American Sociological Association Volume 28 Number 3 Community & Urban Sociology Section Summer 2016 CUSS Newsletter INSIDE THIS ISSUE: CONFERENCE FEATURE: URBAN CASCADIA Ryan Centner ure 1), including innova- London School tions and inequalities. of Economics Cascadia, to begin, is a somewhat contested term For those of you at- (Helm 1993; Smith 2008; tending the Seattle annu- Abbott 2009). As a re- -Editor’s Note 3 al meetings: Welcome to gional moniker, clearly it -News & Notes 4 the northwestern edge of references the Cascade -Calls for Submissions the Americas – Range of mountains that “Cascadia” – a region I run from northern Califor- The Seattle skyline is in the mid- -CUSS Election Results 5 am proud to call home, nia up to southern British dle of the Cascadia Corridor along -New Dissertations -New Books 6 even though I currently Columbia. Its vernacular I-5. live some 5,000 miles origins derive from popu- Conference Features: away in an increasingly lar depictions of the Pa- -Climate Change, Trau- 15 wash of winds and wa- ma, and Coastal Cities provincial archipelago cific Northwest as a kind ters. As a distinct region, -Glimpse of Seattle 19 known as the British of “ecotopia” (Callenbach Cascadia arises from Isles. If this is your first 1975; Garreau 1981), both a natural integrity encounter with the Pacific reflecting both a unique (e.g., landforms and -2016 ASA CUSS Panels 24 Northwest, you may be landscape and unusual & Roundtables earth-plates, weather pat- -2016 CUSS Awards 25 scratching your head. society-environment rela- terns and ocean currents, -2016 ASA CUSS 28 What is Cascadia? And tionship. Seattle-based flora, fauna, watersheds, Reception how can someone so far sociologist David McClos- etc.) and a sociocultural away still consider it key (1988: n.p.) devel- unity (e.g., native cul- “home”? I aim to answer oped the notion of a tures, a shared history these questions while cross-border bioregion, and destiny). briefly conveying some of noting that: Beyond these early the distinctive features Cascadia is a land reflections, the idea of that define the three larg- rooted in the very bones Cascadia has been fur- est Northwestern cities of of the earth, and animat- ther developed along po Vancouver, Seattle, and ed by the turnings of sea Portland (see map in Fig- and sky, the mid-latitude Cascadia, p.8 C h a i r ’ s M e s s a g e Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University We have a fantastic Sessions at the ASA to a number of CUSS ASA meeting coming up meeting, as well as members who have given in Seattle in August. I award winners and elec- much of time and effort to hope everyone has made tion results for section support the section. plans to attend. The officers held this spring. I First, I would like to offer newsletter includes infor- want to express my a special thank you to mation about the CUSS thanks and appreciation Chair, p.2 P a g e 2 Volume 28 Number 3 C h a i r ’ s M e s s a g e from page 1 Nicole Marwell for serving dams Award for Best Arti- dues and therefore time to join such a com- as Chair of the Nomina- cle, thank you to Josh should be leaders and mittee, the following are tions Committee. Nicole Pacewicz (chair), Chase decision-makers for the general guidelines that handled all the logistical Billingham, and Jonathan section. According to out characterize the time and tasks of contacting peo- Wynn. For the Robert E. bylaws, the CUSS Coun- effort expected of com- ple and we really appreci- Park Award for Best cil has the “power to carry mittee members and ate her hard work and Book, I wish to thank Pat- out all necessary opera- council members. effort at making the elec- rick Sharkey (chair), Pa- tions for the Section. The Expectations of CUSS tions successful. Please tricia Herzog, and Rory Council shall make deci- Committee Members. join in welcoming the new Kramer. For the Student sions by majority rule of Accepting membership section officers that are Paper Award, thank you its attending members.” on a CUSS Committee listed in the Newsletter. I to Shelley Kimelberg Based on discussions, I means a full-year com- want to give a big thank (chair), Marco Garrido, developed and vetted mitment to do the follow- you to everyone who ac- Jean Beaman, and Pam- with Ray and Deirdre a ing: cepted the nomination to ela Pricket. The award tentative set of expecta- •Perform agreed upon run for office. On behalf winners are listed in this tions for CUSS Commit- tasks as decided through of the section, we appre- issue of the Newsletter. tee members and Council committee ciate your willingness to Many thanks to those members. I then submit- •Communicate and follow serve the section. who submitted their ex- ted a draft of expecta- up regularly with commit- I want to thank our cellent work, making the tions to the Council for tee chair regarding spe- section session organiz- committees’ tasks both their feedback. The cific tasks, needs and ers: Joe Galaskiewicz for challenging and reward- Council approved the requests serving as organizer of ing. Also, congratulations amendments with the •Report progress of tasks the Session on Urban to the winners! The final daft going to the as requested Spatial Inequality; Nicole award plaques will be ASA for their approval. •Assist in recruiting new Marwell and Michael given at the CUSS Re- The ASA has an ex- committee members and McQuarrie for serving as ception (6:30PM) on Sat- tensive review process CUSS members general- organizers of the Session urday, August 20 at the for proposed new bylaws ly on Transformations in Seattle Public Library. I and amendments. The •Attend ASA meeting and Contemporary Urban want to thank Ryan Cent- ASA Committee on Sec- CUSS Business Meeting Governance; and ner for leading the plan- tions and the ASA Coun- •Attend CUSS events, Rachael Woldoff for serv- ning and organizing effort cil reviewed the proposed especially CUSS recep- ing as organizer of the for our CUSS reception. amendments to the tion Session on Crime, Disor- I want to thank CUSS CUSS bylaws. After ASA Expectations of CUSS der, and the City. I also members for voting to Council approved the Council Members. Ac- want to thank Meredith approve the two amend- bylaws amendments, cepting membership on Greif for kindly offering to ments to the CUSS by- they were placed on the the CUSS Council means take the lead in organiz- laws. Let me give you CUSS ballot for ASA’s a three-year commitment ing the roundtables. The some background and spring election. As you to do the following: number of CUSS information about the know, both amendments •Perform agreed upon roundtables has grown in amendments. Last sum- received a majority of tasks as decided through recent years at the ASA mer, I had several con- favorable votes. They go committee meetings, a sign of in- versations with past-chair into force on the last day •Communicate and follow creased interest in the Ray Hutchison, chair- of the 2016 ASA meeting. up regularly with commit- topics and themes of ur- elect Deirdre Oakley, Here are the amend- tee chair regarding spe- ban and community soci- several CUSS Council ments: cific tasks, needs and ology. Members, and others requests A big thank you to the about formulating a set of -Amendment #1: In order •Report progress of tasks members of our CUSS expectations for mem- to give potential CUSS as requested award committees. For bers of the Council and Committee members and •Assist in recruiting new the Robert and Helen members of the various Council members a committee members and Lynd Career - Lifetime CUSS Committees. sense of what is ex- CUSS members general- Achievement Award, I There was some concern pected so that they can ly want to thank Miriam that CUSS Committee make a decision of •Attend annual ASA Greenberg (chair), Emily members and Council whether they can commit meeting each year of the Molina, and Miranda Mar- members pay CUSS the appropriate amount of three-year term tinez. For the Jane Ad- CUSS Newsletter P a g e 3 •Attend CUSS Council, about a successor. There ASA member database CUSS Business Meeting, is no formal process of by name. Only current and other CUSS events, nomination for the listserv ASA members (and those especially CUSS recep- since it is not owned and who are not already tion each year of the controlled by the ASA. It members of CUSS) are three-year term is important that whoever eligible to receive a gift manages the listserv be section membership. You EDITOR’S NOTE Amendment #2: There someone who is an ac- may purchase several William G. Holt shall be a Membership tive members of CUSS memberships at one Birmingham-Southern Committee to identify and is collegial and un- time, with an easy check- College strategies to retain cur- derstands the importance out and payment process rent members and recruit of monitoring and enforc- within the secure ASA As the 2016 ASA An- new members. The ing listserv etiquette. We database. Section mem- nual Meetings approach, Membership Committee are happy that Deirdre berships will be activated the CUSS Section will be will have three members. Oakley eagerly volun- immediately; recipients offering an exciting set of The chair of the Member- teered to take Judith’s will receive an e-mail no- panels and roundtables. ship Committee will be place and manage the tifying them of the gift.
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