Videorecording (DVD)

Videorecording (DVD)

MAT TYPECALL #(BIBLIO) TITLE DVD F2328 .V454 1990 VenezuelA FeBrero 27 [videorecording (DVD)] : de lA concertAcion Al desconcierto DVD ML207.C85 B84 1999B BuenA VistA SociAl CluB [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 J373 2001 El jArdín del Edén [videorecording (DVD)] = The GArden of Eden DVD PN1997.A7 D483 2002 La deudA internA [videorecording (DVD)] = Verónico Cruz DVD PN1997.M6 A467 2001 Amores perros [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 A836 2000 AtAme! [videorecording (DVD)] = Tie me up! Tie me down! DVD PN1997.S7 H334 2003 HaBle con ellA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 S437 2000 Secretos del corAzón [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C446 2001 JeAlousy [videorecording (DVD)] = Celos DVD PN1997.S7 V333 2002 VacAs [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ9261.E3 C712 2003 El crimen del PAdre AmAro [videorecording (DVD)] = The crime of PAdre AmAro DVD PQ6337 .M548 2003 Miguel de CervAntes [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.C5 T395 2003 Taxi pArA 3 [videorecording (DVD)] = A cAB for 3 DVD PN1997.C7 B655 2003 BolivAr soy yo [videorecording (DVD)] = BolivAr I Am DVD PQ6652.O56 .N312 1999 Nadie conoce A nAdie [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.C7 A267 2003 AcosAdA en lunes de cArnAvAl [videorecording (DVD)] = StAlked DVD PN1997.S7 C673 2003 CorAzón de BomBón [videorecording (DVD)] = Sweet heArt DVD PQ8098.16.U48 T512 2000 TintA rojA [videorecording (DVD)] = Red ink DVD PN1997.S7 C433 1998 ChA chA chá [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ6613.A763 Y412 2003 YermA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.A7 H556 2002 El hijo de lA noviA [videorecording (DVD)] : = Son of the Bride DVD PN1997.S7 P756 2000 La PrimerA noche de mi vidA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 E765 2004 El espinAzo del diABlo [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 .J836 2003 JuAnA lA LocA [videorecording (DVD)] = JoAn the mAd DVD PN1997.M6 S563 2006 Sin dejAr huellA [videorecording (DVD)] = Without A trAce DVD F2328.52.C48 C484 2004 Chávez, VenezuelA And the new LAtin AmericA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 M343 2005 La mAlA educAción [videorecording (DVD)] = BAd educAtion DVD PN1997.S7 B455 2003 Belle époque [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 L835 2003 LucíA y el sexo [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PR6068.E63 L512 2001 Carne trémulA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ6663.O554 H512 2003 LucíA LucíA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ8180.17.A73 .C612 2003 El coronel no tiene quien le escriBA [videorecording (DVD)] = No one writes to the Colonel DVD PN1997.S7 M373 2005 Mar Adentro [videorecording (DVD)] = The seA inside DVD F2224.G68 M612 2005 DiArios de motocicletA [videorecording (DVD)] : Motorcycle diAries DVD PQ8180.32.A4277 V512 2001 La virgen de los sicArios [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 N555 2004 La niñA de tus ojos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.2 .M375 2004 MariA full of grAce [videorecording (DVD)] DVD GV943 .S633 2006 HistoriAs de fútBol [videorecording (DVD)] = Soccer stories DVD PN1997.2 .Q563 2007 QuinceäñerA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 V658 2007 Volver [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 T466 2006 TemporAdA de pAtos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997 .B436 2004 BlAncAnieves y los 7 enAnitos [videorecording (DVD)] = Snow White & the 7 dwArves DVD PN1997.M6 .C666 2006 El compAdre MendozA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 P757 2006 Prisoner 13 [videorecording (DVD)] = El prisionero 13 DVD BL2490 .M578 2006 Misterios [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 L334 2007 El lABerinto del fAuno [videorecording (DVD)] = PAn's lAByrinth DVD PN1997.C5 F766 2005 La fronterA [videorecording (DVD)] = The exile DVD PN1997.C9 L835 2000 LuciA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.C9 C833 2006 The CuBAn mAsterworks collection [videorecording (DVD)] = OBrAs mAestrAs del cine cuBAno DVD HD6250.B53 P686 2005 The devil's miner [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.A7 B655 2005 BoliviA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 Y886 2002 Y tu mAmá tAmBién [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 T475 2006 Tesis [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.A7 S435 2010 El secreto de sus ojos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997 .N668 2008 El norte [videorecording (DVD)] = The north DVD PN1997.M6 .M576 2008 La mismA lunA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C753 2007 CríA cuervos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.2 .C445 2009 Che [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 V575 2006 ViridiAnA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 .E984 2009 El ángel exterminAdor [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 E766 2006 El espíritu de lA colmenA [videorecording (DVD)] = The spirit of the Beehive DVD PN1997.M6 S656 2006 Sólo con tu pArejA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C674 2001 CosAs que dejé en LA HABAnA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD JV6456 .D463 2007 De nAdie [videorecording (DVD)] = Border crossing DVD F3327 .C633 2006 CocAlero [videorecording (DVD)] DVD F2849.2 .D473 2007 The disAppeAred [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 .A636 2011 AmAntes [videorecording (DVD)] = Lovers DVD PN1997.S7 T354 2006 Te doy mis ojos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997 .E936 2003 EvA Perón [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ8180.17.A73 A212 2007 Con el Amor no se juegA [videorecording (DVD)] = Don't fool with love DVD PN1997.M6 L653 2007 LolA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 S566 2009 Sin nomBre [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 V634 2007 Innocent voices [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 B654 2003 El Bolero de RAquel [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 A434 2010 AlAmAr [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.C7 V534 2010 Los viAjes del viento [videorecording (DVD)] = The wind journeys DVD PN1997.M6 A445 2003 El AnAlfABeto [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 S849 2010 Su excelenciA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 P757 2007 PrincesAs [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 O233 2006 ObABA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 L337 2009 Ladrones [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C756 2007 El crimen ferpecto [videorecording (DVD)] = Perfect crime DVD PN1997.S7 S956 2005 Swindled [videorecording (DVD)] = IncAutos DVD PN1997.S7 A273 2010 Los ABrAzos rotos [videorecording (DVD)] = Broken emBrAces DVD PN1997.S7 B353 2011 The lAst circus [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 B588 2011 Biutiful [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 F576 2005 Flores de otro mundo [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C443 2011 Cell 211 [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 Y683 2011 Yo, tAmBién [videorecording (DVD)] = Me too DVD PN1997.S7 O743 2008 El orfAnAto [videorecording (DVD)] = The orphAnAge DVD PN1997.S7 D375 2007 AzuloscurocAsinegro [videorecording (DVD)] = DArkBlueAlmostBlAck DVD PN1997.S7 M848 2008 Muerte de un ciclistA [videorecording (DVD)] = DeAth of A cyclist DVD PN1997.S7 R432 2011 [Rec]2 [DVD] DVD PN1997.S7 B377 2008 Barrio [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 S548 2004 7 vírgenes [videorecording (DVD)] = 7 virgins DVD PN1997.S7 E587 2007 Entre Amigos [videorecording (DVD)] : unA películA DVD PN1997.S7 L864 2008 Los lunes Al sol [videorecording (DVD)] = MondAys in the sun DVD PN1997.S7 M486 2007 El método [videorecording (DVD)] = The method DVD PN1997.S7 A637 2011 Los AmAntes del Círculo PolAr [videorecording (DVD)] = Lovers of the Arctic Circle DVD PN1997.S7 K553 20077 KikA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD M1681.C9 C924 2003 CuBA feliz [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.C9 H378 2000z HastA cierto punto [videorecording (DVD)] = Up to A point DVD PN1997.A7 F574 2011 The fish child [videorecording (DVD)] = El niño pez DVD PN1997.A7 X977 2008 XXY [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 .C453 2012 Chico & RitA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1992.77 .S698 2011 Soy tu dueñA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD HD6101.Z6 M378 2006 MaquilApolis [videorecording (DVD)] = City of fActories DVD PN1997.S7 A656 2008 Amor idiotA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 A424 2012 AmAdor [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PQ9281.A66 B312 2005 The stone rAft [videorecording (DVD)] = LA BAlsA de piedrA DVD PN1997.S7 A322 2002 Acción mutAnte [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 .A735 2012 La ArdillA rojA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 B253 2005 800 BAlAs [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 C668 2000 La comunidAd [videorecording (DVD)] = Common weAlth DVD PN1997.C9 J836 2012 JuAn de los muertos [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997 .M469 2003 Men with guns [videorecording (DVD)] = Los homBres ArmAdos DVD PR6037.T617 D712 2006 DrAculA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 .C546 2005 La ciénAgA [videorecording (DVD)] = The swAmp DVD PN1997.A7 M854 2009 La mujer sin cABezA [videorecording (DVD)] = The heAdless womAn DVD PN1997.A7 N563 2005 La niñA sAntA [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.A7 W457 2004 Whisky [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1992.77 .P677 2013 Porque el Amor mAndA DVD KD373.P56 P563 2012 The Pinochet cAse [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.M6 T263 2012 TamBién lA lluviA = Even the rAin DVD JV6344 .W553 2010 Which wAy home [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1992.77 .N663 2009 En nomBre del Amor [videorecording (DVD)] DVD PN1997.S7 .V693 2012 La voz dormidA [videorecording] DVD PN1997.A7 H547 1998 La historiA oficiAl = [The officiAl story] DVD PN1992.77 .A567 2013 Amorcito corAzón [videorecording] DVD PN1997.S7 M383 2009 MatAhAris [videorecording] DVD PN1997.S7 T564 2009 Los cronocrimenes [videorecording] = Timecrimes DVD PN1997.S7 E987 2012 ExtrAterrestre [videorecording] = ExtrAterrestriAl DVD PN1997.S7 R432 2009 [REC] [videorecording] DVD PN1997.S7 R432 2012 Rec 3 [videorecording] : genesis DVD PN1997.S7 U558 2006 The uninvited guest [videorecording] = El hABitAnte incierto DVD PN1997.S7 T385 2007 El tAxistA ful [videorecording] DVD PN1997.S7 S644 2007 La soledAd [videorecording] = solitAry frAgments DVD PN1997.S7 H673 2004 Las horAs del díA [videorecording] = Hours of the dAy DVD PN1997.S7 T677 2008

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