PHASE 1A LITERATURE SEARCH AND SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT & PHASE 1B ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY LOCUSTS ON HUDSON PROJECT PENNY LANE, STAATSBURG TOWN OF HYDE PARK DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK PREPARED FOR: THE LRC GROUP 85 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA SUITE 103 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12601 HUDSON VALLEY CULTURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANTS, LTD. PO BOX 264, SALT POINT, NY 12578 MARCH 2021 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY SHPO Project Review Number (if available): Involved State and Federal Agencies: Phase of Survey: Phase 1A Literature Review & Sensitivity Analysis & Phase 1B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey Location Information: Location: Penny Lane Minor Civil Division: Town of Hyde Park County: Dutchess County Survey Area (English & Metric) Length: 975’/ 297.25 m Width: 710’/ 216.4 m Depth (when appropriate): Number of Acres Surveyed: ±16.93 acres (6.59 h) Number of Square Meters & Feet Excavated (Phase II, Phase III only): N/A Percentage of the Site Excavated (Phase II, Phase III only): N/A USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map: Hyde Park, New York 2019 Archaeological Survey Overview Number & Interval of Shovel Tests: 138 shovel tests @ 100’, 50’, & 5’ intervals Number & Size of Units: N/A Width of Plowed Strips: N/A Surface Survey Transect Interval: N/A Results of Archaeological Survey Number & name of precontact sites identified: Locusts Precontact Site Number & name of historic sites identified: 0 Number & name of sites recommended for Phase II/Avoidance: Locusts Precontact Site Results of Architectural Survey Number of buildings/structures/cemeteries within Project APE: 0 Number of buildings/structures/cemeteries adjacent to Project APE: 0 Number of previously determined NR listed or eligible buildings/structures/cemeteries/districts: 0 Number of identified eligible buildings/structures/cemeteries/districts: 0 Report Author (s): Beth Selig, MA, RPA. Brittany Spoto. Date of Report: March 27, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS I. PHASE 1A LITERATURE SEARCH AND SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT ........................ 1 A. LOCUSTS ON HUDSON PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 1 B. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 7 ECOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 7 GEOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 7 DRAINAGE ......................................................................................................................... 7 SOILS .................................................................................................................................. 7 C. RECORDED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND SURVEYS ....................................................... 9 PREVIOUSLY RECORDED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES .................................................... 9 PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYS ........................................... 9 D. NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE/LISTED SITES ............................................................... 10 E. NATIVE AMERICAN CONTEXT ............................................................................................ 11 F. HISTORIC CONTEXT ............................................................................................................. 13 HISTORIC BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 14 LOCUSTS ON HUDSON .................................................................................................. 14 CARTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH ......................................................................................... 15 G. ASSESSMENT OF SENSITIVITY FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES ............................................ 24 PRECONTACT SENSITIVITY ........................................................................................... 24 HISTORIC SENSITIVITY ................................................................................................. 24 H. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................ 24 II. PHASE 1B ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY .................... 25 I. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 25 J. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESULTS ................................................................................ 25 K. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 26 L. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................... 27 M. BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................... 33 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SHOVEL TEST RECORDS APPENDIX B: ARTIFACT CATALOG LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: 2019 USGS Topographical Map. Hyde Park NY Quadrangle. 7.5 Minute Series. (Source: USGS.gov.) Scale 1”=1675’. Figure 2: Aerial image showing the location of the Project APE. (Source: Google Earth) Scale: 1”=350’. Figure 3: Aerial Image showing soil unit(s) within the Project APE. (Source: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.) Scale 1”=190’. Figure 4: View along Penny Lane. Lithograph taken from Smith 1882. Figure 5: 1850 J.C. Sidney Atlas of Dutchess County, New York. (Source: Library of Congress) Scale: 1”- 1675’. Figure 6: 1858 J. E. Gillette. Map of Dutchess County, New York. (Source: Library of Congress) Scale: 1”=2340’. Figure 7: 1868 F.W. Beers. Map of the City of Hyde Park, N.Y. (Source: David Rumsey Cartography Associates) Scale: 1”=1950’. Figure 8: 1891 F.W. Beers. Atlas of the Hudson River Valley from New York City to Troy. (Source: David Rumsey Cartography Associates) Scale: 1”=1465’. Figure 9: 1934 USGS Topographical Map Rhinebeck, NY 15 Minute Series. New York. (Source: USGS.gov) Scale: 1”=1465’. Figure 10: 1980 USGS Topographical Map Hyde Park 7.5 Minute Series. New York. (Source: USGS.gov) Scale: 1”=1485’. Figure 11: 2017 Existing Conditions Map, showing the Project Parcel. (Source: ab.properties.) Scale: 1”=70’. Figure 12: The Locusts on Hudson Recontouring Project. Phase 1B Field Reconnaissance Map. Scale: 1”=125’. Figure 13: The Locusts on Hudson Recontouring Project. Phase 1B Field Reconnaissance Map. Locusts Precontact Site Scale: 1”=40’. LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Soil Unit Descriptions (Natural Resources Conservation Service) Table 2: Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites within a one mile radius LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 1: The Project APE is accessed by Penny Lane. View to the northwest. Photo 2: Penny Lane runs west to east through the middle of the Project APE. View to the east. Photo 3: View to the west along Penny Lane, which crosses over the railroad tracks (far ground). Photo 4: Soil movement in the northern portion of the Project APE north of Penny Lane has created an area of pooling water. View to the north. Photo 5: The current topography of the Project APE exhibits the recent landscaping efforts. The Amtrak Adirondack Line runs behind the tree line and under the Penny Lane bridge to the left. View to the west. Photo 6: Additional landscape alterations associated with the recontouring plan are evident in the southwestern portion of the Project APE. View to the southeast. Photo 7: The soils have been relocated to spoil piles for reuse within the Project APE. View to the north. Photo 8: Strawberry Fields Lane borders the northernmost extent of the APE. View to the east. Photo 9: View to the southeast from the northwestern corner of the APE. The landscape in this area is generally level. Photo 10: View to the west of the northern portion of the APE from the eastern boundary. Penny Lane is to the left in the photo. Photo 11: The North Staatsburg Creek crosses the southwestern portion of the APE, before progressing under Penny Lane. View to the northwest. Photo 12: View to the north of the pond located in the southern portion of the Project APE. Photo 13: The eastern bank of the pond has been reshaped. Soil piles are located to the southeast (in farground). View to the east. Photo 14: The North Staatsburg Creek is located in the southwestern portion of the APE. View to the southeast. Photo 15: The radial confirmation tests for ST. 67 terminated in saturated soils. View to the north. Photo 16: View to the south from ST 67 N6, across the Locusts Precontact Site. Photo 17: View to the west from ST. 46. The landscape has been extensively altered in this portion of the APE. Photo 18: The level of soils surrounding the existing oak tree is an indication of the extent of soil movement. View to the northwest. Photo 19: The sides of soil pile B were sampled. View to the west. Photo 20: View to the east Soil Pile D. Testing was completed on the top of the pile. I. PHASE 1A LITERATURE SEARCH AND SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT A. LOCUSTS-ON-HUDSON PROJECT DESCRIPTION In February of 2021, Hudson Valley Cultural Resource Consultants (HVCRC) was retained by the LRC Group to complete a Phase 1A Literature Search and Sensitivity Assessment of the Locusts-on-Hudson Land Recontouring Project in the Town of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York. All work was completed in accordance with the Standards for Cultural Resource Investigations and the Curation of Archeological Collections published by the New York Archeological
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