JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 132, 384±408 (1997) ARTICLE NO. CP965647 A Fourier±Wavelet Monte Carlo Method for Fractal Random Fields Frank W. Elliott Jr., David J. Horntrop, and Andrew J. Majda Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 251 Mercer Street, New York, New York 10012 Received August 2, 1996; revised December 23, 1996 2 2H k[v(x) 2 v(y)] l 5 CHux 2 yu , (1.1) A new hierarchical method for the Monte Carlo simulation of random ®elds called the Fourier±wavelet method is developed and where 0 , H , 1 is the Hurst exponent and k?l denotes applied to isotropic Gaussian random ®elds with power law spectral the expected value. density functions. This technique is based upon the orthogonal Here we develop a new Monte Carlo method based upon decomposition of the Fourier stochastic integral representation of the ®eld using wavelets. The Meyer wavelet is used here because a wavelet expansion of the Fourier space representation of its rapid decay properties allow for a very compact representation the fractal random ®elds in (1.1). This method is capable of the ®eld. The Fourier±wavelet method is shown to be straightfor- of generating a velocity ®eld with the Kolmogoroff spec- ward to implement, given the nature of the necessary precomputa- trum (H 5 Ad in (1.1)) over many (10 to 15) decades of tions and the run-time calculations, and yields comparable results scaling behavior comparable to the physical space multi- with scaling behavior over as many decades as the physical space multiwavelet methods developed recently by two of the authors. wavelet algorithm developed by two of the authors in re- However, the Fourier±wavelet method developed here is more ¯ex- cent work [5±7]. However, since the Fourier±wavelet ible and, in particular, applies to anisotropic spectra generated method developed below is a spectral method, it is much through solutions of differential equations. Simulation results using more ¯exible for generating random ®elds with anisotropic this new technique and the well-known nonhierarchical simulation spectra and, in particular, spectra generated through the technique, the randomization method, are given and compared for both a simple shear layer model problem as well as a two-dimen- solutions of partial differential equations. sional isotropic Gaussian random ®eld. The Fourier±wavelet A wide variety of computational approaches have been method results are more accurate for statistical quantities de- used to generate fractal random ®elds. Some of these algo- pending on moments higher than order 2, in addition to showing rithms involve hierarchical methods [4±7] while others uti- a quite smooth decay to zero on the scales smaller than the scaling lize nonhierarchical methods [8±12] with varying degrees regime when compared with the randomization method results. The only situation in which the nonhierarchical randomization method of success. Hierarchical methods involve the decomposi- is more computationally ef®cient occurs when no more than four tion of a random ®eld into distinct characteristic scales. decades of scaling behavior are needed and the statistical quantities Because of the relatively compact nature of this type of of interest depend only on second moments. Q 1997 Academic Press representation, hierarchical methods are particularly at- tractive for simulating random ®elds with large regimes of scaling behavior. The nonhierarchical methods, such as the 1. INTRODUCTION randomization method [8] and its variants [9], as well as the The generation of random velocity ®elds which are frac- moving average method [10, 11], typically require strong tal and self-similar over many scales by accurate and ef®- bandwidth limitations in the spectrum and only produce cient Monte Carlo methods is an important and challenging a small number of decades of scaling behavior. One com- problem in a wide variety of applications including turbu- monly used hierarchical simulation technique, successive lent diffusion in the environment [1], solute transport in random addition [4, 13], was recently shown in [14] to be groundwater [2], and random topography in statistical inconsistent with a stationary random ®eld. Recently, two physics [3, 4]. In the simplest context of a zero mean sta- of the authors have introduced, validated, and used a new tionary scalar Gaussian random ®eld v(x) in one dimen- hierarchical method based upon a multiwavelet expansion sion, these fractal ®elds are completely characterized by (MWE) of the moving average stochastic integral represen- the mean tation to generate fractal random ®elds as well as passive scalar advection with such ®elds [5±7, 10]. Even though the MWE technique is limited to random ®elds with power kv(x)l 5 0 law spectra, it provides for the accurate generation of ®elds with an excess of 12 decades of scaling behavior. Below and the structure function we will introduce the Fourier±wavelet method which is 384 0021-9991/97 $25.00 Copyright 1997 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. A FOURIER±WAVELET MONTE CARLO METHOD 385 based upon a wavelet expansion of the Fourier stochastic 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE integral representation of a homogeneous Gaussian ran- FOURIER±WAVELET METHOD dom ®eld. The Fourier±wavelet method has a simpler form than the MWE method and can be applied to a wider In this section we develop the Fourier±wavelet method. variety of physical problems since the Fourier±wavelet We begin by recalling the general theory of random ®elds method can be applied to general spectra. Further discus- in one dimension and using this theory to develop our sion of the differences between the MWE approach and the method in full generality. Then we discuss the choice of Fourier±wavelet method is given at the end of Section 2. basis for an accurate, sparse approximation of the ®eld. We now give an outline of the remaining portion of this Finally, we detail a simple technique for implementing this paper. Section 2 begins with a brief description of the method and analyze the errors involved. In this section we stochastic integral representation of a homogeneous restrict ourselves to one-dimensional ®elds, taking up the Gaussian random ®eld and a brief review of wavelet theory subject of two-dimensional ®elds in Section 3. For a rigor- prior to actually giving the theoretical Fourier±wavelet ous generalization of such one-dimensional results to representation of the ®eld as a double summation over the higher dimensional ®elds, we refer the reader to earlier product of Gaussian weights and deterministic physical work of two of the authors in [6, 15]. space ``kernels.'' The Meyer wavelet and its Fourier trans- The description of the general structure begins with a form are then rigorously shown to have the appropriate brief review of the theory of Gaussian random functions properties in order to ensure that the terms in the Fourier± and their representation and continues by introducing the wavelet representation of the ®eld decay to a high polyno- necessary wavelet theory used to change the spectral repre- mial order. Given this rather rapid convergence, the effect sentation to the Fourier±wavelet representation. We then of the truncation of the doubly in®nite sum in the Fourier± turn to truncation of the Fourier±wavelet representation wavelet representation to give the simulation method is to produce an ef®cient, hierarchical method for generating shown to be rather small. Section 2 closes with a discussion one-dimensional random ®elds. Finally, we discuss our se- of some theoretical implementation issues including the lection of the Meyer wavelet as an ef®cient choice for the ef®cient generation of the needed Gaussian weights and Fourier±wavelet method. the interpolations required to evaluate the deterministic In our discussion of the implementation of the method, ``kernels'' at values other than those precomputed using we consider several key issues relating to the ef®ciency a fast Fourier transform. and accuracy of the method. Simulation of the random The purpose of Section 3 is to give some simulation ®eld occurs in two phases, a precomputation phase and results using the Fourier±wavelet method and make com- a run-time phase. In the precomputation phase, a collec- parisons with both analytic formulas and simulation results tion of kernels is computed using the discrete Fourier using a popular nonhierarchical method, the randomiza- transform. For this procedure, we analyze the effects of tion method [8]. Section 3 begins with a discussion of the aliasing and interpolation on the accuracy of these simple shear layer model problem and the exactly solvable kernels. In the run-time phase, the kernels are eval- statistical quantities that will be used as benchmarks for uated at several points and summed with random weights. the Monte Carlo simulations. Simulation results from the For the computation of the random weights, we describe Fourier±wavelet method and randomization method are a procedure which is adapted to sparse summations then given and compared. It is seen that the Fourier± of the kind that occur in the Fourier±wavelet wavelet method gives more accurate results for statistics method. depending on higher than second-order moments, as well as showing a smoother decay to zero on the scales below 2.1. General Structure of the Fourier±Wavelet Method the scaling regime than the randomization method. How- ever, it is shown that the randomization method is more In preparation to discuss our method, we now review computationally ef®cient if only four or ®ve decades of the basic theory of homogeneous Gaussian random func- scaling behavior are desired and if the statistical quantities tions on the real line. Our method extends to two and of interest depend only on second moments. Section 3 three dimensions by using the plane-wave construction concludes with a discussion of the simulation of a two- which was devised in [15] and implemented in conjunction dimensional isotropic Gaussian random ®eld.
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