 similar to Complement factor B (EC P01860 Immunoglobulin heavy 61.00796 20 778 8 377 41.26 7.9 0.814 0.785 2633.157825 constant gamma 3 Q92823 Neuronal cell adhesion 37.88344 35 146 35 1304 143.8 5.66 0.798 0.878 513.597772 molecule Q15113 Procollagen C-endopeptidase 57.23831 21 185 21 449 47.942 7.43 0.916 1.052 723.5592999 enhancer 1 P00747 Plasminogen 47.16049 36 139 36 810 90.51 7.24 1.17 1.084 485.4632403 P13645 Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 10 62.84247 32 125 29 584 58.792 5.21 0.767 0.9 416.226961 P02452 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain 23.01913 25 186 25 1464 138.857 5.8 0.879 0.96 644.1995287 P02649 Apolipoprotein E 80.12618 30 492 30 317 36.132 5.73 0.877 1.037 1639.833651 A0A286YF Immunoglobulin heavy 49.49495 14 371 6 396 43.804 6.24 1.412 1.43 1384.943221 J8 constant gamma 4 (Fragment) P06396 Gelsolin 43.47826 28 173 28 782 85.644 6.28 0.852 0.91 630.3224766 Q7Z7M0 Multiple epidermal growth 20.0703 40 121 40 2845 302.901 6.87 0.785 1.009 432.9133862 factor-like domains protein 8 P14543 Nidogen-1 41.94066 38 129 37 1247 136.291 5.29 0.883 1.072 452.404595 E7ERL8 Neurexin-1-beta 36.09821 39 126 28 1507 165.341 5.96 0.802 0.996 392.0663251 P24043 Laminin subunit alpha-2 21.10826 58 100 58 3122 343.684 6.4 0.877 0.94 306.6071104 P06727 Apolipoprotein A-IV 75.75758 31 154 31 396 45.371 5.38 0.481 0.587 511.2329108 Q08380 Galectin-3-binding protein 44.2735 22 188 22 585 65.289 5.27 0.777 1.24 656.6998068 Q15063 Periostin 51.07656 34 103 3 836 93.255 7.53 0.921 1.074 346.0569105 B1ALD9 Periostin 49.75248 32 102 1 808 90.087 7.94 0.926 0.956 337.5734499 P04264 Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 43.47826 27 137 24 644 65.999 8.12 0.737 0.926 416.9153267 E7EUF1 Ectonucleotide 35.181 26 116 26 884 101.488 7.53 0.804 1.155 414.4653013 pyrophosphatase/phosphodies terase family member 2 P08123 Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 21.52269 22 125 22 1366 129.235 8.95 0.915 0.975 444.3861085 P01834 Immunoglobulin kappa 80.37383 6 655 6 107 11.758 6.52 1.299 1.106 2588.88807 constant P02671 Fibrinogen alpha chain 32.10162 24 118 24 866 94.914 6.01 1.342 1.368 365.6363721 A0A0A0M Receptor-type tyrosine-protein 25.31561 25 87 3 1505 168.814 6.48 0.859 0.887 297.8582029 R60 phosphatase S Q12805 EGF-containing fibulin-like 50.10142 19 91 5 493 54.604 5.07 0.84 1.058 345.0832398 extracellular matrix protein 1 P55058 Phospholipid transfer protein 43.61055 17 88 17 493 54.705 7.01 1.004 1.027 322.0597194 P10909 Clusterin 37.86192 19 259 19 449 52.461 6.27 0.728 1.193 816.842995 P00734 Prothrombin 49.19614 24 71 24 622 69.992 5.9 0.876 0.832 257.8331151 Q86VB7 Scavenger receptor cysteine- 34.77509 29 98 29 1156 125.369 5.95 1.115 0.757 329.5928527 rich type 1 protein M130 Q13332 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein 18.94251 23 80 1 1948 216.905 6.46 0.9 1.113 268.2885706 phosphatase S Q15582 Transforming growth factor- 46.99854 23 92 23 683 74.634 7.71 1.039 1.077 302.8436617 beta-induced protein ig-h3 M0R0Q9 Complement C3 (Fragment) 84.15842 6 130 1 101 11.148 4.77 0.981 1.178 506.8810011 P02461 Collagen alpha-1(III) chain 15.27967 19 125 18 1466 138.479 6.61 1.027 0.951 404.4664441 P0DOY2 Immunoglobulin lambda 93.39623 9 391 2 106 11.287 7.24 1.149 0.946 1610.298396 constant 2 P02679 Fibrinogen gamma chain 52.98013 22 105 14 453 51.479 5.62 1.478 1.394 307.4672016 G3XAI2 Laminin subunit beta-1 26.79558 39 77 39 1810 200.347 4.96 0.84 0.879 235.8733978 P51693 Amyloid-like protein 1 28.61538 18 106 18 650 72.131 5.8 0.746 0.922 398.4112236 Q9P2S2 Neurexin-2 26.10981 37 96 33 1712 184.865 5.92 0.844 1.013 317.2764077 A0A0B4J23 Immunoglobulin lambda-like 49.76744 10 315 3 215 23.136 8.84 0.884 0.984 1260.790692 1 polypeptide 5 P14618 Pyruvate kinase PKM 52.54237 24 79 9 531 57.9 7.84 1.047 0.948 286.2856965 P01034 Cystatin-C 62.32877 8 103 8 146 15.789 8.75 0.764 1.149 433.4969542 Q92859 Neogenin 23.54552 29 70 29 1461 159.917 6.54 0.851 0.99 225.9264209 P10586 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein 19.45464 26 60 11 1907 212.744 6.3 0.879 0.955 218.8161631 phosphatase F P23468 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein 19.66527 27 61 2 1912 214.625 6.57 0.749 0.821 204.8723233 phosphatase delta A0A1W2P Contactin-2 31.6129 24 61 24 1085 118.208 7.55 0.846 1.038 210.001472 Q11 P35908 Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 2 51.3302 28 89 20 639 65.393 8 0.733 0.834 274.1373594 epidermal Q3KPI9 PTPRD protein 24.06417 26 59 1 1496 168.559 6.71 0.885 0.903 197.0752573 A0A0U1RR Neurexin-3-beta 23.9338 29 72 24 1571 173.549 6.15 0.888 0.979 209.8694506 J0 P35527 Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 9 39.9679 21 74 20 623 62.027 5.24 0.81 0.925 218.3285863 O14594 Neurocan core protein 19.15216 23 77 22 1321 143.003 5.38 0.866 0.936 253.315281 A0A0U1RQ EGF-containing fibulin-like 72.5 15 69 1 280 31.736 6.62 0.935 1.024 257.903069 V3 extracellular matrix protein 1 (Fragment) P36955 Pigment epithelium-derived 46.17225 16 74 16 418 46.283 6.38 0.959 1.027 253.0521644 factor O94985 Calsyntenin-1 26.91131 25 69 25 981 109.724 4.91 0.873 0.964 212.9554882 P98160 Basement membrane-specific 9.678889 31 59 31 4391 468.532 6.51 0.936 0.983 185.1466975 heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein P13671 Complement component C6 35.11777 25 61 25 934 104.718 6.76 1.002 1.028 192.3045006 P01009 Alpha-1-antitrypsin 46.65072 20 69 20 418 46.707 5.59 0.889 0.827 223.3318003 H3BR70 Pyruvate kinase 55.7377 19 62 4 366 40.164 8.03 0.867 0.891 216.4689045 P19827 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor 26.78375 18 58 18 911 101.326 6.79 1.088 0.901 202.5168812 heavy chain H1 P06681 Complement C2 34.17553 24 62 7 752 83.214 7.42 1.09 1.018 210.9730308 P19823 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor 28.96406 23 69 23 946 106.397 6.86 1.071 1.006 213.0384146 heavy chain H2 V9GYM3 Apolipoprotein A-II 48.1203 7 104 7 133 14.905 8.27 1.219 1.338 382.2305138 P11047 Laminin subunit gamma-1 21.44189 31 53 31 1609 177.489 5.12 0.79 0.879 167.0971448 B7ZKJ8 ITIH4 protein 29.30481 22 57 22 935 103.816 6.89 0.976 0.855 195.2793177 P32004 Neural cell adhesion molecule 28.00318 31 58 30 1257 139.915 6.24 0.816 0.997 165.0750264 L1 P07358 Complement component C8 35.8714 17 46 17 591 67.003 8.13 0.913 1.098 151.0469677 beta chain P12109 Collagen alpha-1(VI) chain 26.84825 22 56 22 1028 108.462 5.43 0.869 1.101 173.1234797 P04004 Vitronectin 33.2636 13 89 13 478 54.271 5.8 0.875 1.018 282.3141191 P35555 Fibrillin-1 14.45489 34 52 32 2871 312.022 4.93 0.902 0.98 135.9623934 Q96GW7 Brevican core protein 32.05269 21 54 20 911 99.056 4.64 0.863 1.219 142.861371 P01871 Immunoglobulin heavy 52.98013 19 67 19 453 49.409 6.77 1.057 1.12 209.8624344 constant mu A0A0A0M Coagulation factor V 14.35621 26 52 26 2229 252.078 6.05 0.884 1.031 140.9423827 RJ7 Q8TEU8 WAP, Kazal, immunoglobulin, 33.50694 15 41 15 576 63.898 6.21 0.767 0.78 130.4619564 Kunitz and NTR domain- containing protein 2 Q14112 Nidogen-2 18.98182 22 46 4 1375 151.158 5.29 0.939 1.007 149.3320858 Q16610 Extracellular matrix protein 1 37.40741 15
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