CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator Arizona Geological Survey 1520 West Adams St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-771-1601 http://www.azgs.az.gov [email protected] The following file is part of the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources Mining Collection ACCESS STATEMENT These digitized collections are accessible for purposes of education and research. We have indicated what we know about copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue. CONSTRAINTS STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey does not claim to control all rights for all materials in its collection. These rights include, but are not limited to: copyright, privacy rights, and cultural protection rights. The User hereby assumes all responsibility for obtaining any rights to use the material in excess of “fair use.” The Survey makes no intellectual property claims to the products created by individual authors in the manuscript collections, except when the author deeded those rights to the Survey or when those authors were employed by the State of Arizona and created intellectual products as a function of their official duties. The Survey does maintain property rights to the physical and digital representations of the works. QUALITY STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey is not responsible for the accuracy of the records, information, or opinions that may be contained in the files. The Survey collects, catalogs, and archives data on mineral properties regardless of its views of the veracity or accuracy of those data. PRINTED: 10-16-2009 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES AZMILS DATA PRIMARY NAME: HAIST ALTERNATE NAMES: MICKEY SANTA CRUZ COUNTY MILS NUMBER: 138 LOCATION: TOWNSHIP 23 S RANGE 16 E SECTION 21 QUARTER NW LATITUDE: N 31DEG 25MIN 12SEC LONGITUDE: W 110DEG 43MIN 10SEC TOPO MAP NAME: LOCHIEL - 15 MIN CURRENT STATUS: PAST PRODUCER COMMODITY: COPPER SULFIDE SILVER GOLD BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADMMR "U" FILE CU 31 USGS LOCHIEL QUAD ADMMR~ "d~ UNITED STATE­ UNIT?I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTMEl'r GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CORPS OF \ ... ..:. Arizona Chief )Iineral Copper 1'.:0. Cu 31 State Accessory ....:inerals silver, gold ____ S Haist Location:Sec. 22, T23~, Rl7E. Some 15 mi. S of Patagoni~, Ariz. Owner: Name Address Date About 6 mi NE of Duquesne. J. E. Haist Patagonia. Ariz. 6/1942 Opera.tor:. ')... ~ ~ - I 1 E. - ~~ u ~ . f'1 H~ ~. L. () c::. • Owner 6/1942 Production: Total 15 T crude Frclm___ P.o--.!d19~__ Present Ra te _____-rper ____---..-;Date ___ ¢;~r" ....~· . ;~· .;)~':.'".:..~_., .. Source o£ In!orreat4on: we 8-207 Status DElte ? 6/1942 U~BM IWport; File No. ., Classifi cB.ti on ;. (See other side for gen~ral information) General ·Information: 6/191;}. ApplicflIlt . owns 3 unpatented claims covering 3600' along vein. M1~eralizatipnconsist!l C?rFe~u sulphides along edge of· a porphyry dike. This ·has been explored at various places. Principal work was 2 drifts totalling about 80' driven at different levels with a winze sunk from one of . them. This work exposed the vein about 40' vertically &,40' laterally. Nowhere" 'WaS vein in this work more than 2" wide, & generally about f' wide. Shipments came f~om small pock~ts 15 tc? 20" that reached a wid~h of 4". A grab sample from ore pile of about 1 T assayed·, 0.06 Au, 38.80 Ag. ~ 18.9Q%qu. To obtain 1 t .approximately ·16 ;1mes its bulk 'Would be moved. Character of Ore: .EQ,Uipm(?nt (Date \ .~. - ..~ ... ... -.......... ~. !.• ••• •. •.• "j.... I..----- ' ..... ~ ,, ~ ..t' . .;-~ . ': .. ! " ~: ( ~~" ', _ _ '..J .....' .:....- _ ' _._, _~~,. ' ,~ ,~.;\;:1., ~_. n" -' if. .~'..• ,. ,.;... U ~,:4.~ "' . - ...;~ ::....:.. : ~ . ~_O~. _EeARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES .. -...., ) Service Report May 21, 1942 Date Nature of Call ___R_O_t_l_t_i_n_e __________ _ Place ;;V9- shington Ca-rnp \ of Name I J. E. Haist (Mickey Mine) Cu ------- Address Patago_n_ie_l ________=-- ___-- • Subject Met thi s man when I got off on the ~rrong road. Claims to have had no previous cont?-ct wi th dept~ flas approval for exam. ~~ 10, 000 TfB2 loan, aid.ed by Sen. Hayden. Wanted information. Action Fili~ OVIners report. Has shippee). so gave im information on applying for serial no., quota, etc. he will call at office next time he is in phoenix. J ) ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES MINERAL BUILDING, FAIRGROUNDS PHOENIX, ARIZONA To the Owner or Operator of the Arizona Mining Property named below: Mickie Hine (Santa Cruz) Copper (Property) (are) We have an old listing of the above property which we would like to have brought up to date. Please fill out the enclosed Mine Owner's Report form with as complete detail as possible and attach copies of reporm, maps, assay returns, shipment returns or other data which you have not sent us before and which might interest a prospective buyer in looking at the property. FRANK P. KNIGHT, Director. Ene: Mine Owner's Report CARTER GLASS, VA., CHAIRMAN KENNETH MC KELL:AR, TENN. GERALD P. NYE, N. OAK. CARL. HAYDEN, ARIZ. • STYLES BRIDGES, N. H. ELMER THOMAS, OKL.A. HENRY CABOT L.ODGE, JR., "'ASS. IIIIIL.L.ARD E. TYDINGS, MD. RUFUS C. HOL.MAN, OREG. RICHARD B. RUSSELL., GA. WALLACE H. WHITE, JR., MAINE PAT MCCARRAN, NEV. CHAN GURNEY, S. OAK. JOHN H. OVERTON, LA. C. WAYL.AND BROOKS, ILL. JOHN H. BANKHEAD, ALA • .JOSEPH C. O'MAHONEY, WYO. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HARRY S. TRUMAN, MO. THEODORE FRANCIS GREEN, R ••• FRANCIS MAL.ONEY. CONN, DENNIS CHAVEZ, N. MEX, JAMES M. MEAD, N. Y. -;~l' MINERALtlf,s o. ~a·QifS WALL. DOXEY, MISS. BURNET R. MAYBANK, S. C. RECElVED EVERARD H. SMITH, CL.ERK JOHN W. R. SMITH, ASST. CL.ERK AUG 24 1942 .AR\IONft \ PHOEN1~, Mr. J~ s. Coupal, Director State Department of Mineral Resources 413 Home Builders Building Phoenix., Arizona My dear Sam: I am muc'h 0 bliged to you for your letter of August l7~ enclosing a copy of a confidential memorandum prepared by Mr. George A. Ballam, and dated August I), relating to 'the Haist ~ine near Patagonia& As you say, I feel that this information closes the question for the time being. I am only sorry that a misunderstanding has resulted with regard to the in- vestigation made by Mr. ~i l liam Gohring for the Recons truction Finance Corporation. Please accept my own thanks for your speedy and courteous service. With kindest regards, I am, · .( RQltorabl e Carl liayden U'li S .. Senate Wa$hln~lij ott, D,. C <> J SC: LP .En.e . August 13, 1942 I, . , ~U G 15 1942 .._" , I MEMORA-WDUM CONFll)ENTIAL l P H"lI t~· _"_~·~':~~;sJ 1Une - -- Patagonia To: Dept MIneral Resourees. From: George A. Ball~ I visited the Haist property. Needless to say, they are highly ineensed at the superVising engineer of the RFC. I tried to smmoth things out but it was hopeles~. Mrs. Haist had gone to Phoenix, and had been called in to see }lfr. Gohring, but she was so mad she refused. to do so. Meanwhile, Haist has found some outside help and is getting the property in shape to do some work. He dia not eare to hav~ me look at it until the work had been done, and is not intending to ask the aid of the department until he is ready to go. In all fairness, and after some investigation, I believe Bill was justified in turning the property down. The only mistake he made was in telling them he was apprOving the application (this is their story) asking·the.m for costs, approv­ ing them~ a~d then apparemtly turning the whole thing down. Perhaps they are mistaken. I hopeoso. But it has left a nasty feeling in the district. I am enelosing the Haist file, and hops there will be a different atmos­ phere before we take any part in the matter again• .~r! " :J'~/ f~J;~~fo 7',4 CARTE!;l GLASS, VA., CHAIRMAN KENNETH MC KELLAR, TENN. GERALD P. NYE, N. OAK. CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ. STYLES BRIDGES, N. H. ELMER THOMAS, OKLA. HENRY CABOT LODGE, JR., MASS. MILLARD E. TYDINGS, MD. RUFUS C. HOLMAN, OREG. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, GA. WALLACE H. WHITE, JR., MAINE PAT MCCARRAN, NEV. CHAN GURNEY, S. OAK. JOHN H. OVERTON, LA. C. WAYLAND BROOKS. ILL.. JOHN H. BANKHEAD, ALA. JOSEPH C. O'MAHONEY, WYO. r-____........ ~C=:O~M~M:!.!I.:.TT.!:EE ON AP~ROPRIATIONS HARRY S. TRUMAN, MO. THEODORE FRANCIS GREEN, R. I. DEPT. MINEftAl ~~ FRANCIS MAL.ONEY. CONN. DENNIS CHAVEZ, N. MEX, JAMES M. MEAD, N. Y. WALL. DOXEY, MISS. "F~r!Urn BURNET R. MAYBANK, S. C. EVERARD H. SMITH, CLERK AUG 10 1942 . 'ONN W ••• SM'TN... .,.. <L'.Kl ; i 0 ;.. , o·~ . August ----------~--__J h, 1942 Mr. J. S. Coupal, Director State D~partment of Mineral Resources 413 Home Builders Bldg. Phoenix, Arizona My dear Sam: I am certainly much 0 bliged to you ;for your letter of July 28, and I am very pleased that Mr. George Ae Ballam of your staff will try to be ~ of assistance tb Mr. J. E. Haist of Patagonia, in cnnnection with his desire to secure a mine development loan., Thank you for your courteous reply. With kindest personal ·' HonOl"a'ble Oa:r:l HZ:;1ydelt United States Sanate Was.hir'l;gton. D. C. .~ :. ':\. ... ~,J '-~ - ~ \-'I..... '\.:.... ~ 1~, . Many thanks tor YQUl? l~'&t(~r J)'6t.-J.uJ:;" 24 rega)?(iinf.}., t4e RFC appl:ica'tion by Mr,. J. \ ]!~ lia1t!t'/ O'{ lPB:t~ig®,.ia.
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