Ge Zs*e{ THE COMMUNIGATOR VOL 18 .No. 5 v T ' D .12 IS RTDIFONIS NTtlI i:,, .:1,r,... rORhI AR D-ACT IN8 TERROR ERECTOR EE E ERROR CORRECTOR and it measures only 6" x 4' x 20 Unlrke conve:tt:-: r::-'--:e:- l=l s':::-s :- s -:.'. one acts fori.,a'l c- . T.e -'c'-:: :- : ;-: s :::--:: 3. an encoder in th: i':-:-: L^: .'.-:- :^e^ ;:-:':::: : stream of pariil'b ts aq-a, :: :-= -':'-:: :- : :s A decoder in the Re:et'e U.,t -s.s l^as:::':. ::!:: detect and correct errors. But, beca,s: 3a:^ Da':. : : > computed from a scanntng of the inforn atro^ sra^3 a ':' : 20-bit length, the s'i stem has the remarkable a3 : ' :: correct'burst'errors of as many as 6-inforn'atlon-brts o us 6 parity-bits, as well as random errors. The TD 12 operates with normal 5-unit code teleprinter or data transmission equipment, synchronous or non-syn- chronous, at a number of speeds. lt is suited to HF and troposcatter radio links, as well as landline or submarine circuits. And because of its forward action it is ideal for one way transmissions such as naval traff ic broadcasts, meteoro- logical broadcasts, and all forms of data transmission. For f urther information please contact the Sales Manager, Communications Division :- REDIFON LIMITED COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Broomhill Fload, Wandsworth, London, S.W.18. fe: 01-874 7281' A member company of the REDIFFUSION Group A 4 LIG HTWEIG HT the Services newest PROVEN adaptable- BCC 30 "Against intense competition the BCC 30 has been selected to f ill the 414 role for the British Services." The Alzl--BCC 30 is the lightest, smallest, fully transisto- rised, one man high power H F transmitter-receiver station with an output of up to 30 watts. Fully approved to British Ministry of Defence DEF 133 standards and to united states Mil. std.1888 the Alrt- BCC 30 has already been selected by the British Services, Commonwealth, NATO and United States forces. 8Btnsfl c0MMailtcATlots c0BP0BAT|0il LTL. SOUTH WAY, EXHIBITION GROUNDS, WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX Telephone: WEMbley '1212 Cables: BEECEECEE Wembley 277 Better Deal with . DAUFMAN TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS TO THE ROYAL NAVY FOR OVER 50 YEARS H.M.S. "MERCURY" SHOP (Manager: Mr. A. C. Waterman) you lorge ond voried We invite to inspect the ronge se/ection i of Uniforms ond civilian Clothing in our Comp Shop i Our Crested Pattern Communication Branch Ties are again available, 15s. 0d. each, in Terylene. CIVILIAN TAILORING STYLED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS PROMPT AN D PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS SPECIALISTS IN OFFICERS' UNIFORMS Novol Allotment ond other Credit focilities ovoiloble GIFT CATALOGUE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Heod Ofice: 20 QUEEN sr., PoRTSMOUTH Telephone: PORTSMOUTH 22830 Members ol the lnterport Naval Traders Association 278 TEIE COIVIUNTC.H,TOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Branch, Royol Novy and the Royol Novol Amoteur Rodio Society WINTER I967 VOL. 18, No. 6 CONTENIS page page EoIronrnL ... 281 RN W/T SunoN, KneNrr,. Csaprun 2 290 E,q.st or Susz 281 GorNc Ourslor? ... 293 OprNrNc oF TARE er WrutrnnI-l Wrnrtrss 282 GorNc rus RouNos rN "Mrncuny" ... 295 A Srrc<v ENo 283 WRNS Ntws 298 Cor"rutsstoNrNc Fonrcesrs 283 SHrp-Snone Nrws .. 301 SnrrrlttE ColtuuNlcnrroNs 284 WrNrrn Cnosswono 303 TRATNTNG aNp ApvlNcrurNT Norrs ... 287 Npws rnou rnp RDsgnvrs 321 FonrncourNc Counsrs AT "MERCURy" 287 Tnp Sourn Arr,eNtrc aNo Sours CouvuNlclrroN Cnzerrs 323 ANrnnIcl. SurroN 288 DnnrrlNc... 32'7 Editor: Lieutenant Commander C. W. WIrlrlus, nN Asst. Editor: Sub Lieutenant (SD) (C) C. H. Wllrurr, nN Corrections: Mrs. C. W. Wrlrnlts Treasurer: Sub Lieutenant (SD) (C) G. A. S'rnlrroN, nN Busine s s, P roduct ion and Advertisement Manager : Mr. EDGAR. Srncor,rnr, 44 Abbots Ride, Farnham, Surrey. CONTR/BUI/ONS All MSS, photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at HMS Mercury as belorv. These will be returned to the sender only if asked for and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Contributions for the Spring, 1968 (21st Birthday edition) mustbe in the Editor's hands 26th February, bulk orders by 10th March. Subscription rates are as follotvs: For the whole year ... 7/6 post free For each issue ... 3/- post free BULK ORDERS: (2 copies or more) from commands, ships or establishments, 216 per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Spring, Sunmer and Winter. Orders are normally posted during the 1st week of April, August and December. The closing date for articles is the 26th February, 1st July, and lst November. Cheques and/or Postal Orders should be made payable to and sent to: The Editor, Tne Coutr.tuNrcAroR, HMS "Mrncunv", East Meon, near Petersfield, Han-rpshire. PUBLISHED AT HMS ..MERCURY" ANYONE FOR EXPED ? Courte s),-Warner Pathe RAQUEL WELCH EDITORIAL possible Papal pronouncement on situation acivise The continuing supply of articles for publication whether should keep RCs below decks. is rnuch appreciated. However, we could still do with Singapore to Ubiquitous: Urgent amend- a lot more material of technical interest. -CINCment previous signals. Re-embark tbrthrvith all Please note that the closing date for onr next Jewish personnel debalk coloured personnel and (21st) Edition is February 26ri. We are still scratching proceed with maximum dispatch Macao. Esta- around for ideas to mark this special anniversary blish British presence outside territol'ial waters in issue and would rvelcome your assistance. support British consul. Report ETA Macao. We wish our readers a lnerry Christmas and all to CINC Singapore: Wilco. ETA the best in 1968. -UbiquitousMacao uncertain but expect to be back at 3.15 N 79.44 E. in approximately 10 minutes. EAST OF SUEZ -CINC Singapore to Ubiquitous'. Urgent re-amend- by Michael Frayn ment to amended orders. Political situation United Nations re Aqaba question makes imme- Reprinred with the kind permission oJ'The Editor, diate courtesy call Alrican port essential. Debark "The Observer". all white personnel and proceed forthwith An Extract from the signal log of HMS Ubiquitous Mombasa. on passage in the Indian Ocean. to CINC Singapore: Wilco. Advise -Ubiquitous Singapore lo Ubiquitous: Urgent amend- whether Chinese cooks classified white or coloured -CINCment sailing orders. Courtesy call South Atiican in Mombasa. ports cancelled. Reembark all coloured personnel Singapore to Ubiquitous: Correction. Pro- and Chinese cooks debarked in anticipation SA -CINCceed Shanghai establish discreet British presence in visit and alter course forthwith for Aden. Render support two British diplomats being glued by all necessary assistance required by local civil and crowd. In view local sensibilities re defectors military authorities to rnaintain order during redebark Chinese cooks again. to CINC Singapore: Wilco. disturbances. -Ubiquitous Report position and estimated time of arrival Singapore to Ubiquitotts: Cancel last signal. Aden. -CINCProceed at once Giblaltar make discreet show of to CINC Singapore: Your signal streDgth outside territorial waters off Algeciras. -Ubiquitous received and understood. Wilco. My position Singapore: Show of -.Ubiquitous to CINC strength 3.15 N 79.44 E. Estimated time of arrival Aden- impossible without full complen-rent Chinese early June. cooks. -CINC Singapore to Ubiquitous: Cancel nly last Singapore to Ubiquitous: Re-re-embark signal. Re-debark Chinese cooks and proceed with -CINCChinese cooks forthwith. Astonished not re- all possible speed Hong Kong rnake shorv of embarked already. strength during civil disturbarrces. Equip shore CINC Sir.rgapOre: Wilco. Advise patrols with anti-riot weapons. Stand by to take to -Ubiquitouswhether should circumnavigate world eastabout over Hong Kong-Kowloon ferry service from or westabout. strikers. Report position and ETA Hong Kong. Singapore to Ubiquitous'. Westabout calling -CINCat Malta for major refit. Imperative you reassure to CINC Singapore: Wilco. Have local population HM Governmentstill using base. -Ubiquitousfetched round to take up easterly course and my to CINC Singapore: Wilco. Have kept position is once again 3.15 N 79.44 E. ETA -Ubiquitous Hong Kong-Tuesday week. helm hard over and am almost back at 3.15 N 79.44 E again. -CINC Singapore 1o Ubiquitous: Most urgent. Abandon course Hong Kong and make all -CINC Singapore to Ubiquitous: Correction. possible speed Gulf ol Aqaba. Stand by southern Proceed eastabout via North-West Passage so as approaches to Strait of Tiran outside territorial pass Iceland protect British trawlers suffering waters establishing British presence but in view harrassment Icelandic gunboats. delicate situation in area establish it with maximum to CINC Singapore: Wilco. -Ubiquitous circumspection. Singapore to Ubiquitous: Your signal very Report position and ETA Tiran. -CINCfaint. --Ubiquitous to CINC Singapore: Wilco. Have to CINC Singapore: My signalman come round on to westerly course again and am -Ubiquitousvery dizzy. But British presence at 3.15 N 79.44 E back at 3.15 N 79.44 E. ETA Tiran-mid-June. almost overpowering. Situation here entirely -CINC Singapore to Ubiquitous: Note amendment under control. previous signal. In view local customs and Singapore to Ubiquitous: Well done feelings debark Jewish personnel before pro- -CINCUbiquitous. But in view general world feeling ceeding Tiran. debark all personnel with British nationality to CINC Singapore: Wilco. In view before proceeding further. -Ubiquitous 281, THE OPENING OF TARE AT WHITEHALL WIRELESS by Lt. Cdr. J. Pearce, R,N. Mr Maurice Foley, MP, the Parliamentary Under Journal Patrol-Leading Radio Operator Secretary of State for Defence (Royal Navy), Local T/P tail operator-Wren Radio Operator officially opened the Telegraphic Automatic Reiay With a dayman Chief Radio Supervisor in charge. Equipment (TARE) at Whitehall Wireless Station The maintenance TARE provided by on Wednesday 1lth October 1967. of will be civilian TG III's on shift work and the communica- The TARE installation is phase one of an extensive modernisation progral-nme for Whitehali Wireless.
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