Demographic Jihad by the Numbers: Getting a Handle on the True Scope 2 June 2007 ©Yoel Natan HTML PDF (<2 MB) Author of the book Moon-o-theism I. Introduction A. Countering the Inevitable Charge of Islamophobia ► Case #1: A Pew Research Poll in 2007 Says 26% of Young Adult Muslim-Americans Support Suicide Bombing ► Case #2: Infidels Supposedly Have Nothing to Fear from Muslims, Yet Muslims Inexplicably Fear Being Takfired, That Is, Being Declared Infidels B. Demographic Jihad Explained C. Why This Study Is Important ► The Size of the Minority of Muslims and the Quality of Life Index D. Arriving at Accurate Demographic Snapshots and Projections E. The Politics of Demographic Numbers II. Global Demographics and Projections Countries discussed in some detail (if a country is not listed here, it likely is mentioned in passing, and can be found using the browser Search function): Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Belize Benin Bosnia-Herzegovina & the Republika Srpska Britain (United Kingdom) Canada Chechnya China Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark East Timor Egypt Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europe France French Guiana Germany Global Greece Greenland Guyana Horn of Africa/Somalia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland & North Ireland (UK) Islamdom Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kosovo Lebanon Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Mideast Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Nigeria North America Norway Oman Pakistan Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) Philippines Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore South Africa South America South Asia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Tajikistan Thailand Tri-Border Region, aka Triple Frontier, Trinidad & Tobago Islands Turkey Ukraine United States Western Sahara Yemen Note: For maps and population information, see Yoel Natan’s “Christian and Muslim Demographics,” May 2007 PDF (>8MB). III. Regional Demographics A. Africa ► Algeria, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa/Somalia, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Western Sahara B. Europe, The Balkans & Russia ► Some Anticipate a Eurabian Civil War ► Anti-Semitism Increasingly an Islamic Phenomenon ► Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina & the Republika Srpska ► Britain (United Kingdom): o Radical Muslim Attitudes in the Anglosphere ▪ In Britain ▪ In the United States ▪ Anti-Semiticism in the UK o More on Muslims in the UK ► Chechnya, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland & North Ireland (UK), Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine C. Islamdom ► The Global Jihad ► The Bloody Borders and Innards of Islamdom D. The Mideast ► The Diminishing Population of Christians in the Mideast ► Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq ► Israel o Judaism’s Four Holy Cities o Jerusalem Demographics o Jewish Anti-Missionaries o General Religious Info o Messianic Jews ► Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen E. North America ► Canada, Greenland, Mexico, United States F. South America, Central America and the Caribbean ► Summary: Argentina, Belize, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Tri-Border Region, aka Triple Frontier, Trinidad & Tobago Islands (NE of Venezuela) G. South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia ► Afghanistan, Australia Tajikistan o Prislam in Australian Jails ► Bangladesh, China o The Uighur Muslims o The Hui Muslims o China’s Attempts to Criminalize Criticism of Islam Locally and Globally o China’s Gender Imbalance ► East Timor, Indonesia ► India o The Caste System and Affirmative Action o Recent Violence In India Proper o Kashmir o Indian Demographic Projections ► Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand I. Introduction A. Countering the Inevitable Charge of Islamophobia Obviously, a report like the one you are reading now will elicit cries of Islamophobia from the usual suspects, those being touchy Muslims and politically correct multiculturalists. They say that any apprehensions about mass Muslim immigration constitutes Islamophobia. Also, anyone criticizing Islam or contradicting Muslim propaganda, no matter how valid their points are, is an Islamophobe. Examples of Islamophobic deeds include: ► Saying that there are only 1m or 2m Muslims in America rather than the 8m that CAIR claims because this is just an effort to “seek to block Muslim political participation.” ► “Standing against the violent edicts of Shariah law…” Undoubtedly, charges of racism will be lodged, but that is absurd since Islam and Islamists are not a race. To counter anticipated charges of Islamophobia, one can examine case history to see how ludicrous such charges: Case #1 A Pew Research Poll in 2007 Says 26% of Young Adult Muslim-Americans Support Suicide Bombing A May 2007 Pew Research survey of Muslims in the US revealed: ► “5% of US Muslims [or 117,500 out of 2.35m Muslims] expressed favorable views of the terrorist group al-Qaida, though about a fourth [a quarter of pollees] did not express an opinion.” ► 13% (305,500) of America’s 2.35m Muslims say suicide-bombings “to defend Islam” can be justified. ► 26% of Muslims under 30 years old say suicide-bombings “to defend Islam” can be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes, 11% rarely). This is a particular troubling statistic because the under-30 crowd makes up the bulk of would-be Jihadists around the world. The May 2007 Pew Research survey did not ask exactly what “to defend Islam” meant to respondants, but 53% of American-Muslims said “it has become more difficult to be a Muslim in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.” Also, only “26% say the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism.” In other words, many American-Muslims might perceive the War on Terrorism (WoT) as an attack on Islam that had to be defended against by suicide-bombing. To back up the contention that many American-Muslims see the WoT as an attack on Islam that must be defended by suicide bombings, Muslims overseas seem to think this way. World Public Opinion found that most Muslims see the WoT as an attempt to “weaken and divide Islam” (Morocco 78%, Egypt 92%, Pakistan 73%, Indonesia 73%). In these same four countries, many Muslims think suicide-bombings are justified (Morocco 43%, Egypt 23%, Pakistan 19%, Indonesia 16%). Were these survey results a big concern to American Muslims? Hardly. Muslim spokespersons said that Muslims were just like mainstream Americans. To prove this, they drew comparisons between Israeli and American support for counter-terrorism efforts and Muslims’ terrorism- sympathizing and supporting attitudes, as though these lawless and lawful attitudes were just two sides of the same coin. For example: ► Hussein Ibish, executive director of the Foundation for Arab American Leadership told Newsweek that Israeli Jews approved of killing civilians the same as Muslism do: It’s exactly the same kind of statistic you’d get if you asked young Israelis about torture, demolition of villages, assassinations—they’d say yes because they know the Israelis have done it but loathe to say it’s wrong. ► The Columbus Dispatch talked to Ahmad Al-Akhras, a Columbus, Ohio resident and national vice chairman of CAIR, and president of the Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio. Al-Akhras “called the number small,” and said: There is no justification in Islam for targeting civilians or supporting terrorism. Those who commit these actions are committing a sin…Muslims believe that human life is sacred and that it is protected….Americans in general might be more supportive of targeted attacks on civilians, as part of the war on terror, than U.S. Muslims. A December 2006 poll by the University of Maryland-affiliated WorldPublicOpinion.org found that 24% of Americans think bombings or other attacks intentionally aimed at civilians are ‘sometimes or often justified.’[1] The WorldPublicOpinion.org poll that Al-Akhras refers to is dated 24 Jan 2007. Pollsters and the media generally have no interesting in familiarizing themselves with Islam, so apologists for Islam regularly take advantage of their naiveté. Such was done in the case of the Pew and World Opinion polls mentioned above. For example: ► Al-Akhras said that there was no justificatoin for terrorism, but he wouldn’t want the media to know that Islam’s top theologians have all approved of suicide-bombings, and therefore it is natural for many Muslims in America to believe likewise: o The Mar 2002 issue of American Muslim magazine, published by the Muslim American Society’s (MAS), printed a fatwa endorsing suicide bombings against Israelis and said that the bombers were Jihadist martyrs approve by Allah. This fatwa was originally issued by “Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of the European Council for fatwa and Research, headed by the “Theologian of Terror,” Youssef al-Qaradawi.” o On 6 July 2005 “a major conference of 170 Muslim scholars from 40 countries meeting in Amman, Jordan gave an opinion” that “it is not possible to declare” that “those who issue fatwas to kill innocent people in the name of Islam” are “apostates” and “not real Muslims.” o In 2005, “high-ranking Muslim clerics” confirmed “that those who carry out suicide [2] bombings cannot be treated as apostates and remain Muslims.” o In 2006 a high-ranking scholar, Dr. Mohammad Rafat Othman, of Al-Azhar seminary in Egypt stated: “Those using suicide bombing against the enemy, the land robbers, and the occupier of nations, are martyrs.”[3] ► America is “a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world,” as politician Fred Thompson put it in May 2007. Yet right in the midst of Americans are a significant percentage of Muslim-Americans admitting that they cheer on the suicidal maniacs. The nineteen 9/11 hijackers were essentially suicide bombers, and many Muslims rejoiced when over them. Of course, this is to be expected since Islamic doctrine splits the world into the Domain of War (Dar al-Harb) and the Domain of Islam (Dar al-Islam), and American-Muslims just happen to be living behind enemy lines in Dar al-Harb.
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