CHIS650 ENGLISH REFORMATION November 4-8, 2012 John W. Reeve InMinistry Center Intensive MA in Pastoral Ministry S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 1 CHIS650 ENGLISH REFORMATION NOV 11-15, 2012 InMinistry Center Intensive MA in Pastoral Ministry Southern Union Site GENERAL CLASS INFORMATION Class acronym: CHIS650 Class name: English Reformation and the Rise of Puritanism Semester & year: Fall 2012 Class location: Collegedale Community SDA Church, Collegedale, TN Class time/day: 7:00 – 9:00, Sunday, Nov 4 8:00 -12:00pm, Monday through Thursday, Nov 5-8 2:00 – 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday, Nov 5-8 Credits offered: 3 INSTRUCTOR CONTACT DETAILS Instructor: John W. Reeve, PhD Telephone: (269) 471-3195 Email: [email protected] Office location: Seminary Hall, N330 BULLETIN CLASS DISCRIPTION Developments in the 16th and 17th centuries; the Elizabethan Settlement; the Puritan movement and its relation to authority, the kingdom of God, preaching, and the Sabbath; leading Reformers and Puritans and their legacy for today. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 2 S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 3 CLASS OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of this class are to: . This course is designed to familiarize the students with the theological and political people and issues involved in the English Reformation and the rise of Puritanism. On the side of theological history emphasis will be placed on the role of the English Bible, the struggle for political control of the English church, and the movement of popular piety and liturgy from sacramentalism to Bible study, preaching and fellowship. On the political side the role of Henry VIII and his offspring, as well as the 17th century dictatorship, parliaments and Stuart dynasty connections will be the main focus. Conscious connections will be made with ideas and structures that most impact Seventh-day Adventism such as Sabbath-keeping, preaching and religious liberty. HOW MUCH TOTAL TIME INVESTMENT FOR THIS CLASS? Advanced theological education is no ‘cake-walk’, nor is it intended to ‘wear out the saints’. Designed to immerse the learner in deep theological study and introspective reflection, seminary course expectation is to challenge the student by examining his/her own premises against the study, research and inspiration of biblical scholarship. This will take intentionality and time on your part. Course load is guided by the expectation that students will spend a total of 45 hours of course exposure to earn 1 hour of academic credit. That translates into 90 hours invested for a 2-credit class, and 135 hours for a 3-credit course. Students are advised to spend their time accordingly to meet course requirements and deadlines. Following is a rule of thumb to help guide your reading, research, and writing for Seminary courses: • Average reading speed 15-20 pages/hr. • Average writing speed 3 hr./page • Exam preparation 4-8 hours Based on these averages, requirements for this class will take the average student the following: • Required reading (4 books) 40 hrs. • Reading reports 3 hrs. • Take-home exam 8 hrs. • Primary Reading Project 15 hrs. • Sermon prep & delivery 24 hrs. • Class attendance 30 hrs. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 4 -------------------- Total Hours for class 120 TEXTBOOKS, RECOMMENDED READINGS AND CLASS BIBLIOGRAPHY Required: 1. A History of the Church in England, 3rd edition, J. R. H. Moorman, (Harrisburg, PA: Moorehouse, 1980), 180-268. 2. Great Controversy, E. G. White, Chapters 5 through 14. 3. Puritan Christianity in America: Religion and Life in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts, Allen Carden, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1990). 4. Independent Reading assignment. Choose at least one of the books listed in the bibliography below and read at least 20 hours from it or them. There are reading reports for all four of these assignments near the back of the syllabus. Note the due dates on the forms and on the class schedule. Bibliography - English Reformation Alexander, H. G. Religion in England 1558-1662. London: University of London, 1968. Ambassador Productions., and Spinnaker Films. The Spreading Flame1000 Years of Church History. Greenville, SC: Ambassador-Emerald Intl., 2000. Andreski, Stanislav. Syphilis, Puritanism, and Witch Hunts: Historical Explanations in the Light of Medicine and Psychoanalysis with a Forecast About Aids. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. Ashton, Robert, and Raymond Howard Parry. The English Civil War and After, 1642-1658. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970. Avis, Paul D. L. Anglicanism and the Christian Church: Theological Resources in Historical Perspective. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989. Beeke, Joel R. Assurance of Faith: Calvin, English Puritanism, and the Dutch Second Reformation. American University Studies. Series Vii, Theology and Religion; Vol. 89. New York: P. Lang, 1991. ________. The Quest for Full Assurance: The Legacy of Calvin and His Successors. Edinburgh Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1999. Bolam, C. Gordon. The English Presbyterians: From Elizabethan Puritanism to Modern Unitarianism. London: Allen & Unwin, 1968. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 5 Bostick, Curtis V. The Antichrist and the Lollards: Apocalypticism in Late Medieval and Reformation England Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, V. 70. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 1998. Bray, Gerald Lewis. Documents of the English Reformation. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994. Brooks, Peter Newman. Cranmer in Context: Documents from the English Reformation. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989. Burrage, Champlin. The Early English Dissenters in the Light of Recent Research (1550-1641). Vol. 2. Cambridge: The University Press, 1912. Cameron, James K., and James Kirk. Humanism and Reform: The Church in Europe, England, and Scotland, 1400-1643: Essays in Honour of James K. Cameron. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, MA: Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by B. Blackwell, 1991. Carlson, Eric Josef. Marriage and the English Reformation Family, Sexuality, and Social Relations in Past Times. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1994. Clebsch, William A. England's Earliest Protestants, 1520-1535. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. Cohen, I. Bernard, K. E. Duffin, and Stuart Strickland. Puritanism and the Rise of Modern Science: The Merton Thesis. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990. Collinson, Patrick. The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Third Anstey Memorial Lectures in the University of Kent at Canterbury, 12-15 May 1986. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. ________. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press, 1989. Collinson, Patrick, and John Craig. The Reformation in English Towns, 1500-1640. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. Cranmer, Thomas, and G. E. Duffield. The Work of Thomas Cranmer The Courtenay Library of Reformation Classics; 2. Appleford, England: Sutton Courtenay Press, 1965. Culver, Douglas J. Albion and Ariel: British Puritanism and the Birth of Political Zionism American University Studies. Series Vii, Theology and Religion, Vol. 166. New York: P. Lang, 1995. Dever, Mark. Richard Sibbes: Puritanism and Calvinism in Late Elizabethan and Early Stuart England. 1st ed. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2000. Dickens, A. G. The English Reformation. 2nd ed. London: B.T. Batsford, 1989. Dickens, A. G., and Dorothy Carr. The Reformation in England, to the Accession of Elizabeth I. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1968. Dunn, Richard S. The Age of Religious Wars, 1559-1689. 1st ed. New York: Norton, 1970. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 6 Elazar, Daniel Judah. The Covenant Connection: From Federal Theology to Modern Federalism. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2000. Foster, Stephen. The Long Argument: English Puritanism and the Shaping of New England Culture, 1570-1700. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture Williamsburg Virginia by the University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Fulton, Gordon, Ambassador Productions., Spinnaker Films., and Emerald House. The Spreading Flame 1000 Years of Church History. Vol. 4. Greenville, SC: Ambassador-emerald Intl., 2003. George, Charles H., and Katherine George. The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570-1640. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961. Haigh, Christopher. The English Reformation Revised. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. ________. English Reformations: Religion, Politics, and Society under the Tudors. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press, 1993. Haley, Kenneth Harold Dobson. The Dutch in the Seventeenth Century. London: Thames & Hudson, 1972. Hall, Louis Brewer. The Perilous Vision of John Wyclif. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1983. Harbison, E. Harris, Theodore K. Rabb, and Jerrold E. Seigel. Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe; Essays in Memory of E. H. Harbison. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969. Haugaard, William P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation: The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. London,: Cambridge University, 1968. Heath, Peter. The English Parish Clergy on the Eve of the Reformation. London Toronto: Routledge & K. Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1969. Hill, Christopher. Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the 17th Century. New York: Schocken Books, 1967. Hoopes, James. Consciousness in New England: From
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