OCTOBER 24. 1966: FIFTY CENTS Age relevisiontelswboto:oxxosxoxx(wwoomovirissexi I NOV 7. 19E6 Have newspaper critics a role in tv progranmstoday?5, PAGE 23 Advertisers' holiday campaignsmake the-seasenAltrighi PAGE 26 On the horizon: revitalization for the syndication scene PAGE 30 I this is what it takes to gather the NEWS N77:.? --Anse rz's .'"'witimmimmor KSTP-TV's custom-built high-speed color film proc- essor is the only one of its kind in the country. It processes both 16mm and 35mm film at the same KSTP-TV's Grand Commander is one of two planes time at 75 feet per minute, delivering high quality used for news purposes. Itis all-weather, radar - film faster than any competitor . 26 minutes from equipped and in constant communication with the "dry to dry." News Department and other news vehicles. ..and these are the men .,40) who deliver the NEWS pSlit1r mg John MacDougall, Bob Ryan and Gene Berry are the top rated newsmen in the Twin Cities. In short, KSTP-TV and NBC present all the news to more Upper Midwest viewers than all other Twin Cities stations combined. In addition to its fleet of 2-way -radio news cars, KSTP-TV utilizes helicopters and amphibiousve- Represented Nationally by Edward Petry & Co., Inc. hicles. Fire and police departmentsoften use the emergency power and light truck. Allare in 24 -hour contact with a dispatch center monitoring 18 police, fire and otheremergency radio facilities. The award -winning staff of42 photographers, writers, editors and technicians is supported by90 trained "stringer" correspondents plus theworld- wide facilities of NBC.They have produced all COLOR TELEVISION shows in color forsix years. MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL F ST FOR TELEVISIONUN! If ** ******* FRANK SINATRA ELKE SO.1MER GERD FROBE GRA( KELLY TOP QUALITY FEATURE FILMS t POST 1960 GROUP ISOLID Mu., ONE 10 IN MAGNIFICENT COLOR-10 B/W *4-********* ********* -Vet SENTA BERGER VITTORIO DE SICA SOPHIA LOREN ANITA EKBERG INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED STARS S °LIDA 5 DRAMA NOW MARKET PA FASCINATING INSUCH1°P MYSTERY ATLANTA MUSICALS DETROIT MILWAUKEE BOSTON TOLEDO ADVENTURECOMEDY CLEVELAND AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! goeve / * Exclusively from: GROUPS:TWO THREE and FOUR ADAMS BROADCAST SERVICES INC. MANY MORE STARSTUDDED FEATURE FILMS FEA- 60 EAST 56th STREET NEW YORK CITY 10022 TURING SUCH NAMES AS: GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA PLAZA 2-7780 CURT JURGENS INGRID BERGMAN MAXIMILLIAN SCHELL PETER SELLERS CLAUDIACARDINALESA JEAN GAIN * FOR EMERY PICTURES INC. Z ZSAGABOR EVA BARTOK ANDOTHERS I KIRKOn -TV theZ Go!HOUSTON Dr. Kildare Bonnie Prudden The Girl from Flipper U. N. C. L. E. Eleventh Hour Zero One Please Don't Eat The LieutenantNorthwest Passage Daktari The Daisies Sam Benedict National Velvet The RoundersOff To See The Wizard Thin Man Cain's Hundred Jericho The Grinch Who The Islanders Our Gang The Man fromStole Christmas Asphalt JungleCartoons U. N.C. L. E. The Rise & Fall of Features Tom & Jerry The Third Reich Television Age, October 24,1996 4 andAlways the sourceof total programming THE TOTAL PROGRAMMING 1COMPANY MGM TELEVISION ivision Age, October24, 1966 OCTOBER 24, 1966 COMPLETE AUTHORITATIVE Television Age 23 CRITICS ON CRITICS Newspaper and agency men agree on the season's prograi mine. but debate value of print criticism q, CHECKING THE LIST Pre-Chtistata.s advertisersuse tv annually and briefly, 20th. edition enough to swell fourth-quarter totals The complete directory and basic reference guide of international radi SPECIALS WHILE YOU WAIT television 28 Aetuarrk news crews, with split-second precision, rushIt bxlikding .net ravd, 'maim role & IV oregromt, riurlE1 maps, aid Sits' 014. COMplet its 011,44.! ID coverage of late -breaking developments 30 FILM'S FUTURE: HOW BRIGHT THE GLEAM? Inthe syndicationbusiness, wracked withchange, ulh 1966 WORLD RADIO emergence promises a renewed vigor TV HANDBOOK 'HURRY, HURRY, HURRY' The indispensable and complete To the tempo of the carnival barker, Avco &midnight guide for identifying broadcast sta- moved 55 tv shows out-of-doors 40 tions in every country of the world. A complete listing of all short wave stations, foreign broadcasts, long and medium wave stations, tv sta- tions and personnel. The World DEPARTMENTS Radio TV Handbookisthe only I I Film Tape Report guide of its kind, used by broad- I_ Publisher's Letter kr l000l Ito the Rouild-,,/, s casters,tvstations, technicians, 51 Wall St. Report amateurs, shortwave hobbyists, I I Letters to the Editor The h,trrnriat picture diplomatic corps and advertising 11, r1/1101,I, Hie agencies throughout the world. 17Tele-scope 53 Spot Report It hat's ahead behind the scenes Digest of national activitl For information, write I, Business Barometer 55 One Buyer's Opinion W(1.111111114 the trend, The buying myth 21 Newsfront 8.3 In the Picture World Radio TV Handbook 171, Is IIIit happened I/Ha, uitk.,lid Sundvej, 6, Hellerup, Denmark 13Viewpoints 84 In Camera Plogramming pros and cons The lighter side or 1270 Avenue of the Americas Television Age ispublished every other Monday by the TelevisionEditorial CorpoPublication Office: 440 Boston Post Road, Orange. Conn. Address mailtoeditorial New York, N. Y. 10020 Center adertisingand circulation offices:1270 Avenue of the Americas, Rockefeller N.\\York 20, N.Y.Circle 7-7660. Controlled circulation postage paid atNew York. N.1. andat Orange, Conn. Television Age, October 24,1966 J141 11, Last week,we flew Walter Cronkite to Frankfurt. Perry Mason to Seattle. Leonard Bernstein toTokyo. Marshal Dillon to San Francisco. Ed Sullivan to Melbourne. 1 Paladin to Boston. Worldwide distribution of the best film pro- control ... automated master inventorycon- 1 o,we'regrams in all television-that's our line. Fromtrol... inventory maintenance inToronto, Lon- the ground up, it's a first-class operation. don, Zurich, Sydney, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, and Case in point : our Operations Department.Miami, as well as Los Angeles and New York. It's the best in the syndicated film business.It adds up to superlative service. From sales notanAlso the largest. And the most experienced.agreement to print delivery to sales service to And the most completely automated.There'sbilling-smooth, professional, trouble -free. expert domestic and international routing So buy CBS Films for the best syndicated from both U.S. coasts. Plus direct telex toproductandthe best service. Come air time, overseas offices... painstaking print qualityyou'll be flying high! airline CBS Films Television Age Bait KBOI-TV \ ()I\I\ \ Publisher S.J. Paul Sell IDAHO! Editorial Director Dun Dunn KBOI-TV reaches more Associate Editors Ed Dowling homes, more viewers, more men Henry Neiger Marilyn Cohen Financial Editor and more women from Sign -on to T.A. \Vise Advertising Sign -off, Monday thru Norman Berkowitz Advertising Director Mort Miller Sunday*, than any other AdvertisingManager Marguerite Blaise Idaho television station. Sales Service Director Lee Sheridan And KBOI-TV is Idaho's Production Director red Lounsbury first 100% color - Circulation Director Evan Phoutrides Readers' Service Dept. capable station. Joanne It(4ind ARB Mar. '66. Audience meas- B usiness Office urements are estimates only Miriam Silverman based on data supplied by in- dicated sources and subjectto B ranch Offices thestrengthsandlimitations thereof. Midwest Paul Blakemore, Jr. 3120 St. John Road Des Moines, Iowa 277-2660 South Ilerbert Martin Box 3233A Birmingham, Ala. 35205 205-322-6528 United Kingdom F. A. Smyth & Assoc. 35 Dover Street TELEVISION London, W.1, England Channel 2 CBS Member of Business Publications Audit of Circulations, Inc. BOISE BRA AffiliatedwithBonnevilleInternationalsta- tions, KSL-TV Salt Lake City, KIRO-TV Se- TELEVISION AGEis published every other attle, WRUL. New York, KID -TV Idaho Falls. Monday by the Television Editorial Corp. Editorial, advertising and circulation office: 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N.Y. Phone: CIrcle 7.7660. Single copy: 50 cents. Yearly sub- Represented by' scription in the U.S. and possessions: $7; Canada: $7; elsewhere:$15. ©Television ETERS 0 ODWARD,INC. Editorial Corp. 1966. The entire contents 0 ,e,RiFF,N,0 TELEVISION AGE of are protected by copy- rightintheU.S. andinallcountries signatory to the Bern Convention and to the Pan-American Convention. Television Age, October 24, 1966 Why KGO-T11; San Francisco bought Volumes 1,2,8.9 and 10 of Seven Arts' "Films of the 50's and 00's" Says David M. Sacks: ABC Vice President and General Manager, KGO-TV, San Francisco, California " More andmore San Franciscan's are tuning in for a colorful look at Channel 7 because of our 372 Seven Arts' Films of the 50's and 60's,' 197 of which are in color. KGO-TV, colorcasting during our around -the -clock broadcasting schedule, leans heavily on color features to program our 7 different feature time slots in addition to our 'All -Night Movies': Saturday evening "The Best of Hollywood" (11:15 P.M. to conclusion) "Morning Movie" (Mon. -Fri., 9:00-10:30 A.M.) "The 6 O'Clock Movie" (Mon. -Fri., 6:00-7:30 P.M.) "The Late Movie" (Mon. -Fri., 11:30 P.M. to conclusion) "The Saturday Movie" (3:30-5:30 P.M.) "The World's Greatest Movies" (Sun. 5:00-7:00 P.M.) Sunday evening "The Best of Hollywood" (11:15 P.M. to conclusion) Accordingly, our feature film programming requirements demand a library well -stocked with excellent Seven Arts' features." Sere's. Ids A SUBSIDIARY OF SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS, LTD. NEW YORK: 200 Park Avenue, YUkon 61717 CHICAGO: 4630 Estes, Lincolnwood. III. ORchard 45105 DALLAS: 5511 Royal Crest Drive, EMerson 3-7331 LOS ANGELES: 3562 Royal Woods Drive, Sherman Oaks. Calif,S ate 11-8276 TORONTO, ONTARIO. 11 Adelaide St West. EMpire 47193 Letter from the Publisher One View of Television FCC Commissioner Lee Loevinger is an articulate, pro- vocative, stimulating observer of the television universe. His description of television-metaphors and all-delivered before the New Jersey Broadcasters Association is herewith quoted in verbatim.
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