CENSUS OF- INDIA 1971 SERlES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PART-IX CENSUS ATLAS ATrAR SINGH of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Himachal Pradesh CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications·Census of India'1971·Series-7·Himachal Pradesh is being published In the fub~~: ' . Part Subject covered Number I·A General Report I·B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns I·C Subsidial'Y Tables JI·A General Population Tables ('A' Series) lI·B Economic Tables ('B' Series) U·C (i) Distribution of population. MotherTongue and Religion, Scheduled"'Castes' and Scheduled Tribes n·c (Ii) Other Social and Cultural and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composition, Single Year·Age, Marita\.Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, etc. Bilingualism III Establishments Repoll and Ta bles ('E' Series) IV:A & BHousing Report and Housing Subsidiary Tables V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tri bes VI·A Town Dilectory VI· B Special Survey Reports on Selecled Towns VI·C Survey Reports on Selected Villages -VII Sp:cial Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel -VIlI·A Administration Report·Enumeration For official use only -VIII· B Administralion Report·Tabulation .IX . Census Atlas GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLICATIONS: DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOKS: .. X·A Town and Village ~irectorlY X·B Village and towDw!se Census Abstract X·C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables (District Census Handbooks in respect of 10 distticts of Himachal Pradesh are being published in20 Volumes i,e. two volwnesfor each district. Parts X·A and X·B are being combined and Part X·C are being brought out independently) The maps included in this Atlas are based upon Survey of India Map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. The boundary of Meghalaya shown on the map is as interpreted from the North·Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act 1971, but has yet to be verified (Applicable to India Map showing Meghalaya boundary). The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line <Applicable to India MaP showing coast line of India), (C) Government of India, copyright, 1971. CONTENTS Page$ Pcrew(1rd vli Preface it Ackno wledgements x Map Title "f Maps N(). Map Explanatory no!e~ GENERAL .., l. Position of Himachal Prades~ io India, 1971 ~ 'l36 "2. Administrative divisions, 1971 3 D6 1. Changes in Administrative boulldaries, 1961-71 4 136'·37 4. Normal monthly and annual rainfall S 137 5. Nctmal mQllthlJ and annuallemperatJ.m: 6 137 . - p'T .fi. Sui! I " I 7. Forests 8 n& DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND TRENDS ~ Distributioll, Den~ity, and GrowdtSex and age strucrure,-Urbanisati(]n S. Distriblltion of populalioll, 1971 10 138 9. Density {If population, 19'Jt 11 133·39 :10. Change in population, 1961-71 12 139 .ll. Growth of population, [96[-71 13 [40 12. Fertility, \91\ 14 140 J3. Sex ratio, 1971 15 140 14. Change in sex ratio, 1961-71 16 141 15. Rural sex ratio, 1971 17 14l .16. Change in rural sex ratio, 1961--71 18 142·43 J7. Urban sex ratio, 1911 19 143 .18. Change in urban seK ratio, 1961-7l 20 143·44 19. Sex, age slrUC!Ure and marital status, 1971 " 21 144 :20. Change in 'sex and age structure, 1961-7l .. 22 144·45 .21. Youtbfulcess of llopulalioD, 196i-11 .. 23 145 .22, Chan~ in )'outhful!lCs~ of pDpulation, 1%1-?l .. 24 145 13. Mates in working age 15-59,1911 .. 2S 146 .24, Change in maies in working age 15-59,1961-71 .. 26 t46 .25. FelllaJesin working age 15-59,1971 27 146 ..16. Cllange in females ill working age 15-59, 1961-11 .. ZS 147 17. Urban males ill working age 15-59, 1971 " 29 147 18. Change in urban males in working age 15-59, 1961-71 30 147 .29. Rural males in working age IS-59, 1971 31 147-48 .30. Change in rural males in working age 15-59, 1961-71 .. 32 \48 31, Urban females in working age 15-59, 1911 33 148 .32. Change in urban females in working age IS-59, 196J-71 34 148-49 .33. Rural females in working ag~ l'S-59, 1971 35 149 .34. Change in rural females iIi lYorking age 15-59, 1961-7l 36 149 .35. Urban population, 1911 31 149-50 36. Cbange in urban population, 1961-71 38 150 31. Rural Population, 1~71 39 ISO·jl iii .Map No. Title of Maps Pages Map Explanatory nates 38. Urban concentration, 1971 40 151 39. Growth of urban population, 1901-71 41 151 40. Degree of urbanisation, 1971 42 151·5l 41. Functions of class II, III anli IV urban centres, 1911 43 152 42. Functions of class V and VI urban centres, 1971 44 152·5> MIGRATION 4S 43. In.migrants, 1971 46 p3 44. Inter·district migrants, 1911 47 154 45. Migrantsresiding up to 4 years, 1971 48 154 46. Migrants residing 5 to 9 years, 1971 49 155 47. Migrants residing 10 years and above, 197.1 50 155 48. Classification of working migrants, 1971 51 155·50: 49. Migrants by age and marital status, 1971 52 155 ECONOMIC ASPECTS 53 Agriculture, the 1971 C!nsus Industria! C.1tegories,-Population Employed in Primary Activities Population Employed in Secondary and Tertiary Adiv.ities 50. land Utilisation, 1970-71 54 156-57' 51. Intensity of cropping, 1970-71 55 151 52. Major cereals, 1970-71 (Rice, wheat and millets) 56 157-58- 53. Pul~es andeilseeds ]970-71 57 158 54. Conunercialcrops, 1970-71 58 159 55: Yield per hectare of rice, wheat, millets and pulses, 1971 59 159-60, 56. Area under .irrigation, 1971 60 160 57. Gross vaJue~ of agricultural output per hectare of cropped area, 1970-71 61 160-61 58. Gross value of agricultural output per cultivating household, 1970-71 62 161 59. Gross value Of agricultural output per cultivator, 1970-71 63 161 60, Agricultural holding per cultivating household, 1971 64 161·62 61. Agricultural holding per capita in rural areas, 1971 65 162 62. Agricultural holding per male cultivator, ] 971 66 162·63' 63. Per adult reqLiirement and supply of staple food crops (cereals and pulses), 1971 67 163 64, WOI kers and non-workers, 1971 68 163·6~ - 65. Rural workers and non-workers, 1971 69 \64 '. 66. Urban workers and nun-workers, 1971 70 164 67. Rural male workers in age 15-59, 1971 71 165 68. Urban male workers in age 15-59,1971 72 165 69. Rural female workers in age 15-59, 1971 73 166 ?O. Urban female workers in age 15-59 • 1971 74 166·61 71. Workers and non-workers in employable population in age 15-59,1971 75 161 72. Classification of male and female workers, 1971 76 167·6& 73. Classification of rural male and female workers, 1971 77 168 Map No, Title of Maps PagtJ Map Explanatory notes 74. Classification ofurban male and female worktrs, 1971 .. 18 168-69 ~pulat.ion Employed in Secondary and Tertial'Y Activities 75. euIth'alols in total wClrkers in age 15-59, 1971 79 169 76. Cultivators in Tural population, 1!l71 80 170 77. Male cultivators 1U male workers in age 15-59, 1971 81 170.71 78. Female culli~'ators in female workers in age 15-59,1971 82 171·')2 79. Agricultural labourers in total agricultural workers in age 15-59, 1971 83 172·13 80. Non·agricultural workers in primar3' sector, 1971 84 1?3-74 81. Workers in manufacturing, processing, servicing, and repairs, 1971 ., 85 174 &2. Hou&eh.()ld induf.tTy by types and sire of employment, 197J 86 174-75 83. Factories by types and si,ze of employment, 1971 87 175 84. Factories and workshops by size of employment, 1971 88 115·76 85. Food proces~ing beverages and textile industries, 1971 &9 175 86. Wood based industries, L971 90 175 87. Mejd~c and non-metallic, mineral ba,ed, engineering, scientific, lubber and c.hemical in. dl.l.5trtes, 1911 ,,91 176·17 88. Transport equipment indllstries, 1971 91 1Tl 89. - Rural population in electrified vilfages, 1971 9~ 117·1& 90. Rur al worker~ in construction, tianspnrt and communicaticfiS, 1971 94 178.79 91. Urban workers in constructi.::.n, traosJlDrt and cOIDmunicatiQllS, 1971 95 179 92. Density of surfaced roads,l971 % 1S0 93. Motor vehicles registered) ]971 97 1S0 94, Workerslntradeandcommerce,1911 98 180·81 95. WaTters in service~, 1971 99 181-82 96. Workers in various services, 1971 .. 100 182 (A) Public services (B) Educational and scientific services (C) Medical and health seFYices (0) Personnel and other miscellaneous services SOCIO·CUL TURAL ASPECTS Caste & trib:s; Religion,-Literacy and education 97. Scheduled castes, 197! ., ](12 183 98. S<;heduled trihes, 1971 ., 103 183.84 99, Ten numerically major scheduled castes, 1971 .. 1()4 184 100. Major sclleduled tribes, 1971 105 185 101. Major religion5.197! .. 106 185 ID2. Uteracy, 1971 .- 107 185-86 103. Change in literacy, 1961-71 .. 1M 186 lOt Male liteta'~y, 1971 .. W9 186 lOS. Change in male literacy, 19G1-71 .. 11C1 186-87 lUG. Female lit~zcy, 19'71 ., 111 1~7 Map No. Title of Maps Pages Map Explanatory notes 107. Change in female literacy, 1961-71 .. 112 187 108. Literates per 1000 of population in age 5-14 over literates per 1000 of population in age 15-34 in rural areas, 1971 .. 113 187·88 109. Literates per 1000 of population in age 5-14 over literates per 1000 of population in age 15-34 in urban areas, 1971 .
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