Prospects of energy efficiency in the Slovenian industry Fouad Al-Mansour Matevž Pušnik Jožef Stefan Institute Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Slovenia [email protected] [email protected] Matjaž Česen Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Keywords industrial energy saving, savings potential, energy efficiency ings in industry included in emission trading schemes for the action plans, energy efficiency measures, long-term strategies period to 2030. The expected energy savings in ETS industry are estimated to 5,151 GWh by 2030. Abstract The expected energy savings in ETS industry are higher than in non-ETS. To achieve expected energy savings require inten- Strategic objectives of energy policy in the EU and Slovenia sive implementation of all proposed measures. are to increase energy efficiency, utilization of renewable en- ergy and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Energy ef- ficiency measures and utilization of renewable energy sources Introduction have been consistently incorporated into all energy strategic Sustainability, competitiveness and security/reliability of supply documents in Slovenia. Energy consumption in industry rep- present the main objectives of EU energy policy [1]. Strategic resents about one third of final energy consumed in Slovenia. objectives of energy policy in Slovenia and EU are to increase The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008–2016 for energy efficiency, utilization of renewable energy, reduction of Slovenia defines different energy efficiency measures in indus- and greenhouse gas emissions. The high energy dependency try. The expected energy savings in industry are 1,376 GWh (the share of imported energy in the energy supply) presents a by 2016. Energy efficiency measures in industry according to big challenge for all EU countries. Energy efficiency is one of the EU Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency the most potent and cost effective ways of meeting the demands and energy services include measures for more efficient use of of sustainable development and lower fossil fuel dependency. electricity (high-efficient electrical motors, lighting …), en- The energy efficiency represents a tool of energy policy to im- ergy management systems, increasing the scope of environ- prove the competitiveness of the economy, security of supply, mentally friendly energy production from renewable energy and environmental protection ([2], [3]). sources and CHP systems and other measures. The intensive The improvements in energy efficiency will decrease total improvement of energy efficiency is a goal of the New National energy use in industry for the level of production or increase of Energy Program for the period until 2030. The proposed en- productivity (increasing the production rate per unit of energy ergy efficiency measures in industry include measures in the consumed). manufacture of steel, paper and other processes, increasing Efficient end use of energy as way to reduce quantities of efficiency of boilers and combined heat and power. The ex- energy consumed, without sacrificing socio-economic growth, pected energy savings in non-ETS industry are estimated to translated into progress towards sustainable development [4]. 3,149 GWh by 2030. To achieve the goals of energy and climate policy, the EU The paper gives an overview of the state and prospects of adopted different directives regarding the efficient use of en- energy efficiency in industry not included in emission trading ergy, increasing utilization of renewable energy sources and schemes (non ETS) and also evaluate the expected energy sav- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. ECEEE 2012 SUMMER STUDY on EnergY EffiCiEncy in industry 399 3-139-12 AL-MAnSour et al 3. MAtCHInG PoLICIeS AnD DrIVERS 10 Primary energy Final energy 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Energy [Mtoe] Energy consumption 2 1 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 1: Primary and final energy in Slovenia. EU adopted different directives regarding the efficient use of The primary energy consumption of Slovenia in 2010 was energy, increasing utilization of renewable energy sources and 7.20 Mtoe [30], of which oil and petroleum are 2.5 Mtoe, coal reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the goals of 1.5 Mtoe, nuclear 1.5 Mtoe, gas 0.9 Mtoe and renewable energy energy and climate policy. sources 1.1 Mtoe [10]. The target of EU Directive on energy end-use efficiency and The consumption of final energy in all sectors in Slovenia energy services (Directive 2006/32/EC) adopted in 2006 [5] is increased from 4.45 Mtoe in 2000 to 4.95 Mtoe in 2010 [10] as to achieve a 9 % improvement of energy efficiency within the shown in Figure 1. period 2008–2016. The targets of the EU climate and energy The structure of final energy consumption of Slovenia in package “20-20-20 plan” by 2020 are to reduce greenhouse 2010 by energy sources is shown in Figure 2. gas emissions by 20 %, to increase the share of renewables The consumption of petroleum products present about the in energy consumption and to improve energy efficiency by half (2,428 ktoe or 49 %) of all final energy consumption as 20 % [6]. following by electricity (1,029 ktoe or 20.8 %), RES (631 ktoe Directive 2006/32/EC requires that Member States achieve or 12.7 %), gas (620 ktoe or 12.5 %), heat (192 ktoe or 3.9 %) as a 9 % saving in final energy consumption in the ninth year of is shown in Figure 2. application of the Directive (i.e. from 2008 to 2016); earlier ac- tivities initiated from 1995, and in special cases from 1991, may energy conSumPtIon In InduStry also be taken into account. The share of final energy consumption in industry is decreased The average annual use in the most recent five-year statistical from 33 % in 2000 (33.7 % in 2007) to 25.8 % in 2010. The high- period, excluding the use of fuels in installations involved in the est share of final energy consumption is in transport (37.5 %) greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system (ETS) [7], followed by industry and households (25.8 %) and service and is taken as the starting point for determining the target saving other users (10.9 %). The structure of final energy consumption in end-use. by sectors is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Slovenian government according to the EU Directive The dominant sources for industry in 2010 are electricity 2006/32/EC adopted on 31 January 2008 the first energy ef- with share of 34 % and gas with share of 39 %. The structure of ficiency action plan for the period 2008–2016 (NEEAP) [8] final energy consumption in manufacturing industry of Slov- and the draft of the second energy efficiency action plan for the enia in 2010 is shown in Figure 5. period 2011–2016 [9]. The final energy consumption in industry by branches is shown in Figure 6. Structure of the energy consumption in Slovenia The highest energy consumption is in the manufacturing of basic metals (C24) followed by manufacturing of other non- metallic mineral products (C23), manufacturing of paper and PrImAry And fInAl energy conSumPtIon paper products (C17) and manufacturing of chemicals and The consumption of energy in Slovenia has been increasing all chemical products (C20) as is shown in Figure 6. the previous years to 2009 (Figure 1). The decrease of energy consumption in 2009 was caused by recession in economy. The consumption of primary energy and final energy in 2008 energy efficiency policy in industry reached 7.70 Mtoe and 5.34 Mtoe1 and the average increase in The activities of Slovenia in the field of energy efficiency go back the period from 2000 to 2008 was 2.31 %/year and 2.14 %/year. to more than 20 years ago. In this way the Slovenian National Assembly (Parliament) adopted different documents (strategies, laws) regarding energy policy, including the security, reliability 1. Mtoe: Mega tons of oil equivalent. and sustainability of the energy supply and consumption: 400 ECEEE 2012 SUMMER STUDY on EnergY EffiCiEncy in industry 3. MAtCHInG PoLICIeS AnD DrIVERS 3-139-12 AL-MAnSour et al 6000 5000 toe] k 4000 RES Heat 3000 Electricity Gas Oil 2000 Coal 1000 Final energy Finalenergy consumption [ 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Slovenia by energy sources. 6000 5000 Services and other 4000 Households 3000 2000 Transport 1000 Final energy [ktoe] energy consumption Final Industry 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 3: Structure of final energy consumption in Slovenia by sectors. • “Resolution on the Strategy of Use and Supply of Energy in The Resolution on National Energy Programme (ReNEP) Slovenia”, January 1996 [11], has defined the targets of the energy efficiency policy by 2010 relation to 2004: • “Energy Act”, September 1999 [12], • improve the energy efficiency by sectors: • “Resolution on the National Energy Programme (ReNEP)”, April 2004 [13]. • 10 % in industry and service sectors, The “Environmental Protection Act” adopted in 1993 [14] in- • 10 % in buildings, cludes the stimulation for the energy efficiency measures and • 15 % in the public sector by and utilization of renewable energy sources and defines establish- ment of the Eco Fund2 (Slovenian Environmental Public Fund) • 10 % in transport by as a financial institution for the purpose of providing loans at • double the share of electricity production in CHP, favourable interest rates for investments in the field of environ- mental protection. • increasing the share of RES in the primary energy balance to 12 % in 2010: 2. eco Fund: Slovenian environmental Public Fund (http://www.ekosklad.si/index. html). ECEEE 2012 SUMMER STUDY on EnergY EffiCiEncy in industry 401 3-139-12 AL-MAnSour et al 3.
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