2021 Triennial Election of Trustees CANDIDATE PROFILES The Maniapoto Māori Trust Board is holding its triennial election of Trustees in 2021. The election is for SIX (6) generally elected Trustee seats, and is being carried out by postal and internet voting using the First Past the Post (FPP) voting method. The profiles for the fourteen (14) candidates who have been nominated for the six (6) generally elected Trustee seats follow on pages 3-16. These are the people you will be given the opportunity to vote for in this election and their names are listed in alphabetical order of surname on the voting form. Voting closes at 12 noon on Friday 21 May 2021. For your information there are also nine (9) other trustee positions elected as follows: One (1) representative elected by Te Arikinui, one (1) representative elected by the Kaumātua Kaunihera o Maniapoto; and each of the seven (7) Regional Management Committees (RMC’s) can have one (1) elected representative. The status of these trustees positions are as follows: Representative New Term Current Member Body Member Te Arikinui Miria Tauariki Kruger Wetere Te Kaumātua Kaunihera o R Tiwha Bell Tom Roa Maniapoto Hauāuru ki Uta RMC Ronnie Takerei Ronnie Takerei Mōkau ki Runga RMC Muiora Barry Muiora Barry Gabrielle Nehenehenui RMC Barney Manaia Morgan-Logan Ngā Tai o Kāwhia RMC John Kaati John Kaati Te Tokanganui-a- Weo Maag Weo Maag Noho RMC Tuhua Hikurangi RMC Tame Tuwhangai To be confirmed Rereahu RMC The existing Trustees will stay in place until their term officially ends on 27 July 2021. New Trustee appoints will be as at 27 July 2021. Any queries are to be directed to the Election Helpline on 0800 666 045 or [email protected] Disclaimer Statement This Candidate Profile document contains profile statements provided by each of the fourteen candidates nominated for the 2021 Triennial Election of Trustees. The Returning Officer and Maniapoto Māori Trust Board accept no responsibility for the content, or accuracy of the 2content, contained in the statements as supplied by the candidates. BEGMAN-GREEN Liane Masters of Applied Indigenous Knowledge (Te Wānanga o Aotearoa) Bachelor of Education (University of Auckland). MIHI E te tī, e te tā, e ngā karangamaha o te wā tēnā koutou. Tēnei au ka noho ki raro i ngā tauwhirotanga o tōku tupuna maunga, ki reira hoki te mauri o ngā kōrero kamehameha ki te karamata o Ngakuraho. Ka kauria hoki ngā wai tuku kiri o ngā mātua tūpuna ki taku whenua taurikura, ki Te Ana Ureure e pupuru nei ngā kōrero tuku iho o tōku tupuna a Maniapoto. Kua tōia mai tēnei uri o Ngāti Huiao, Ngāti Peehi me Ngāti Te Kanawa ki waenganui i a koutou hei kai-pupuru i te mana o ngā kōrero tuku iho kua heke mai ki au. Tēnei au ka whakamānawa, tēnei au ka mihi. Mauri ora! PROFILE Liane BEGMAN-GREEN has devoted more than 30 years to the field of Education inspiring many youthful minds throughout Early Childhood, Te Kohanga Reo, Mainstream Schools, Kura Kaupapa Maaori, Kura-ā-iwi and other community initiatives. Outside of education, there have been many decades of extensive experience and involvement with Policy and Governance serving in many capacities extending from School Board of Trustees, Staff Representative, Union Delegate to Marae Trustee and Executive for other numerous community organisations. A vast recollection of historical occurrences coupled with tribal awareness and whenua matters within Te Nehenehenui, provides an ability to confidently traverse the realm of the Māori Land Court, Waitangi Tribunal, High Court and many other judicial platforms for corrective redress. 3 IKIN Keith Ko Ngāti Apakura, ko Ngāti Waiora me ngā karangatanga maha o roto o Mōkau ōku piringa ki aku marae. He tamaiti nā Ngamuringa Ikin (nee Rauputu). Ko Mōkau Kohunui te marae, ko Kahuwera te maunga, Ko Mōkau te awa. Keith was born and grew up in Te Kūiti and Piopio attending Te Kūiti High School and Piopio College. He is a graduate of Waikato University and the Institute of Strategic Leadership. He has held a company directors certificate from the Institute of Directors since 2005. He has 15 years governance experience as a company director and trustee in education, fisheries, forestry, tertiary education and iwi organisations. Keith was previously the Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive of Waiariki Polytechnic for 8 years. He also led the engagement on the establishment of the Māori Land Service in 2016. Keith was Chief Executive of Māori Television from 2017 – 2020. Keith was elected to the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board in June 2015 and was elected Deputy Chairman In July 2018 and in May 2020 as Chairman. He supports his kaumātua on his home marae within the Mōkau rohe. 4 MANAIA Barney Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu- Name. Barney Manaia Tribal Affiliation. Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Apakura, Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa Current occupation. Teacher. Qualifications. Prof Doc student with Masters Indigenous and Bachelors in Bilingual Education. Personal interests- Moko’s rugby league, rugby, and netball teams, Karaoke and gymnasium. Community involvement- Local Iwi consultation groups ,NZEI AT Tamakimakaurau, Netball Manurewa kaitautoko, Kahotea Marae trustee. Regional- NRMC, Waipa Council Iwi consultation, WRC Waipa JMA,,NZEI Maori Area Council. National NZEI Te Reo Areare, Waikeria MHAD. Ehara taku toa he toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini I consider it an honour to have served on the Maniapoto Maori Trust board and am asking for your support to continue. I believe that “Staying well connected to whanau, hapu and Iwi and ngā Marae o Maniapoto, participating in daily exercise and participating in Iwi korero that is is beneficial to our culture, our identity as people is important’. ‘Using whakatauki to encapsulate a strong team commitment to accomplish greatness, and acknowledging achievement with others is also important’ ‘For Ngāti Maniapoto moving beyond a Treaty settlement is about seeking leaders who are principled, transformative, well connected with the tools to walk effectively and most importantly korero with care and manaaki for people’. Ngati Maniapoto, Te Iwi deserves nothing less to honour the legacies of people who adorn the walls of the Trust board such as Pei Te Hurinui Jones and Rangimarie Hetat. He aha te mea nui o te ao , he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. 5 MOSS Luke Tēnā Tātou e ngā uri o Te Nehenehenui, He mokopuna tēnei o Te Kawau Mārō, e noho ana au ki runga i te maunga ko Ūpoko-Karewa, Ko Te Piruru Papakāinga Marae te ōwhanga o tēnei manu. I tupu ake au i raro i te korowai o Ngāti Rora, Ko Luke Moss tōku ingoa. Current Occupation: • Post graduate student at The University of Waikato • CEO & Founder of Kultured Clothing Qualifications: • Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies (Media & Computer Science) • Diploma in Māori and Pacific Development (Te Tohu Paetahi) • Certificate in Te Reo Level 3 & 4 Community involvement: • Te Piruru RMC representative for Te Tokanganui-a- Noho RMC • Rangatahi representative for Te Piruru Papakāinga Marae Personal Interests: I am passionate about Rangatahi development, education, media, business and Te Ao Māori. Through business and film, I have engaged with indigenous communities throughout the world. I have gained professional governance training and experience from the University of Waikato and helped to establish the first Māori student association for the Faculty of Māori. In June, I will submit my thesis to complete a Masters of Māori and Indigenous studies. My research covers leadership within Maniapoto and focuses on creating a Maniapoto specific framework for youth leadership development. Candidate statement: I want to enhance leadership development for Rangatahi, boost education around mātauranga Maniapoto, develop a strategic plan to future proof our Maniapototanga, but most importantly, I want to be a voice for Rangatahi Maniapoto. ‘E tū tēnei Rangatahi o Maniapoto, mō ngā Rangatahi o Maniapoto’ 6 RAUPUTU Paul E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā kārangaranga maha, nei rā te mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa. Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi. He uri ahau nō Ngāti Waiora. Ko Mokau Kohunui, ko Napinapi, ko Maniaroa, ko Te Paemate ōku marae. Ko Paul Rauputu (Paora) tōku ingoa. Occupation: HR Assistant Qualifications: Master in Business Administration (MBA), Bacholar Physical Education (BphEd) Personal Interests: Sports, Kai, Whānau Community Involvement: Board Chair Puketapu School Candidate Statement: Our whanau, Our People – Building our future together. I am standing for a generally elected trustee position because I am passionate about our people and our whenua. I was born and raised in Piopio on our tūpuna whenua and educated at Otago University and laterly in Seoul where I completed my MBA. My upbringing has instilled in me a sense of responsibility to hold fast and honor the legacy of our tūpuna as MMTB enters a new phase of its existance. Consolidation work post treaty settlement will allow us to establish a platform for stability and thus creating a base for the realisation of aspirations of Maniapoto. Priority areas remain for our people; employment, social welfare, affordable housing, cultural capacity in reo and tikanga and supporting our hapū and marae. Through couragous leadership, trusted partnerships and remaining true to our values we can move forward together. It will be a privilege to serve my iwi as a trustee. 7 ROACH Tasmyn Education: Bachelor of Design Mahi: Founder of Awhi Company & Project Coordinator at Toi Kai Rawa Trust Iwi affiliations: Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato, Ngāti Raukawa Ko Tainui te waka Ko Pirongia me Kakepuku ngā maunga Ko Waipa te awa Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te Iwi Ko Ngāti Huiao te hapu Ko Te Kauae, Ko Rereamanu me Marokopa ngā marae Ko Manga Roach me Christine Roach ōku mātua I ēnei rā, e pātai ana au, he aha tāku mahi mō ngā awa me ngā maunga, hei whakapiki te mauri mō ngā whenua me ngā tangata? I am putting my name forward for the Ngāti Maniapoto Trust Board so I can share my skills and experience with our people and give our rangatahi a voice.
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