ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Andrias Jahr/Year: 2014 Band/Volume: 20 Autor(en)/Author(s): Redei David, Tsai Jing-Fu Artikel/Article: The identity of Calliphara bipunctata, with proposal of a new synonymy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) 213-220 ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at Andrias 20 (2014): 213-220, 9 Abb.; Karlsruhe, 1.12.2014 213 The identity of Calliphara bipunctata, with proposal of a new synonymy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)* DÁVI D RÉ D EI 1,2 & JING -FU TSAI 3 Abstract Calliphara bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920, was de- The lectotype of Calliphara bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae: Scutellerinae), scribed based on two male syntypes from Obi Is- described from the Obi Islands of Indonesia, has been land of Indonesia (LEHMANN 1920) and has not re- reexamined. The following synonymy is proposed: Cal- ceived attention for a long time. LYA L (1979) could liphara caesar (VO ll ENHOVEN , 1863) = C. bipunctata not access the type material in connection with LEH MANN , 1920, new junior subjective synonym. his revision of the genus. Therefore, he listed the species as incertae sedis. LIS & SKÓ R KA (1996) Keywords: Heteroptera, Scutelleridae, Calliphara, No- reexamined the syntypes, designated a lecto- tacalliphara, new synonym, Australian Region. type, redescribed and illustrated the species, and transferred it into the genus Notacalliphara LYA L , Kurzfassung 1979, recognizing it as a valid species within the Die Zugehörigkeit von Calliphara bipunctata, mit Vorschlag einer neuen Synonymie (Hemiptera: latter genus. Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) Based on a subsequent reexamination of the lec- Der von den Obi Inseln in Indonesien beschriebene totype we disagree with the act of LIS & SKÓ R KA Lectotypus von Calliphara bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920 (1996). We revisit the problem and propose taxo- (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae: Scutellerinae) nomic and nomenclatural changes in the present wurde nachuntersucht. Folgende Synonymie wird vor- paper. geschlagen: Calliphara caesar (VO ll ENHOVEN , 1863) = C. bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920, neues jüngeres subjek- Dedication: This paper is dedicated to CH R IS T IAN tives Synonym. RIEGE R on the occasion of his 70th birthday and Authors in recognition of his outstanding contribution to 1 DÁVI D RÉ D EI , Institute of Entomology, Faculty of Life knowledge of Heteroptera. Sciences, Nankai University, Weijin Road 94, 300071 Tianjin, China; E-Mail: [email protected] Material and methods 2 Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History External and genital structures were examined Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary using stereoscopic (Olympus SZX9) and optical 3 JING -FU TSAI , Systematic Entomology, Graduate (XSZ-N107, Olympus CX21) microscopes. All School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, drawings were made from alcohol-glycerol slide 060-8589 Japan; E-Mail: [email protected] mounts using a camera lucida; genitalia were studied after careful and incomplete macerating in cold KOH solution. Measurements were taken using a micrometer eyepiece. Introduction Type specimens and localities verified by us The genus Calliphara GE R MA R , 1839, currently based on voucher specimens are marked with contains about 15 species. The centre of distribu- exclamatory point ‘!’. tion of the genus is Papua New Guinea and the Abbreviations for depositories: BMNH: Natu- surrounding islands, with a few Oriental species ral History Museum, London, United Kingdom; (LYA L 1979, TSAI et al. 2011). BPBM: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA; HNHM: Hungarian Natural History Mu- seum, Budapest, Hungary; NHMW: Naturhistor- isches Museum in Wien, Vienna, Austria; RMNH: * Dr. CH R IS T IAN RIEGE R , honouring his 70th birthday. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (Naturalis), ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at 214 Andrias 20 (2014) Leiden, The Netherlands; ZJPC: Zdeněk Jindra Diagnosis Collection, Prague, Czech Republic; ZMUH: A large species (20.0-22.0 mm) readily distin- Zoologisches Museum, Universität Hamburg, guished from other congeners by the following Germany. combination of characters: Head long, anteocular portion more than 1.7 times as long as length of Taxonomy eye; disk of scutellum decorated with one or two pairs of rounded patches; posterolateral angles Genus Calliphara GERMAR , 1839 of abdominal ventrite III unarmed, ventrites IV-VII Calliphara GE R MA R , 1839: 122. Type species by produced into a large, distinct, sharp spine; geni- subsequent designation (DIS T AN T 1902: 53): Calli- tal capsule with ventral lip absent, setal patches phara nobilis (non LINNAEUS , 1763): GE R MA R , 1839 reduced (figs. 4-6); phallus as in figs. 7-9. (= Tetyra excellens BU R MEIS T E R , 1834). A complete list of synonyms was provided by TSAI Redescription et al. (2011: 185). Large species, body length to apex of scutellum 20.0-22.0 mm. References: A bibliography of the genus was pre- Colour: Ground colour of dorsum ochraceous sented by TSAI et al. (2011: 185). of various shade, usually with moderate, some- times strong metallic reflection (bright metallic Calliphara caesar (VOLLENHO V EN , 1863) blue in some extralimital populations), with deep Callidea caesar VO ll ENHOVEN , 1863: 15, 21. Ho- purple to black markings; head black, with more lotype ((): [Indonesia:] Morotai; RMNH!. or less strong metallic lustre; antenna and labium Callidea quadrinotata WA L KE R , 1867: 38. Lec- blackish; pronotum black, usually with blue-green totype (LYA L 1979: 169) ()): [Indonesia:] Ce- or purple metallic lustre, a broad lateral fascia, ram [= Seram Is.]; BMNH! Synonymized by LYA L suffusion on anterior collar, a pair of transverse (1979: 169). oval patches on calli, a median patch between Calliphara quadrinotata var. b DIS T AN T , 1899: 38. them, a pair of submedian patches and a pair of Syntype(s): New Guinea; BMNH. Unavailable larger sublateral patches on disk and a pair of name (ICZN 1999, Art. 11.9.1). smaller patches on humeri black; scutellum yel- Calliphara quadrinotata var. papuensis KI R KA ld Y , low to red, with two pairs of large discal patches 1909: 298. Replacement name for Calliphara and frequently also with a large, transversely quadrinotata var. b DIS T AN T , 1899. Synonymized elongate subapical or apical patch; exposed por- by LYA L (1979: 170). tion of fore wing deep purple; thoracic pleuron of Calliphara bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920: 130. Lec- variable pattern of deep metallic blue and purple, totype (LIS & SKÓ R KA 1996: 47) ()): [Indonesia:] metepimeron frequently with ochraceous shade, “Molukken” [= Maluku Isls.]: Obi Is.; ZMUH! New peritreme blackish, evaporatorium dark gray, subjective synonym. thoracic sternum black, mesosternum usually metallic greenish or purple, anterior margins of References: ST Å L 1866: 152 (listed, distribu tion), pregenital abdominal ventrites broadly black, lat- WA L KE R 1868: 511 (catalogue, distribution), ST Å L eral margin occasionally ochraceous; legs rather 1873: 17 (diagnosis, distribution), LE T HIE rr Y & uniformly blackish brown with more or less pur- SEVE R IN 1893: 23 (catalogue, distribution), 48 plish metallic shine. (quadrinotata, uncertain placement), DIS T AN T Structure: Head relatively long, about 1.3 times 1899: 38 (quadrinotata, intraspecific variability), as wide as its median length, 1.65 times as wide SC HOU T E D EN 1904: 32 (catalogue, distribution), 33 across eyes as interocular distance, length of (quadrinotata, catalogue, distribution), KI R KA ld Y anteocular part more than 1.7 times as long as 1909: 297 (catalogue, distribution), 298 (qua- length of eye; apex of antennal segment I ap- drinotata, catalogue, distribution), LYA L 1979: proaching but not reaching apex of mandibular 152, 158, 162, 169 (revision, synonymy, figure, plate, far remote from apex of clypeus; apex of genitalia, intraspecific variability), KR IKKEN et al. labium extending to about middle of abdominal 1981: 252 (type material), LIS & SKÓ R KA 1996: 47 sternite III. (bipunctata, type material, redescription, figures, Pronotum narrowly explanate laterally, posterior genitalia, generic placement), CASSIS & VANAGS abrupt termination of lateral carina appears as 2006: 336 (listed, distribution; bipunctata, gene- distinct, conspicuous denticle at humeral angle. ric placement). Pregenital abdomen: Ventrite III unarmed, poste- ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at RÉ D EI & TSAI : On Calliphara bipunctata 215 Figures 1-3. Calliphara bipunctata LEHMANN , 1920, Lectotype. (1) dorsal view; (2) ventral view; (3) labels. Scales in mm. rolateral angles of ventrites IV-VII produced into basally. Phallus (figs. 7-9) with short phallotheca a large, distinct, sharp spine; abdominal venter strongly broadened distally in lateral view; cp-I not punctured. (figs. 7-9: cp-I) strongly sclerotized, long, pro- External male genitalia: Genital capsule (figs. 4-6) duced posteriad, base strongly broadened, apex far produced posteriorly, infolding of ventral rim curved laterad; cp-II (figs. 7-9: cp-II) with basal long; dorsolateral setal patches forming an elon- portion membranous (its wall weakly sclero- gate stripe narrowly surrounding dorsal sinus of tized laterally), apical portion bifurcate, forming posterior aperture;
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