6184 Federal Register / Vol. 55, No. 35 / Wednesday. February 21, 1990 / Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Region 1. California, Hawaii. Idaho. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Nevada, Oregon. Washington. Background Fish and Wildlife Service Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana The Endangered Species Act of 1973, Islands, and Pacific Territories of the 50 CFR Part 17 as amended (Act). requires the Service United States. to identify species of wildlife and plants Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Regional Director (FWE—SE). U.S. Fish that are endangered or threatened. and Plants; Review of Plant Taxa for and Wildlife Service. 1002 NE. Holladay based on the best available scientific Listing as Endangered or Threatened Street. Portland. Oregon 97232—4181. and commercial data. The Act directed Species (503/231—6150or FTS 429—6150). the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to prepare a report on AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2. Arizona. New Mexico. endangered and threatened plant Interior. Oklahoma. and Texas. species, which was published as House Regional Director (FWE—SE). U.S. Fish ACTION: Notice of review. Document No. 94—51. The Service and Wildlife Service. P.O. Box 1306, published a notice on July 1. 1975 (40 FR SUMMARY: In this notice the Service Albuquerque. New Mexico 87103, (505/ 27823). in which it announced that more presents an updated compilation of 766—2321 or FTS 474—2321). than 3.000 native plant taxa named in vascular plant taxa native to the United Region 3. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa. the Smithsonian’s report and other taxa States that are being reviewed for Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. Ohio. added by the 1975 notice would be possible addition to the List of and Wisconsin. reviewed for possible inclusion in the Endangered and Threatened Plants Regional Director (AE/SE), U.S. Fish List of Endangered and Threatened under the Endangered Species Act of and Wildlife Service, Federal Building, Plants. The 1975 notice was superseded 1973, as amended (Act). Such taxa are Fort Snelling, Twin Cities, Minnesota on December 15, 1980 (45 FR 82479), by a generally referred to as listing 55111, (612/725—3276 or FTS 725—3276). new comprehensive notice of review for candidates. The changes in this native plants that took into account the document from previous notices of Region 4. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, earlier Smithsonian report and other review primarily involve: (1) The Georgia. Kentucky, Louisiana, accumulated information. On November addition of taxa: (2) changes in category Mississippi. North Carolina, South 28, 1983 (48 FR 53640), a supplemental for some candidates: (3) the omission of Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and plant notice of review noted changes in taxa that have been listed under the Act: the U.S. Virgin Islands. the status of various taxa. A complete (4) the deletion of taxa identified as non- Regional Director (FWE), U.S. Fish update of the plant notice was published candidates in previous notices: and (5) and Wildlife Service, The Richard B. on September 27, 1985 (50 FR 39526). All additions and deletions in State Russell Federal Building, Suite 1276, 75 previous plant notices of review are distributions. While it is prudent to take Spring Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia superseded by the current revised candidate taxa into account during 30303, (404/331—3583 or FTS 841—3583). notice. environmental planning, none of the Region 5. Connecticut, Delaware, Current Notice substantive or procedural provisions of District of Columbia, Maine. Maryland. the Act apply to a species that is Massachusetts. New Hampshire. New This notice reflects the Service’s designated as a candidate for listing. Jersey, New York, Pennsy1va~iia,Rhode current judgment of the possible Through the publication of this notice, Island. Vermont, Virginia, and West vulnerability of native plant taxa. Taxa in the notice are assigned to several the Service also requests any additional Virginia. status categories, noted in the status information that may be Regional Director (FWE). U.S. Fish “Category” column at the left side of the available. This information will be and Wildlife Service, Suite 700, One considered in preparing listing table. As in the 1985 plant notice, all Gateway Center, Newton Corner. taxa are listed in one table, with coded documents and future revisions and/or Massachusetts 02158, (617/965—5100. ext. supplements to the notice of review. It entries to indicate current status. Plant 316 or FTS 829—9316. taxa that have been added to theLists will also assist the Service in monitoring Region 6. Colorado, Kansas, Montana, changes in the status of listing of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Nebraska. North Dakota. South Dakota. and Plants (Lists) at 50 CFR 17.12 are no candidates. Utah. and Wyoming. longer candidate notice of review DATES: Comments are requested until Regional Director (FWE), U.S. Fish subjects. The latest reprinting of the the publication of an update of this and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 25486, Lists (currently January 1, 1989) is notice, anticipated in early 1992. Denver Federal Center. Denver. available from the Service. Former plant ADDRESSES: Interested persons or Colorado 80225. (303/236—7398 or FTS candidates that have been identified in organizations should submit comments 776—7398). previous notices in categories 3B or 3C to the appropriate Regional Director(s) Region 7. Alaska. (see definitions below) are not repeated below or to: Chief, Division of here, except in cases where new Endangered Species and Habitat Regional Director (FWE), U.S. Fish synonomies have been identified. For and Wildlife Service, 1101 East Tudor example. certain Hawaiian taxa Conservation, 400 Arlington Square. U.S. Road, Anchorage. Alaska 99503. (907/ Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, previously identifed in category 3C now 786—3505 or FTS 907/786—3505). DC 20240. Comments and materials incorporate other taxa previously relating to this notice are available for FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: identified in categories 1. 2. or 3B (see public inspection by appointment in the Endangered Species Coordinator(s) in Manual of the Flowering Plants of Regional Offices listed below. the appropriate Regional Office(s). or Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press, in Information relating to particular taxa in Dr. Janet E. Hohn, Chief, Branch of Press). this notice can be obtained from the Endangered Species Listing and Codes for the major categories of taxa Service’s Endangered Species Recovery. U.S. Fish and Wildlife in the new notice are explained below: Coordinator(s) in the appropriate Service, Washington. DC 20240, (703/ PE—Taxa already proposed to be Regional Office(s) listed ~below: 356—2171 or FTS 921—2171). listed as endangered. Federal Register / Vol. 55, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 1990 / Proposed Rules 6185 PT—Taxa already proposed to be 3B—Names that. on the basis of status, it was also-accepted as a listing listed as threatened. current taxonomic understanding petition. S—Synonyms. (usually as represented in published The 1982 amendments to the Act 1—Taxa for which the Service has on revisions and monographs), do not required specific and timely responses file enough substantial information on represent distinct taxa meeting the Act’s to listing petitions. In particular. section biological vulnerability and threat(s) to definition of “species.” Such supposed 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act was amended to support proposals to list them as taxa could be reevaluated in the future require a finding within one year of endangered or threatened species. on the basis of new information. receiving a listing petition as to whether Development and publication of 3C—Taxa that have proven to be the listing is (1) warranted (if so, the proposed rules on these taxa are more abundant or widespread than finding is accompanied by publication of anticipated; however, because of the previously believed and/or those that a proposed listing rule), (2) warranted large number of category I taxa, it will are not subject to any identifiable but precluded by other pending take several years to clear the backlog. threat. If further research or changes in proposals of higher priority, or (3) not Also included in category 1 are taxa habitat indicate a significant decline in warranted. In the case of a “warranted of known vulnerable status in the recent any of these taxa, they may be but precluded” finding, another finding past that may already have become reevaluated for possible inclusion in is required one year later, again falling extinct. These plants retain a high categories I or 2. into one of the three allowable classes. priority for addition to the List, if extant .The taxa in categories I and 2 of this The cycle then repeats each year until populations are confirmed. Such notice are considered by the Service as petitioned taxa are either proposed for possibly extinct taxa are indicated by candidates for possible addition to the listing or a final “not warranted” finding an asterisk (*). Double asterisks (**) List of Endangered and Threatened is made. After the 1982 amendments, for indicate taxa believed to be extinct in Plants. The Service encourages their the purpose of making annually recycled the wild but known to be extant in consideration in environmental findings, the Service made an cultivation. administrative decision to treat all 2—Taxa for which there is some planning, such as in environmental impact analysis under the National candidate species of plants as if their evidence of vulnerability, but for which listings had been petitioned prior to there are not enough data to support Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (implemented at 40 CFR parts 1500— 1982. This action was taken in order to listing proposals at this time. Again, 1508). Information regarding the range, avoid the necessity of keeping separate taxa that are possibly extinct are track of, and annually making individual indicated by an asterisk (*) and those status, and habitat needs of such species findings on, the several thousand that are known to exist only in is available from the Service’s Regional cultivation are marked by double Offices (see “ADDRESSES” above).
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