We Are Targeting to Triple the Fleet and Mix by 2020 We Are

We Are Targeting to Triple the Fleet and Mix by 2020 We Are

Preferred Bank Partner The UAE Specialized Maritime Magazine SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Issue 30 Price: 80 AED Masters in Maritime Law seeks to solidify UAE maritime education Floating models for Khamis Buamim: maritime finance We are targeting to triple the ISSUE NO. 30 - SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2018 fleet and mix by 2020 To what extent do the UAE ports meet the AASTMT discusses investment impacts on current demands of the shipping industry? the new Silk Road Driving changes, optimizing the needs www.tasneef.ae [email protected] (+971) 2 445 4333 (+971) 2 692 2333 Aldar HQ 19th Floor, Al Raha Beach, Abu Dhabi, UAE A UAE bi-monthly magazine with a major focus on maritime and classification affairs locally, regionally and internationally محمد بن دخين المطروشي STRATEGIC MARITIME ADVISOR رئيس التحرير H.E Khamis Buamim Board Member, Managing Director and Group CEO Gulf Navigation Holding Mohammad Bin Dkhain Al Matroushi Editor-in-Chief ADVISORY CONSULTANT Waleed Al Tamimi مسيرة اﻷعوام الخمسة General Manager, TASNEEF MARITIME The five year journey of Marasi News LEGAL CONSULTANT بصدور هذا العدد من مجلة مراسي نيوز، Jasmine Fichte Following the release of our latest تكون هذه المنصة اﻹعﻻمية المباركة قد Managing Partner issue in October, Marasi News media أكملت عامها الخامس، والذي يمثل بالنسبة Fichte& Co Legal Consultancy platform will successfully mark its fifth لنا نفطة مفصلية يف مسيرتنا اﻹعﻻمية year in business, achieving a milestone in its journey as a maritime media المﻻحية، واجهت خﻻلها وفريق العمل يف EDITORIAL platform. In our efforts to serve the منصة مراسي نيوز تحديات عديدة، تكللت Editor-in-Chief Mohamed Bin Dkhain Al Matroushi Managing Editor Effat Mostafa maritime industry, we have managed يف كل مرة بنجاحات أكبر. Content Advisor Abdelghani Abughazaleh to overcome challenges with great التحدي اﻷول كان خلق مصدر موثوق -Reporter Dushane Solomon, Mahvish Hameed, success and with outstanding achieve لﻷخبار والمعلومات المﻻحية الخاصة .Hudoob Younis ments بالمنطقة، يف الوقت الذي كانت مصادر -Contributors Capt.Gamal Fekry, Roberto Cazzulo, Rania Our first challenge was establish اﻷخبار الخارجية هي التي تعكس صورتنا Tadros, Raymond Kisswany, Mohamed Metawie, Midhun ing ourselves as a local reliable and trustworthy source for maritime news من وجهة نظرها واعتباراتها الخاصة، وليس Mohandas, Dino Ettore CERVETTO, John M. Jorgensen in the region. External news sources حسب واقعنا الحقيقي. -were reflecting the maritime indus STUDIO يف عامنا الثاين، تمكنا من بناء الثقة try in the UAE from a biased point of Design Naeem Riaz بعﻻمتنا التجارية واسمنا من خﻻل تركيزنا .view, ignoring the reality of this sector Photographer Talal Berkdar على الحصرية يف الحصول على اﻷخبار These external sources, were unable والعمل الميداين الصحفي اﻻستقصايئ، ما to portray the immense potential this ADVERTISING sector holds. جعلنا مصدراً موثوقاً، بل ونمتلك المعلومة Key Account & Customer Services Malak Abughazaleh The second challenge was in our sec- والخبر اليقين. ond year, where we strived for building وتوسع يف اﻷعوام التالية حضورنا .SOCIAL MEDIA confidence in our local media brand الميداين، ليصبح حضورنا استراتيجياًيف كل Tactics Creative Depart. We managed to build this confidence فعالية مﻻحية، ولتجد مجلتنا على كل طاولة through focusing on bringing exclusive يف المؤتمرات، وكاميرتنا تجول بين الخبراء PRINTING news and adopting the investigative journalism approach which made us a ترصد آراءهم وتنقل أفكارهم. ورويداً رويداً Masar Printing and Publishing reliable source of news. In the follow- بدأنا نتحول إىل منصة إعﻻمية شاملة تبني ing years, we managed to expand our مجتمعاً لﻷعمال المﻻحية، توجتها رعايتنا EDITING AND DESIGN Tactics Marketing Management field presence, to become a strategic اﻹعﻻمية لملتقى حوار القيادات المﻻحية، -media partner in each and every mari والذي يمثل اﻵن خزان اﻷفكار الذي يتبادل time related activity, and our magazine Tel : +971 4 4518636 فيه أصحاب القرار المﻻحي يف الدولة اﻵراء became the top table magazine in all Fax : +971 4 4518646 the conferences. ويناقشون الحلول لتطوير الصناعة. Email : [email protected] We are proud of what we have نفخر بما أنجزنا، ونسعى ﻷن نكون القوة P.O. Box 9621, Office 701, Churchill Tower achieved and we strive to be the soft الناعمة لقطاع المﻻحة الوطني، من أجل Business Bay, Dubai, UAE power for the national maritime indus- الوصول به إىل العالمية. .try to solidify it globally MARASINEWS.COM 1 Dubai Maritime City The World’s Maritime Center Industrial Precinct Facilities • Offices • Workshops • Ship Repair Plot • Showrooms • Yacht Manufacturing Workshops • Warehouses • Ship Lifting Facility • Shops TRUE MARITIME CLUSTER Leasing & General Inquiries: +97143671771 - [email protected] Head Office: Maritime Business Center MARASINEWS.COM 11 2 SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Dubai Maritime City L.L.C - PO BOX 32111 Dubai-UAE HIGHLIGHTS 18 OF THE ABS updates scrubber advisory ISSUE for global sulfur cap compliance CSSC Marine Service solidifies stance Dubai Maritime City 36 in international maritime service market The World’s Maritime Center Albwardy Damen strives for growth and market excellence 40 ASMEF’s innovative 44 approach leads to sustainable success Industrial Precinct Facilities The UAE’s tanker trade • Offices • Workshops 58 • Ship Repair Plot • Showrooms export analysis • Yacht Manufacturing Workshops • Warehouses • Ship Lifting Facility • Shops ISPS Code as 66 a main pillar in the shipping industry TRUE MARITIME CLUSTER Leasing & General Inquiries: +97143671771 - [email protected] WinGD emerges as frontrunner for the Head Office: Maritime Business Center 72 Dubai Maritime City L.L.C - PO BOX 32111 Dubai-UAE MARASINEWS.COM 11 UAE diesel engine market UAE NEWS ADNOC sees huge investment opportunities as oil demand up There are opportunities for expansion, investment and growth in the oil and gas industry, as demand for energy continues to rise, particu- larly from the high-growth economies of Asia, said Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and Group CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). He also confirmed that global demand for oil is reaching record highs and that by the end of this year, much sooner than expected, the world will see the historic milestone of consuming 100 million barrels of oil per day. In addition, the petrochemicals sector will become the single largest driver of oil demand growth by 2050, he said. بنما تفوض "تصنيف" ﻹصدار فرص واعدة للنمو واﻻستثمار مع ارتفاع الطلب على النفط شهادات المطابقة أكد معايل الدكتور سلطان بن أحمد الجابر، وزير دولة الرئيس التنفيذي ﻷدنوك ومجموعة أعلنـت هيئـة التصنيـف اﻹماراتيـة شـركاتها، أن هنـاك فرصـا ًواعـدة للنمـو والتوسـع واﻻسـتثمار يف قطـاع النفـط والغـاز نتيجـة "تصنيف" مؤخراً أنه تم اعتمادها من قبل لﻻرتفـاع المسـتمر يف الطلـب علـى الطاقـة خصوصـا ًيف اقتصـادات آسـيا ذات معـدﻻت النمـو "علـم بنمـا" كإحـدى الهيئـات المعتـرف بهـا المرتفع. والتي أوضح فيها أن الطلب العالمي على النفط يصل إىل مستويات قياسية، وأنه دوليـاً ﻹصـدار شـهادات المطابقـة للسـفن بنهاية العام الجاري سيشهد العالم زيادة تاريخية يف مستوى اﻻستهﻻك الذي سيبلغ 100 التـي تحمـل علـم بنمـا. ومـن جانبـه علـق مليـون برميـل مـن النفـط يوميـاً، أي أسـرع ممـا كان متوقعـاً، كمـا أن مجـال البتروكيماويـات المهندس وليد التميمي، مدير عام تصنيف سـيصبح أحـد أكبـر محـركات نمـو الطلـب علـى النفـط بحلول عام 2050. ماريتايم، :قائﻻً "يعتبر علم بنما أكبر علم يف العالـم، حيـث هنـاك أكثـر مـن 300 سـفينة يف دولة اﻹمارات تحمل علم بنما. وسيتيح لنـا هـذا التفويـض توسـعة أعمالنـا أكثر من أي تفويـض آخـر حصلنـا عليـه مـن قبـل". وأضـاف التميمـي: "تـم اعتمـاد "تصنيـف" من قبل سبعة دول أعﻻم أخرى، مما يعني أنـه يمكننـا الوصـول إىل مـا يقـرب مـن ثلـث اﻷسـطول العالمـي". Panama Flag authorizes Tasneef to carry out statutory certifications Emirates Classification Society “TASNEEF” has recently announced its authorization from Panama Flag as one of their Recognized Organ- izations (RO). Eng.Waleed Al Tamimi, General Manager of Tasneef Maritime clarified, “Panama Flag is the world’s largest flag. There are more than 300 vessels in the UAE carrying Panama Flag. This will give us the opportunity to expand our business more than any other recognition we had”. Al Tamimi added, “TASNEEF is rec- ognized from other 7 flag states which means that we have access to almost one third of the global fleet in the world. 4 SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 ALBWARDY ALBWARDYDAMEN DAMEN ALBWARDY DAMEN COMBINED EXPERTISE COMMITTEDCOMBINED EXPERTISE TO EXCELLENCE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE SINCE WE STARTED OUR JOINT VENTURE SOME YEARS AGO, MUCHSINCE HASWE STARTED CHANGED OUR IN JOINTTHE MARITIME VENTURE WORLD. SOME YEARS AGO, MUCH HAS CHANGED IN THE MARITIME WORLD. SINCEOUR COMMITMENT WE STARTED TOOUR SAFETY JOINT ANDVENTURE QUALITY SOME REMAIN YEARS AGO, OUR COMMITMENT TO SAFETY AND QUALITY REMAIN MUCHCONSTANT, HAS CHANGED HOWEVER. IN THE MARITIME WORLD. CONSTANT, HOWEVER. OUR COMMITMENT TO SAFETY AND QUALITY REMAIN CONSTANT,ALBWARDY DAMEN;HOWEVER. NEW NAME, SAME VALUES. ALBWARDY DAMEN; NEW NAME, SAME VALUES. ALBWARDY DAMEN; NEW NAME, SAME VALUES. DUBAI | FUJAIRAH | SHARJAH DUBAI | FUJAIRAH | SHARJAH ALBWARDYDAMEN.COM DUBAIALBWARDYDAMEN.COM | FUJAIRAH | SHARJAH ALBWARDYDAMEN.COM ADV 17 001 Albwardy Damen Rebranding first def.indd 2 12-01-17 09:28 ADV 17 001 Albwardy Damen Rebranding first def.indd 2 12-01-17 09:28 ADV 17 001 Albwardy Damen Rebranding first def.indd 2 12-01-17 09:28 UAE NEWS Grandweld Shipyards launches the first boat “BAHRA” for KOC Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) and Grandweld Shipyard, based in the UAE, has recently celebrated the launching of the first crew Boat as per an agreement signed last March to build six Pilot Boats and four Crew Boats for KOC. The remaining nine boats will be delivered in June 2019. The boat, that has been specially designed to meet the requirements of KOC, has been launched prior to the deadline in accordance to Lloyd's Register’s classification rules in order to provide high operational efficiency and safety. During the launching ceremony nificantly affect our leading position turing quality and the welding power. of the first boat “BAHRA”, Eng.Ja- and our customer’s confidence in the Our facility has the largest covered mal Abki, the General Manager of quality of our services.

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