The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SocIETY OCTOBER, 1942 ' The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS April 11, 1942 OFFICERS President, Dr. D. Victor Lumsden, Washington, D. C. First Vice-President, Dr. E. A. Merritt, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-Presidellt, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Miss Cary B. Millholland, Washington, D. C. Treasurer, Mr. J. Marion Shull, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS T er111S Expirillg 1943 Terms Expiring 1944 Mrs. Robert H. Fife, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. ]. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Mrs. Fairfax Harrison, Belvoir, Farquier Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Chestnut Hill, Co., Va. Mass. Mr. 13. Y. Morrison, Washington, D. C. Mr. Alfred Maclay, Tallahassee, Fla. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. Ferd P. Neels, Pres., Mr. A. F. Truex, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Rose Society, 426 East Maple Ave., 3150 South Zunis, El Segundo, Calif. Tulsa, Oklahoma Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus Dr. Robert T . Clausen, Pres., Cactus & SlicclIlelit Society of America, American Fern Society, 327 North Ave., 61 Bailey Hortorium, Los Angeles, Calif. Ithaca. N. Y. Mr. James H. Porter, Pres., Camellia Society of America Mr. W. J. 'McKee, Pres., Macon, Ga. American I rlS ~oc lety, 45 Kenwood Ave., Dr. S. E. Taylor, Pres., 'vVorcester, Mass. Delphinlllill Society, 241 Lexington Ave., Mr. L. W. Lindgren, Pres., Mansfield, Ohio American Peony Society, Mrs. John H. Cunningham, Pres., St. Paul, Herb Society of America, Minnesota. 53 Sea ver St., Brooklin'e, Uass. Mr. Walter D. Blair, Pres., Mrs. William Beaudry, Pres., Amerlcall r ~()c k Garden Society, Midwest Horticultural Society, Tarrytown, 100 North Central Park Blvd., New York. Chicago, Ill. SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1942 Akron Garden Center, American Fuchsia Society, Miss Alice Eastwood, Secretary, 226 South Main St., California Academy of Sciences, Akron, Ohio. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Calif. Alexandria, Virginia, Garden Oub, California Garden Clubs, Inc., Mrs. C. C. Wall, President, Mrs. Chas. P. McCulloch, Lib., Mt. Vernon, Va. Box 114, Altadena, Calif. American Amaryllis Society, California Horticultural Society, Miss Cora R. Brandt, Secretary, Mr. Wyndham Hayward, Secretary, 300 Montgomery St., Winter Park, Fla. San Francisco, Calif. Publication Office, 32nd St. and Elm Ave .• BaltimoTtr, Md. Entered as second-class matter Janual7 27, 1932, at the Post Ollice at Baltimore, Md .• under the Act of August 24. 1912. Cheyy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club. :'I I en's Garden Cl ub oj Ameri ca, ~ 'Ir s. Laurence E. Voorhees, H oyt F. Pax ton. Secretary, 3810 Alton Place. R. D. 2, Hender onyille, N. C. Chevy Chase. D. C. :'J ichi gan H orticultural :)ociety, Cheyy Cbase ( ?l1d.) Garden Clull. Paul R. Krone, Secy .. ~1rs. R. Seabury d' Espard, Horticultural Building, 19 W. Thornapple St., East Lansing, Mich. Chen' Chase. "YId. :'IIidwest Horticultural Society. Community Ga rd e~1 Club of Bethesd:l. ~fi ss Dorothy \Vi·be !. Secy., ~'Ii ss Sue Thomas, Pres., 2155 Pierce St .. 6808 Exfair Rd., Edgemoor. Chi cago, Ill. Bethesda, Md. :-.Jorth Carolina Garden Center, Fauquier and Loudoun Garden Clull. ,\1 iss Violet Holt, :'I£rs. W . F. Rust. Pres id ent, 500 Webb Ave., Leesburg. Va. Burlington, N. C. Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and :\' orthern Nut Growers Association, Vicinity, '\1r. Carl \iV escheke. Pres., ),1 rs. Charks Do,\\'orth, Pres ident. 96 South Wabash St., 220 E. Locust St.. St. Paul, Minn. \~ · ill1ling·ton, Ohio. Ohio Associatio:', of Garden Cl ub s. f'ederated Garden Clubs of J\1aryl;:nd. % '\1r. V. Victor Ries, :'IIr 5. Edward H. McKeon, Pre, .. Ohio State Unive rsity, Room 300, The Belvedere. Co lumbus. Ohio. Baltimore, Md. Rock Garden Society of Ohio, Forest H ill s Garden Club, :'I·r rs. Frank Garry, Librarian, ).'[rs. E . Barr, Pres., :V[ontgomery Stati on Post Officc' )'IIontgomery. Ohio 3623 Chesapeake St., N. W,. \iVashington, D. C. Seattle Ci vic Garden Center, 1008 Fourth A venue, Garden Center of Greater Clevelaml. Seattle, Wash. East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., Takoma Horticultural Club. Cleveland. Ohio. ?l11". \V. H. P arsons. Pres., Ga rden Center Institute of Buffalo, 710 Elder St .. N. \V., Delaware Park Casino, Washington, D. C. Buffalo, ~ ew York. The Trowel Clu h, Go: rden Centr e, :'I1rs. David R. Craig. % I veys Store, -1 339 Garfield St .. ::\I. W., Asheville, N. C. VlTas hington. D. C. Garden Club of Gloucester, The Little Garden Club of Sandy Spri!lg. Mrs. N . S. Hopkins, L ib rarian, Mrs. Douglas \Vhitlock, Pres .. N uttall, Va. Sandy Spring . .\'ld. Garden Club of IIlino!s. The Pittsburgh Garden Ce nter, Shop 312, P almer H otel , Schenl ey P ark, Chicago, Ill. Pittsburgh, Pa. Carden Club of Virginia, The San F rancisco Garden Clu b, .\hs. P owell Glass. Room 133, Fairmont Hotel, 210 Lee Drive , San Francisco, Ca lif. Lynchburg. Va. The V all ey Garden Center, Garden Forum of Youngstown. 2700 :-.J. 15th Street, % Public Library. Phoenix. Ari z. Youn gstown, Ohio. Twin Falls Ga rden Cl ub. Ga ry Garden Club, "YIrs. C. B. Requa, Sec'y, '\fr. Ben Chris. Trea ., K imberly. Idaho. 836 F loyd St.. \iVashington Ga rden Club. Gary, Ind. )'hs. Lee Sanford, Pre, .. Georgetown Garden Club. 6~08 Utah Ave., :-.J. W .. :Mrs. VlTalter ]. H arrison, vVashi ngton, D. C. 1430 - 33rd St., N. W .. \Voodlawn Garden Club. Washington, D. C. Mrs. Asher 1. Lohman, Secy .. Halten Ga rden Club. 1628 North Woodst')ck St .. :'I1r s. J. Jackson Smith, P:·es .. Arl ington. Va. Gittings, Md. " 'oodridge Garden Club. Home Garden Club of Denver, Mr. A. H . Hester. Pres .. 800 Monroe St.. 1824 R. 1. Ave .. :-.J. E .. Denver. Colo. Via hington. D. C Indian Head Garden Club. \\To rce ter County Horticul tural Society. :'I[rs. Frank A. Bolton. 30 E lm Street. POl1l onkey. )' [d. \\' OI'cester. )'1as5. The National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 21 Oopyright, 1942, by THE A"EIl~ C A N HORTlCcLTcll.AL S OCiETY No.4 OCTOBER, 1942 CONTE::\fTS PAGE Mrs. Christopher Colu111bu s Discovers Key \Vest. YIOLET ::\ ILES \ i\1 ALKER 169 The P ropagation of Chi onanthus retusus by Cuttings. \'. T. STOUTEMYER , 175 A Group of P roteads. SARAH V. COO~O[B S, _____ .. ___________ .. ________ .. ________ ........ ___ .. ____ 178 A Book or Two .. ___________________________________________________ ___________________ _____ .. ______________________ 187 T he Gardener's Pocketbook: From the Midwestern Horticultural Society: Gentians. ELDRED GREE N ______ .. _________________________________________________ _.. __ .. ____ 1~8 C o·rylus avellana. ELDRED GREE N.. ______ ________ .. ___ .. ___ .. ____ .... ____________________ 190 Goutweed. ELDRED GREE N.. ____________________________________________________ .. __________ 190 A Cl.'1' gla bru11l . EDW ARD TEAS ___________ .... __________ .. _____________________ .._______ ...... __ .. __ 190 M a ssowia p u sf /of la ta. SARA H V . COOM BS.. _.. ___. ________________________ .. ____ .. ______ .. ______ 194 Viola striata ________ .... _________________ .. ___________ .... __ .... ________________________________ .. ________ .. __ 196 p./.( sch I?i ll ia scilloid es _________________ .. _____ .. ___________________ .. ___________________________ .... __ .. ____ 196 Passiflora inco.nwta 198 M a[j II olia sf ella ta X J( ob u s __________ .. ________ .. ____________________________________ .. _____ .. ___ .. __ 198 A esc ld lu,s parviflora _________________________ .. _________________________________ .. ___ .. _______________ .. __ 200 Index for Volume 21 _.. _________________________ .... ________________ .. ________________ ____ .. ______ :.. ___________ 201 Published quarterly by .Th~ American Horticultur al Society. Publication ollice, 32nd St. and !DIm Ave., BaltImore.' Md. Ed,tonal offioe, Room 821, Washington Loan and Trust Building, Wash­ mgton, D.O. O.ontl'lbutlOns from all members a r e cordially invited and should be sent to the E ditorial office .. A ~UbSCrlptlOn to the magazine is included in the annual dues to all members ; to non-members the price 18 seventy-five cents th e cOPY . three dollars a year. [ ii ] Cla11de Hope rSee page 198] Pass'itlora ill cantata Mrs. Christopher Colum.bus Discovers Key West \ -IOUT NILES \ \TAL KER K ey \I\-est has long been the :\Iecca sub-tropical seas. ::; or does either miss , of the ardent fi shermen. but until the a proper emphasis on the climatio ad­ building. fi rst of F lagler's F lorida vantages of the Island. But both. have East Coast Railroad. ami later Df apparently fa il ed to realize fully the ap~ lhe Overseas H ighway. it was so diffi­ peal of the horticultural picture and its cult Df access to. the average traveller value as al drawing car d to the li ttle that its li ght was truly hidden under a City. bushel. E\'en the Railroad fa il ed to The trayeller entering Key \Vest immediately fulfill Flagler's dream of from the Highway. along the 111Ddern development. fo r tbe victims of Prohi­ palm-bordered Roosevelt Boulevard bition saw it only as I the door-way to ( mDdelled on Havana's famous ;vIale­ Han na's wide-Dpen _-\ lcoholic Heaven, cD n ) is no.t prepar ed fo r the contrast and fe w tarried long enough to di scover between the low-growing vegetation of for themselves the unique qui et charm the K ey a nd the great tropical trees lin­ of the little Island. L ittle was realized i ng the streets of the old pa rt 0 f the of its c010rful background to whi ch pi ­ town. :VIangroves, Sea Grapes. Beach rates. wreckers. Cuban refugees. sea­ P lums. opopo ll a:r . etc .. with dwarfer faring men from all nations. etc .. etc .. fl owering plants and beach vines which have , cD ntributed both histDrica l and have held the scene for 158 miles.
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