Sosekin1a Proceedings Bandungan, 4 - 7December 1995 TIM PENYUNTING Penanggung Jawab Kepala Pusat Peneli ban dan Pengembangan Perikanan Ketua Dr, Subhat Nurhakim (Peneliti Madya, Balitkanlut) Anggota Or, J, Roch (Tenaga Ahli pada Proyek ORSTOM) Dr. Johanes Widodo (Ahli Peneliti Utama, Balitkanlut) Dr. Achmad Poernomo (Penebti Muda, Puslitbangkan) Redaksi Pelaksana Ir, Murniyati (Peneliti Muda, Puslitbangkan) II'. Novenny A. Wahyudi, MDM (Assisten Peneliti Madya, Puslitbangkan) Alamat Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan JI. Petamburan VI Telp. 5709160, 5709162, Fax. 5709159 PO. Box 6650 Jakarta 11410 A E-mail: [email protected] Hak Cipta Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian Pengutipan Roch J., S. Nurhakim,.I. Widodo, and A. Poernomo (Eds) Proceedings of Socioeconomics, Innovation and Management of the Java Sea Pelagic Fisheries (SOSEKIMA) 4-7 December 1995, Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment Project Jakarta, 411 p. Fronl Page: From fis.hing b(l~ls to the m~rl-;et .. , Pelabuhall Ralu, Wc>, ja\o\'a, Piclllfe by courtesy of ORSTOM Central Research Institute for Fisheries French Scientific Research Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Institute for Development European Union Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia through Cooperation SOSEKIMA Proceedings of Socio-economics, Innovation and Management of the Java Sea Pelagic Fisheries 4 - 7 December 1995 Bandungan PELFISH~ ~ .\ Scientific Editors: J. Roch, S. Nurhakim, J. Widodo and A. Poernomo Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment Project JI. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur Jakarta 14430 1998 Documentallon OASTOM 1 6 AOUT 1999 FI I I 010056513 To our dear late colleague and friend Dr. Thierry Boely who, beyond the task, has shown us humanity, dignity and the way to achieve this Project... FOREWORD J. ROCH, J. WmODO The international seminar "Socio-Economics, Innovation and Management" (SOSEKlMA) of the Java Sea pelagic fisheries was conducted in 1995 at Bandungan, Central Java, from December 4 through December 7. It was jointly organised by the "Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment Project" (PELFISH) and the Indonesian "Central Research Institute for Fisheries" (CRIFI). PELFISH, initiated in 1990, consists of a pluridisciplinary research program, sponsored by France (ORSTOM), Indonesia (Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, AARD) and the European Community. PELFISH includes various disciplines, that are halieutics, social sciences and fisheries' technologies, of which programs cover three main fields: the resources' state and exploitation, socio­ economics and technical innovation. The seminar gathered about sixty scientists and experts, mainly coming from Indonesia or from countries bordering the Java Sea and several from all the other parts of the world. Three days were devoted to scientific sessions. The last day was dedicated to a Round Table session, that gathered scientists, executives of the Indonesian services and the whole lot of professionals concerned by fisheries. LAYOUT OF THE PROCEEDINGS The publication consists in seven parts, the main being composed of thirty-eight articles, comjng from the lectures presented during the scientific sessions. Most of them concern the Java Sea, but the international participation to the Seminar has given rise to comparative views on other fisheries. These seven parts are classified in : - Overviews related either to the Java sea or to specific theoretical questions and general pictures of other pelagic fisheries. - Exploitation (in the broad sense of the term) : production, prices, fishing's income, fishermen's society. This theme focuses on the fishing and its economic results, but includes also the social aspects having to do with the working and Jiving conditions of the fishermen. - Fish commercialisation and consumption. - Innovations: technical innovations, fish quality. The term of innovation is considered in its full meaning, as well social as technical. For a variety of reasons, a particular attention has been given to the question of the fish quality. The poor quality of the Java Sea pelagic fish products indeed entails serious risks to public health as significant econorruc losses (lowering of grading, price and income). - Management and fisheries' policies. - Debates and Round table. - Maps, glossary, abbreviations and acronyms, lists. 3 It should be kept in mind that the Seminar has been a success in terms of national and regional communication. The scientific sessions involved not only the staff of PELFISH, but also a variety of distinguished scientists from Indonesia or neighbouring countries and even from other parts of the world. The Round Table has gathered scientists, as well as officials and professionals (fishermen, traders and processors). Fruitful exchanges have led to a close look at the constraints and the evolution trends of the Java Sea pelagic fisheries. It was also recommended to enhance the partnership between researchers, authorities and people working in the fishing industry. Such a way would help to come to an agreement on a suitable management, eager to protect the resources while sustaining the economic dynamics and the progress of the welfare. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our main thanks go to the institutions which have sponsored and financed the Project PELFISH : - The European Union, of which the financing has allowed the implementation of this Research and Development project; - The Government of France, through the French Scientific Research Institute for Development through Cooperation (Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation: ORSTOM) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; - The Government of Indonesia, through the Agency of Agriculture Research and Development (AARD) and the institutes under AARD working with PELFISH : the Central Research Institute for Fisheries (CRIFI) and the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries (RIMF). We owe a considerable gratitude to the persons directly in charge of the Project: - Vincent de Visscher, for the European Community, who spared no effort to facilitate the achievement of the program, - our Indonesian scientific partners, and above all Dr. Fuad Cholik and Dr. Fatuchri Sukadi for their steadfast support and warm hospitality, - the whole PELFlSH staff whose constant technical and administrative assistance allowed this seminar to become a successful forum of scientific communication. Thanks are due to the CRIFI for its assistance to the organisation. We have greatly appreciated the contribution of Ms. Artaty Wijono, Novenny A. Wahyudi and Sri Ismawati, whose competence and kindness have been praised by all the participants. We also thank our secretaries Elys Siagian and Betrys Murdianti, who carried out a large additional burden of work for making this event a success. We thank our colleagues and friends whose assistance to the edition has been helpful: - Luc Vuichard and Remi Clignet for advising a wide variety of lectures and reports, - Pascal Cotel, for his precious aid during and after the Seminar, - Dominique Maison for his corrections and for the figures, - Jean-Marc Ecoutin, who has conceived the blue print and reviewed the texts of the Proceedings. Special thanks go at last to the agency of French-speaking communities, the Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation (Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique: ACCT). Its sizeable subsidy has allowed to finance the participation to SOSEKlMA of many scientists coming from Africa or from various countries of South East-Asia. 4 CONTENTS OPENING CEREMONY 9 PRESENTATION OF THE PELFISH PROJECT AND OF THE SEMINAR SOSEKlMA 15 PART 1 : OVERVIEWS Extending the frontier: the marine fisheries of Southeast Asia since 1850 1.G. Butcher 19 The Java sea ecosystem J.R. Durand, 1. Widodo 29 The state of exploitation of small pelagic fishes by large and medium purse seiners in the Java Sea S. Nurhakim, J.R. Durand, M. Potier, B. Sadhotomo 37 Organisational innovation applied to the problem of fisheries in the Java Sea R. Hage 47 Exploitation and use of small pelagic fishes in Western Africa L. Westlund 53 Village fisheries in the Pacific islands G. David 63 PART 2 : EXPLOITATION: PRODUCTION, PRICES, INCOMES, FISHERMEN SOCIETY The economic evolution of the large seiners in the Java Sea J. Roch, J.R. Durand, Sastrawidjaja 81 Efficiency of price formation in major fish auction markets in Java v.P. Nikijuluw 89 Income uncertainties management by the Java purse seiners' fishermen J. Roch, R. Clignet 99 The large seiners of the Java Sea: fishermen's income J. Roch, Sastrawidjaja 111 5 Economic consequence and implication of the change in disembarkation places of the Java Sea fishing fleet v.P. Nikijuluw 119 The economics of gillnets and seine fishing in the Philippines M.c. Pestano, A.J. Fen-er, lA lusayan 127 The profit sharing and crew optimum effort: application of an agency theory C.T Chuang 137 A note on the demographic, economic and social structures of the fishermen's household l. Roch, N. Luong, R. Clignet 145 The role of women in fishing household in Juwana sub-district, Paty Regency, Central Java, Indonesia I. Susilowati 153 Setting the seine: a matter of luck: knowledge and beliefs of purse seine captains in Juwana I. Antunes 161 The mobility of andhon fishermen in East Java E. Susilo, Ismad 175 PART 3 : FISH COMMERCIALISATION AND CONSUMPTION The processing, distribution and marketing of small pelagic fish from three fishing ports in Central Java I. Clucas, 1. Basmal 181 The marketing and processing of pelagic species
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