F ANNUAL '87 PUBLISHED BY MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIAnON Call for the Captain. When you're ready for great tasting rum drinks. ot everyone can make a rum la like the Captain. e doesn't use any special recipe. The secret is his rum. And not everyone can make a rum quite like the Captain's. So if you like a smooth flavoured rum and cola, be sure yo ur rum is up to it. Call for the Captain. Captain Morgan salutes your taste. Message from the MGA President After two years of chang e and Innova­ tl clpatl on of 20 gold patro ns, Ihe silver tion, th e 1987 golf season will be cha r­ and bronze patrons, th e tou rn amen t' s acterized by the expan sion and Improv - flnonclal vi ability Is assu red. Tile menl of exiSllng se rvices and events, Southwood Golf and Country Club Com­ The major change Is th e appointment mittee must be commended for Ihelr ef­ of Jeff Hnatiuk as execut ive director , fort s In achieving this goal. In 1987 , Ihe Jeff's aca demic background and per­ Open will have a prize purso 01 $75,000, sonali ty are well suited to serving th e the lour th targest on the Canadian lour needs of the members, New job doscrip­ Including the Canadia n Open, Tho com­ tlons for the executive director and tech­ petition will be expanded 10 72 holes to nical director ha ve boen Implemented enabl e It to be Included In th e Sony to Identify and consolidate responsibili­ wo rld ranklngs and encourage an ovon ty for the va riou s activities of th e asso­ stronger fi eld of en tr an ts. ciation and to Improve the efficiency On the Am atour sce ne, our best and eff ecti ve ness of our prog ram de­ players will try 10 improvo on Manit oba 's tivery, run ner-up fi nish in the Wlilingdon Cup in The int roduction of golf to th e Edmonton In August. Tho gradua tion Manitoba Summer Games program In from the Junior ranks of two-time Ca na­ 1988 witl provide a unique opportunity dian champion Todd Fanning loavos the for a committee of mombers of both the Junior competition wido opon, The emer­ MGA and MLGA to work togother in con­ gence of a number 01 very you ng pl ay­ du cting the competition, Regi onal pl ay­ ers Indicates a promising fulure for downs Involvi ng mon and wom en fro m Manitoba In national compotit ions, Gord Junior to se nior age brackets will be con­ Lenton, runner-up In las f yea r's Cana­ ducted In 19871n preparation for the of ­ dian Sonlors will att empt to win In his ficial competition in 1988, • second Mani toba Championship at his A Ru ra l Junior Championship will also Jim Bristow home cou rse, Pine Ridge, and inspiro an be co nducted in 1987 , Eligibility for th is Broezy Bend improved pe rformance In the Inter­ eve nt will be consistent with th e rul es provi ncial Tea m Matches , for th e Rural Am ateur and Se ni ors, Increases of up to 169 perce n!. Th e This eighth succossful edition of Ihe In an effort to eliminate th e backl og MGA submitted a brlo l to th o Minis ter Golf Annu al Is ou r loading opport unity of cou rses to (re)rated and (re)mea ­ of Urban Affa irs urgi ng him to create a for di rec t contac t wi th the more than sured, an expanded committee has separa te tax classifica tion for rec rea­ 10,000 members of the MGA I trust you been established. Grea ter att ention will tional facilities. I am pteasod to repor! will enjoy the contents of your annual be paid 10 determi ning the number of our efforts wore successful and Ihe We would also welcomo onquiries from courses Ihat can realisti ca ll y be rated MGA Is Indebt ed to His Worship Mayor members and clubs conce rn ing our sor­ over the season and Improving the com­ Norri e, otller membe rs of City Counclt vices and ways we can be of assistanco munication con ce rn ing rating and mea­ and the Manitoba Sports Foderati on for This part icipation by the membe rship suring with member clubs. A Greens th ei r acti ve suppo r! of our posi tion. will enabl e us to be tt er se rve your Committee was also es tablished to Th e success of th 1986 Manitoba noo ds, assist member clubs In obtaining exper­ Open has paved the way for a bigge r Bes t wishes for an onjoyable gall ti se in course management. The tec h­ and belter evo nt in 1987 , Canadian season. nical director's duties have been ex­ Airlines International, Koystone Ford panded to include co-ord lnation of both and t.C,G, Liquid Gas Co, will be joined these activities. th is year by Th o Bay. Blackwoods Jim Bristow Early this yea r many city coursos Bovoragos and Labalt's will conti nuo Presld nt were faced with potentia l property tax thoi r su ppor! and togetiler with th o pa r- Maniloba Golf Associa tion Let Royal Trust's services keep you out of the rough. What • ftnonclol ""rlMr Ihould be ROYAL Royal Trust Building Grant Park Ptaza Tuxedo Junction 330 SI. Mary Avenue 11 20 Grant Avenue 2090 Corydon Aven ue • TRUST 943-0431 475-2090 889-1421 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '87 BEST WISHES FROM RCGA PRESIDENT r---: On behall ollhe Royal Cana· dian Goll Assoclallon. Ills my pl easure 10 exlend our very besl wi shes 10 Ihe Manlloba DRG Goll Assoclallon lor cOnllnued success during Ihe 1987 season . GLOBE Th e MGA provides an In· valu abl e se rvice to it s mem ~ bers and I congralulale Ihem ENVELOPES on Ihelr enlhusl asm and en· , couragement , particularly In the area 01 Junior Deve lop· 12 2 1 Inks te r Blvd .. Winnlpog. Mon. R2X 1P4 ment. Our congratul ations also Thomas P. Wood to Todd Fanning lor his second consecutive win in th e 1986 Ca nadian Junior - the IlrSI ph. (204) 633- 2580 Manitoban to secure this nalional IlIle twice and a credit 10 th e provlnco. M anufacturer an d Printers of Finall y our compllmenls on the publl callon of your eighth Golf Annual - a ve ry impressive and informative vehi cle of Fine Quality Env e lopes communica ti on. We look forward to worki ng wllh the MGA once again this year and wish all of your members a long . success ful and DRG enj oyabl e galling season. "The good idea comp.my" Thomas P. Wood, Pr es ldenl Royal Canadian Golf Association GREETINGS FROM THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA GORD LENT ON Divisio n M anager On behalf of Ihe Province of Manlloba , may I lake this op· PINE RIDGE/SELKIRK MEMBER pOrlunlty 10 offer Ihe warmest of greellngs 10 Ihe members of Ihe Manitoba Golf Association. Congratul alions 10 Ihe ex· ecullve, committees al all of Ihe clubs and th e army of volunteers Invo lved for Ihelr unllring efforts In providing more opportunities 10 play Ihls wondorlul sport. Bes t wi shes for continued success In th e developmenl of Larry Desjardins Ihe SPOri 01 gall for all ages. Si nce rely , L.L. Desjardin s T.V. VCR Mi nisler Responsible lor SPOri MANITOBA SPORTS FEDERATfON GREETING On behalf of the Mani toba ALEC'S TV & Sports Federati on's Board of Direc tors, it Is a plea sure to ex· lend greellngs 10 all MGA AUDIO LTD. members and to expr ess to all Manlloba golfers bes t wi shes SALES AND SERVICE for an enjoyable 1987 season. AI MSF, we are proud to be a pari of Ihe success of th e Manlloba Golf Assoclallon. Besl wi shes for continued growlh and prosperlly as we work togelher for Ihe advance· 197 Leila Ave. at Main St. men I of amateur spOrl. Phone: 339-9241 Don MacKenzie Sin ce rely, Don Ma cKenzie Chairman Manitoba SporlS Federallon 2 MANITO BA GOLF ANNUAL '87 Contents Features Messages . 1-2 MGA Council . 4 In Memoriam 6 Now MGA Past Presidents 6 Tournament Calendars 32-33 "quattro-drive" Pa st championship winne rs ....... ... 54-55 Directory 01 Golf Courses . .60-63 performance Advertise rs' Index 6~ in a luxury sedan. Articles Jeff Hnatluk named Executive Diroctor .. 8 Te chnical Director has busy schedule 10 Todd Fanning Golfer 01 the Year again . 12 Bud Foster reviews sta tu s, rating , rules 14 1987 Manitoba Open grows to $75.000 .16 Bob Pa nasik wins 1986 Mani toba Open ... 18 Glen Hnatiuk wins Manito ba Amat ur title ...... 22 Three National senior even ts In 1986 . 28 Bob Genoway claims Rural Amateur honors ... 30 Don McNeill wins Manitoba Se ni or crown , 34 Ma nitoba Ju nior honors for SCOII Parker .. 36 SI. Charles. Carman win Inter-ClUb honor .... 40 Jim, Pat Doyle lead Family event again ... 42 Todd Teplltskl wins Blair championship 44 Flln Fton toam claims Crown Life tlile .46 CPGA stresses golf development programs .48 The new Golf Course Supori ntendents acti ve group 50 Pine Ridge ctub marks 75 th anniversary , .. 56 Audi5000CD Cathy Burton shines in MLGA circle . 58 Turbo quattro. The Cover "Q uallro-drlve" provides constant Clockwise, from the top lell corner, tho 1987 covor photos ..
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