THE VOICE O01 Biteaync Blvd., Miami 3», Fl«. Return Requested l/OICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. V, NO. 20 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy AUGUST 2, 1963 GOVERNMENT LEADERS JOIN SPOKESMEN FOR WORKERS, MANAGEMENT HERE AUG. 29 Diocese To Sponsor Third Labor Day Observance Government and civic leaders of Miami to be held in the As in previous years, the followed by two seminars, one Arrangements are now being Also present will be national, will join with spokesmen for la- Americana Hotel, Bal Harbour, day-long program will begin in the morning and one in the made for the appearance of a state and local dignitaries. bor and management in the on Thursday Aug. 29, it was an- with celebration of a Pontifi- afternoon, and will close with group of speakers, all outstand- third annual Labor Day Observ- nounced this week by Bishop cal Low Mass at St. Joseph a banquet in the evening at Principal speaker at the ance sponsored by the Diocese Coleman F. Carroll. Church, Miami Beach, to be the Americana. ing in their particular fields. banquet will be John F. Hen- ning, Undersecretary of Labor, of the United States Department of Labor, Wash- Pope Welcomes A-Test Pact, ington. Mr. Henning's address will be on the subject of "Col- lective Bargaining At the Recalls Prayers For Peace Crossroads." VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope Spanish. The audience ended At the morning seminar, rep- Paul VI has welcomed the sign- with the entire assembly re- resentatives of labor and of ing of the nuclear test ban citing the Credo together. management will speak on the agreement with the hope that it Those present included a dele- subject, "Labor and Manage- is sincerely intended and that it gation of American Boy Scouts ment Face the Problems of may lead to other similar steps on their way to the internation- Automation," while the topic for for peace. al Jamboree in Greece, mem- discussion at the afternoon sem- Making these comments at a bers of the Catholic Alumni inar will be "Race Relations general audience in St. Peter's Clubs of New York, Philadel- From the Point of View of Cath- basilica, several days after the phia and Baltimore, members of olic Teaching." signing, he referred only to "re- the Pennsylvania State Bar As- sociation and of the American Msgr. George G. Higgins, cent events" but there was no director of the Social Action mistaking his meaning. Heritage Court Association, and servicemen of the Navy's 12fch Department of the National The agreement was initial- Amphibious Squadron and the Catholic Welfare Conference, ed by the United States, the First Battalion of the Sixth Ma- Washington, will preside at Soviet Union, and Great Brit- rine Corps. the morning and afternoon ain. seminars. On the day the test ban pact Pope Paul recalled that it was signed L'Osservatore Ro- "The first two of the Labor was only in the previous week's mano hailed it as a first step Day Observances sponsored by general audience that he had on the road to universal peace the Diocese have attracted na- asked for prayers for peace and and brotherhood. tional attention," Bishop Carroll on the following Sunday that he declared, "because of their out- The Vatican City daily recall- POPE PAUL VI greets Italian President Vatican. After elaborate ceremonies, he was had recited the Angelus over St. Antonio Segni during a recent visit to the received in private audience by the Pope. standing speakers and the im- Peter's Square for the same in- ed in an editorial the recent portant subjects discussed. They tention. prayer of Pope Paul VI to have emphasied the sigificance which the Pontiff, himself, had EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE HURRIED TO YUGOSLAV DISASTER of the social doctrines of the "These words," he said, "had referred in the general audience an echo far greater then We Church and her concern for co- following the agreement's sign- operation between workers and could have thought, for the ing. The editorial quoted the whole world welcomed them as employers at a critical period phrase from the Pope's prayer in the nation's history. a good omen of events which that "men may really be broth- Pope Sends Quake Victims Aid have in fact been realized this ers and that Christians may be VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope pressing his sympathy over the The telegrams were sent to "This year's observance week. We welcome these events the first to invoke the gift of Paul VI has sent emergency aid loss of life and the damage .0 Archbishop Josip Ujcic of Bel- comes at a particularly tense with the hope that they are real- peace from God." and messages to Yugoslavia ex- earthquake-stricken Skopje. grade and Bishop Smiljan Ce- period in labor - management ly sincere and successful and relations, and it should there- that they may prepare the way kada of Skopje. fore do much toward clearing for others, for the tranquility, the atmosphere on the problems order and peace of the world." o f» «3 «— The message to Archbishop Ujcic said in part: "We share involved in such matters as automation, compulsory arbi- At the end of the audience wholeheartedly in the sorrow the Pope told the several thou- tration, governmental action, saiv'""-*'.tending "We will ask a of the noble Yugoslav nation equality of job opportunities sp\ gift of Christ the Lord . and We ask you to com- and other issues. for you, as the fruit and mem- municate to all the ecclesias- "Certainly, it will have a ory of this audience: that He tical and civil authorities and profound effect in the devel- give you a living, sincere and to your beloved people the ex- opment of a greater under- profound faith, the faith of St. pression of Our sentiments." standing and a better spirit of Peter near whose tomb we are cooperation between labor gathered." The second message sent to and management, making The Pope had spoken in Bishop Cekada, was signed by both more conscious of their mutual obligation to serve the Italian. When he was finished Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Pa- he repeated short greetings in public interest. French, English, German and pal Secretary of State, in the Pope's behalf, saying: "Labor cannot live without capital and capital cannot exist "The Pontiff intimately without labor. Furthermore, in I Pope's Belongings shares the grief caused by the this day of threats and crises, cruel earthquake which destroy- they must learn to work to- Moved From Milan% ed your city and your region gether as a team or else our MILAN (NCi — The last ties and, mourning with you over nation itself will suffer inde- of the former Archbishop of the death of so many, he rec- scribable harm." Milan were severed here when ommends with fervent prayers THE VOiCS -ALPHA iNT£RNATiONAL Father Neil J. Flemming, two trucks left carrying more their souls to the divine mercy pastor, St. Lawrence Church, than 300 pieces marked: "His and embraces the wounded with North Miami Beach, is the co- Holiness, Vatican City." paternal affection ... to help ordinator for Bishop Carroll in In the cardboard boxes, MEMBERS OF THE second annual pilgrimage the first leg of their journey from Idlewild Air- you provide for the most urgent the annual Labor Day Observ- trunks and wooden crates sponsored by the Diocese of Miami to the Holy port, New York to Paris. The group returns needs the Vicar of Christ sends ance, further details of which were the personal effects of Land and Europe pose for a picture on the Aug. 17. At right is the pilgrimage's spiritual an emergency contribution to will be printed in subsequent is- Pope Paul VI, chiefly books. steps of an Air France plane before beginning moderator, Father Bernard McGrenehan. assist the most needy families." sues oi Tie Voice. VATICAN CITY DAILY SAYS: Communism Still Anti-Religious VATICAN CITY (NC) — based more on tradition than on article by Pluzanski attempts Communism is now as opposed reason." to ask these "progressive" to religion and to Catholicism Catholics to follow the example as ever, according to the Vat- It then presented a picture of some tendencies among ican City daily, L'Osservatore of Poland's "Catholic" press French Catholic intellectuals. Romano. and openly stated its prefer- ence for publications of the It commented on the sec- The newspaper expressed this progovernment "Christian ond article, saying that it was judgment in commenting on Association" and the "Pax written for foreign consump- two magazine articles and a Movement." It said this pro- tion, attempting to present to speech made by a high Polish regime press is an example Catholics "a more or less Red functionary at a party of the interest shown by idyllic condition of the fV.-irch meeting in which old-line party Marxists and atheist publica- in Poland so that the), uld members were warned that tions in Catholic questions believe that an important ex- they face penalties if they con- and the ecumenical council. periment of coexistence is in tinue to go to church, and it progress in that democratic was said that new party mem- These publications, said republic which could have bers would be weaned away L'Osservatore, indicate "a bid general significance." from their religious principles of the progressive movement "tactfully." in Poland which . has been The editorial added wryly: NC Photo promoted by the (Communist) "These articles . are meant TWO JAPANESE Buddhist monks were received Seki, center, head of a sect of Zen Buddhists; L'Osservatore said that "as party with direct and indirect for a foreign audience with at a special audience by Pope Paul VI who and an unidentified monk, believed to be his far as we ourselves are con- financial assistance for the pur- good reason, since the Poles presented papal coronation medals to Bakuo secretary, at the Vatican on July 21.
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