V A INDIANAPQMS JOUBMA PRICE FIVE CENTS. INDIANAPOLIS, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1888. SUBSGEISEH MHCI3 ITVE CENTS. WHEN" INDICATIONS. COLLIDED IN A DENSE FOG Copenhagen. Those that were saved lost all yold, Ole Christoffsen, Carolina, Carl and Fritz NO SURRENDER TO FRANCE their effects, and even all tneir clothing, except Christensen, Annie and Oscar Wieicer. Jens NO PALAVER FRIDAY Kaln and local storms; clearing their night-wea- r. Hansen. Hilda Soldberg. Louise Andersen, In the northsrn part of tha State; generally CdDt A. Albers. of the Wieland. tells the fol- Laritz Kummendahl, Annie Thompson, Mads cooler. lowing story: 'At 10 o'clock on the morning of Hansen, Gust Adler, Paul Taulsen, Annie and The Steamers Geiser and Thinvalla Aug. 14 we passed some wreckage floating in the Kirsten Sovensen and Miss E. Peterson. Plain Speech by Germany's Emperor at sea and suspected that an accident had hap- When one offers what any Crash Together Rear Sable Island. pened somewhere sear us. A little later we A 1.1st uf th Lost. a Mon"ent Unveiling at Frankfort. WE.RISE TO REMARK sailed through a sea of oil and sighted a broken New York, Aug. lG.-- Tho following is the of buyer can see is an absolute boat the Geiser. About 11:30 we sighted a which can be obtained to- ateemer to the northward, about eight miles off, best list of the lost and seeing night is made by striking off the names of "bargain the greatest bargain So does tho thermometer. It re- the had a flag of distress up we ran It The Armies oi'tbe Empire Will Perish cn the The Vessels Collide with Great Force, a Hnza down to her. proved to be the Thingvalla, those saved from the list of passengers as stated marks that hot'weather is still with It Single Stone or and best value of the season Hole Is Torn In the Geiser a Dal!, and Sua and Captain Lamb, of that vessel, came to books of passenger agent Jensen. It Field of Battle Before a us; that tho "heated is not Bs in a in the begged Alsace-Lorrai- term" small boat and us to names In ne Shall Be Girea Up. there is no use in making a ended. Wo rise to Gce3 to the Bottom in a Few Minutes. tae off his passengers and those he will be seen that the total number of remark that seventy-eight- , six more what makes THE WHEN like the had aavsd from the Geiser. He said his own the list of the lost is long "palaver" about it. In vmel was so badly iniured he expected her to than it should contain, as there were only shadow of a great sink at any moment. His forward compartment rock in a weary eighty-si- x passengers aboard and fourteen were few words wo again state the A Large of Passen- bad been completely carried away from balf way London "Times" Apparently Losing Con- land is that it is solid and "always dumber Sleeping from the deck to below the water line. We sect saved. Csbia passengers: State-Room- A el I. fact that wo continue to sell 'there" to afford you tho thing you gers Drowned in Their s. out three of our boats and the Thingvalla lowered CLAUSES, L. fidence in Its Case sainst Parn most need. For two of hers, and in five hours we had transferred IIAMMKR, Captain OF.OIIGEN. - instance, the saved passengers and crew of the Geiser and 1REKEFELD. BERTH A. STRICTLY ALL WOOL LRtD. also the four hundred and fifty-fir- e passengers LIND, two children and Mrs. HILDA SUMMER HOSE. of MELBOURf. J. CV LIGHT-WEIGH- T SUITS, the Thlng7alla The tea was very rough at The Total Loss of Life Said To Be One the time, pass- OL8KN ALBERT. The Sultan of Morocco Commits an Act of and the work of transferring the SEEHUS, Mrs. ELLEN, Chicago, wife of the edi We offering Fts-seafje- rs engers was Perfidy Dealing are BIG BARGAINS InclaJinEihty very difficult The immense hole in tor of Sk&ndi Daren. in with the Reheh, and the Thingvalla's bow was then patched ud as SVELBORO. HILDA. Secure A Sio Suit for $6. in innumerable patterns to suit all. Talks with the Survivors, well the Latter a Terrible Revenge. as possible, and she started for Halifax. Steerage passecgers: These go with the The collision, so far as known, was caused by th fog. ANDSRSO.V, AMANDA M. A $12 Suit for.S7.50. SUMMER GOODS REDUCED, The chief officer of each vessel was on deck at ANDERSON, ANDRUS. ANDERSON, JOHAN. ALSACE-LORRAIN- E, lC-- the Mr. New York, Aug. Tho steamsr Wiilar.1 time of the collision. The third officer, ANDERSON, LOUISA A. i Petersen, told much the earn story of tb occur- A S18 Which is what is crowding our of th Hamburg-America- n steamship line, has ANDERSON, MAONUS. Emperor S15 to Suit for Sio. rence. He said the fog was very dense, BERtt, MKS. ELIZABETH, and child. Tne German Emphatically Says great store these warm days. Here just brought news of a collision off Sable islaad, "Ibrou2h the night rain had fallen at intervals. BE ROSTROH, HILDA. They Shall Never He Surrendered. tho multitudes' find relief in under- between the Geiser and Thlngvalla, of the Tito first w knew ot th Geiser a approach waa BKRUND, J. FRANKTORT-ON-Tna-ODX- R, Aug. IS. Em- - when she appeared on starboard, right upon , BRAATB. C. TMcgTalla line, which occurred at 4 o'clock on the percr William to-da- y attended tbe cnvtilicg of wear and outerwear and Hats at US. Both vessels tried to sheer off, being head CARLSON, C. prices lower than any body. the morning of Aug. 14. The Geiser sank in on. The Geiser was atrnck opposite the engine CHRISTIANSEN, Mrs. CHAIILINE, and two the monument erected in memory of the late rooms, chil dren. ORIGINAL EAGLE five minutes after the collision, and 105 persons amidships. The Geiser, being heavily CHRISTOPHERSEN, OLE. Pricce Frederick Charles. In replyicg to the were drowned. The Thlngvalla was so disabled loa.lsd, was very low in tho water, so that the FREDERICKSEN, Mrs. JULIA, and two chil- speech of the burgomaster, he said he well T'agvalla carried away her own compartment. sbe had to put into Halifax, transfer- dren. bow to appreciate the of fervent and 5 and 7 W. Washington St. that after The upper part cf her bow ran over the decks GABRIELS EN, SOREN. knew ties ring all her passengers to the Wieland. The of the Geiser. The Geiser's deck-hous- es were GULLICKSEN. K1TTHE. faithful devotion that for centuries had bound state-room- s A. and child. THE WHEN Geiser had eighty-si- x passengers aboard, seventy-t- carried away and the were smashed OUSTAVENSEN, J. the Prussian people to tbe Hoheczollerns. Em- in and the occupants killed. We heard a bell HANSON, JANS. wo of whom were drowned or killed in the peror William well knew whom he selected TRAVELERS' INDEX. ring in the Geiser's engine-room- , but could not HANSON, PETER. I HlMlGliATION EVILS. collision, and fourteen were taken first oa th tell what the order was. Officer Petersen was HANSON. Mrs. KAREN. when he conferred the command of ' the Third on the deck at the time. He then beard the bell HANSON, MADS. Thlngvalla and then on the Wieland. The INQEBRIGHTSEN, ANDREW, wife and eMld. Army Corps upon Prince Frederick Charles. TTANKAKEE T INE ricx again, this time to back, and the steamer Gompers Disadvantages Geiaer's crew numbered fifty. Seven- - J ELM, J. E. The PrineVa iron frame, powerful .will and XV. - - I 4 Samuel Points Oat had jnst commenced to revere when the Tning- JOHANNSEN, KARL. 03IG- FOUR Hail- wy were saved thirty-thre- e strategic genius rendered Mm eminently quali- HAVE WE NOT BEEN LIBERAL? Kesultinj: from Excessive Immigration. teen and ralla struck." JOHNSON, Mrs. and infant June 1 to Aug. 25 is nearly months, and It is were drowned. Captain Moller, the Second OGcer Jorgensen gave a graphic de- JOHNSON, A. G. fied to command. This is a eeriona time. Em- three scription JOHNSON. Mrs. JOHN II. and Infant. for three months tht this lis hu girea the public of the Geiser, was among those saved. The of the collision. II said: peror William I, Prince Frederick Charles and tb benefit of $3 rTind-tri- p rat to Chicago, and a Nrw Yobk, Aug. 16. The immigration in- VI was asleep in my buck when I beard & JOHNSTON, J. G. pus-wa-y ot ThlngTalia MARIA, eleven years old, sent baek great military and helpers y. passsogtrs the transferred to the JOSEPHSEN. other commanders in rate of $3.70. Thousand! have benefited vestigation was resumed to-da- There were shock, and I immediately went on deer. Tak- by the liberality of this, the favorite Chicago line. Wieland cumbered 453. The Geiser left this ing in the situation at a glance, I ordered all alone to relatire in Sweden. the creation of the empire are no more, though W will continue this low rats until Ao. 3, when present Congressmen Ford, Oates, Guenther KJKLDASS. GINA. higher port on Ang. 11, bound for Stettin. The Thing- - hands on deck. Then I swung myself oX on the KNCDSTEn, CHRISTIAN. they will continue to live in the memory of the a rata will go into effect. and Spinola. The first witness called was bow of the Thlngvalla, and scrambled to her ! you want to visit Chicago, eom and get tickets valla was on her way to this city, and was ad- KNUDSTEN, CHRISTINA.
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