AWN SWAZILAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOL. XXXV} MBABANE,Friday, August Ist, 1997 [No. 278 CONTENTS No. Page GENERAL NOTICES 51. Authorization of Change of Surname Notice 632 ADVERTISEMENTS 633 CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT PART C - LEGAL NOTICES 120. The Maximum Bus and Taxi Fares (Amendment) Regulations, 1997 .............-.ssssececeee $1 121. Appointment of Nominated and Alternate Members of the Industrial Court Notice, 1997 S41 122. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $42 123. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $42 124. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $43 125. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $43 126. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary S44 127. Appointment of Acting Attorney-General $44 128. Appointment of Acting Secretary to Cabinet/HCS S45 129. The Commission of Enquiry Into the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital (Financial) Notice, 1997 S46 130. The Commission of Enquiry Into the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital (Administrative) Notice, 1997 S48 132. Appointment of Commissioned Officers to the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force.............. $50 133. Promotion of Commissioned Officers to the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force................. $51 134. Promotion of Commissioned Officers to the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force.................. $52 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 632 GENERAL NOTICE NO.51 OF 1997 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (UnderSection 3) In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of NameAct, 1962, the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorises:- ELMON SIPHO MAGAGULA A resident of Mangweni area in the Hhohho Region to assume the Surname TIBANE. E. BHEMBE Principal Secretary MBABANE 17TH JULY, 1997 8.G.G, NO. 278, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1997 633 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Timothy Bhekumusa Magagula of Manzini Region intend to apply to the Honourable Minister for Justice of the Kingdom of Swaziland for authorisation to assume the surname Dlamini after the fourth publication ofthis notice in each of the four consecutive weeks in the Observer and Times of Swaziland Newspapers, being two Newspapers circulating in the Region where I reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Manzini Region and in the Government Gazette. The reason I wantto assume the surname is because Dlamini is my natural surname. Anyperson or personslikely to object to my assuming the surname Dlamini should lodgetheir objections in writing with me at the address given below and with the Regional Secretary for Manzini Region. P/B Mliba Manzini 31031 4x01-08-97 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Simphiwe Kagiso Masuku of Hhohho Region intend tc apply to the Honourable Minister for Justice ofthe Kingdom of Swaziland for authorisation to assume the surname Segaetsho after the fourth publication of this notice in each of the four consecutive weeks in the Observer and Timesof Swaziland Newspapers, being two Newspapers circulating in the Region where I reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Hhohho Region and in the Government Gazette. The reason I want to assume the surnameis because Segaetsho is my natural surname. Anyperson orpersonslikely to object to my assuming the surname Segaetsho should lodge their objections in writing with me at the address given below and with the Regional Secretary for Hhohho Region. PO. Box 847 Mbabane J1202 4x22-08-97 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: ROGER PAUL ROSBROOK-THOMPSON ESTATE NO. E248/95 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 51 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28 of 1902 that the first and final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwill lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland at Mbabane andatthe office of the District Commissioner Hhohhodistrict for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of appearance ofthis notice. Any person objecting to the account may lodge his objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. ROBINSON, BERTRAM for the Executor/s P.O. Box 24 Mbabane . J1239 01-08-97 S.G.G. NO. 278, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1997 634 NOTICE Noticeis hereby given that we intend applying for Certified Copy of Crown Grant No. 54/1987 in favour of Bromor Foods (Swaziland) (Proprietary) Limited CERTAIN: Lot No. 244 situate in Matsapha town, Manzini District, Swaziland; MEASURING: 8,890 (eight comma eight nine zero) square metres. Any person having objection to the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodgeit in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within three (3) weeks of the last publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF JULY 1997. MILLIN & CURRIE ATTORNEYS Incorporating R.D. Friedlander & Co. P.O. Box A240 Swazi Plaza Mbabane : J1213 2x08-08-97 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for Certified Copy of Crown Grant No. 97/1992 in favour of Bromor Foods (Swaziland) (Proprietary) Limited CERTAIN: Lot No. 243situate in Matsapha town, Manzini District, Swaziland; MEASURING: 8,452 (eight comma four five two) square metres. Anyperson having objectionto the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodgeit in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within three (3) weeksofthelast publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF JULY 1997. MILLIN & CURRIE ATTORNEYS Incorporating R.D. Friedlander & Co. P.O. Box A240 Swazi Plaza Mbabane 31214 2x08-08-97 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: MANNIE MENACHEMSON EH105/97 Notice is hereby given calling uponall debts and creditors of the above estate to lodge their claim with andpay their debts to the undersigned within twenty one.days of the date of publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 25TH DAY OF JULY 1997. MILLIN & CURRIE ATTORNEYS Incorporating R.D. Friedlander & Co. P.O. Box A240 Swazi Plaza Mbabane J1233 01-08-97 8.G.G. NO. 278, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1997 635 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intendto apply to the Registrar of Deeds for Swaziland under Regulation 40 (14) of the Deeds Registry Regulations, 1973 for the cancellation of an entry in the Deeds Office Debt Registerin respect of: Mortgage Bond No. 92/1989 dated the 7th March, 1989, for the sum of E2 000.00 (Two Thousand Emalangeni) passed by Harry Sibhaha Dlamini, (born on the 13th March, 1936) in favour of SWAZILAND DEVELOPMENTAND SAVINGS BANK. Anyperson having objection to the cancellation ofthe entry is hereby requested to lodge it in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within Three (3) weeks of the last publication of this Notice. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 29TH DAY OF JULY, 1997. ROBINSON BERTRAM Attorneys for Applicant Sokhamlilo Building P.O. Box 24 Mbabane J1241 2x08-08-97 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of: Crown Grant No. 34/1979 registered on the 6th June, 1979,in favour of Harry Sibhaha Dlamini, (born on the 13th March, 1936); in respect of:- CERTAIN: Lot No. 404 situate in the Piggs Peak Township, District of Hhobho, Swaziland. MEASURING: 1294 (One Two Nine Four) Square Metres. Any person having objectionto the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodgeit in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within Three (3) weeks of the last publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 29TH DAY OF JULY, 1997. ROBINSON BERTRAM Attomeys for Applicant Sokhamlilo Building P.O. Box 24 Mbabane 31242 2x08-08-97 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE: JOHN LANDRETH ESTATE NO. EHS/96 AJ creditors and persons interested ab intestato or otherwise in the abovementioned Estate are hereby called upon within twenty-one days from the date hereof, to lodge in writing with the Master of the High Court of Swaziland at Mbabane, Swaziland, the particulars of their claims against the said Estate and their objections,if any, to the signing and sealing by him ofthe Letters ofAdministration granted by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa. Provincial Division, at Pretoria, Transvaal on the 30th day of September 1997 to Julie Karina Peasey as Executor/s Testamentary of the said Estate. ROBINSON, BERTRAM & CO, Attorneys for Executor/s Testamentary P.O. Box 24 Mbabane 31217 01-08-97 $.G.G. NO. 278, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1997 636 NOTICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF SWAZILAND HELD AT MBABANE CASE NO. 9/97 In the matter between: SWAZILAND BUILDING SOCIETY Plaintiff and NAPHTALI DLAMINI Defendant NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Writ of Execution issued in the above matter, the undermentioned property will be sold by Public Auction by the Deputy Sheriff for the District of Hhohho, outside the New High Court Building, Hospital Hill, Mbabaneat 11.30 a.m. on FRIDAY the 15TH day of AUGUST1997. CERTAIN: Lot No. 122 situate in Mswili and Vunte Streets in the Msunduza Township Extension No. 3, HhohhoDistrict, Swaziland. MEASURING: 767 (Seven Six Seven) Square Metres; RESERVE PRICE: E15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand Emalangeni); Conditions of Sale are available for inspection at the office of the Sheriff in the High Court building in Mbabaneandatthe offices of the Regional Administrator, Hhohho. The Society may lend 75% (seventy five per centum) to suitable borrowers and interested parties are advised to seek advice from the Society in this regard priorto the date ofthe sale. Further particulars may be obtained from the undersigned. DATED AF MBABANEON THIS THE 25TH DAY OF JULY 1997. for: T.S. MAZIYA S.J. Gama Sheriff of Swaziland c/o The Registrar of the High Court Mbabane J1243 01-08-97 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: GILBERT NXUMALO ESTATE NO. EL8/97 Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to lodge their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within (30) thirty days from date of publication hereof.
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