5392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 16 PRIVATE :3ILLS AND RESOLUTIONS morning: In the midst of thronging H. R. 1129. An act to validate a conveyance Under clause i of rule X:XII, private duties and confused issues, we pause to of certain lands by the Central Pacific Rail­ commune with Thee, unseen scurce of way Co., and its lessee, Southern Pacific Co., bills and resolutions were introduced and to the Union Ice Co. and Edward Barbera; severally referred as follows: goodness, beauty, and truth, that the H. R. 1233. An act for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. BARDEN: light which is the light of the world may Vasilia Parselles; H. R. 4119. A bill for the relief of Jan de shine upon us and illumine our path of H. R. 1234. An act for the relief of Mrs. Bakker; to the Committee on the Judiciary. action. Grant to us a oneness ·of pur­ Selma Cecelia Gahl; By Mr. BURTON: pose that shall bring the supreme satis­ H. R. 1443. An act for the relief of Paul H. R. 4120. A bill for the relief of Dr. Sul faction of rendering to the Nation and Matelli; Yen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the world our utmost service unsul­ H. R. 1457. An act for the relief of Antranik By Mr. McCORMACK: lied by base motives or self-interest. Ayanian; H. R. 4121. A bill for the relief of Rafael To this white altar of devotion we H. R. 1853, An act to authorize the granting Alemany; to the Committee on the Judiciary-. bring our pledge administer the trust to Kaiser Steel Corp. of rights-of-way on, H. R. 4122. A bill for the relief of James H. to over, under, through, and across certain pub­ Powell; to the Committee on the Judiciary. committed to our hands with integrity lic lands, and of patent in fee to certain By Mr. McMPL.LEN: of character, purity of motive, cleanness other public lands; H. R. 4123. A bil1. for the relief of John G. of hands, and unswerving :firmness of H. R. 2310. An act for the relief of Jindrich Brown; to the Committee on the Judiciary. purpose in the fulfillment of the high (Henri) Nosek and Mrs. Zdenka Nosek; H. R. 4124. A bill for the relief of Fred and holy calling as servants of the Re­ H. R. 2349. An act authorizing the Secre­ Ericson, Jr.; to the Committee on the Ju­ public and of Thine. In the dear R~­ tary of the Interior to issue patents in fee to diciary. deemer's name. Amen. certain allottees on the Crow Indian Reserva­ H. R. 4125. A bill for the relief of L. Fer­ tion; guson; to the Committee on the Judiciary. THE JOURNAL H. R. 2363. An act for the relief of Mr. and By Mr. HEFFERNAN: Mrs. Emil Sbarbori, Edna Perfetti, and An­ H. R. 4126. A bill for the relief of Ernst On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by unanimous consent, the reading of the thony Perfetti; Sbaschnik, Sr., Hildegard Sbaschnik, and H. R. 2372. An act for the relief of Michael Ernst Sbaschnik, Jr.; to the Committee on Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, Post-Posniakoff and Zinaida Post-Posniakoff; the Judiciary. May 15, 1951, was dispensed with. H. R. 2453. An act for the relief of John R. By Mr. RODINO: . MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ Harris; H. R. 4127. A bill for the relief of Mrs. APPROVAL OF BILLS H. R. 2852. An act for the relief of Quon Doris Ellen Young; to the Committee on Mee Gee, also known as Loui Siu Lin; the Judiciary. Messages in writing·from the President H. R. 2853. An act for the relief of Shizue By Mr. ROONEY: of the United States were communicated Sakurada; H. n. 4128. A bill for the relief of Antonio to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his H. R. 2854 . An act for the relief of Dorothy and Francesco Lo Schiavo; to the Committee secretaries, and he announced that on Fumie Maeda; on the Judiciary. May 15, 1951, the President had approved H. R. 2916. An act for the relief of Shizu By Mr. SASSCER: and signed the act <S. 998) to facilitate Terauchl Parks; H. R. 4129. A bill to authorize the ap­ H. R. 3063. An act for the relief of Rosina pointment of James A. Pfeiffer, chief pharma­ the financing of the defense contracts Mouradian; cist, retired, as lieutenant (junior grade) by banks and other financing institu­ H. R. 3133. An act for the relie~ of Chin and lieutenant on the retired list of the tions, to amend the Assignment of Claims Yuen Ling, minor unmarried Chinese child Navy; to the Committee on Armed Services. Act of 1940, and for other purposes. of a United States citizen; By Mr. WALTER (by request): MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE H. R. 3215. An act to authorize the sale of H. R. 4130. A bill for the relief of Caroline certain allotted land on the Crow Reserva­ Wu; to the Committee on the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre­ tion, Mont.; By Mr. ZABLOCKI: sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its H. R. 3216. An act authorizing the Secre­ H. R. 4131. A bill for the relief of Dr. reading clerks, announced that the tary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee Mark Kim; to the Committee on the Ju­ House had agreed to the fallowing con­ to Lulu M. Whitebear; diciary. current· resolutions of the Senate, each H. R. 3229. An act for the relief of Mrs. with amendments, in which it requested Albert W. Lack; PETITIONS, ETC. the concurrence of the Senate: H. R. 3442. An act to protect the Girl Scouts of the United States of America in the Under clause 1 of rule X:XII, petitions S. Con. Res. 9. Concurrent resolution fa­ use of emblems and badges, descriptive or and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk voring the suspension of deportation of cer­ designating marks, and words or phrases and referred as fallows: tain aliens; and heretofore adopted and to clarify existing law 284. By Mr. HOEVEN: Petition of Albert S. Con. Res. 10. Concurrent resolution fa­ relating thereto; Christensen and others relative to the roll­ voring the suspension of deportation of cer­ H. R. 3527. An act for the relief of Morris back on beef; to the Committee on Banking tain aliens. Tutnauer; and Currency. The message also announced that the H. R. 3651. An act conferring jurisdicti~n 285. By Mr. RABAUT: Petition Of the Law­ House had passed the following bills, in upon the United States Dlstrict Court for rence Institute of Technology, Detroit, Mich., the District of New Mexico to hear, deter­ explaining its scholarship program for per­ which it requested the concurrence of mine, and render judgment upon the claim sons who have served in the Armed Forces the Senate: of Adolphus M. Holman; and of the United States; to the Committee on H. R. 616. An act for the relief of Thomas H. R. 3653. An act for the relief of An­ Veterans' Affairs. J. Zaflriadis; gelina Marsiglia. 286. By Mr. VAN PELT: Petition of She­ H. R. 617. An act for the relief of Franz boygan County Women's Club lauding Gen. Furtner, his wife, Valentina Furtner, and her ENROLLEI> BILLS SIGNED Douglas MacArthur for his stand and his daughters, Nina Tuerck, and Victoria Tuerck; The message further announced that presentation of the facts to the people of H. R. 629. An act to authorize the sale of the Speaker had affixed his signature to America; to the Committee on Armed Serv­ certain allotted land on the Blackfeet Reser­ ices. vation, Mont.; the following enrolled bills, arid they H. R. 630. An act authorizing the Secretary were signed by the Vice President: of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to S. 77. An act for the relief of Mircea Richard James Brown; Grossu and his family; SENATE H. R. 631. An act authorizing the Secretary S. 119. An act for the relief of Joseph of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to Girardi; WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1951 Alice E. · Williams Sisk; S. 165. An act for the relief of Robert H. R. 643. An act for. the relief of Mrs. Johanna Sorensen; <Legislative day of Wednesday, May 2, Vivian M. Graham and Herbert H. Graham; s. 166. An act for the relief of Lars Daniel 1951) H. R. 651. An act to provide for issuance of Sorensen; a supplemental patent to Charles A. Gann, S. 822. An act for the relief of Mrs. Robert The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, patentee numbered 152,419, for certain land M. Sternberg; and · on the expiration of the recess. in California; S. 824. An act for the relief of Gertrud The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown H. R. 658. An act for the relief of Harold Lomnitz. W. Britton; Harris, D. D., offered the · following LEAVE OF ABSENCE prayer: H. R. 895. An act for the relief of I)r. Giu­ seppe Mazzone; On request of Mr. WHERRY, and· by Our Father God, who art in heaven H. R. 964. An act authorizing the Secretary unanimous consent, Mr. MILLIKIN was and in all Thy works, whose love is un­ of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to Per­ excused from attendance on sessions of failing and whose mercies are new every cival H. Glenn; the Senate today, tomorrow, and Friday.
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