fJ -rt~ ~ .t. ~ '¥ ~ •.:&-· i~f Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series No. 11 Palaeontological Society of Japan September 30, 1953 CONTENTS TRANSACTIONS 234. Miocene Foraminifera from the Honya Shale, Juhan Coal-Field ........... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kiyoshi AsANo 55 235. Neogene Echinoids from Gifu Prefecture ..................... Akira MoRISHITA 61 236. On Some Reticulate Spiriferidae .... .................. Masao MINATO 65 237. On the Pectetz notoensis Yoi<oY AMA (On the Miocene Pectinidae from the Environs of Sendai, Part 2) ...... Kotara HATAI & Koichiro MAsUDA 75 Publications received .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 60 Errata to Arts. 231 & 232 of No. 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 74 President: Hisakatsu Y ABE Councillors: Kiyoshi AsAt.;o, Riuji E:--wo (Business and Accountant), Seido ENDO, Haruyoshi FuJIMOTo, Shoshiro HANZAWA, Ichiro HAYASAKA, Nobuo li<EBE, Teiichi KoBAyAsHI (Editor), Jiro MAKIYAMA, Tatsuro MATsuMoTo, Tsuneteru OINOMIKAoo (Publication), Tokio SHIKAMA, Koiti SuzuKI, Fuyuji TAKA! (General Affairs), Hisakatsu YABE. All Communications relating to this Journal should be addressed to the PALAEONT<?LOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Geological Institute, Faculity of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan. N. S. No. ll, pp. 55-59, 11 text. figs., Sept. 30. 1953 234. MIOCENE FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HONYA SHALE ' JC>BAN COAL-FIELD* KIYOSHI ASANO Contribution from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University ·fri 7J:~Ifl 4.: ft. iW v.>rf1L.!b.ft.:fi : ~ rll3CIJIW!IIf.ti!f.&v:ii f. Ill fir f, llf.J" i/.[Q)*ii-Ji:'til!• tc ~ t .ft.~ ~HL.!l!.{L::ti Ulf'$1: L, rtli1i Q) ~ c. h -r:tl >I{- JJ :.- ?"QJjtf'i£} t~ff~ L i!i4:mt Ul~ t t: o 1ffL.!Uft~fl J: IJ <IJ. t.::i~~irnHI::I.t. II{ rL"{,:QJ !'f.',(!';((~~ ~!t ~;ft. Q .: 1: l>.V: T .< !J 11 ~tl!!l#i~:f!I!~QJ rp ~rpWJ( !Itt: fU:§i'"QtQJ~:,t .. ·.:.c~·b.lfl'irrffl:rJt$1:~X..b;tt.o 0 i~ !J!f (,li the environs of Taira City at the north Introduction to Ena-machi at the south of the Taira­ The foraminiferal fauna discussed Ena district. herein was collected from the Miocene The Honya shale, consisting of mainly Honya shale of the Yunagaya group by bluish-gray or white, thick-bedded shale Mr. Y. KAMADA of the Institute of with incoherent sandstone at the base. Geology and Paleontology, T6toku Uni­ contains abundant Foraminifera at versity during his geological survey of Yagawase, just south of Taira City the Taira-Ena district, Fukushima Pre­ (Lat. 37° 2' 4011 N., Long. 140° 54' E.), fecture. but few at Kamikuramochi, Kashima­ 1 11 The fauna is of interest from the mura (Lat. 36° 59 11) N., Long. 140° standpoint of correlation between the 56' 30'' E.) and at Ena-machi (Lat. 36° Tertiary formations of the Pacific and 58' 40" N., Long. 140" 571 30" E.). The Japan Sea coastal areas of Northern Foraminifera from the boring core drill­ japan. ed into the Honya shale at Yagawase Here, the writer expresses his cordial by the Coal Exploration Advancement thanks to Mr. Yasuhiko KAMADA for Committee of Japan was compared with submitting his collection to the present the present material. study. The Foraminifera from the Yagawase cores are scattered uniformly through­ Faunal Consideration out the shale, occurring from the depth of 1'~5 meters to the surface (Table 1). As the Tertiary stratigraphy of the This thickness nearly corresponds to J6ban Coal-field has been studied by the total of the Honya shale at many authors and was reviewed by Mr. Yagawase. ]. IWAI (1950), the writer devotes this paper to the stratigraphical significance The foraminiferal fauna from the of the smaller Foraminifera of the Honya shale at Yagawase consists of Honya shale which is distributed from 28 sp~cies, of which neritic or bathyal forms as Bulimina, Valvt4litzeria. * Read Sept. 27. 1952; received St>pt. 19. 1952. Cassidulina, Bolivina, Virgulitza and 55 56 Kiyoshi ASANO Table 1. Foraminifera from the Honya shale at Yagawase, Taira City. (Neritic to Bathyal facies) Depth of Core·sample From 70rn. 125m. the Surface A noma/ina sp................ .................... R Bo!lt•ina marginala ......................................... F F F Eo/it• ina sp ...................................................... R Bulimina ovata ............................................... F F A Cassidulina laevigata carina/a ............................. c c c Cibicides cf. florida nus ...................................... R R Cyclam mina incisa ......................................... R F c Dentalina sp .................................................. R Elphidium cf. yumotoense ............................... .. R Entosolenia hexogona ...................................... R R Epistomilll!lla joponica ...................................... R F F EP01zides umbonalus . ................... ·.................... F R G/obigerina spp................................................ F F F Hap/ophragmoides comPressa ............................. F R Hap/oPhrogmoides tmllisatum .......................... R F F Lagena striata ...... ............................................ R R Jo.fartinottie/la communis ................................... R F 1-lonion sp. ·: .................................................. .. R Nodosaria sp................................................... R R Pullenia salisburyi ............................................ R F Quinqueloculi1w ak11eriana ............................... R Robulus llikoboreiJsis ........................................ R R R Rotalia beccarii honyaensis ................................ R R F Sphacroidina comPacta ...................................... R R SpiroPicctammina niigataensis .......................... F F F ValV!tlilleria sadonica ......................................... R F c VirgulhiO honyaensis ......................................... R F A: Abundant, C: Common, F: Few, R: Rare Cyclammina are most common. The Table 2. Foraminifera from the Honya shale fine grained sediments and the absence at Kashim1·mura, Fukushima Prefecture. of carbonaceous material indicate also (Littoral facies) deposition in the medium·depth zones Kamikura· off the coast. mochi Ena Foraminifera from Kamikuramochi B111imina ovala .. .. ... .. .. R and Ena (Table 2), on the contrary, Epistomi11ella jaPo11ica . .. .. .. R consists mainly of shallow water forms, Nonion akitaense .. .... ............ ... R such as Rotalia and Nonion. The No11ion jaPo11icum ................ .. R F Nonio11ella mioce11ica .............. F F environment of these genera agree with Quinquelocu/illa sp ................. .. R R the mega-fossils from these localities Rotalia beccarii ho11yae11sis ..... A c .which are also of shallow , habitat .(KAMADA's verbal communication). A : Abundant, C: Common, F: Few. R: Rrre Miocene Foraminifera from the Honya Shale, Joban Coal·field 57 Thus, it can be said that the environ· Description of New Species ment of the Honya shale was deeper in the northern part than in the south· Virgulina honyaerzsis AsANo, n. sp. eastern part. Text-fig. 6 Age Consideration Test elongate, slender, not compressed, both ends rounded, greatest breadth The present fauna can be used to near the middle, earliest part somewhat corrdate the Tertiary formations of the twisted, later biserial ; chambers in· Joban Coal-field with those of the oil· flated, increasing gradually in height fields of Akita, Yamagata and Niigata and ·length as added; sutures distinct, Prefectures. depressed ; wall smooth, finely perforate; Bolivina marginata, Cassidulina aperture elongate, narrow. Length up laevigata carirzata, Spiroplectammina to 1.2 mm., breadth about 0.3 mm. rziigataensis, Nonionella miocenica, Holotype: Institute of Geology and Valvulineria sadmzica, Bulimirw ovata, Paleontology, Tohoku University co:!. Robulus nikobarensis and Cibicides cf. cat. no. 75290. Yagawase, south of floridattus first appear in the Honya Taira City (Lat. 37° 21 40'1 N., Long. shale and mGst of them continue 140" 5,1' E.), Honya shale, Middle upwards into the overlying marine Miocene. formations, extending their ranges even Remarks: Differs from both V. ishiki· up to the Kokozura formation (K. ensis AsANo and V. complatta/a EGGER A5ANo, 1949). Similar stratigraphic by the subcylindricat test which is not occurrences of these speci£S are found tapering. This is only found at the from the Funakawa black shale to the type locality. overlying Kitaura formation in Akita and Yamagata Prefectures. These Rotalia beccarii Jzonyaensis Tertiary formations of the oilfields just AsANO, n. subsp. mentioned are geosynclinal in nature and therefore, characteristic species Text-figs. lla -c additional to those above-mentioned OC· Test biconvex, dorsal side more cur in association. convex, periphery broadly rounded, The facts presented suggest that the composed of about 4 whorls; chambers Honya shale may be correlated to the inflated, 8 to 10 in last whorl ; sutures Funakawa formation. not limbate, depressed, gently curved, Characteristic species of the Honya somewhat excavated near umbilicus, shale are also found in the Temblor which is not clearly granulated; wall and Astoria formations in Oregon, Washington ani California. Although *According to J. A. CUSHMAN and R. E. and it is difficult to correlate the present K. C. STEW ART, from 1848 to about 1918 fauna to those of such remote areas, the Astoria was variously assigned to Eocene,
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