9%!2s)335%./ '03 A STRONG FUTURE FOR BGC WITH GERMAN-MADE IS MACHINES (/2.',!33 ).$5342)%3 OFFICIAL HEAT-UP OF TURKMENISTAN CONTAINER GLASS FURNACE 2 - Copia omaggio € /'4 READY FOR THE 2020 WORLD MARKET REQUIREMENTS &/2-!',!3 ALL-IN-ONE SUPPLIER FOR TABLEWARE PRODUCTION HEYE °ÊÓÇÉäÓÉÓää{ÊcÊ{È®Ê>ÀÌ°Ê£]ÊV>Ê£ÊÊ Ê>ÊUÊ SWABBING ROBOT PROVES SUCCESSFUL AT ORORA’S AUSTRALIAN GLASS MANUFACTURING PLANT *ÃÌiÊÌ>>iÊ-«>ÊÊ-«i`°ÊÊ>°Ê«°ÊÊ °°ÊÎxÎÉÓääÎÊ­VÛ°ÊÊ www.glassonline.com COVER GM 1.indd 1 15/01/18 12.08 studiobrand.it Take a look inside. Discover perfection. Designed, made and tested totally by us. www.bdf.it 8-10-12 SECTIONS ; 30° Constant trough angle LESS IMPACT GOB MULTI DIRECT CONSTANT 1 DELIVERYAND TANDEM ; NewDRIVE deflector X2-X3-X4 profile longer on troughANGLE side SOFT VARIATION IS-P: DG 6 ¼”-TG 4 ¼” ; New deflector design and profile CENTRIFUGAL FORCE SYSTEM ; HigherGOB gob DISTIBUTOR speed GOB DELIVERY ON NEW DEFLECTOR DESIGN IS PARALLEL ; Shorter contact time between gob and trough 0,0035 ADVThe final 8000 glass container ; MoreWith soft Electronic centrifugal position force variation 30° constant trough angle quality depends on a good ; Lesscontrol deformation for each scoopof the withgob the thanks to new deflector profile 0,003 gobHSS distributor and delivery ; Stronglypossibility decreased to align individuallythe impact forcelonger between on trough gob and side, trough this 0,0025 between scoop-trough and ; Nullifyevery centrifugal scoop with force trough at for the end pointensure of thehigher deflector gob speed profile with deflector-mould. great improvement of gobs shorter contact time between 0,002 We have improved the actual delivery on high production gob and trough for less technology to deliver the gob machines. deformation of the gob. 0,0015 to the machine with the fastest 2 and uniform flow and grant 1 2 TRADITIONAL a high thermal homogeneity DEFLECTOR PROFILE for final glass container’s high quality. Perfection for your performances 020406080100120 Special cast irons & alloys for glass moulds Fonderie Valdelsane S.p.A. Strada di Gabbricce, 6 - P.O. BOX 30 - 53035 MONTERIGGIONI (Siena) - ITALY Tel. +39.0577.304730 - Fax. +39.0577.304755 - [email protected] www.fonderievaldelsane.com S.I.G.MA. Group bonded HIGH ALUMINA A 95 V THE BEST alternative to fused cast Įȕ alumina for all GLASS CONTACT APPLICATIONS for operating temperatures up to 1300°C www.sigmaref.it The EHVWDPSRXOH coming from the EHVWOLQH LA-502 MM-30 ONE7KHUHªVRQO\ WAY WRPDNHDQKLJKTXDOLW\SURGXFW The OCMI-OTG group, together with MODERNE MECANIQUE, is leader manufacturer of machinery for the production of tubular pharmaceutical and cosmetic glass containers, such as: ampoules, vials, cartridges, glass dropper Ampoule Production Lines Ampoule Production Lines Vial Production Lines Vial Cartridge Processing Lines Dental Cartridge Lines Dental Cartridge Processing Lines Dropper & Test Tube Lines Sprinkler Production Lines Phone: +39 02 - Fax: +39 02 35.70.944 E-mail: [email protected] - Web: www.ocmigroup.com regular features 10 OUR FAIRS CALENDAR 2018 PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Angelo Altamura 12 ADVERTISERS INDEX & ALL COMPANIES MENTIONED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Marco Pinetti 14 NEWS AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATE EDITOR Valerie Anne Scott................... [email protected] 75 SUPPLIERS GUIDE - YELLOW PAGES CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 86 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Canice Murray ..................... [email protected] ADVERTISING ITALY Maurizio Lozza .................. [email protected] WORLDWIDE Luciano Molina.................... [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGN Sonia Previato ...................... [email protected] PRINTED BY STAMPALAB Srl Via Giacinto Martorelli, 4 20134 Milano (MI) - Italy BACK COPIES € 29 air mail included Italy: € 15 Entire contents © 2018 by A151 S.r.l. All rights reserved. Reproduction even partially in any form is strictly prohibited unless written permission has first been obtained from the Publisher. The magazine is open to collaboration from all, but no manuscripts or photographs will be returned. The editor’s office does not accept responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles. Court responsible: Milan. Publication registered at no. 4 of the Milan Court Records Office on 11.1.1988 - ISSN 0394-9893 Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories, n. 176, anno 31, 2018, Periodico bimestrale. NEW WEB SERVICE COVER ADVERTISERS GLASS SERVICE Srl Via Cascina Lari - 56028 San Miniato (PI) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 0571 - 4442 Fax: +39 - 0571 - 417051 E-mail: [email protected] www.glassservice.it BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866, Fax: +39 - 02 - 66305510 >\Ê«ÕLV>ÌÃJ}>ÃÃi°VÊUÊÜÜÜ°}>ÃÃi°V contents WEB PUBBLICATIONS glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2018 7 articles 33 33 GPS a strong future for BGC with German-made IS machines 37 HORN GLASS INDUSTRIES official heat-up of Turkmenistan container glass furnace 37 40 40 FORMA GLAS all-in-one supplier for tableware production 44 Flexible engineering approach and quality 44 refractory products pave the way for the inroad of FUSIONTEC at Vetri Speciali 48 OTG ready for the 2020 world market requirements 48 50 SCHOTT increasing footprint in China 55 HEYE 55 Swabbing Robot proves successful at 58 Orora’s Australian glass manufacturing plant 58 STÖLZLE MASNIERES experience and technology for customized products 63 GLASS PACK 2018 specializing in and covering all aspectsspects of glass as a packaging mamaterialterial 63 70 VERALLIA awarding tomorrow’s designersers contents "ҋ! &$"ҋ"&$" 8 glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2018 70 Visit us at: GLASSMAN ASIA Stand B02 FAIR 2018 CALENDAR The magazine will be distributed at the following Trade Fairs issue exhibition/conference date venue deadlines 24-25 BANGKOK GLASSMAN ASIA January Thailandia 7-8 PARIS Deadline Adv files: PHARMA PACK February France 2018 1 20-12-2017 GLASSMAN 21-22 GUADALAJARA LATIN AMERICA March Mexico Deadline Adv files: 2 17-02-2018 19-22 SHANGHAI CHINA GLASS April China Deadline Adv files: 19-03-2018 2018 3 28-31 MOSCOW MIR STEKLA May Russia 29 May MILAN Deadline Adv files: 2018 1 June Italy 4 "ҋ! &$"ҋ"&$" 27-04-2018 ZIPPE COMPANY PROFILE PHARMACEUTICAL GLASS EUROPE SALES NETWORK INDUSTRIEANLAGEN GmbH Agents & Sales Offices Worldwide INDEX BY COUNTRY www.zippe.de Agrado Sa THE COMPLETE AND UPDATED INFORMATION Company Data Avda. San Roque , 26 - Pol. Industrial La Postura 28340 Valdemoro - Madrid - Spain ABOUT AGENTS & SALES OFFICES WORLDWIDE CONTACTS Tel.: +34 - 902325032 - Fax: +34 - 918954891 DR. PHILIPP ZIPPE - CEO E-mail: [email protected] - www.agrado.es GÜNTHER MLYNAR ARGENTINA Tel.: +375-29-6508766 Tel.: +55-11-50532727 Fax: +375-17-2839137 Fax: +55-11-50517703 MANAGING DIRECTOR E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] DR. HOLGER ZIPPE - CHAIRMAN ARTURO GORIN & CIA Agent for: Fluorital H www.reglass.com.br Antonio Somellera 604- 7 Piso Adrogue ANNUAL TURNOVER OF THE COMPANY Agent for: Bucher Emhart Glass, B1846BFD - Buenos Aires Olivotto-Antas-Lynch-Lindner EUR 50 <----> 55 million Argentina BELGIUM PERCENTAGE OF TURNOVER FROM GLASS Tel.: +54-11-41395340 HGH TRADING / DURA 100% Fax: +54-11-43755846 RONDOT BRAZIL E-mail: [email protected] TEMP EUROPE INTERNATIONAL QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Agent for: Tiama, Bottero, ‘t Speelhof 108 Avenida Paulista, 854, 10 Andar ISO 9001 Olivotto-Antas-Lynch-Lindner 8200 Sint-Michiels Top Centre Buiding Belgium SALES 01310 913 - Bela Vista Sao Paulo grado S.A. has a solid experience Tel.: +32-50-692501 Domestic: 20% - International: 80% GLASS EXPORT SA Brazil in the fi eld of manufacturing am- Fax: +32-50-692502 Tel.: +55-15-996850593 Ibera 5895 NUMBER OFF EMPLOYEESE poules and vials for the phpharmaceuti-armaceuti- EE-mail:-mail: [email protected]@hghtrading.com E-mail: [email protected]@rontotbrazil.comazil.com A Buenos Aires 14143131 www.hghtrading.comwww.hghtrading.com approx.approx. 200 cal sector. Its current facfacilities,ilities, located in H Agent for: Sheppee, Graphoidaloidal Argentina Agent for:for: Ramsey Products COMPANYANY FOUNDEDFOUN one ofof the best industrial parksparks ofof the south Tel.: +54-11-45724914 1920 of Madrid, inglobe a total area of 6,700 Fax: +54-11-45724928 VICHIE DESENVOLVIMENTO DESENVOLVIMENTON E-mail: [email protected]@glassexport.com.arar RENOLD CONTINENTAL LTD m2, where stands the company’scompany’s plant EMPRESARIAL LTDA ofof 4,800 m2. Each and everyevery one ofof the AAgentgent ffor:or: Antonini,Antonini Emmeti-Sipac Emmeti Sipac BredastraatBredastraat 123123 box 6 2060 Antwerpen Rua Visconde Do Rio Branco 2100 - Ap90Ap90 RangeRRanRangRangege of products dedepartmentspartments of the facilities has been dede-- AUSTRALIAA BBelgiumelgium Piracicaba - SSaoao Paulo 1134003400 signed according to the requirements of the TTel.:el.: ++32-3-808505032-3-8085050 BBrazilrazil Company Profile pharmaceuticalpharmaceutical industry,industry, on the basis ofof the FFax:ax: ++32-3-808505132-3-8085051 Tel.: +55-19-25331078+55-19-25331078 BATCH PLANTS Glassworks Sales Network U differentdifferent external audits realized to Agrado.Agrado. GLASSGLALASSASS PACKAGING EE-mail:-mail: [email protected]@renold.com E-mail: [email protected] Agent for: Ramsey Products, Sorg,Sorg U BATCHBATCH AND CULLETCULLET HANDLINGHANDLING Our core businessbusiness is thethe developmentdevelopment design,design, production,production, automation technol-technol- ProductProduct
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