Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2011 January-March

Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2011 January-March

QUARTERLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE INTERNAT I ONAL REG is TER OF ORCH I D HYBR I D S (SANDER ’S Lis T ) JANUARY – MARCH 2011 REGISTRATIONS Distributed with OrchidThe Review VO LU me 119, NU M B E R 1294, JUN E 2011 NE W ORCH I D HYBR I D S JANUARy – MarCH 2011 REGISTRATIONS Supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society as International Cultivar Registration Authority for Orchid Hybrids NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY (O/U = Originator unknown) x Alantuckerara Cedar Creek Pptm. Semaphore x Zga. Adelaide Meadows L.Batchman (O/U) x Alexanderara Golden Jaguar Wils. Golden Afternoon x Brs. Chieftain Brookside (M.Pendleton) x Ascocenda Aticha Blue Ascda. Mungkud x V. coerulea Sakdisri Benigno S Aquino III V. Motes Toledo Blue x Ascda. Dhongchai Pusavat Singapore Bot.Gdns Boonyarit Gold Ascda. Suksamran Gold x V. Lourdes Apostal B.Metheekasiwat Boonyarit Harvest Moon Ascda. Korat Light Amber x Ascda. Suksamran Gold B.Metheekasiwat Boonyarit Pastel Ascda. Korat Gold x Ascda. Tubtim Velvet B.Metheekasiwat Boonyarit Spots Ascda. Suksamran Gold x Ascda. Thai Spots B.Metheekasiwat Kodachrome Ascda. Memorial Gene De Santi x V. tessellata D.De Santi (O/U) Korat Gold Ascda. Suksamran Gold x Ascda. Dhongchai Pusavat B.Metheekasiwat Korat Light Amber V. Charles Goodfellow x Ascda. Dhongchai Pusavat B.Metheekasiwat Motes Miami Gold V. Rasri Gold x Ascda. Thai Gold Motes Parinlada Ascda. Rose Gem x Ascda. Korb Fah Mrs.L.Sungkasuwan (P.Yuekyen) Uraiwan Belle Ascda. Kulwadee Fragrance x V. Doctor Anek N.Phuttaratraksa x Brassocatanthe Gales Candy Bc. [Blc.] Larry Thompson x Bct. Theresa Ann Mickey’s Gales Charm Bc. [Blc.] Larry Thompson x Ctt. [C.] Wolteriana Mickey’s Gales Fire Bct. Theresa Ann x Ctt. [Lc.] Gold Digger Mickey’s Julie Morrison Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x Bc. [Bl.] Morning Glory D.&B.Martin (H & R) Theresa Ann Ctt. [Lc.] Red Gold x B. nodosa Mickey’s (O/U) Winter Rose Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x Ctt. [C.] Memoria Dina Izumi Brookside (M.Pendleton) x Brassocattleya Jay Aldridge C. Hunabu Surprise x B. nodosa A.Chadwick (O/U) Bulbophyllum Manchind Bulb. mandibulare x Bulb. echinolabium B.Thoms MJ Angle Wings Bulb. Rungsan Viraphandhu x Bulb. echinolabium M.Pritchard MJ Black Heart Bulb. Wilmar Candy Stripes x Bulb. patens M.Pritchard Summer Car Bulb. sumatranum x Bulb. carunculatum B.Thoms x Cahuzacara Gales Golden Key Rby. [Blc.] Golden Tang x Ctt. [C.] Wolteriana Mickey’s Memoria Gilbert Carmichael Rby. [Blc.] Golden Tang x Bct. Theresa Ann Mickey’s My Bff Grama Rth. [Blc.] Dennis Kone x B. nodosa J.Lawson Cattleya Akimi Haneda C. Hawaiian Variable x C. [Lc.] Cruzeiro do Sul C.T.Haneda Alice Anne Kavanaugh C. [Lc.] Mari’s Song x C. [Lc.] Colin McCully Akatsuka Orch. Gdns. Alon C. forbesii x C. warneri L.Andreasen Aparecida C. [L.] longipes x C. [Lc.] José Dias Castro W.Baden Bel Fiore Violeta Pattini FCA C. nobilior x C. [Lc.] Honor César Niklas Terada & Flachsland Bird Egg C. An-Carol Freckle’s x C. Brabantiae W.Baden Canadian Bacon C. [Slc.] Precious Stones x C. [Lc.] Lisa Ann W.Baden (O/U) CapitaLand C. [Lc.] Memoria Robert Strait x C. [Lc.] Mari’s Song How Wai Ron Celestial Bliss C. Sans Souci x C. Johnette Bowers Carter & Holmes CRB’s Tradition C. Lana Coryell x C. Dal’s Tradition R.Greinke Dainty Pink C. [Lc.] Sakura Sky x C. Horace I.J.Saldana (O/U) Debbie’s Valentine C. [Lc.] Koolau Seagulls x C. [Slc.] Vallezac A.Nakaji Dendi’s Dream C. [Slc.] Jillian Lee x C. Caudebec Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Dendi’s Royal C. Hawaiian Beau x C. Royal Beau Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Glorious Mind C. Horace x C. [Lc.] Kobayashi Naomi N.Mochizuki (A.Mochizuki) Interflora C. intermedia x C. [Lc.] Floralia’s Carnival W.Baden 22 ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 119 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Jitterbug C. Tripp Johnston x C. June Bug Fender’s Flora Kaiser C. bicolor x C. Corcovado C.E.Haas Kathy Figiel C. aclandiae x C. [S.] cernua G.Allikas Kylie Pelleymounter C. [Lc.] Mini Purple x C. [Lc.] Bryan Wheeler Fender’s Flora Leslie Lynn Bassi C. [Lc.] Orglade’s Grand x C. [Lc.] Asahi Akatsuka Orch.Gdns. Martineta C. [Lc.] Tante Traudy x C. [Lc.] Floralia’s Azul W.Baden Maui Springtime C. [Lc.] Irene Finney (1964) x C. [Slc.] Sierra Doll Exotic Orchids Mini Rouge FCA C. [Lc.] Mini Purple x C. bicolor Terada & Flachsland Orchidom Spotted Elf C. [Lc.] Brabant Elf x C. Motte Spot R.B.Cole Oro Verde Enigma C. Princesse Clémentine x C. Pão de Açúcar E.Verástegui Oro Verde Pinta C. Pão de Açúcar x C. [Lc.] Suzuki’s Green Panther E.Verástegui Oro Verde Rocío C. [Lc.] Nobile’s Emotion x C. [S.] kautskyana E.Verástegui Principessa Maria Gabriella C. [Lc.] Lucasiana x C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] G.Pozzi Purple Haze C. [Lc.] Mini Purple x C. Brabantiae Fender’s Flora Purple Purity C. Purity x C. [L.] purpurata N.Mochizuki (A.Mochizuki) Qing Ming Cat C. Hawaiian Wedding Song x C. [Lc.] Taiwan Beauty Qing Ming Orch. Suave Luz C. [Lc.] Lukennedy x C. intermedia W.Baden Sunnystate’s Carnival C. [Lc.] Sunnystate’s High Bridge x C. Horace M.Shindo Sunnystate’s Highbeat C. [Lc.] Drumbeat x C. [Lc.] Sunnystate’s High Bridge M.Shindo Sunnystate’s Swan C. [Lc.] Taida Swan x C. Horace M.Shindo Terada-San First Love FCA C. Bob Betts x C. Peckaviensis E.A.Flachsland Tresor de L’Amazone C. [Lc.] Massangeana x C. [Slc.] Wendy’s Valentine L’Amazone Warriae C. [Lc.] Floralia’s Azul x C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] W.Baden Willy’s Expectativa C. [Lc.] Beautiful x C. [Lc.] Eridanus W.Baden Willy’s Flash C. [Lc.] Susan Holguin x C. [Lc.] Remo Prada W.Baden Windsor Castle C. [L.] perrinii x C. warneri N.Mochizuki (A.Mochizuki) Yinneka Norodom C. Bow Bells x C. Joan Holloway A.Chadwick (A.Borlin) x Cattleychea Memoria Webb Zeldenrust Ctyh. [Epc.] Vienna Woods x C. Interglossa M.De Wit (C.Thammanieayaku) x Cattlianthe Chief Box C. [Slc.] Precious Jewel x Ctt. [Slc.] Candy Ball Chief.Orch. Nurs. Chunfong Dancer Ctt. [C.] Small Wonder x Rlc. [Pot.] Elegant Dancer Chun Fong Orchids Datin Rahailah C. [Lc.] Yellow Nugget x Ctt. [Lc.] Loog Tone MARDI (F.A.Aziz) Fire and Rain Ctt. [Slc.] Tutankamen x C. Mark Jones Fender’s Flora Free Bird Ctt. [Slc.] Tutankamen x C. [Slc.] Love Fresh Fender’s Flora Make Weight Gur. [C.] skinneri x C. [L.] longipes L’Amazone (O/U) Mary Franke Bell C. [Slc.] Jungle Beau x Ctt. [Lc.] Trick or Treat B.M.B.Bell (P.Anikis) Oro Verde Divino Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Doce x C. [Lc.] Cruzeiro do Sul E.Verástegui Pink Fantasia C. Penny Kuroda x Gur. [C.] bowringiana I.J.Saldana (O/U) Red Viking C. [Lc.] Bonanza (Bracey) x Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Drop S.Munkholm (O/U) Roseum Star Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Drop x C. [Lc.] João Antonio Nicoli W.Baden Selsal’s Fire Song Ctt. [Lc.] Firestarter x C. [Lc.] Mari’s Song I.J.Saldana Sorbet Violette de L’Amazone Ctt. [Lc.] Make Weight x Gur. [C.] bowringiana L’Amazone Twilight Rose Gur. [C.] bowringiana x C. [Lc.] Dinard Brookside (M.Pendleton) x Cattotes Grace Lpt. bicolor x C. [S.] endsfeldzii W.Jasen Harpocolor Lpt. bicolor x C. [L.] harpophylla A.Nakada x Chysis Maritza Bielecki Chy. Langleyensis x Chy. limminghii Carter & Holmes x Clowesetum Abigail Parsons Cl. Grace Dunn x Ctsm. John C. Burchett S.&E.Better (F.Clarke) Sandi Uhlig Clo. [Ctsm.] Jumbo Lace x Ctsm. Frilly Doris F.Clarke Coelogyne Green Pixy Coel. mooreana x Coel. fuscescens Kenji Kawamura x Coryhopea Guardian of Infant Stan. florida x Crths. macrantha N.Mochizuki x Cuitlacidium Topsy Turvy Cu. [Odm.] pulchella [pulchellum] x Onc. sotoanum Leroy Orch. ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 119 23 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Cymbidium Ablaze Cym. Kickapoo x Cym. Fiery Queen L.Batchman Alex Elegance Cym. Elegance x Cym. Alexanderi Mukoyama Alexanderi Flourish Cym. Tiger Flourish x Cym. Alexanderi Mukoyama Alicia Cym. Pure Flower x Cym. Crystal Heart Kawano Mericlone Andijk Gold Cym. Earlisue x Cym. Marianne Faithful New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Angel Street Cym. Sylvan Street x Cym. Lovely Smile Mukoyama Anh Cym. Summer Pearl x Cym. Bewitched Baker Ezi-Gro (O/U) Arena Fantasy Cym. Enzan Arena x Cym. Lady Fantasy Mukoyama Awayuki Cym. Great Katy x Cym. Florence Kawano Mericlone Bayaka Pendant Cym. Camouflage Candy x Cym. devonianum New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Beautiful Pinkie Cym. Sleeping Beauty x Cym. Musita New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Beauty Cloud Cym. Eastern Cloud x Cym. Eastern Beauty Mukoyama Beauty Fire Cym. Eastern Beauty x Cym. Lady Fire Mukoyama Beauty Tail Cym. Eastern Beauty x Cym. Tiger Tail Mukoyama Beverley Burgess Cym. Green Ramp x Cym. Winter Alvin Ezi-Gro (Bryants) Blanche Sunline Cym. Blanche Ames x Cym. Sunline Mukoyama (A.Easton) Bluenose Cym. Orphan Beauty x Cym. Tropical Inferno New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Bold Pamela Cym. So Bold x Cym. Paul Robeson Guest (New Horizon Orch.) Boundless Cym. Eight Carat x Cym. Choc Nut Guest Breeze Valley Cym. Lovely Breeze x Cym. Lovely Valley Mukoyama Brenda’s Niobe Cym. Niobe x Cym. Brenda’s Movie Mukoyama Brough Doll Cym. Parish Doll x Cym. Peterborough Mukoyama (A.Easton) Canal Parish Cym. parishii x Cym. canaliculatum New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Carlos Gardel Cym. Ruby Pendant x Cym. Yowie Flame New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Carmen Segrera Cym. Sleeping Carmen x Cym. tracyanum New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Chironla Orphan Cym. Carrot Top Orphan x Cym.

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