okk‘hZd izfrosnu 2016 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 -17 Temporary Campus at AHALIA fo‘k; LkwPkh Content çkDdFku 1 Foreword vf'kklu 3 Governance 9 volajpuk vkSj fodkl 15 Infrastructure & Development lqfo/kk,a 19 Facilities 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe vkSj dk;Zdyki 29 Academic Programmes & Activities vuqla/kku Á{®i.k 34 Research Output 40 fo|kFkhZ thou vkSj dk;Zdyki 48 Student Life & Activities çfr;ksfxrk,a vkSj dk;ZØe 57 Events & Programmes çkDdFku Foreword ds lkFk laLFkku us viuh 'kks/k xfrfof/k;ka vkjaHk dj nh gSA ,d mPp fu"iknu dE;wafVax lqfo/kk vkjaHk dh xbZ gS vkSj dbZ u, midj.kksa rFkk ç;ksx'kkykvksa dh LFkkiuk dh tk jgh gSA vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM esa 'kks/k xfrfof/k;ksa esa foLrkj djus dh fn'kk esa ,e,l@ih,pMh dk;ZØe vkjaHk fd;k tkuk ,d vkSj egRoiw.kZ dne gSA ladk; lnL;ksa vkSj Nk=ksa ds lesfdr ç;klksa ls Nk=ksa dk lexz 'kSf{kd çn'kZu ç'kaluh; gS ftlesa 72 çfr'kr Nk=ksa us 7-0 ls vf/kd lhthih, çkIr fd;k gSA gekjs Nk=ksa us vius xzh"e vodk'k dk Hkh lgh çdkj ls mi;ksx fd;k gS ftlesa nwljs o"kZ ds 80 çfr'kr Nk=ksa us viuk eq>s Hkkjrh; çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku ikyDdkM dk nwljk le; ns'k esa m|ksxksa vFkok 'kks/k ç;ksx'kkykvksa ds lkFk okf"kZd çfrosnu çLrqr djrs gq, vR;ar g"kZ gks jgk gSA O;krhr fd;k gSA muesa ls dqN 'kSf{kd baVuZf'ki ds fy, o"kZ 2016&17 vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM ds fy, vk;kstu fons'kksa esa x, gSaA Nk= vU; vk;keksa ij Hkh lfØ; jgs gSa] ls vksr&çksr o"kZ jgkA bl o"kZ fnukad 10 vxLr dks mUgksaus varj&vkbZvkbZVh LiksVlZ ehV esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj Hkkjr ds jkti= esa Hkkjrh; çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku ¼la'kks/ ifjlj esa dbZ lkaL—frd ,oa [ksy vk;kstuk dk vk;kstu ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2016 çdkf'kr gksus ds lkFk gh ;g fd;k rFkk ekpZ] 2017 ls Nk= fu;fer :i ls ekfld laLFkku ,d Lora= vkbZvkbZVh cu x;kA blds ifj. bZ&lekpkj i= dk çdk'ku dj jgs gSaA kkeLo:i vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM lkslk;Vh dks fujLr dj fn;k x;kA eSaus 18 tuojh] 2017 dks funs'kd ds :i esa yxHkx 240 Nk=ksa ds fy, f'k{k.k d{k] ç;ksx'kkykvksa] dk;ZHkkj xzg.k fd;kA varfje 'kSf{kd ifj"kn~ dks fujLr Nk=koklksa vkSj dqN [ksy lqfo/kkvksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq, fd;k x;k rFkk vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM dh lhusV dh ikjxeu ifjlj dk fuekZ.k tuojh esa vkjaHk gqvk vkSj LFkkiuk dh xbZA 3 lIrkg ds yacs ços'k dk;ZØe ds ;g LFkk;h ifjlj LFky ij lqpk: :i ls py jgk gSA i'pkr~ geus ch-Vsd Nk=ksa dk rhljk cSp çkIr fd;kA ikjxeu ifjlj esa dqN 'kks/k ç;ksx'kkykvksa vkSj mUur f'k{k.k ç;ksx'kkykvksa dh Hkh LFkkiuk dh tk jgh gSA bl o"kZ ebZ&twu ds nkSjku lHkh foHkkxksa ds fy, ladk; LFkk;h ifjlj dh LFkkkiuk ds fy, fd, tkus okys ç;klksa dk p;u fd;k x;k vkSj 39 çLrko Hksts x,A eq>s ;g esa o`f) dh tk jgh gSA ekLVj Iyku okLrqdkj pquus dh crkrs gq, vaR;r g"kZ gS fd muesa ls 85 çfr'kr us çLrko çfØ;k yxHkx iwjh gksus okyh gS vkSj laLFkku dks vxys Lohdkj fd, gSa vkSj vf/kdka'k us igys gh laLFkku esa rhu o"kksaZ ds Hkhrj vLFkk;h ifjlj ls ckgj ys tkus ds dk;ZHkkj xzg.k dj fy;k gSA u, ladk; lnL;ksa ds ços'k gj laHko ç;kl fd, tk jgs gSaA 1 laLFkku dh vksj ls eS ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, iwjs fny ls nh xbZ fujarj vkSj 'kklh eaMy }kjk çnku dh xbZ lHkh lgk;rk ds lgk;rk ds fy, ân; ls vkHkkj O;`ä djrk gwaA fy, mudk /kU;okn djrk gwaA eSa vkbZvkbZVh eækl tksfd vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM ds fy, ijke'kZnkrk laLFkku gS] ds fnukad% 30 uoEcj 2017 ladk; lnL;ksa vkSj usr`Ro dk vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM dh funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM LFkku% ikyDdkM It gives me immense pleasure to present the second or research labs in the country. A few of them went annual report of IIT Palakkad. The year 2016-17 abroad for academic internships. Students have been was eventful for IIT Palakkad. With the publication active on other fronts too. They participated in the of Indian Institute of Technology (Amendment) act, inter IIT sports meet and conducted many cultural 2016, in the Gazettee of India on 10th of August and sports events in the campus. From March this year, this institute became an independent 2017, the students have been regularly publishing a IIT. Subsequent to this, IIT Palakkad Society was monthly E- Newsletter. dissolved. I took charge as the Director on 18 January 2017. The interim Academic Council was dissolved Construction of the transit campus consisting of and the Senate of IIT Palakkad was established. We class rooms, laboratories, hostels and some sports received the third batch of B. Tech. students with a facilities to accommodate about 240 students three week long induction program. began in January and is progressing well at the permanent campus site. Some research labs and Selection of faculty to all departments was advanced teaching labs are also being established conducted during May-June this year and 39 offers in the transit campus. Efforts for establishing the were made. I am extremely happy to say that 85% of permanent campus are being stepped up. The them have accepted the offer and most have already process of choosing the masterplan architect is joined the institute. Along with the induction of new nearing completion and all efforts are on to move faculty, the institute has kick started its research the Institute out of the temporary campus within the initiatives. A high performance computing facility is next three years. made operational and several new equipments and laboratories are being established. Launch of MS/ On behalf of the institute, I wish to thank MHRD and Ph.D program is another significant step taken in the the Board of Governors for all the support provided. direction to enhance the research activities at I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the IIT Palakkad. faculty and leadership of IIT Madras, which is the mentor institute for IIT Palakkad, for their continued Thanks to the combined efforts from the faculty wholehearted support for the academic activities at and students, the overall academic performance of IIT Palakkad. the students is heartening with 72% of the students having CGPA higher than 7.0. Our students have Prof. P. B. Sunil Kumar Date: 30th November 2017 also used their summer well, with 80% of the second Director, IIT Palakkad Place: Palakkad year students spending their time with industries 2 vf'kklu 'kkld eaMy foÙk lfefr Jh dss- ds- 'kekZ v/;{k Jh ds- ds- 'kekZ v/;{k lfpo] Mh,pbZ] ,e,pvkjMh lfpo] Mh,pbZ] ,e,pvkjMh Jh vkj- lqcze.;e lnL; Jh vkj- lqcze.;e] lnL; vij lfpo ¼rduhdh f'k{kk½] ,e,pvkjMh vij- lfpo ¼rduhdh f'k{kk½] ,e,pvkjMh çks- HkkLdj jkeewfrZ lnL; çks- HkkLdj jkeewfr lnL; funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh eækl funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh eækl M‚- m"kk Vk;Vl vkbZ,,l lnL; Jherh n'kZuk eksek;k Mcjky] lnL; lfpo] Mh,pbZ] dsjy ljdkj lfpo la;qä lfpo vkSj foRrh; lykgdkj] Jherh n'kZuk eksek;k Mcjky lnL; ,e,pvkjMh la;qä lfpo vkSj foRrh; lykgdkj] Jherh r`fIr xqjgk lnL; ,e,pvkjMh funs'kd ¼vkbZvkbZVh½] ,e,pvkjMh Jherh r`fIr xqjgk lnL; çks- ih- ch- lquhy dqekj lnL; funs'kd ¼vkbZvkbZVh½] ,e,pvkjMh funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- ih- ch- lquhy dqekj lnL; çks- t‚c dqfj;u lnL; funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM dqy lfpo] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM lfpo Hkou vkSj dk;Z lfefr funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM v/;{k eq[; vfHk;ark] lhihMCY;wMh] nf{k.k tksu] f=osUæe lnL; mi eq[; vfHk;ark ¼bysDVªhdy½] ds,lbZch] ikyDdkM lnL; Mhu ¼Iykfuax½] bathfu;fjax ;wfuV] vkbZvkbZVh eækl lnL; Jh ,l- jkekuqte] lsokfuo`Ùk funs'kd] Mhlh,lbZ,e] Mh,bZ] eqacbZ lnL; çkss- johaæ xsVw] flfoy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh eækl lnL; çks- ,e- ,l- eSF;wt] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM lnL; lfpo 3 lhusV çks- ih- ch- lquhy dqekj] v/;{k funs'kd] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- t‚c dqfj;u] lnL; çksQslj] E©dsfudy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- ,e- ,l- eSF;wt lnL; çksQslj] flfoy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- ,e- lh- oylkdqekj lnL; çksQslj] HkkSfrdh foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- ds- ,y- lsckfLV;u lnL; çksQslj] jlk;u foKku foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- çeksn ,l esgrk lnL; çksQslj] eSdsfudy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- ,l- dk'khfo'oukFku lnL; çksQslj] HkkSfrdh foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh eækl M‚- Lo:i lkgw lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] bysfDVªdy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM M‚- ,e- oh- vfuy dqekj lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] flfoy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM M‚- nhid jktsaæçlkn lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] daI;wVj foKku v©j bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM M‚- nsckjrh pVthZ lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] jlk;u foKku foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM M‚- y{eh 'kadj lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] xf.kr foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM M‚- mek fnokdju lnL; lgk;d çksQslj] HkkSfrdh foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM çks- MsfoM dksbyfiykbZ lnL; çksQslj] bysfDVªdy bathfu;fjax foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh eækl çks- ohs- vkjs- eqjyh/kju lnL; çksQslj] ekufodh foHkkx vkSj lkekftd foKku] vkbZvkbZVh eækl çks- ds- oh- xksfoUnu dqêh fo'ks"k vkea=fr çksQslj] jlk;u foKku foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM jftLVªkj] vkbZvkbZVh ikyDdkM lfpo 4 yksx% ç'kklu çks- ih- ch- lquhy dqekj funs'kd çks- t‚c dqfj;u vË;{k ç'kklu vkSj Ákjh dqylfpr çks- ,l- dk'khfo'oukFku vË;{k vdknfed çks- ,es- ,ls- eSF;wt vË;{k varjjk"Vªh; laca/k vkSj ;kstuk çks- ds- ,y- lsckfLV;u vË;{k vuqlaèkku ,oa fodkl çks- ,e- lh- oYlkdqekj vË;{k Nk= ekeys ladk; 1 çks- ds- ,y- lsckfLV;u çksQslj jlk;u foKku 2 M‚- in~es'k vatwdkaMh lgk;d çksQslj jlk;u foKku 3 M‚- nsckjrh pVthZ lgk;d çksQslj jlk;u foKku 4 M‚- fnus'k txnhlu lgk;d çksQslj jlk;u foKku 5 M‚- feaVw iksjsy ¼vuqca/k ij½ lgk;d çksQslj jlk;u foKku 6 çks- ,e- ,l- eSF;wt çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 7 M‚- vfuy dqekj ,e- oh- lgk;d çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 8 M‚- e/kq dkfrZd ,e lgk;d çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 9 M‚- lqnh'k Vh- ds lgk;d çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 10 M‚- vfFkjk ih lgk;d çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 11 M‚- ih- oh- fnO;k lgk;d çksQslj flfoy bathfu;fjax 12 M‚- ih;w"k ih dw:j lgk;d çksQslj ¼vkbZvkbZVh dkuiwj daI;wVj foKku fu;qDRk½ 13 M‚- tlhu ckcw lgk;d çksQslj daI;wVj foKku 14 M‚- nhid jktsaæ çlkn lgk;d çksQslj daI;wVj foKku 15 M‚- lgsyh cæk
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