2008 Annual Report Annual 2008 730 Yonge Street, Unit 1, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2B7 M4Y Ontario Toronto, 1, Unit Street, Yonge 730 Printed by Captain Printworks Captain by Printed Canada Marine Act and the jurisdiction of the federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. and Infrastructure Transport, of Minister federal the of jurisdiction the and Act Marine Canada The Toronto Port Authority is a government business enterprise (GBE) of the federal government operating under the statutes provided by the the by provided statutes the under operating government federal the of (GBE) enterprise business government a is Authority Port Toronto The www.torontoport.com Fax: (416) 863-4830 (416) Fax: Tel: (416) 863-2000 (416) Tel: 60 Harbour Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 1B7 M5J Ontario Toronto, Street, Harbour 60 Published by the Toronto Port Authority - © 2009 © - Authority Port Toronto the by Published Mary Perisic, Manager, Corporate Services Corporate Manager, Perisic, Mary Keith Dickson, Systems Manager, Information Technology Information Manager, Systems Dickson, Keith Amir Jiwani, Controller Controller Jiwani, Amir Anne Butwell, Manager, Outer Harbour Marina Marina Harbour Outer Manager, Butwell, Anne Colin Watson Colin Dave Smith, Manager, Health and Safety Safety and Health Manager, Smith, Dave Craig Rix Craig Customer Relations Manager Manager Relations Customer Table des matières Reid Douglas Michael Riehl, Deputy Harbour Master and and Master Harbour Deputy Riehl, Michael Sean L. Morley L. Sean Mike Lamont, Manager, Works and Environmental Services Services Environmental and Works Manager, Lamont, Mike Michéle D. McCarthy D. Michéle William H. Jackman, Special Advisor to the CEO the to Advisor Special Jackman, H. William Christopher M. Henley M. Christopher Angus Armstrong, Harbour Master and Chief of Security Security of Chief and Master Harbour Armstrong, Angus Message du président du Conseil ........................................................2 Gurin David Ken Lundy, Airport Director, Toronto City Centre Airport Airport Centre City Toronto Director, Airport Lundy, Ken Jeremy Adams Jeremy Alan J. Paul, Acting President and Chief Executive Officer Executive Chief and President Acting Paul, J. Alan Message du PDG par intérim ...............................................................3 Chairman McQueen, R. Mark TORONTO PORT AUTHORITY MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY PORT TORONTO Notre mission ......................................................................................4 DIRECTORS OF BOARD AUTHORITY PORT TORONTO Rendement financier 2008 ................................................................ 6 Notre engagement envers Toronto: L’Aéroport du centre ville de Toronto .............................................. 7 Le Port de Toronto ............................................................................. 8 10 ............................................................ Thinks Toronto What Un port sûr et agréable où se détendre et profiter de la vie ..........9 9 .................................. Enjoy To All For Harbour Fun Safe, A L’opinion de Toronto ..........................................................................10 8 .............................................................. Toronto of Port The oot iyCnr ipr ........................ 7 ................................................. Airport Centre City Toronto Our Commitment to Toronto: Toronto: to Commitment Our 08FnnilPromne .........................6 .................................................. Performance Financial 2008 Our Mission ..............................................................................4 Mission Our CONSEIL DE L’AdminisTrATION PORTUAIRE DE TORONTO PERSONNEL CADRE DE L’AdminisTrATION Mark R. McQueen, président PORTUAIRE DE TORONTO .....................................3 Message CEO’s and President Acting Jeremy Adams Alan J. Paul, président-directeur général par intérim David Gurin K en Lundy, directeur de l’Aéroport, Aéroport du centre ................................................................2 Message Chairman’s Christopher M. Henley ville de Toronto Michéle D. McCarthy Angus Armstrong, capitaine de port et chef de la sécurité Sean L. Morley Bill H. Jackman, conseiller spécial du PDG Douglas Reid M ike Lamont, gestionnaire, Service des travaux et de Contents of Table Craig Rix l’environnement Colin D. Watson Michael Riehl, capitaine de port adjoint Dave Smith, gestionnaire, Santé et Sécurité Anne Butwell, gestionnaire, Marina de l’avant-port Amir Jiwani, contrôleur K eith Dickson, gestionnaire des systèmes, Technologie de l’information Publié par l’Administration portuaire de Toronto © 2009 60, rue Harbour, Toronto, Ontario M5J 1B7 Tél. : (416) 863-2000 Téléc. : (416) 863-4830 www.torontoport.com L’Administration portuaire de Toronto est un organisme fédéral/entreprise d’État (EE) exploité en vertu de la Loi maritime du Canada et relevant de la compétence du Ministre des Transports, de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités. Imprimé par Captain Printworks 730, rue Yonge, unité 1. Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2B7 2008 Rapport Annuel 2008 Annual Report Annual 2008 2 Chairman Mark McQueen Mark to focus on stewardship and economic renewal in helping Toronto achieve prosperity. achieve Toronto helping in renewal economic and stewardship on focus to Although our work is far from done, we are optimistic about where things are headed. In the coming year, the TPA will continue continue will TPA the year, coming the In headed. are things where about optimistic are we done, from far is work our Although tunnel concept, sewage pipe replacement, the proposed TTC maintenance facility, and the Leslie Street Spit landfill habitats. landfill Spit Street Leslie the and facility, maintenance TTC proposed the replacement, pipe sewage concept, tunnel share: resolving the TPA’s Payments-in-lieu-of-taxes, the City’s overdue capital payments, dockwall repair, the TCCA pedestrian pedestrian TCCA the repair, dockwall payments, capital overdue City’s the Payments-in-lieu-of-taxes, TPA’s the resolving share: The only clear setback has been our lack of success in engaging with the City of Toronto on the wide range of issues that we we that issues of range wide the on Toronto of City the with engaging in success of lack our been has setback clear only The Message du président du Conseil Only 14% “strongly supported” devolution. supported” “strongly 14% Only duties, a majority of Torontonians (58%) oppose the concept of devolution to the City according to a recent independent poll. poll. independent recent a to according City the to devolution of concept the oppose (58%) Torontonians of majority a duties, • Although a handful of local politicians have demanded that the TPA be abolished, with the City of Toronto taking over its its over taking Toronto of City the with abolished, be TPA the that demanded have politicians local of handful a Although • Au cours de la dernière année, la « majorité suffisante » du Conseil de l’Administration portuaire de Toronto a travaillé fort afin que cet organisme essentiel produise des résultats pour ses actionnaires. TCCA; Nous avons donc notamment fait preuve de responsabilité et de transparence et avons abordé les generated by cars and motorcycles exceeds the noise level associated with commercial aircraft takeoffs and landings at the the at landings and takeoffs aircraft commercial with associated level noise the exceeds motorcycles and cars by generated problèmes dans un esprit d’affaires et une optique prioritaire. • An independent consulting group has studied noise patterns in and around the harbour and reports that “spike” noise events events noise “spike” that reports and harbour the around and in patterns noise studied has group consulting independent An • Nous prenons au sérieux notre rôle de gérance, en jouant un rôle constructif et proactif pour d in November, 2008; November, in d • The broadly-based Noise Management Advisory Group was launche was Group Advisory Management Noise broadly-based The • l’amélioration des services que nous fournissons à notre ville, particulièrement en cette période 2008; d’incertitude économique. • The annual cost of the TPA Board has been reduced by more than 30% on a year-over-year basis since I became Chairman in in Chairman became I since basis year-over-year a on 30% than more by reduced been has Board TPA the of cost annual The • Le Conseil d’administration veille, de concert avec la haute direction, à ce que l’APT exécute son entirely by their own balance sheet; balance own their by entirely mandat : administrer les activités de navigation et de transport, assurer la sûreté et la sécurité du • This commitment gave Porter Airlines the comfort to proceed with the construction of a new $45-million terminal, financed financed terminal, $45-million new a of construction the with proceed to comfort the Airlines Porter gave commitment This • public et améliorer et protéger l’attrait naturel de ce coin de Toronto sur le lac Ontario. En accom- plissant notre travail, nous avons toujours à l’esprit notre responsabilité sociale et financière. the planned December launch of a larger ferry; larger a of launch December planned the Le Conseil de l’APT est heureux de la direction que prend le Port : • This positive financial performance allows the TPA to invest more than $8 million in new capital equipment in 2009, including including 2009, in equipment capital new in million $8 than more invest to TPA the allows performance financial positive This • • chaque
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