Draft Environmental Assessment Wind Warning Light Upgrade at San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area EA 08-12 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Mid Pacific Region South Central California Area Office Fresno, California September 2008 Contents Page Section 1: Purpose and Need for Action............................................................... 1 1.1 Background............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Purpose and Need ................................................................................... 4 1.3 Scope... ………………………………………………………………… 4 1.4 Potential Issues........................................................................................ 4 Section 2: Proposed Action and Alternatives...................................................... 5 2.1 No Action Alternative............................................................................. 5 2.2 Proposed Action...................................................................................... 5 Section 3: Affected Environment........................................................................... 9 3.1 Biological Resources .............................................................................. 9 3.2 Cultural Resources.................................................................................. 11 3.3 Recreation............................................................................................... 12 3.4 Socio-Economic Resources .................................................................... 13 3.5 Indian Trust Assets ................................................................................. 14 3.6 Environmental Justice............................................................................. 15 Section 4: Regulatory Guidance………………………………………………… 15 4.1 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 USC 651 et seq.).................. 15 4.2 Endangered Species Act (16 USC1521 et seq.) ................................... 15 4.3 National Historic Preservation Act (15 USC 470 et seq.) ..................... 16 4.4 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 USC Sec. 703 et seq.)............................ 16 4.5 Executive Order 11988 – Floodplain Management and Executive Order 11990-Protection of Wetlands ................................................................................................... 16 Section 5: List of Preparers................................................................................... 17 Section 6: References……………………………………………………………. 17 EA-08-12 i Draft Environmental Assessment Acronyms and Abbreviations APE Area of Potential Effect CDPR California Department of Parks and Recreation CDWR California Department of Water Resources CNDDB California Natural Diversity Database CTS California Tiger Salamander DBW Department of Boating and Waterways EA Environmental Assessment ESA Endangered Species Act ft foot or feet FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act GBEPA Gold and Bald Eagle Protection Act ITA Indian Trust Assets MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act National Register National Register of Historic Places NHPA National Historic Preservation Act Reclamation United States Bureau of Reclamation SJKF San Joaquin Kit Fox SLR San Luis Reservoir SLRSRA San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area Sq ft square foot or feet SRA State Recreations Area USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service WWL wind warning lights EA-08-12 ii Draft Environmental Assessment Section 1: Purpose and Need for Action 1.1 Background San Luis Reservoir (SLR) covers approximately 27,000 acres of Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) owned land in Merced County, California between U.S. 101 and Interstate 5 approximately two hours south of San Francisco (Figure 1-1). The project area is owned by Reclamation and was built as part of the water storage and delivery system of reservoirs, aqueducts, power plants, and pumping stations operated under the California State Water Project and Central Valley Project. Construction on the SLR was completed in 1967; Reclamation was the constructing agency and the California Department of Water Resources the operating agency. In 1969, Reclamation transferred control of the operation and maintenance of the Reclamation recreation-related lands and facilities to the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR). Reclamation and CDPR coordinate on the construction of new or replacement recreation facilities. • The mission of CDPR is to provide for the health, inspiration, and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality recreation. CDPR has an agreement with Reclamation to manage Reclamation lands surrounding SLR and O’Neill Forebay for recreation purposes. CDPR also has the responsibility of maintaining the infrastructure needed for health and safety of the recreational enthusiasts. This includes providing boating safety features. The average number of visitors to SLR is documented at over 500,000 per year. Over the last 20 years the current wind warning lights (WWL) have provided a visual wind warning to boaters using SLR and O’Neill Forebay, collectively known as the San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area (SLRSRA). The current lights have helped to save many lives; however, they are not visible from all locations and from the distance necessary to be viewed. EA-08-12 1 Draft Environmental Assessment Figure 1-1: Vicinity Map EA-08-12 2 Draft Environmental Assessment ·|}ÿ33 West of O'Neill Forebay, north of San Luis Creek campgrounds San Luis Creek [_ Day Use Area 5 Romero Visitors ¨¦§ Center area [_ [_ 152·|}ÿ [_ Medeiros area boat ramp [_ Basalt campground area Figure 1-2. Location of Existing and Proposed Sites for Wind Warning Lights. EA-08-12 3 Draft Environmental Assessment 1.2 Purpose and Need The need for the project is to improve the safety of boating at SLRSRA. SLR and O’Neill Forebay have been known for sudden and high winds, causing the water to become choppy and unmanageable for boaters. The Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is funding the project as it would enhance the safety of boating on the reservoir by upgrading with new lights that would provide greater visibility and warning ability to the boaters. This project would upgrade the current lights to Hali-Brite lights which would enhance visibility and forewarning to boaters over greater distances. 1.3 Scope This environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared to examine the impacts on environmental resources as a result of the retrofit of four existing WWL systems and the installation of one new WWL at SLRSRA. The areas that would be impacted would be the Basalt campground area, the San Luis Creek Day Use Area, Medeiros area boat ramp, Romero Visitors Center area, and the area west of O’Neill Forebay and south of the San Luis Creek campground (Figure 1-2). The Proposed Action, if implemented, would result in structures that would last until replacement is necessary which is expected to be 20 to 30 years. This EA will analyze the impacts of the Proposed Action in these areas throughout the SLRSRA and over the life of the project. 1.4 Potential Issues • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Recreation/Visitor Services • Indian Trust Assets • Environmental Justice • Socioeconomic Resources EA-08-12 4 Draft Environmental Assessment Section 2: Proposed Action and Alternatives 2.1 No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative WWL and kit fox den construction would not occur; the park would continue to operate with the existing WWL systems. Areas of SLRSRA would continue to be utilized by boaters with limited or no WWL visibility and warning. 2.2 Proposed Action Reclamation proposes to approve the retrofit of four existing WWL systems and the installation of one new WWL system at SLRSRA. Additionally, as part of the project, three kit fox dens with chambers would be installed. CDPR agrees to maintain these kit fox dens and to not apply pesticides at the wind warning sites. The WWLs would be located at SLR and O’Neill Forebay as proposed by CDPR and DBW. (See Figure 1-2.) At San Luis Reservoir the following is proposed: • Upgrade light at the Romero Visitor’s Center on the north side of the reservoir • Basalt area light would be remounted and new concrete pad installed At O’Neill Forebay the following is proposed: • A light near the San Luis Creek water treatment plant would be upgraded with a new tower and light and new supporting concrete pad • The Mederios area would be upgraded with a new tower and light and new concrete pad • A new WWL system, including concrete pad, tower and light would be added on the west side of the O’Neill Forebay north of the San Luis Creek north of the Group Camps Wind Warning Light Specifications and Construction: West side of the O’Neill Forebay, north of the Group Camps This site is located on the west side of the O’Neill Forebay approximately ½ mile south of the San Luis Creek campground. Currently, there is no light at this site. A WWL system would be constructed adjacent to a dirt access road to a large steel water tank located approximately 35 yards north of the light tower site. Power for this light would come from a high-voltage line running north/south approximately 250 feet west of the site. The hook-up to this power line would be approximately 500 feet northwest of the large water tank. The power line to the light tower would run southeast from the current
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