Department of the Army, DoD § 578.47 § 578.46 European-African-Middle (ii) Under orders in the combat zone Eastern Campaign Medal. and in addition meets any of the fol- Established by Executive Order 9265 lowing requirements: (3 CFR, 1943 Cum. Supp.). (a) Awarded a combat decoration. (a) Description. A medal of bronze 11¤4 (b) Furnished a certificate by a com- inches in diameter. On the obverse an manding general of a corps, higher LST landing craft and troops landing unit, or independent force that he actu- under fire with an airplane in back- ally participated in combat. ground below the words ``European-Af- (c) Served at a normal post of duty rican-Middle Eastern Campaign.'' The (as contrasted to occupying the status reverse is the same as that of the of an inspector, observer, or visitor). American Campaign Medal. The medal (d) Aboard a vessel other than in a is suspended by a ring from a silk passenger status and furnished a cer- moire ribbon 13¤8 inches in length and tificate by the home port commander 13¤8 inches in width composed of a of the vessel that he served in the com- brown stripe (3¤16 inch), green stripe (1¤16 bat zone. inch), white stripe (1¤16 inch), red stripe (iii) Was an evadee or escapee in the (1¤16 inch), green stripe (1¤4 inch), blue combat zone or recovered from a pris- stripe (1¤24 inch), white stripe (1¤24 inch), oner of war status in the combat zone red stripe (1¤24 inch), green stripe (1¤4 during the time limitations of the cam- inch), white stripe (1¤16 inch), black paign. Prisoners of war will not be ac- stripe (1¤16 inch), white stripe (1¤16 inch), corded credit for the time spent in con- and brown stripe (3¤16 inch). finement or while otherwise in re- (b) Requirements. Service within the straint under enemy control. European-African-Middle Eastern (e) ArrowheadÐ(1) Description. See Ðheater between December 7, 1941, and § 578.45(e)(1). November 8, 1945, under any of the fol- (2) Requirements. See § 578.45 (e) (2). lowing conditions: (1) On permanent assignment. [13 FR 6801, Nov. 19, 1948, as amended at 17 (2) In a passenger status or on tem- FR 912, Jan. 31, 1952] porary duty for 30 consecutive days or 60 days not consecutive. § 578.47 World War II Victory Medal. (3) In active combat against the Established by Act July 6, 1945 (59 enemy and was awarded a combat deco- Stat. 461; 10 U.S.C. 1430c). ration or furnished a certificate by the (a) Description. The medal of bronze is commanding general of a corps, higher 36 millimeters in diameter. On the ob- unit, or independent force that he actu- verse is a figure of Liberation standing ally participated in combat. full length with head turned to dexter (c) Boundaries of the European-Afri- looking to the dawn of a new day, right can-Middle Eastern TheaterÐ(1) Eastern foot resting on a war god's helmet with boundary. Coincident with the western the hilt of a broken sword in the right boundary of the Asiatic-Pacific The- hand and the broken blade in the left ater (§ 578.45(c)(2)). hand, the inscription ``World War II'' (2) Western boundary. Coincident with horizontally placed immediately below the eastern boundary of the American center. On the reverse are the inscrip- Theater (§ 578.44(c)(1)). tions ``Freedom from fear and want'' (d) Service starÐ(1) Description. See and ``Freedom of speech and religion'' § 578.40(d)(2). separated by a palm branch, all within (2) Requirements. Service within the a circle composed of the words ``United European-African-Middle Eastern The- States of AmericaÐ1941±1945.'' The ater, one bronze service star for each medal is suspended by a ring from a campaign (AR 260±15). The individual silk moire ribbon 13¤8 inches in length must meet any of the following condi- and 13¤8 inches in width composed of a tions: double rainbow in juxtaposition (3¤8 (i) Assigned, or attached, to and inch), white stripe (1¤32 inch), red band present for duty with a unit during the (9¤16 inch), white stripe (1¤32 inch), and period in which it participated in com- double rainbow in juxtaposition (3¤8 bat. inch). 417 VerDate 18<JUN>99 02:54 Jul 24, 1999 Jkt 183119 PO 00000 Frm 00417 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\183119T.XXX 183119t PsN: 183119T § 578.48 32 CFR Ch. V (7±1±99 Edition) (b) Requirements. Service between De- can-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal cember 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, was awarded for service prior to May 9, both dates inclusive. 1945.) [13 FR 6802, Nov. 19, 1948] (5) Army of Occupation of Japan be- tween September 3, 1945, and April 27, § 578.48 Army of Occupation Medal. 1952, in the four main islands of Established by section I, WD General Hokkaido, Honshu, Shokoku, and Orders 32, 1946: Kyushu, the surrounding small islands (a) Requirements. Service for 30 con- of the Japanese homeland, the Ryukyu secutive days at a normal post of duty Islands, and the Bonin-Volcano Islands. (as contrasted to inspector, visitor, (Service between September 3, 1945, and courier, escort, passenger status, tem- March 2, 1946, will be counted only if porary duty, or detached service) while the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal assigned to any of the following armies was awarded for service prior to Sep- of occupation: tember 3, 1945. In addition, service (1) Army of Occupation of Germany which meets the requirements for the (exclusive of Berlin) between May 9, Korean Service Medal as prescribed in 1945, and May 5, 1955. (Service between § 578.48b will not be counted in deter- May 9, and November 8, 1945, will be mining eligibility for this medal.) counted only if the European-African- Middle Eastern Campaign Medal was (6) Army Occupation of Korea be- awarded for service prior to May 8, tween September 3, 1945, and June 29, 1945.) 1949, inclusive. (Service between Sep- (i) Service for the prescribed period tember 3, 1945, and March 2, 1946, will with an organization which has been be counted only if the Asiatic-Pacific designated in Department of the Army Campaign Medal was awarded for serv- general orders as having met the re- ice prior to September 3, 1945.) quirements for the Berlin airlift device (b) Description. The medal of bronze is on an individual basis in orders issued 11¤4 inches in diameter. On the obverse by appropriate field authority will the Remagen Bridge abutments below qualify the individual for the award. the words ``Army of Occupation.'' On (ii) The orders announcing the award the reverse Fujiyama with a low hang- of the Berlin airlift device will specifi- ing cloud over two Japanese junks cally award the Army of Occupation above a wave scroll and the date Medal to persons not otherwise eligible ``1945.'' The medal is suspended by a therefor. 3 (2) Army of Occupation of Austria be- ring from a silk moire ribbon 1 ¤8 inches 3 tween May 9, 1945, and July 27, 1955. in length and 1 ¤8 inches in width com- (Service between May 9, and November posed of a white stripe (3¤16 inch), black 8, 1945, will be counted only if the Eu- band (1¤2 inch), red band (1¤2 inch), and ropean-African-Middle Eastern Cam- white stripe (3¤16 inch). paign Medal was awarded for service (c) ClaspsÐ(1) Requirements. A clasp prior to May 9, 1945.) appropriately inscribed will be issued (3) Army of Occupation of Berlin be- with each award of the Army of Occu- tween May 9, 1945, and a terminal date pation Medal to denote the area in to be announced later. (Service be- which occupation duty was rendered. tween May 9, and November 8, 1945, will (2) Description. The clasp is a bronze be counted only if the European-Afri- bar 1¤8 inch in width and 11¤2 inches in can-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal length with the word ``Germany'' or was awarded for service prior to May 9, ``Japan'' inscribed thereon. 1945.) (d) Berlin airlift deviceÐ(1) Require- (4) Army of Occupation of Italy be- ments. Service for 90 consecutive days tween May 9, 1945, and September 15, with a unit credited with participation 1947, in the compartment of Venezia in the Berlin airlift, or awarded the de- Giulia E Zara or Province of Udine, or with a unit in Italy as designated in vice by competent field authority on DA General Orders 4, 1947. (Service be- an individual basis. tween May 9, and November 8, 1945, will (2) Description. The Berlin airlift de- be counted only if the European-Afri- vice is a gold colored metal miniature 418 VerDate 18<JUN>99 02:54 Jul 24, 1999 Jkt 183119 PO 00000 Frm 00418 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\183119T.XXX 183119t PsN: 183119T.
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