( Svvedish �colonial News Volume I, Number4 Fall 1991 SR.DEPU1Y HISTORIC SITES 1645. When the Tinicum congrega­ GOVERNOR'SMESSAGE tion moved up the Delaware River to Wicaco, presentSouth Philadelphia, the members were given 25acres by Sven Recently the Society received a Gunnarsson, a Swedish Forefather most interesting letter from a distant colonist, and his 3 sons (Sven, Olle and cousin of mine in Italy. Cousin Stuart C. Anders) near a log cabin built by the Keen, Jr., an Embassy attachE?in Rome, father about 1670. Included in the gift had no idea whether the Society was was a so-called ''blockhouse" - a square still in existence, but he took a chance building made of logs. It had loop­ and sent his letter to 1300 Locust Street, holes instead of windows - for this Philadelphia - the address on a 1914 structure was originally intended to be Societycommunication that he had usedfor defense in case of attack. The found among his late father's personal Tinicum congregation built an addition effects. I am happy to report that cousin to the blockhouse and addeda steeple Stuart is now a member of the Society to form the Wicaco Log Church about and looks forward to becoming 1677. involved in our activities when he The present brickGloria Dei returns to the United States. was built later so that the southdoor This little story illustrates just (to the right in the above drawing) was how far flung we have become over the so close to the log church that there was years. How many descendants of Joran room foronly one person to walk Kyn (Jurgen Kiihn) are living today? between. The fine brick sanctuary was GloriaDei (Old Swedes')Church Certainly many thousands. And what is Delaware Are. &Christian Street,Philadelphia dedicated on June 2, 1700. true for the Keen familyis also true for In recent years, through This handsome structure, built other families of Swedish origin.There efforts by the Swedish Colonial Society, of Flemish bond, black-header brick by are a lot of potential members out there! the brick Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') early Swedish colonists, is the oldest Cousin Stuart had the rather incredible Chur!=h was proclaimed a National church building still standing in Penn­ good fortune of finding a 75-year-old Shrine by the U.S. President in 1942. In sylvania and one of the oldest in the envelope. How many cousins, both dis­ the spring of each year, the SCS holds nation. tant and not so distant, do you know at Gloria Deia 'Thanksgiving Service Its history goes back to the who might enjoy becoming acquainted in Memory of the SwedishForefathers capital of New Sweden settlement with their past? Why not send this of America", usually in May. The Rec­ which was started in 1643 under Gover­ newsletter along to someone who, like tor of Gloria Dei is the official Chaplain nor Johan Printz at Tinicum (first per­ Stuart, needs only to find us? Or, if you of theSCS. manent European civilization in pre­ can't bear to relinquish your copy of the Regular servicesare held at sent PA). The original Tinicum Church newsletter, drop us a line, and we will Gloria Dei every Sunday at 9 and 11 was the first church known to have mail a complimentary copy to your A.M. Servicesin the Swedish language been built in Pennsylvania - a log struc­ family member or friend, so that they are held at 4 P.M. on the first Sunday in ture with bell tower separate. This log too can share the experienceof being each month exceptJuly and August. All church was dedicated September 4, part of a great heritage. are welcome! 1646, having beenbuilt (or re-built) Gordon L. Keen,Jr., Esq. � Aliceand CarlLindborg � after the great fire of November 25, 2 Swedish Colonial News FOREFATHERS ( JOHAN ANDERSSON passed into English records as "Stal­ Catharine, the widow of Andrew Stal­ 0 cop." This last version became the basis cop. STALCOP for the surnames adopted by all of his 4. John, born1662, marriedAnni­ descendants (Stalkop, Stallcup, ka (daughter of Johan Ericksson). John Johan Andersson of Strangnas, Staukup, Stalcup). Stakop played a large role in the build­ SOdermanland, Sweden, was just a Under Dutch ruleJohan Anders­ ing of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes') young boy of perhaps 13 or 14 when he son St&kop began acquiring land and Church by providing some of the land was hired by MfusKling to go to New eventually owned the greater part of (inherited from his father)where the Sweden as a farm hand. He sailed May the land now occupied by the City of church is built. Later he sold some 250 3, 1641, from Stockholmaboard the Wilmington. He married Christina acres of land to the church fora glebe. Charitas for Gothenburg, where his Carlsdotter, the daughter of Carl Jons­ John died unexpectedly 1700. He and ship joined company with the Kalmar son. Carl Jonsson and his family, from Annikahad four children. Nyckel. The two ships departed for the Letstigen in southeasternVarmland, 5. Peter, born 1664, married Colony in July and arrived at Fort Sweden, arrived on the Mercurius, the Catharine (daughter of Samuel Peters­ Christina November 7, 1641. Johan last expedition to the colony, which son). Peter operated a large plantation Andersson was soon at work and, with reached the Delaware River in 1656 on Red Clay Creek. He died in 1710, the arrival of GovernorPrintz in 1643, after New Sweden had fallen to the survived by six children. he became one of the first tobacco Dutch. 6. Mary, born 1666, marriedJohn planters at Upland (now Chester). Johan Andersson and Christina Hance Steelman. They had at least four At about the age of 19, Johan Carlsdotter established their home only children. Andersson was hired by Governor about 400 paces (approximately one­ 7. Jonas, born 1669, was unmar­ Printz to be a soldier. With the arrival quarter mile) west from Fort Christina. ried and apparently died about 1690. of Governor Rising in 1654, he was pro­ Their seven known children and their Johan Andersson Stakop died in moted to the position of gunner, an approximate year of birth were: 1685 and Christina Carlsdotter died occupation which may have led to his 1. Anders (Andrew), born 1656, about a decade later. They probably wearing a piece of armor called a who married Catharine (parents were buried in the Old Swedish Bury­ breastplate, which probably explains unknown) and had fivechildren before ing Ground near old Fort Christina the nickname of "Stalkofta" (steel coat in his death c. 1692. which later became part of the grave­ Swedish) by which he was usually 2. Charles, born 1658 and died, yard of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes') ( called in Swedish records. During the unmarried, in 1692. Church. Today their descendants com­ Dutch invasion in l655,Johan Stalkofta 3. Daughter (name unknown), prise one of the largest single family was the gunner at Fort Trefaldighet born 1660, who was the first wife of units in America. (Trinity) at present New Castle. His Lulof Stedham, and had threechildren l.Arry S. Stallcup nickname soon appeared phonetically before her death c. 1691. After her 1436 l.Akeview Drive in Dutch records as "Staelcop" and later death, Lulof Stedham married VirginiaBeach, VA 23455 HISTORIC SITES Pennsylvania Commission Denies Errors at Printz Park and the Morton Homestead In late May, Dr. Brent Glass, Dr. Glass states,"we clearly disagree ethnicity, Dr. Glass says he could not be Executive Director of the Pennsylvania with the article on the interpretation of called a Walloonbecause that "would Historical & Museum Commission the fragmentary material available be meaningless to our visitors" or Ger­ (PHMC) finally responded to the cri­ about Morton Homestead and Printz man ''because Germany did not exist at tiques by Dr. Crai17 (sent seven months Park," adding that he is "satisfied" with that time." before),by Erik Tornqvist (in early the work of Frens & Frens. The omission of any reference to February) and by the Swedish Colonial As for Printz Park, Dr. Glass Tinicum Island beingthe site of the first News (in the spring issue). defends the claim that Printzhof "may church in Pennsylvania and the birth­ In his 5-page letter to the be located further upstream" from place of the Lutheran Church in Ameri­ Swedish Colonial Society, he faults the Printz Park because "two generations of ca; the omission of any reference to this Societyfor not serving on the review bungled archaeology which failed to being the place where the firstcourts of committee and for being late with its produce final reports force us to guess Pennsylvaniawere held; and the omis­ suggestions. (In fact, the Society was at the actual meaning of the Printz site." sion of any discussion of the settlers in never invited to serve on the review Acknowledging that "compared with New Sweden are all defended on the committee and, when invitedto make the ruthless, cruel policies of the Dutch basis that: 'The things we omitted that its review of the Morton Homestead and English the Swedes did get along concern Dr. Craig are matters of selec­ report by Frens & Frens, submitted its well with the Indians," Glass defends tion. An exhibit designed for a park views within the time limit prescribed.) the harsh words attributed to Governor Regarding the new panels at Printz on the panels as being correct (if (mntinw:don nat pagt) Printz Park and the Morton Homestead, selective) quotes. Regarding Minuit's Swedish Colonial News 3 HISTORIC SITES Continued 19th rmturyoopy of Longshore suroey (c. 1692), dividing thtfo1uin Grelsson/MlrtenMlrtensson tract b etwunhtirs tht of fohanGrtlsson (called fan Comtliusby tht Dutch and thtEnglish) and Marten Mlrtmsson.
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