16·06·09 Week 24 arielonline: ariel.gateway.bbc.co.uk THE BBC NEWSPAPER CAMERAS, LIGHTS, MAKE-UP, ACTION: IT MUST BE RADIO a Page 7 PHOTOGRAPH YOU ASK THE QUESTIONS : ANNA GORDON THE HEAD HONCHOS as Nicky Campbell called a panel of maintain our identity when audiences don’t care where content ◆ execs, lined up for the Big Debate in front of an audience in comes from so long as they get it?’ A challenging issue, the Studio 6 at TVC with proceedings streamed on Gateway. Here, panel agreed, though Peter Salmon praised sports coverage Harshad Mistry, senior technologist in FM&T, asks ‘How do we for ‘rejuvenating the BBC brand’. More questions Page 3 > NEED TO KNOW 2 WEEK AT WORK 8-9 OPINION 10 MAIL 11 JOBS 14 GREEN ROOM 16 < 162 News aa 00·00·08 16·06·09 NEED TO KNOW THE WEEK’S ESSENTIALS NEWS BITES SIX LOST Ze^hdYZhd[=VcXdX`Éh a =Va[=djg]VkZWZZcgZhidgZY Now tv skills can lead to an MA idi]Z778VgX]^kZhV[iZgi]Z =VcXdX`6eegZX^Vi^dcHdX^Zin VeegdVX]ZY7786jY^dWdd`hl^i] Room 2425, White City ◆ THREE NEW POST GRADUATE qualifications VgZXZcianY^hXdkZgZYXdaaZXi^dcd[ in production management are to be launched ]dbZ"gZXdgYZYVjY^diVeZh#778 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS which will recognise and accredit the range of 6jY^dWdd`hl^aaejWa^h]i]ZÒghiild skills within the industry. The courses, which will Ze^hdYZh!I]Z;a^\]id[i]ZGZYH]VYdl 020 8008 4228 be free to BBC staff, are open to working profes- VcYI]ZLgdc\BVc!^c6j\jhi# sionals with five years’ production experience Editor but not necessarily with a first degree. PETER SISSONS ^hidfj^i Andrew Harvey 02-84222 People can accrue course credits by complet- cZlhgZVY^c\V[iZgV)*"nZVg Deputy editors ing training modules that will be assessed by Skill- _djgcVa^hi^XXVgZZg#I]Z++nZVg Sally Hillier 02-26877 set’s media academy network to gain a post grad daY!XjggZciandci]Z778CZlh Cathy Loughran 02-27360 certificate, diploma or full MA in production man- 8]VccZa!eaVchidaZVkZ^ci]Z Features editor agement. Students will be expected to complete hjbbZgidlg^iZ]^hbZbd^gh# Clare Bolt 02-27445 private study and some modules in their own time, Reporters and courses will be open to external candidates BBC IPLAYER gZXZ^kZYi]Z'%%. Carla Parks 02-27630 for a fee. L]^X]46lVgY[dg^ccdkVi^dcVi Laura Scarrott 02-84224 Announcing the scheme at last week’s produc- VcZkZci]ZaYViAdcYdcÉh7g^i^h] Peggy Walker 01-43940 tion management conference, Angela Roberts, BjhZjb#I]ZVlVgYlVhegZhZciZY Production editor manager of production training said: ‘This is about Wn^ckZcidgIgZkdg7Vna^hid^EaVnZg Claire Barrett 02-27368 giving people a portable qualification and recogni- egdYjXiaZVY?VbZh=Zl^cZh# Art editor tion to skilled individuals. Before, you could work Ken Sinyard 02-84229 for years in production management with nothing AMBITIOUS DAYTIME YgVbVhZg^Zh Ariel online to show for it.’ Bdk^c\Dc!hiVgg^c\!Vbdc\di]Zgh! Andy Walker (editor) 02-84227 The post grad modules – a mix of online and ◆ THE UKULELE ORCHESTRA of Great Britain’s H]Z^aV=VcXdX`!7]Vh`ZgEViZaVcY Alex Goodey 02-27410 face-to-face training – are in development with a concert at the BBC Proms on August 18 will raise AZhaZnH]Vge!^hWZ^c\gZeZViZY Business co-ordinator target launch date of January 2010. Full details will the profile of an instrument whose fans include dcVlZZ`anWVh^hdc778DcZ# Silvana Romana 02-84228 be published later in the year on the Production Paul McCartney and Brian May of Queen. I]ZÒghid[i]ZÒkZYgVbVhlVh Ariel mail Uncovered pages of Gateway. In a novel twist, people attending the concert WgdVYXVhidcBdcYVn?jcZ&*# [email protected] at the Royal Albert Hall have been invited to take Ariel online ariel.gateway.bbc.co.uk ◆ SHARP-EYED VIEWERS and online users might along their own ukuleles to join in a grand rendi- JUNE 19 ^hi]ZXadh^c\YViZ[dg have noticed a minor change in the BBC’s foreign tion of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy! Veea^XVi^dch[dg;VhiIgVX`!i]Z Guest contributors this week coverage. News has decided to adopt the more Roger Wright, director of the BBC Proms, says he has BZY^V<jVgY^Vc:Y^cWjg\] common spelling of Taliban, rather than Taleban, started learning and hopes to join in on the night. >ciZgcVi^dcVaIk;Zhi^kVahX]ZbZ[dg which it has favoured until now. The Ukulele Orchestra was founded in 1985 ‘as a eZdeaZl]dÉkZWZZcldg`^c\^cik[dg JAKE BOWERS, Romany broadcaster, ‘The word is a translation from the Arabic, so bit of fun’ and has won a large following. It has even '")nZVghVcY]VkZÈeVhh^dcYg^kZ!VcY asks where his culture is reflected neither spelling can be said to be right or wrong, recorded a Radio 1 session. The orchestra has helped ZcZg\nÉ#HZZi]ZB<:>IKlZWh^iZ# on air, while WS correspondent and there is no particular political significance in to revive interest in an instrument that originated ROB BROOMBY explains how the which version to use,’ explains Jonathan Baker, in the 19th century in Hawaii. From there, the uke PRODUCERS FROM =daanlddY BBC’s White Season made the rest of deputy head of newsgathering, in a note to news spread to the US and then internationally. VcY7daanlddYl^aaheZV`id Europe sit up and take note. Page 10 teams. ‘But almost all governments, NGOs [non- Ukuleles have four strings and come in four bZbWZghd[i]Z7787aVX`VcY government organisations] and media organisa- sizes, from the smallest, the soprano, which is the 6h^Vc;dgjbdc?jcZ'(^ci]Z BBC Jobs 0370 333 1330 tions spell it with an ‘i’ not an ‘e’.’ standard, to the concert, tenor and baritone. Xdc[ZgZcXZgddb!L]^iZ8^in# Jobs textphone 028 9032 8478 He goes on to say although the spelling ‘might There are two main types: the Hawaiian, :bV^aWWV[ZkZcih5WWX#Xd#j` BBC Jobs John Clarke 02-27143 not seem much of an issue to a tv and radio broad- shaped like a small guitar, and the circular-bod- Room 2120, White City, London W12 7TS caster’, it’s an important point for the website and ied banjo-ukulele, or banjolele, as played by OUR FEATURE last week on for access to material via search engines. George Formby, who famously strummed his Psychoville, which starts on BBC Advertise in Ariel Previously, anyone searching for ‘Taliban’ in way through classics such as Leaning on a Lam- Two on June 18, should have Ten Alps Publishing 020 7878 2314 Google would not have come across any BBC post, When I’m Cleaning Windows and With My included the website addresshttp:// www.bbcarielads.com content. Little Stick of Blackpool Rock. www.bbc.co.uk/psychoville/ Printing Garnett Dickinson Group Rotherham 01709 768000 FILE SHARING... PIRATE PARTY SAILS THROUGH IN EUROPE Subscribe to Ariel Six months: £26, £36, £40 by Rory Cellan-Jones industries from a severe threat. the country hadn’t woken up to the that would see offenders have their Twelve months: £50, £60, £68 BBC technology correspondent They quoted a report by Europe fact that a vital part of the economy net connections cut off. But last week (prices for UK, Europe, rest of world Economics that ‘up to 800,000 could be wiped out by piracy. France’s top legal body cut that law respectively) ONE SIDE THINKS it’s a threat to jobs’ could be lost to internet Earlier, I met the Carphone off at the knees. The Constitutional Cheques to: Garnett Dickinson Print, the essence of our civilisation, de- piracy. Another report told us that Warehouse boss Charles Dun- Court ruled that access to the net was Brookfields Way, Manvers, stroying jobs, depriving artists of nearly seven million people in the stone, whose TalkTalk broadband a human right, and said the agency Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham S63 5DL a living and causing untold dam- UK were downloading illegally – service is under pressure to act set up to monitor web activity was a Tel 01709 768199 age to the economy. To the other, and worked out that this was cost- against file-sharers. He made it breach of privacy. it’s a totem of liberty and free artistic ing the economy 4000 jobs. clear he wasn’t prepared to police In Sweden, the media firms won INFORMATION IN AN EMERGENCY expression, and attempts to curb Such figures have been torn his customers’ web activities. He their biggest victory so far in a trial Telephone 0800 0688 159 it are both evil and doomed. I’m apart by those on the other side told me about a web service that which saw the founders of the Ceefax Page 159 www.bbc.co.uk/159 talking about illegal file-sharing of the debate, a mix of web liber- offers to download you just about Pirate Bay website fined and sen- Ariel is produced by Internal Communi- on the internet, the subject of a tarians, music fans and internet any track simply by surfing all of tenced to a year in jail for assisting cations for people at the BBC ferocious debate in the UK and service providers. They’ve quoted the world’s online radio stations, in file-sharing. Then Sweden’s across Europe right now. their own figures which show that then serving it up when it arrives Pirate Party won a seat in the In the run-up to the govern- those who download illegally also on one of their playlists. His con- European Parliament on a mani- ment’s Digital Britain report, the tend to buy more music.
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