Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43543-7 - Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 Guy Halsall Index More information INDEX · Ad Salices, battle (377) 178 Amory, Patrick 18 Adovacrius, Saxon leader 271 Anthemius, emperor 272–3, 275–6, Adrianople, battle (378) 178–9 277–8 Aegidius, general 263, 266–7, 269 Antonine Constitution (212) 53, Æthelberht, King of Kent 317, 318 72, 98 laws of 464–5 Aquitanian Goths see Visigoths Ae¨tius, general 236–7, 237–40, 241–2, Arabs, Roman ideas about 52 244–5, 248–50, 252–3, 254–5, Arbogast 187–8 519, 520 Arborychoi 304, 305 Africa 5–6, 93–6, 219, 321–7, 514 Arcadius, emperor 188, 213 Africans, Roman ideas about 52–3 archaeology, and barbarians inside the Agila, king of the Visigoths 506 Empire 153–61, 198, 448 agri deserti 91, 434–5, 439 and ethnicity 466–8 Agrippinus, general 263 see also historiography Alamans 118, 138, 149, 151, 174–5, 241, Arianism, and ethnicity 469–70 263, 271, 304–5, 400, 511 aristocracy, in Merovingian Gaul, Alans 222, 227, 228, 248, 249, 253, 268, northern 353–5, 356–7 Alaric I, Gothic king 189–90, 191, 192, in Merovingian Gaul, southern 194–5, 200, 201–2, 209, 213, 214–17, 353, 356 titles of 202–6 in Ostrogothic Italy 331–2 Alaric II, king of the Visigoths 288, in post-imperial Britain, highland 297–8, 304 363–4 Alatheus 170, 176, 177 in post-imperial Britain, lowland Amalafrida, sister of Theoderic Amal 295 364–7 Amalaric, king of the Visigoths 294, in post-imperial Europe 368 298–9 late Roman 77, 78, 81, 92–3 Amalasuentha, daughter of Theoderic Amal involvement in army 109–10 291, 500, 501 post-imperial 494–7 Amals, Ostrogothic dynasty 286, 334, 492 and hunting 496 Ambrosianus Aurelianus 520 and literary culture 496 Ammianus Marcellinus 5, 6, 65, 121, 146, and the church 497 170, 171–2, 179–80 militarisation of 494–6 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43543-7 - Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 Guy Halsall Index More information 586 Index army, late Roman 101–10 Bavarians 403–5 and the barbarian threat 145–7 Belisarius, general 499–500, 501–3, 504 barbarisation of 102–9, 147, 160 boathouses, Norwegian 128, 381 costume of 104, 110 Boethius, Roman senator 291, 292 ethnic change 475–6, 477–82 bog finds see votive deposits organisation of 102, 142–3 Boniface, general 236, 240, 241, 242, recruitment of barbarians 105–9, 147 Britain 79–81, 196–8, 209–10, 212, recruitment problems 243 217, 218, 238–9, 242–3, 244–5, unit titles 106–8 311–19, 357 Arthur, legendary figure 316 Britons, appeal to Ae¨tius 249 Arvandus, Gallic aristocrat 274 Brown, Peter 66 Astorga, battle of (456) 260 bureaucracy, late Roman 76–7 Athalaric, King of the Ostrogoths Burgundians 120, 222, 230, 244, 262, 291, 501 268–9, 277, 280, 288, 289–90, Athanagild, king of the Visigoths 506 300–3, 511 Athanaric, Gothic Iudex 4, 135, 170–1, Burgundians, settlement in Sapaudia 248, 173–4, 181 260, 424, 425, 428–9, 431, 436, 437, Atharid, Gothic prince 4 442–3 Athaulf, Gothic king 220, 223–4, burials, among Germani 128–9, 156 224–6 among the Alamanni 401–2 Attecotti 114 among the Bavarians 404 Attila, king of the Huns 251–4 among the Goths 132 Aula Palatina (Trier) 64, 68 among the Picts 377–8 Aurelius Caninus, British king 312 among the Saxons 384–6 Avitus, emperor 252, 258–61 among the Thuringians 397 Avitus, saint, bishop of Vienne 300, 306 historiography of study 27–9 in Merovingian Gaul 350–1, 352–3, bagaudae, rebels 218, 229, 233, 244, 245, 356–7 249, 250, 255, 354, in Ostrogothic Italy 336–8 balance of power, military 144–8 in post-imperial Britain 361, Barbarian Conspiracy (367) 58, 117 364–6, 387 barbarians, political disunity of 147–8 in Scandinavia 380, 381 reality of military threat 144–9, in Vandal Africa 324 161–2 in Visigothic Spain 342–6 Roman classification of 48–53 Burns, Thomas 430, 435 Roman concept of 45 Busta Gallorum, battle of (552) 505 and climate 46–7 and gender 55, 98, 99 Callander Murray, Alexander 18 and history 47–8 Cameron, Averil 66 and the barbarian threat 144, 150 Carthage 322 and the demands of genre 48 sack of (439) see Vandals and the frontier 140–1, 142 Cassiodorus, variae 426–7 and the law 55 Castinus, general 233, 235–6 and the Picts 116 Catalaunian Fields, battle of (451) 253 changes in 479 Celticism 24–5 use in Roman society 55, 56–7 Celts, Roman ideas about 48–9 barbaricaria 105 Cesa, Maria 430 Barnish, Sam 430 Chalons-sur-Marne see Catalaunian Fields barritus, battle cry 103–4 Childeric king of the Franks 263, 266, Barth, Fredrik 36, 45 269–70, 271, 392 Basiliscus, brother-in-law of emperor Leo grave of 269 272, 273 Chilperic I, king of the Burgundians 300 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43543-7 - Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 Guy Halsall Index More information Index 587 Chilperic II , king of the Burgundians Roman, in later imperial period (may ¼ Chilperic I) 300 71–2, 143 Church, late Roman 99–101 Edobech, general 222 organisation of 100–1 emotions, and ethnicity 474–5, 477–8 civic masculinity 98, 99, 483 equestrian class 77 civitas identities 480–1 Eraric, Rugian 503 Clovis, king of the Franks 269–70, 288, Ermenaric, Greuthungian king 170 303–8 ethnic change 470 conversion of 306 see also ethnogenesis comitiva 77 ethnicity, and physical traits 43–4 confederacies, in barbarian society and and the self 44–5 politics 59, 115, 120, 134, 148, 161 archaeology of 59–62 Constans, son of Constantine ‘III’ 222 barbarian views of 57 Constantine, king of Dumnonia 312 cognitive 38 Constantine I, emperor, conversion of dynamic 42 99–100 gendering of 485–7 Constantine ‘III’, usurper 212, 214, 215, melting pot theory 43, 59, 474 220–3 multi-layered 38–40, 193, 482 Constantius III, emperor 222–3, 224–34, non-‘Germanic’ 479–80 consuls, and civitas identity 481 performative 40 Council of the Gauls, creation of (418) 54, situational 37, 40–2 209, 231, 258 see also functional ethnicity Culture Groups (Kulturgruppen) 59, 131 ethnogenesis, theory of 14–15, 457–8 culture history, archaeological paradigm and the law see law 25–6 and traditions 461–2 Cuneglassus, British king 312 problems with theory 458–61 Eudocia, daughter of Valentinian III 248, Danes 309, 381 256, 293 Dankirke 127 Euric, king of Visigoths 273–4, 276, 277, ‘dark earth’ 358 279, 281, 296–7 dediticii 152, 153 Eutharic, Visigothic noble 291, 501 Delbruck, Hans 424–5 Exuperantius, general 229, 233, 234, 236 Diocletian, emperor 74, 90, 100 djedars, mausolea 407–8, 410 Fallward, burial 123, 385 DNA see genetics Feddersen Wierde, rural settlement Donatism 95 126, 383 draco, standard 105 federate graves 153–9 dual kingship, among Germani 122 Felix, general 239, 241 Duero Valley Culture 341–4 female costume 98 Durliat, Jean 432 foederati 152–3, 154, 184, 192, 249 Franks 118, 139, 233, 238, 251, 266–7, Ecdicius, general 280 269–70, 271, 288, 298, 299, 303–10, economy, among the Goths 132 399–400 in Merovingian Gaul 349–50 settlement of in Gaul 445–7 in Ostrogothic Italy 328–9, 330–1 Fravitta, Gothic commander 201 in post-imperial Britain 362–3 Frederic, brother of Theoderic II 255, 258, in Vandal Africa 324–5 269, 297 in Visigothic Spain 340 Frigidus, battle of (394) 187, 199 Irish 113, 114, Fritigern, Gothic leader 174, 182 Pictish 116–17, 378–9 Frontiers, of the Roman Empire Roman, in early imperial period 138–44 70–1, 85–6, 89 and Grand Strategy see Grand Strategy © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43543-7 - Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 Guy Halsall Index More information 588 Index functional ethnicity 475–6 Grand Strategy, Roman 142–3 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa-Denis 20, 423 grant of universal citizenship see Antonine Constitution Gaı¨nas Gothic commander 195, 200–1 Gratian, emperor 178, 179, 182, 186–7 Gaiseric, king of the Vandals 239, 247, Great Invasion (406) 211–12, 215 248, 252, 255–6, 259, 265, 267, 273, Great Plague 504, 512 277–8 Gregory of Tours, historian 6–7, Galla Placidia, sister of Honorius 225, 304, 400 226, 236 Greuthungi, Gothic confederacy 134, 173 Garcı´a Gallo, Alfonso 425, 435 Gudme-Lundeborg, high-status complex Gaul, late Roman 81–6, 209–10, 218–19, 127, 380–1 243, 248–9 Gundioc, king of the Burgundians 268–9 capital moved to Arles from Trier 209 Gundobad, king of the Burgundians 278, Merovingian governance of 6–7, 279–80, 300–2 346–57 Gunthamund, king of the Vandals 293–4 Gaupp, Theodor 422–3, 424 Guntram Boso, duke 6–7 Geary, Patrick 17, 37 Gelimer, king of the Vandals 296, 500 Hadrian’s Wall 139 Gender, among Germani 130–1 Havet, Julien 423–4 and costume 485 Heather, Peter 18–19, 37, 472–3 and ethnic change 482, 516 Heraclianus, general 216, 224 and the church 101, 488 Hermenfrid, king of the Thuringians 288, in late Roman society 96–9 393–4 see also ethnicity gendering of Heruls 260, 265 genetics, and barbarian settlement 451 Hilderic, king of the Vandals 295–6, 500 Germani 118–31 hillforts, in post-imperial Britain 359–60, political geography of 118–20 363–4 Roman ideas about 49–50 historiography, continuity 20–1 Germania see Tacitus of archaeology 25–31 Germanism 22–4, 26, 29, 458 see also under culture history, Germanus, saint, 1st visit to Britain 238 processualism, post-processualism, 2nd visit to Britain 244 burials, rural settlements, and towns Gerontius, general 220, 222, 223, 227–8 of barbarian settlement see hospitalitas Gesalic, son of Alaric II 294, 298 of barbarians 10–19 Gildas 311–13, 434, 447, 519 and national identity 11–14 Gildo, Moorish rebel 137, 200 and Nazism
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