FREE TUITION Comptabilité et Gestion d’Affaires Inc. Accounting & Business Management Inc. Mustaque A. Sarker Accountant & Business Consultant DIGITTAAL GRRAAPHIC Accounting + Bookkeepingpg Business Managementementment & TaxesTaT xexes TECECHNOLOGY CALL FOR INFO ON NEXT SESSION Programs leading to a Minisi try 524, Jean Talon St. West, suite 3 • 1 year programa Of Education Diploma • State of the art 4 colour press LLOANS & BURSARIES AVAILABLE Montreal, Qc H3N 1R5 • Silk screening, CNC Technical Skills • Learn the latest software, including: T. 514.274.5793 Le seul journal de Parc-Extension depuis 1993 Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark & InDesign F. 514.274.5793 3737 Beaubien East, Montreal, Qc, H1X 1H2 [email protected] Tel.: 514 376-4725 The only paper in Park-Extension since 1993 www.rosemount-technology.qc.cawwwwwww.w.roossemount--teteecchnoloogygy.y.qc.cc.ccaa Vol. 25 • No. 15 • 18 août / August 18, 2017 • Tel.: 514-272-0254 • www.px-news.com • E-mail: [email protected] (PXN) The streets surrounding the site of the Koimisis tis Theotokou Greek Thousands gather to celebrate The Dormition Orthodox church at St. Roch St. and de l’Épée Ave. in Park Extension were a of The Theotokos in Park Ex sea of humanity on Aug. 14 and 15 as thousands members of Montreal’s Greek 2UWKRGR[FRPPXQLW\JRWWKHLU¿UVW glimpse of the interior of a new church building which is replacing one destroyed E\¿UHPRUHWKDQWZR\HDUVDJR As Greek Orthodox faithful were marking the traditional Feast of The Dormition, senior Greek Orthodox clergy from Toronto also arrived in Montreal for the important occasion. While the intricate architectural details for the interior of the new church remain to be completed, an artist specializing in Greek religious LFRQRJUDSK\ZLOOVRRQEHDWZRUNWR¿OO out the new church’s interior walls with vividly spiritual images. 150 landed immigrants become new Canadians in oath ceremony held in Park Ex Citizenship judge Simon Durivage, left, congratulates a new citizen on stage at the William Hingston Centre. See page 2 60th ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS SENIOR SPECIAL 2 PIZZAS DISCOUNT ARS E 60 60 Y Small $3 OFF Large $5 OFF 60 60 Medium $4 OFF X Large $6 OFF JUMBO $760 OFF FAMILY DAY EVERY SUNDAY ST EVERY 1 MONDAY ONE FREE KIDS MENU MEAL e P depuis 1957 l OF THE MONTH 15% OFF ia PER PURCHASE OF ADULT MEAL iz c *DINER ROOM ONLY za er a m uth om entique non c 901 RUE JEAN TALON O. missjeantalon.com 514 274-4147 514 274-8510 Oath ceremony held in Park Ex for 150 new Canadians Event was sponsored by the National Bangladeshi-Canadian Council CitizenshipCeremony2: Citizenship judge Simon Durivage administers the oath of citizenship. MARTIN C. BARRY Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development; Mary Deros, On Saturday August 5 2017, the William Hingston Center City Councillor of the District of Parc-Extension; Mary in Parc-Extension, one of Montreal’s most diverse neigh- McCutcheon, President of Parc-Extension Historical borhoods, hosted a special Citizenship Oath Ceremony as Society (SHPEHS); Monir Hossain, President of the part of Canada 150, a year commemorating the 150th anni- National Bangladeshi-Canadian Council (NBCC). versary of the Canadian Confederation. A new life as citizens Many guests attended Sponsored by the National Bangladeshi-Canadian Other special guests were John Marshall, War Veteran Council (NBCC) in collaboration with Immigration, and Senior Citizen of Parc-Extension, Wissam El-Chayeb, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), 150 citizen- Pharmacist-owner of Provigo Jean-Talon, and Paul Awasthi, Senior advisor of India-Canada Organization of Park ship candidates gathered in the center’s auditorium with Extension. their families and friends to begin a new life as citizens of Canada. Citizenship candidates took the oath and guests reaffirmed their rights in French and English and the new The event was open to the public and people from the Canadians received their certificates, gifts and congratula- local community enthusiastically attended the very first tions from the dignitaries and special guests of the event. Canadian citizenship ceremony to be held in their multi- After speeches took place, the bilingual National Anthem cultural neighborhood. Citizenship candidates arrived at was performed by Ms. Ocean Go accompanied by children the venue and volunteers handed gifts and souvenirs with on the stage. the emblem of Canada to the participants and guests. Simon Durivage presided Sponsors donated generously The ceremony was presided by Simon Durivage, a The ceremony concluded with a small reception held citizenship judge and member of the Order of Canada outside of the center’s auditorium. A cake with the emblem of Canada 150 was generously donated by Pharmacy who is also a retired news anchor formerly with Radio- Dimitra Alevetsovitis and Wissam El-Chayeb Inc. at Canada. He was accompanied by citizenship court clerk Elena Romanko, Constable Christopher Murray of the Provigo Jean-Talon. Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Ms. Samiha Hossain Light snacks and refreshments were offered by PEYO and who acted as master of ceremonies. Tim Hortons Parc-Extension and pictures of citizens were taken with the dignitaries of the ceremony. Support was Special guests were invited to welcome and congratulate received from IRCC, Canadian Heritage, Government of the new citizens. Speeches were given by David Lametti, Canada, Loisirs du Parc, the Borough of Villeray/St-Michel/ Member of Parliament for Lasalle-Émard-Verdun riding, Parc Extension and the Office of Mélanie Joly, MP for Representative of Honorable Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister Park Extension city councillor Mary Deros addresses Ahuntsic-Cartierville and Minister of Canadian Heritage. of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and those attending the ceremony. &RPSOH[HIXQpUDLUH)XQHUDO&RPSOH[ • 18 août / August 18, 2017 Honor and celebrate life in accordance to your traditions, values and customs, while easing your experience during the difficult moments. Nouvelles Parc-Extension News 55 Gince, Montreal • 514.228.1888 (Day & Night) • www.complexeaeterna.com 2 3DNLVWDQLVPDUNWK,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\DWÀUVWÁDJUDLVLQJ Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre joins other dignitaries at ceremony MARTIN C. BARRY Among those present for the hoist- Montreal mayor Denis Coderre was one of the many political officials who accepted ing of the Pakistan flag in Park Ex- an invitation on Aug. 15 to attend the first tension’s Place de la Gare on Aug. annual Pakistani flag raising ceremony in Park Extension’s Place de la Gare to celebrate the 70th 15 were Montreal mayor Denis anniversary of the independence of Pakistan. Coderre, Saint-Laurent Borough Many dignitaries Mayor Alan DeSousa, VSP Borough Among those who also came to pay their Mayor Anie Samson, Park Exten- respects were Borough Mayor Anie Samson, Park Extension city councillor Mary Deros, sion city councillor Mary Deros, and Borough of Saint-Laurent mayor Alan DeSousa, Laval-Les Îles MP Fayçal El-Khoury. as well as representatives of NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and Laurier-Dorion MNA Gerry Sklavounos. Independence gained Pakistan Independence Day, which is observed annually on August 14, is a national holiday in Pakistan. It commemorates the day when Pakistan achieved independence and was declared a sovereign nation following the end of the British Raj in 1947. Pakistan came into exist- ence following the Independence Act of 1947, under which the British Raj gave independence to the former Dominion of Pakistan. L’intersection des boulevards Anie Samson Saint-Laurent et Crémazie Vice-présidente du comité exécutif Responsable de la sécurité publique s’embellit de 70 nouveaux arbres et des services aux citoyens L’espace vert situé sur le coin sud-ouest de la structure métallique et sa base de béton ont Maire d’arrondissement l’intersection des boulevards Saint-Laurent été retirées afin de faire place à 70 nouveaux 514 872-8173 et Crémazie a été entièrement réaménagé au arbres et à une nouvelle surface gazonnée. cours des dernières semaines. Les deux buttes, « Le réaménagement de cet espace vert était rendu nécessaire en raison de sa vétusté. La plantation de nombreux arbres et le remplace- ment du béton par du gazon nous permettent ainsi de lutter contre les îlots de chaleur urbains tout en embellissant cette importante entrée de notre arrondissement », a souligné Mme Anie Samson, maire de l’arrondissement de Villeray– Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension et vice-présidente du comité exécutif de la Ville de Montréal. Les diverses essences d’arbres plantés sont le chicot du Canada, le févier d’Amérique, le Mary Deros Frantz Benjamin Elsie Lefebvre Sylvain Ouellet noyer d’Amérique, le phellodendron de l’Amour, Conseillère associée Président du conseil Conseillère associée Conseiller du district l’épinette de Norvège et l’épinette bleue. Les au maire de Montréal municipal au transport de François-Perrault travaux ont été réalisés au coût de près de 100 Conseillère du district Conseiller du district Conseillère du district 514 872-7763 000 $. de Parc-Extension de Saint-Michel de Villeray 514 872-3103 514 872-7800 514 872-0755 Les membres du conseil d’arrondissement de It is with great pleasure and pride that we celebrate Villeray – Saint-Michel – Parc-Extension 18août/August18,2017• India’s and Pakistan’s anniversary of independence. souhaitent à tous les membres de la communauté Your contributions to Canada’s multiculturalism have been numerous and significant. Pakistanaise et Indienne de Montréal : Your traditions and cultures have helped to shape a unique and vibrant Canada. Happy Independence Day!y Bonne fête de l’indépendance ! HI HappyH Independence Day ! Nouvelles Parc-ExtensionNews To Montreal’s Pakistani and Indian communities. Cabinet du maire d’arrondissement Borough Mayor’s Office Le très hon. / The Rt. Hon. 405, avenue Ogilvy, bureau 103 1100 Cremazie East, Suite 220, Montreal (QC), H2P 2X2 Montréal, Québec H3N 1M3 Justin P. J. Trudeau • Député/MP Papineau T: 514-277-6020 E-mail: : [email protected] 3 Opinion & Editorial Parlez-moi D’HUMOUR Alcide Borik Bientôt les né- Quand la réparation est pire que le mal..
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