Ärehivexerpplaf Unikat slnarNichtveräusserlich Sinar Autoaperture Shutter InstructionManual $nar 1.Before you start lntroduction We congratulateyou on your purchaseof your SinarAuto- apertureShutter and we appreciateyour confidencein our products.We are convincedthat the SinarAutoaper- ture Shutterwill add significantconvenience to your work. Its robustand preciseconstruction will bringyou longand trouble-free operation. The SinarAutoaperture Shutter is a mechanicallycontrol- led, self-cockingbehind-the-lens shutter with an auto- maticspring-loaded diaphragm that can be used with all Sinaronlenses as well as manvother lenses currentlv on the market. Beforeyou use your Sinar AutoapertureShutter for the firsttime, pleaseread this InstructionManual carefully. lt will help you to use the shuttercorrectly, thus avoiding difficultiesthat mightarise from improperuse. lf you haveany commentsor recommendationsregarding your Sinar AutoapertureShutter or this InstructionMan- ual, please do not hesitateto send us your opinionsin writing. We sincerelywish you much satisfactionin workingwith the Sinar AutoapertureShutter and gratifyingsuccess with your photographs. For those in a hurry lf you are in a big rush, at the very least read the Abbre- viated lnstructionson Page 4. But in order to use the SinarAutoaperture Shutter to your bestadvantage, we do recommendthat sometimelater you readthe full operat- ing instructionsall the way through. Sinar Autoapertule Shutter $nar Operating Gomponents '1 Shutter-open indicator ---------------- ShutterSpeed SelectionLever LockingLever (red) 6 ClosureIndex 7 ClosingLever (red) Front View 8 ApertureCoupler t CableRelease z Aperturesetection rnon ] 3 OrientationDol FlashContact FlashCord AutomaticInterlock Rear View 1 Shutter-openindicator 4 ShutterSpeed IJ Latch SelectionLever Locking 14 SwivelingSpring 5 LockingLever (red)- 6 ClosureIndex -------< 7 ClosingLever (red) Q flrhla Flalaaeo I 15Aperture Scale I I 2 ApertureSelection Knob 17 Recessfor FilterHolder 16 RetainingSpring 18 Recessfor Filter Sinar Autoaperture Shutter $nar Abbreviated I nstruct ions TheseAbbreviated Instructions are designedto give you an overviewof the use of the SinarAutoaperture Shutter. Detailed informationis provided in Chapter 4, Operating the Shutter,starting on page 17. The Sinar AutoapertureShutter requires lenses in auto- aperturemounts (DB or DBM) or in conventionalmounts (NF).Lenses with between-the-lensshutters can only be usedwith limitations.In this case,the automaticfunctions can not be guaranteed.Furthermore, there is the risk of damagingthe shutterblades. The use of such lensesis at your own risk! 1. Whenthe shutterblades are closed,open the shutter by pressingthe lockinglever (5) (Shutter-openIndi- cator(1) becomesvisible). 2. Attachthe shutterto the backof the lensstandard and lock it. Makesure that the flashconnection is on the leftside when seenfrom the focusingscreen. 3. Attachthe bellowsto the backof the shutter.Check thatthe latchesfor the lensstandard, the shutter and the bellowsare all properlylocked in. 4. Screwthe cablerelease (9) into its receptacleon the shutter.The shuttercan only be operatedwith the ca- ble release. 5. Connectthe AutomaticInterlock Cable (12) between the SinarAutoaperture Shutter and the measurino backor the focusingback. 6. Attachlenses with spring-loadeddiaphragms (DB or DBM)to the lensstandard in such a way thatthe red dot on the lens mountingboard lines up with the red orientationdot on the shutter. 7. To use the focusingscreen with lensesthat are not equippedwith spring-loadeddiaphragms, open the shutterand the diaphragmat the lens. 8. Set the desiredshutter speed with the shuttersoeed selectionlever (4). 9. With lensesthat are equippedwith spring-loadeddia- phragms,set the desiredf-stop with the aperturese- Sinar Autoaperture Shutter smar lectionknob (2).With f-stops smaller than fi45 (on DBM lenses)and with lensesthat are not equipped with autoaperturemounts, set the desiredf-stop directlyat the lens. Warning: Manualsetting of DBM lensesdisables theirautomatic aperture control. ln such casesthe aperturehas to be openedor closeddirectly at the lens. 10. Closethe shutterby operatingthe closinglever (7) or by insertinga film holder(when the AutomaticInter- lock Cableis beingused). (The shutter open indica- tor (1)is no longervisible). 11. Withdrawthe dark slidef rom the film holder. 12.Releasethe SinarAutoaperture Shutter by pressing the buttonon the cablerelease. In doingso, first sensethe pressurepoint and then pushthe button all the way to releasethe shutter. 13.Re-insertthe dark slideinto the film holder. 14.Removethe film holderfrom the camera. When lenseswithout spring-loaded diaphragms are beingused, open the shutterand the apertureat the lens.When you use the AutomaticInterlock Cable (12),the shutteropens automatically when the film holderis removed. Long exposure times When the shutterspeed selection lever is set at "B", the shutterremains open as long as the buttonon the cable releaseis depressed. For long exposures,turn the lockingring at the release buttonto the left (counterclockwise)until it pops up. Now the releasebutton will be lockedautsmaticallv once it is depressed. To closethe shutter,depress the lockingring. The SinarAutoaperture Shutter should be storedor trans- portedonly when the shutteris open (shutteropen indi- cator (1) visible) and with the shutter speed selection lever(4) set at 8 seconds. Sinar Autoaperture Shutter smar Table of Gontents 1. Before you staft ... 2 fntroduction... .....2 Forthosein a hurry .....2 OperatingComponents..... ......3 Abbreviatedlnstructions .... .......... 4 LongExposure Times..... .......... s Aboutthis Publication... .........8 Purposeof theseInstructions .......... 8 Documentldentification and Copyright ........ 8 Warranty. .........8 Arrangementof theseInstructions ......9 ldentificationofSymbols .......10 2. Safety Rules I I InthisChapter..,. ..11 Fundamentals.... ...... 11 Protectionfrom FogginS ........ 11 Alwayskeep this in Mindwhile you work... .12 SpecialNotices .12 3. Product Description 13 In thisChapter.... ......13 Overview ....13 AutomaticFunctions .....13 ShutterSpeeds .........i4 ApertureRange ......... j4 Appfications..... .........i4 Limitations .......14 ProductRange. .....'l 6 Accessories ......16 4. Operating the Shutter 1Z ln thisChapter.... ......17 Attachingthe Shutterto the Camera.......... i7 Connectingthe AutomaticInterlock Cable . l8 ViewingtheFocusing Screen ....19 ShutterOpen Indicator.... ...20 Howto avoidVignetting... .....20 Sinar Autoaperture Shutter srnar About this Publication Purpose of these Instructions These operatinginstructions constitute a comprehensive descriptionof the Sinar AutoapertureShutter. They containall the informationyou needfor the correctuse of the shutterand for its trouble-freeooeration. The arrangementof these instructionsand the identifica- tion of symbolsused in these instructionsare coveredin the paragraphsthat follow.We recommendthat you open the first fold-outpage of this instructionmanual. That keeps the illustrationsof all the operatingcomponents mentionedin the instructionsin view at all times. The specificationscontained in these instructionsmay be changedwithout advance notice. Document ldentification and Copyright This InstructionManual can be orderedfrom SINAR AG or from its localdistributor under the number02.0502. This InstructionManual is subjectto copyright.All rights are orotected. @ 1995 SINARAG, CH-8245Feuerthalen, Switzerland Warranty SINARguarantees for the qualityof the materialand the functionof the Sinar AutoapertureShutter for two years beginningwith the date of the invoice. Furtherliability for subsequentdamages (e.9. loss of pro- ductionof the photographer,etc.) is not admitted. Warrantyexpires if alterationsor repairsare performedat the shutterby non-authorizedpersons. Repairs must only be performedby SINARor its localagencies. Sinar Autoaperture Shutter $nar Arrangement of these lnstructions These instructionscontain basic informationfor users with little experiencein using the Sinar Autoaperture Shutter,and detailedspecifications for experiencedusers of this shutter. For clearer understanding,the instructionshave been groupedinto severalchapters: Safety Rules Recommendationsyou shouldheed for yourown personal safety, for trouble-freeoperation and for preventingda- mage to the product. Product Deseription GeneralInformation about the product,its featuresand applications,as well as productrange and accessories. Using the Sinar Autoaperture Shutter Here you can read how to attachthe shutterto the camera and how to use it to your best advantage. Gare and Maintenance This chaptercontains information about the care and the requiredmaintenance of your SinarAutoaperture Shutter. Technical Data Hereyou can find all the technicalspecifications, dimen- sions and weights,as well as the surroundingconditions that have to be observedfor trouble-freeoperation. Appendix A glossarycontains brief explanations of the most impor- tant technicalterms that appearin theseinstructions, and a list of key words helpsyou to find a particularsubject very quickly. Sinar Autoaperture Shutter $nar ldentification of Symbols To make these instructionseasy to understand,certain styles and forms of writingare used to indicatespecial meanrngs: Italicized fexf indicates a chapter or a specific paragraph of these instructions. "Text printed in bold letters" and with quotationmarks denotesterms that are imprintedon the shutter. Numbersin parenthesis(12) refer to
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